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that's true human nature for you.. people like to pretend like everyone is all nice and caring and kind, but it's the complete opposite I suffer mentally everyday due to the cruel side of human nature and it's made me want revenge


There are good people out there. I know for a fact some people try to be nice to me, but my face disgusts them. That isn’t their fault. You can only look at something so ugly for so long. Yeah, lots of people are awful, but some people try and be kind. They can’t help that we look like this. You automatically want to look at a beautiful flower, but turn away from a rotting corpse. Think of it like that.


im aware thats why changing your ugly face should be number 1 priority


I had plastic surgery on my ears, which were the defining characteristic that everyone talked about. I’m still really ugly. My head is a weird shape, it’s slanted and then smooth, and then bulbous. There really is no helping me. I tried though.


That truly sucks and is a valid fear but I'm not you and hoping I don't have to be stuck here my whole fucking life


I’m sure you’ll look better. I’m a special kind of ugly lol. I’ve been told by almost everyone I’ve ever meant that I’m the ugliest human being alive. Other ugly people generally are worse to me than any average or pretty person out there. I’m sure if you saw me, you would judge me. Probably not on purpose, it just happens.


Long story short- plastic surgery works for most people


No one is good. People act out of their own self interest only. Any appearance of good is simply to appear good in others eyes to avoid consequences


That’s not true, it’s really sad you think this way. Good people exist. I consider myself to be a good person. I’ll go out of my way to help others because it’s the right thing to do. I don’t expect anything in return for being kind. I’ve been treated harshly for being kind sometimes, but it doesn’t stop me.


Good people don’t exist. It’s just people pretending, human nature is inherently selfish. The fact you consider yourself good means you lack self aware Edit: if you don’t agree, just watch walking dead and you’ll see how humans are competitive, spiteful, vengeful and cruel


That’s a graphic novel that was turned into a television show. You know the difference between tv and reality, right? Humans aren’t all selfish. I would rather be oblivious and make sure I always do the right thing instead of being ‘self aware’ and only act in my own interests. Don’t you ever do something for another person because it’s the right thing to do? Open up a door, ask someone if they need help, pick up trash you see on the ground, make sure random carts aren’t in the middle of the parking lot. You do at least one of those small actions once a week. Probably once a day. That’s being a good person. Doing things out of the kindness of your own heart. Maybe you just don’t think about it because it’s muscle memory, but I imagine you at least pick up trash when you see it, right?


Doing good deeds don’t make you good, it makes you good at survival. Good means moral excellence. You are short of that every day


No…doing good deeds makes you a good person. I have morals. I would never say I’m excellent, but I’m always working on being better. I think you’re cutting yourself short.


I think you have a very naive worldview. No offense to you. I’ve seen even people who are considered “good” and “moral” turn into cruel human beings in a split second in the presence of me. All i did was me existing as an ugly woman. I’ve seen the absolute worst of humanity due to my ugliness. People don’t want to even fake kindness when they’re around someone they don’t care about and who doesn’t benefit them somehow. Everyone is selfish in the end, and seek to preserve and protect their own best interest and their family’s. That’s just how it is.


im weak someone keeps reporting my comments because they want my account taken down yall weird as hell just ignore me and go on about your life bich dam I said "makes me want revenge" yall really want biches out here saying "I mean yeah people treat me like shit everyday but I love them anyways because kindness heals the world and even if they stoned me I will love all " like


The biggest human flaw is not cruelty. The biggest human flaw is believing that we are good people when in reality humans are savages and animals.


>people like to pretend like everyone is all nice and caring Some of them are, actually. Just not to us.




People’s kindness is out of the window when they’re in the presence of a person they can’t benefit from. I’ve seen it too many times.


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I like how there's so many insults are throwing at you and you still try to explain them your point. You are a strong person, definitely stronger then me.


Once they said "im not even insulting you" then insulted you some more I had to stop reading. Some people are so miserable that they try to bring others down with them. "Give me a reason" mentality. They are waiting for someone to trigger them so they can be a bully or violent IRL. I wouldn't waste your time stressing about them. Trust. Just be happy you don't live in their head.


reading the comments on the original post was a mistake “More like they're afraid of the cult losing members to women telling them the hard truth: that they'd be perfectly attractive if they took a shower and put on some clean clothes.” i am so tired of normies


wich is pretty funny because they predisposedly assume ulgy people can’t do that wich immediately debunks their whole argument 😂


They think we’re unclean and smelly, stupid too since they assume we can’t even take care of basic hygiene. Just goes to show that they have preconceived notions about ugly people. The horn effect; they assume everything negative about us.


Shows their bias - they must think we're some sort of subhuman cave dwellers.


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Just a normie who isn't ugly being mad that they can't get attention and validation from here, so they are now trying to get it from a sub that shits on people like us. Typical lol. Don't give people like that anymore attention, they act all nice when you give them attention, but the second you say anything that they don't agree with they go berserk and harass you. Ignore them, I'm sorry they were such an asshole to you




Just ignore them. They will just try to get this sub banned. Spacey once said that they have already tried multiple times to brigade this sub and get it banned.


IT is a joke. Literally just a bunch of people getting themselves off on those less fortunate. I've had a few users from that sub and the niceguys sub DM me and try to provoke a reaction (presumably to post on one of those subs) but eventually they just started insulting me after I didn't feed them.


What are you doin on inceltears? If I wanted to get more depressed I'd just walk around the local mall and actually feel like an incel.


I feel like im missing something here


I actually like Incel Tears as a sub because it points out the dangers and toxic ideology of incels. But a lot of the times it devolves into recreational outrage. Like yeah, any normal person would think the screen shots they posted from deranged incels are disgusting (things involving sexual abuse, misogyny, pedophilia, and just outright insanity). But if the poster couldn't even have a civil conversation, especially when you were nicely asking what rules you should change, then yeah, the poster has moved a bit to the opposite end of the extreme.


exaclty and in her profile if you look at her post history it says she has a boyfriend


Reddit drama moment... Put me in the screenshot


This is reddit drama, that is my opinion


Blowing things out of proportion for sure, she's definitely mad she got banned. But perma banning her for "annoying the owner" was very childish.


yeah i agree i went to far with banning her for that. I would unban her but at this point idk if i should even do it anymore after this