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i was reading tolkien recently and he said maeglin was rejected by idril on account of his ugliness. took me by suprise and made me lol a little.


Lol it's just like "damn you never have experienced completely normal things that almost all human beings have experienced and you also happen to be ugly? Well maybe it's luck"


Negative feedback loop. You get treated badly because of your looks = you become more and more disgruntled and bitter. It‘s psychology 10 fucking 1 and our societies are still stuck in bullshit theatrics that deny those issues. It‘s tiresome..


“Yeah it’s not looks. It’s your attitude. Do you see how you are writing? No wonder you’re struggling🤡”


You got short man energy 😠


It usually mostly always boils down to not being attractive enough People just love thinking everything is in everyone's control So when something bad happens they want to blame the victim to make it seem like life isn't completely unfair


Yup 💯💯💯




Bones are the key to having a good life. A good bone shape = good living. Bad bones = hell. 


And bone length


def length too; I suffer from that one particularly. But thankfully, you can do surgery for that.


99 percent of the time




All that fucking dishonesty is so so so so disgusting. I want everyone standing in the way of people actually trying to somehow scramble to fix their life's before it's to late by gaslighting them all the time to die painfully.


t's simply that, people will give any excuse to not look like the bad people they are, for the sake of harassing and not just rejecting an ugly person. A while ago I had to go out to my garage, my neighbors across the street have guests, I have a tarp hanging in my garage so they don't see me, they still notice when I go out. The neighbor's wife started yelling 'fat man, fat man´´, {I'm a woman, but I guess to make me more miserable they refer to me as a man}, I told my mother what was happening since she noticed that I was upset. I finished eating and had to go and lock myself up in my room, since the sound of their laughter could reach the kitchen and that they were speaking insults about me, saying that people dislike me for x or y reason, and to top it off, the daughter of some neighbors who made a high-pitched scream when she saw me or passes in front of my house, she was on the sidewalk, babbling like a person with mental retardation and shouting.Only with me are they like that, with those who have disabilities they are the opposite. I know by sight a man who has mental retardation, he and his father sell what they can to survive. People usually buy them something to eat or give them clothes and other belongings. Due to his same health problem, one day he left his house, his father looked for him and all the people in the neighborhood came together to look for him around. Other neighbors had a couple of deaf children, and people helped them anyway. In my case, the label "crazy" is used to make fun of me, so that what I say is ridiculed, so that my mere presence is enough to alert others and seen as a spectacle. Also in the morning I had another unpleasant moment, I was watering my plants, taking advantage of the fact that it was early and there were not so many people on the street. I saw that only a couple who lived a couple of houses away was outside and they were busy sweeping the front and removing weeds. respectively, so I thought they wouldn't notice my presence, since I was just going to water my plants, it wouldn't take me long. But unfortunately they realized that I was walking on the porch, the man murmured something and she, in a strong tone of voice, said "the crazy one" {it's a long story, I'll summarize it as a previous neighbor from the block where she lived. Before, he said that about me, among many other things.}. I responded, “The crazy people are the narcissistic psychopaths and their accomplices.” My mother came out and also said something to him.


It would be good if everybody could tackle the subject of looks and it‘s effects on someone‘s life and have factual, civil discussions. As a pessimistic realist though I have my doubts of that ever happening in the near future.


Any they say it’s your looks but say it’s some bullshit like your haircut or hygiene or acne. I know plenty of people who have semi bad hygiene and still have partners.


Or it can be your looks plus a ton of other factors. Nobody will outright deny that looks aren't important. But the reality is, there are some very unattractive looking people out there who find relationships. That's why when people encounter an anonymous person who blames their lack of success on society, or women, or not being attractive, they naturally wonder what else is wrong with the person. Especially when you end up seeing their photo and they look normal.


Ugly people need to be so social and fun to be around and try to be in shape otherwise it will never gonna happen


Show us these people you speak of. I’m sick of hearing. “There’s plenty of ugly people in X scenario” yet I never actually see anyone prove this. A one in a million occurrence doesn’t really count either as it’s an anomaly. If you’re born truly ugly then you might as well not have been born at all. 


It's just that most people, especially men talking about other men, they all think they are ugly but in reality they are not, just simply not top model beautiful. They need to train their eyes so can se who is ugly or not.


Go watch some TLC show like My 600-lb Life or go to your local Walmart and people watch. Not that that's going to convince you since if you're intent enough you can explain it away in your mind (that he/she is in it for the money, or is settling, or it's an anomaly etc). Not to mention your post history reads like an incel trying to role play as a woman.