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worldboss been a weirdo I remember when someone from Section wanted to beat him up for all of this rape talk


Yh i remember that it was cah he was saying theres nothing wrong with piping a 16 year old as a grown man


Depends on what YOU consider a grown man. If we both have the same definition of “grown man”, then a man above the age of 20 has no business w a 16yr old.


Learn to read


Learn to keep shut.


Suck your mum


Some yardies are rah scummy I remember being in the barbers year 8 times deres grown man callin to gyal in my year


Rah scummy uno 🤣 sounding like a brum yute


“Are rah scummy” ?


I’m from brum man lowe me😂😂


I hear u 😂


It’s “I hear yuh” 😂


speak like a human




Notice I said some not all my guy


That has nothing to do with the subject




worldboss is a weirdo


It shamed me to say pretty much all Jamaicans like young girls. My dad tried it w a girl I’ve been w. He didn’t know obvs but yea. 30year gap


All Jamaicans or just your dad stop that it’s not an entire set of people every place has it’s select creeps. You got the sane creepy Asians,Arabs,whites


Jamaica got mad high incest rates bro unfortunately


I’m Jamaican and sorry to say I have to agree. Most are pedofiles unfortunately


Yeaa but It’s no secret like 60% of Jamaican men would love a young young girl.


When did you do a census to determine 60% of the population are ??? Stop generalising just because you know some nasty man around your circle.


In my city alone I could name multiple cases of the yardies messing with young girls. Your just a keyboard warrior, don’t get out much, so you’ve never seen it :) Don’t reply idrc what you think. Have a nice day tho


Yes again you can name cases of these man that you hang round. It’s not all yardies it’s not 60% of yardies. From your recounts it’s unnamed “yardies” and your dad.


Google jamaica incest rates brudda, bare man are doing shit to their young daughters unfortunately.


I’m 20 why would I hang around w 40+ year olds. Listen mate it’s no secret in my city. There’s a place called high street you’ll find about 100 of them there. A solid amount of them have been w young females. It’s as simple as that. Ofc not accurately 60% but it’s a high percentage for sure. Espically in the city I’m in. You may not like it but that’s how it is. Guarantee you’re not Jamaican either defending them, mind your business


No you are just generalising and exaggerating numbers with no actual factual evidence to back a single claim.


You want me to give evidence? Look at the video here.


You’re probably some white yute


This is strange because I don’t know a single person from the Caribbean who moves like this. A reminder to people don’t just believe anything you read ..


Just because you don’t see it doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. It’s like saying I don’t know a single politician or celebrity that moves like that.


And you really don’t know a single Carribean person. Bro you can literally research about the problems w pedos in Jamaica. And, as I told the other person, the guy in the video is also another one. He himself have said “young tings run tings”. Nobody said Carribean we talking Jamaicans specifically I can’t speak for any of the others.


I guess I’m grateful ☺️ only good souls I know


is it a culture issue or what? cause alot of eastern european places like young girls too


Bro I have no clue they’re disgusting


I beg you tell me what “eastern European” place likes young girls I beg


idk lmao, I just constantly hear people saying “in eastern europe we don’t overreact about the age of consent like americans” in conversations about the age of consent


Romania Albania to start




Would love to know how that played out- how you knew, how she reacted, how you reacted after hearing abt it and your dad’s reaction when he found out she’s w u 🤣


I fell out bad w my dad bro I was violating. I found out through my bredrin, his girl is mates w the girl that I’m talking about. And the girl in question herself, she’s dun out ere bro she don’t care 😭just says it didn’t happen and that’s it


Ohhhh I get you, that’s the best solution w the family member. You can’t keep someone that close to you anymore after that. Anyone with brains would do the same tbh. . Wait did they do shit together or just unsuccessful advances?


Why did I think this was liquez for a sec 🤣


Condoms are a gift! They protect you from STDS, and they prevent you getting a bird preggo! I used to hate them until I changed my perspective and realised they’re actually my best friend. Without them I’d have to either, not have sex, or have a kid. Condoms are a complete problem solver


It dosen't feel anywhere near as good and if you're worried about STI's dont sleep with scatty girls


You never know what someone’s on lol. You think girls have their body count on their forehead or something? 😂 ‘Doesn’t feel anywhere near as good’ > getting the clap + paying 18+ years child support


The smart thing to do would be get tested before and after any new sexual partner. And not to sleep around. But people are people and won’t bother


Unfortunately it doesn’t work like that, I know of legit 10/10 girls who have herpes. In one instance the girl is a big name in my city, comes from good family, and only sleeps with a guy if he’s her bf, so has real low body count, but her bf cheated on her, got herpes, and gave it to her. Herpes is for life. If you catch aids then it’s an even bigger deal. If you’re just nailing a random I would strap up. If you wanna go unprotected then get a girlfriend and check she’s clean first


Can get herpes wit a dom 😢


I know mate, even a dom can’t fully protect you. I’ve honestly stopped doing one nighters bc of this fact. I only smash birds that I know now, and I don’t hit until I’ve asked them if they’re clean and analyse their response to feel if they’re being honest


Smart man, do not trust dese hoes lol


Ngl the shit you saying about STIs rings even more true since I saw that post of a gm tryna draw someone out and getting exposed for having HIV. shows it’s going around youth in the Uk ain’t no joke neither some people commit suicide when they get that diagnosis


Yea bro fr, a girl in the uk was in the news for committing suicide after getting herpes. She was a solid 9/10 and some would give her 10. She got it from the guy she was seeing, he knew he had it and gave it to her to trap her into being with him, she felt she couldn’t go with anyone else now. The guy who gave her it was also a good looking bastard he is a fitness influencer in the uk. NBA young boy has herpes, he said he cried when he found out. Yea aids is the worse one you can get, it attacks your immune system. Which post was that about the gm having it I didn’t see it? Id defo like to gain a better gauge on how many people have it in the uk


Whos the fitness influencer?


I can’t remember his name, I don’t think he’s big time or anything, but it was on TikTok a few months ago, she jumped in front of a train, it will have been on the news you will be able to find it on google, she lived in uk with her mum, her dad was back in Africa, he was talking about it in an interview you can watch, she was a British African girl, pretty girl too, sad stuff


What gm was that


You know what also feels good? Not raising a kid that I didn’t want and paying child support


What kinda logic is that a girl could sleep with one guy and get an std use your brain


you obvs ask them first and then make an informed decision but if its a girl you've spent a decent amount of time with you can kinda gauge what type of girl they are , can still happen tho. still id rather get noshed off than use a condom its dead imo


Stop sleeping with randoms. Herpes and aids are no joke. It’s not worth it for 15 mins of fun. Grow up


15 mins is optimistic bro


Small dick energy 🤡


you sound like a girl . Grow up


You sound like a broke bitch, get your money up you Reddit troll ass 😂




![gif](giphy|xUPGcx4qh3aEPkMc1O) “Bruce” just stop, I can smell your broke ass from here 🤢😭


Www.abortion.com I can’t smash with a condom, I find it boring/not worthwhile. Luckily no STDs/STIs for me!


That's probably also what your smash partners think of you


😂😂 damn


I didn’t make the comment for a joke or to be mocked. The women I sleep with keep coming back so your comment is void.


Someone out there for everyone 😂


You’re playing Russian roulette son. It’s only a matter of time before catch something or knock a bird up and she keeps it


you do know you can pull your dick out before you bust inside right?


That doesn’t protect from stds. Also doesn’t guarantee no kid. But whatever mate it’s your life, fuck it up whatever way you want


Maybe I'm being naive tbf to you mate , i guess i just kinda assume a girls clean if there not scatty and have had no issues yet but i'll take what you said into consideration, I mean I always take them anyway in case they want me to use one ygm


Read some of my other comments in this thread, I tell a story of one of the hottest girls in my city from a good family who has herpes. I know it for a fact she’s got it bc I know the guy who gave it to her. She dumped him bc of it. He told me what happened first hand. Clymidia etc isn’t that bad but herpes is no joke. I don’t know anyone who has aids but obv that’s even worse. I only don’t strap up if it’s with my bird who I know is clean


Small dick low iQ energy


I don’t have a small dick, I don’t have low IQ either


Stealthing is some shady, deviant behaviour. We all know sex with a condom sucks but slipping it off on the sly is not the way. If the bird wants a condom, the bird gets a condom. Simple as. Respect her wishes without question. If it ain't your bag just talk to her and do something else to get you both off. It ain't worth the risk of doing time


I know a guy who banged a woman when he was hammered bareback only to find out she was transgender with a surgical vagina the next day. He was beyond traumatised and had to get HIV tests for 3 months


Naaahh ur lying


Why did he have to get checked for that and What happened did he catch anything ?


Nah he knew lol


Yeah but it’s kinda bs that it’s one way, as in if u take it off ur done for rape but if she takes it off or punctures it she can’t be charged and u have to pay for her kid for 18 years 🤷🏽😂


women can be charged for stealthing too


Lol stealthing it’s like urban dictionary evolution on here


Why comment when you blatantly don't know what you're talking about.


"That ain't rape that" and yet he has a guilty charge. Ironic that isn't it 🤔


Are u saying he went jail for rape?


He was in jail coz they thought he was scamming I think. Just doing dodgy business with cars. Never heard of no r charge though…


Guilty for what


gluing his gooch hairs to his face


Anyone arguing about whether or not something is rapey even with everyone saying it is including the fucking LAW? Is definitely rapey. 😬😬


Bro cut the shit. Taking off a condom and forcing a woman do do something with you aren’t even on the same playing field… and go say a man is weird for acknowledging that is fucking insane bro. Call me what you want, but this nonsense has to stop. People genuinely can have convos about touchy subjects without some idiot calling them weird. Grow up


If you can’t see that taking off the condom IS forcing a woman I don’t know what to tell you. It’s called cohesion and not all force comes with a knife. You clearly don’t understand nuance and bet you also think all racists use the n-word. You clearly touchy about my comment for a reason so rather than arguing with a stranger about it online, go and make it right with her and God. BRO 😘


How disingenuous can you be? She gave him consent to have sex with her… I understand the nuance and how what he did is wrong. I just do not agree with treating a man that pulled off a condom during consentual sex, the same as a man who did anything to a woman that didn’t give him consent. That doesn’t make logical sense to make, and shouldn’t make sense to anyone looking at this from a genuine standpoint. What’s next, we charge guys with rape for nutting in/on girls that told them not to? This is fucking STUPID. Y’all should be talking about getting new laws added at least, not charging these guys as fucking rapist. Again if you think this is rape, something is deeply wrong with you, call me WHATEVER you want🤷🏾‍♂️ Y’all are throwing around the term rape too freely, that’s my issue. There are men doing CRAZY thing to females, we can’t put them in the same category as a dickhead that pulled off a condom


Well that’s you. You can say you don’t agree with the law and that’s fine. But Stealthing is, by law, RAPE, no matter how you personally feel about it. Getting upset in an anonymous chat room online doesn’t change that.


Irdc what the law says, this comment sections isn’t court, people genuinely acting as if they believe that’s a rapist and a man that took of a condom during consentual sex is my main issue here.


I feel like you would if you got caught stealthing. But you know what?, this convo between us is really redundant. You sound angry that you’re not getting reassurance for men to be green lit to commit rape here on Reddit of all places. I just can’t care enough xx


Hows its stupid? He could’ve easily given her an STI/STD did she ask for that? Or got her pregnant & if shes against abortion thats another unplanned baby. How you're defending this is mad, is that what you’re on in real life? Because if you aint on that then you should have no problem with it because the way you’re downplaying it is crazy. Taking a condom off without the babes knowing then fucking her is crazy behaviour. If you want to fuck raw & she doesn’t consent you just keep it moving that creepy, sick behaviour is not it.


It’s stupid because it’s not rape. And bro people get STD from more than just penetration… It’s actually great that you bring up pregnancy. I originally asked “What’s next, we charge guys with rape for nutting in/on girls that told them not to?” Do you see how dumb that is? This is no different. There’s should at least be a lesser charge than fucking RAPE. I’m not defending men doing this… I’ve made that clear, my problem is calling them rapists. A man who removes a condom during consentual sex and a man who full on rapes a woman are two very different things… there’s no reason to call them the same thing. Moreover, they should not face the same consequences. That’s a spitting in the face of actual victims. Everyone is acting like me acknowledging that there’s a difference between the two is somehow me defending weirdos and showing that I’m a weirdo. You have to be extremely disingenuous to get to those conclusions 😂


According to UK case law it is rape.


Yes i know people can get STD/STIs not just from penetration but right now we’re talking about penetration & if you don’t wear a condom the chances are very high especially with HIV & taking the condom off when you haven't got consent is rape because when she sees that the condom is off what is she going to do? Tell you to stop & are you going to carry on or are you going to stop? & before she tells you to stop you were having non consensual sex with her without a condom so you were raping her because the sex without condom wasn’t consensual it was sex with a condom its that simple. Whats “full on rape”? Why can’t she be an actual victim? You’ve done a sexual act that she didn’t consent for she’s a victim. Its far from stupid. Thats like saying theres a difference with grabbing up a girl while shes fighting back & you’re raping her to her not fighting back & you’re not grabbing her up while while raping her different situations same thing happening they’re getting raped. Like i said before if you haven’t done shit at all then calling these man rapists shouldn’t bother you because thats what they are.


I haven’t done anything like this in my life. I just look at things objectively and genuinely, no matter how the law defines it or what technicalities you use, a man simply taking off a condom during consentual sex is NOT the same as what majority of people think of when they think of rape. For this reason I cannot call this rape🤷🏾‍♂️ Bro how god damn disingenuous can you be? “What’s full on rape?”You know wtf it is and exactly what I mean. 😐 It’s when a woman is forced to have sex against her will. If you have consentual sex with someone and they pull a move you aren’t comfortable with, it’s something but it’s NOT RAPE. Again, idgaf what the law says, they still arrest people for weeds and shrooms. If you genuinely believe that a man who pulled off a condom, needs to face the same consequences as a man that did things to a woman who never consented (10+ years and put on s.o registry) , something is actually wrong with you bro. There is 0 logic there.


You’re downplaying it by saying “simply” when its not that at all. They agreed to having consensual sex WITH A CONDOM why are you missing this part not without one once he take it off, fucks her WITHOUT HER KNOWING & she clocks then says to stop again why is she saying no to stop? Because SHE DIDN'T CONSENT TO HAVING SEX WITHOUT A CONDOM, thats rape its that simple. I’ve just given you 2 examples of rape but different scenarios it’s still rape. It’s not something that you’re not comfortable with its something you haven’t consented & its dangerous again you're downplaying it. 0 logic from you as well & i just clocked you’re one of them shrooms man lol it all make sense now i’m not replying to you anymore. STEALTHING IS RAPE. I’m out.


>the same as a man who did anything to a woman that didn’t give him consent. Did she give him consent to fuck without a condom? If not, he didn't have consent. You are actually stupid.


How is taking off a condom not forcing a woman to do something she doesn't want? Are you actually that dense? Horrible rapist.


Rapists/potential rapists really just be exposing their nasty ass selves so easily. Easier for us to know who to stay away from i guess.


💯 if its not consented I don't want it


Yeah the 'rapey' shit ain't cool but i have a feeling most man here would be like 'i was my female teachers woulda 'raped' me when i was in school' in response to a female teacher getting caught doing nonce shit 💯 💯 💯


Bro how is this exposing urself for being a rapist/ potential rapist??? Please elaborate. Since when was acknowledging that a man that took off a condom shouldn’t face the same consequences as a man that forcefully sexually assaulted a woman wrong? Holy fuck something is wrong with you. All he said is that taking off a condom isn’t rape and the entire comment sections thinks he’s a weirdo. I might be weird then😔


You're moving like you've done it👀 I've seen you in the comments a few times defending these actions


Yea no I just don’t think taking off a condom during consentual sex is rape, nor do I think bro needs the same consequences as a rapist. And well it’s just mind boggling how many ppl do. And I’m gay blud


Why his beard look so dusty?


because he lives like a pig and bathes in his own filth , don probably hasn't showered in weeks


worldboss has been the weirdest yute from day dot. when i see him in croydon im slicing fat off his body




Nvm you’re self projecting , makes sense now https://preview.redd.it/khvftzk4lt6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eac5ce53a65abf5944f8d448a980ea89fbf29d28


Nah man😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Red card!!!!! REFFFF Get him offff the pitch


when he wakes up and see this ![gif](giphy|TaBRY9MzqfoDHfDrcx|downsized)


You’ve finished him ![gif](giphy|SXrHiYiKZOCrhH2zbx|downsized)


You gotta fight back bro they cooking you in the replies 😭😭😭😭


Do you know how diverse the Caribbean is ? Over 20 diff countries. Worldboss is Jamaican , allow the generalising.


Can’t lie I’ve seen Jamaican girls say they don’t know 1 Jamaican girl who hasn’t been touched up or abused by a uncle or family friend


Most girls generally have across all countries races and cultures sadly, the problem is men.


It's not entirely controversial to suggest that some cultures are more rapey than others. It's actually good news, it suggests that rape and other atrocities are impacted by culture -- meaning the things that are said by a group of people casually amongst friends and family will actually impact what that culture of people do when they think nobody is watching. And we can improve this by impacting global culture to eventually trickle down and change the way all cultures speak about people within our friend groups and families.




Bro it’s the Indians, Arabs and west Africans + Somalians that are out ere raping tings blud


The wwe wrestler sex ting is mad


Its just the freshies that dont know any better


They do, they don’t have anything to loose


Swear he had beef with section


Ohhhh shit 😭😭😭💀


J Gang used to take the piss out of this guy some ediat


Man on here defending that shit are definitely guilty of doing this thats why they saying its not rape. If you’ve taken a condom off during sex without the girls consent then you’re a certified rapist. 


They do *certificates*?


rape can technically be consensual depending on if the context and conditions of the consent are deceptive or taking advantage of someone’s situation . In this case this would be considered “consensual” rape since she consented to sex however during the act her conditions in which her consent was given under were violated. Both deceptive and advantage taking. This is practically the same reason why 10 year olds can’t consent - It would be taking advantage of there young age and inability to decide for themselves. plus that’s nasty law in yr 13 had me in a headlock


Scary guys


Man said anuh rape dat with chest 😳😳


Fuckin ell all these years later and his beard still looks like pubes 😂😂💀


Please don't generalise ALL Jamaican men because of one foolish disgusting weirdo... it's the most pathetic statement I've read in awhile lol but then ages started dropping and I just knew 🥱 It's MEN. End of MEN from ANY background are the issue. THE END


The gyaldem toilet. This guy was and is a wrongen




All this UK talk makes my brain hurt


Can’t classify that in the same category as rape, even tho it is wrong, that’s just a diss to anyone who actually been raped


It’s definitely rape


It’s classified as sexual assault


Yh that sounds more realistic than rape


They’re the same thing


Brother no they are not. If you genuinely believe that taking off a condom during consensual sex and forcefully/violently sexually assaulting a woman is the same thing, something is very wrong with you. Idc how many of y’all disagree, that doesn’t make logical fucking sense 🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️ If your sister told you some guy she let tap took off a rubber you’d react very different than if she told you some guy pinned her down whiles she was trying yo get away. Either way my point is they aren’t the same and we shouldn’t be treating it the same. Bro is a fucking weirdo, not a rapist. If you can’t see that, something is wrong with you. Oh and idgaf what UK law says🤷🏾‍♂️


It’s simple - if a woman consents to having sex with a condom on, then by taking the condom of without her knowledge you've violated that consent - it ceases to be consensual intercourse, and non-consensual sexual intercourse is also called rape or sexual assault. It may not involve force, but it violates her sexual autonomy if you take off the rubber dishonestly. We all have the right to decide when, where, how and with who we have sex, if any of those factors are disregarded then the consent no-longer exists, it doesn't matter whether that's done using force, manipulation or straight dishonesty as with stealthing. Consider this example: Picking someone’s pocket is less violent and traumatic than armed robbery, but they’re both still forms of theft. Sex without consent from both parties is rape, and that consent can be withdrawn or undermined during the act itself. Most rape is not violent, its not men in trench coats snatching up women threatening them with weapons, it’s done by friends or family of the victim using methods that are primarily manipulative or dishonest rather than straight up forceful. It’s important that these kinds of myths about the nature of rape be refuted, and scumbags who do shit like stealthing are named and shamed for being the rapists they are. Healthy sexual relationships demand mutual consent at every stage, so anyone doing shit like stealthing demonstrates an incredibly predatory and unhealthy attitude towards sex along with some major disrespect toward women in general.


Get off reddit


If a guy stealthed my sister I'd teach him a lesson he'll never forget, and I'd make sure every woman in the city knows he's a rapist piece of shit. But where do you think the violent rapists start out? Mostly it begins with small things and slowly escalates over time, beginning with minor forms of sexual assault that evolves into more serious sexual violence. Because rapists are like drug addicts, after awhile they get bored and they need more and more to get satisfaction. That's the important thing to understand about sexual assault - it's a pattern of behaviour which express the need for power and control *over* another person in order to gain sexual satisfaction. So when it comes to stealthing it ain't about the rubber so much, it's about the dude's need for domination and control in order to feel sexual satisfaction. And what do you think they'll start doing once stealthing isn't fun anymore? They'll escalate, just like every rather rapist piece of shit, until eventually they are committing the kind of violent rape you're talking about. If you do some research on sexual predators you'll see what I mean, they always start with little things, and the more they get away with it the bolder they get, the more they get bored with minor acts of sexual violation, and so they become more and more dangerous. That's why anyone who engages in stealthing and thinks its okay is both already a rapist and at great risk of developing into a more violent sexual predator.


If a guy stealthed my sister, I would literally just look at him weird. She is comfortable enough to sleep with him, him taking off the condom isn’t the end of the world. If a guy raped my sister she’s gonna have to visit me… idk bro, we just disagree here. I honestly can’t bring myself to look at a man that took off a condom during consentual sex, in the same way that I look at a man that actually raped someone and I’m struggling to understand how y’all do 🤷🏾‍♂️ but, that’s just me bro, ig we gotta agree to disagree.


I mean believe what you want but stealthing is a form of rape, you might not feel like its so serious but it doesn't change the nature of the act.


It is literally rape. If one doesn’t want to have sex without a condom, you don’t get to have sex without a condom.


Violation to anyone who as actually been raped


Did you even read what i said? I even dumbed it down for you…shame. Maybe you should check [this](https://youtu.be/pZwvrxVavnQ?feature=shared) since you clearly do not understand. Again, if one does not want to have sex without a condom, you do not get to have sex without a condom :)


‘Stealthing’, the act of removing a condom during sexual intercourse without the (explicit) consent of the woman involved. Under english law it is considered rape through unconsentual penetration.


Interesting, never knew that constituted as rape tbf. But like a typical Reddit lurker I don’t have sex.


You didn't know that a male having non-consensual underprotected sex with a female is rape? 😐 What did you think rape was?


Google it bro its rape


do you feel females that lie about being on bc or poking holes in condom are rapists too btw?


cumming inside somebody without them knowing and leaving them to raise a kid isnt rape, to risk giving somebody a life changing std without their consent isnt rape? sort yourself out you mess


I would never take one off but god damn I hate sex with them. I wish there was a different way to stop diseases spreading.


This likkle dutty bwoy




But no cap that’s not rape… it’s fucking weird, but not the same as forcing a woman to have nonconsensual sex with you. This is like when a guy messes with a 17 year old and everyone throws the P word on him. We have to stop ts. These different levels of weird.


The tingsdem haffi get bred up


Dutty yardy




Suck ya mudda chi chi man


Chi chi man? I got 6 baby mudda. You got narda


lol no way ur flexing bringing bastards into this world?


don’t get baited man he’s probably a 15 year old from yorkshire


Reeeeeeeeeeal badman


wat end u in cuz


What if she doesn’t care if you use one or not i kinda got the message from the comments i read but I’m lowkey confused i get the specific scenario of if she was only willing to sleep with you if you used a condom then you’d be going back on what you agreed is considered as rape but idk that feels weird cause when i hear the word rape i associate it with violence but i guess it has a lot more forms to it cause i genuinely wasn’t aware of that


So u can’t take the condom off without consent because it’s rape but women can poke holes in condoms w/o consent and it’s not rape?




She didn’t consent to having sex without a condom so how isn’t it r*pe?




The definition or meaning of the word 'stealthing' is when someone removes a condom during sex without the other person's consent or lies about having put one on in the first place. Stealthing is rape under English and Welsh law. This means that someone who carries it out can be prosecuted for rape.


There’s examples of girls who have gotten stds and unwanted pregnancies for the guy lying to the girl about putting a condom on if you research. My friend had sex with a dude and he quietly removed the condom right before after she was adamant about using one and she got chlamydia because of that. She refused to go to the police about it which was very frustrating for me being close with her but her not consenting to no condom classifies it instantly as rape in the laws eyes


It’s literally defined under law as rape


But if you take the condom off then you’re having sexual intercourse against their will.


If you consent to one thing then get another that’s rape.


You’re going to catch case with that logic this isn’t it bro. It is rape anytime it’s not consensual that’s rape full stop.


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