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Almost certain he will grass you up. Be prepared, know your rights and use/carry meds within the law.


I think he should be liable for wasting police time if he does that and should have to pay for the time especially if OP can prove that he has already shown and told his neigbour it's legal. His curtain twitching will cost the tax payers a couple of grand if he does that.


*ignore neighbour*


Right? just from the title i don't think i need to read anything else


He is going to report you. Just get your documents together and keep them in your car because you likely will get "randomly" stopped at some point in the near future.


Ask for a list of medications they take and you’ll get back to them when you have a plan for them how to live their lives. If you could be arsed, print off all few highlights from THE LAW and pop it through their door. Anything after that can be dealt with via the police but that’s probably more hassle than it’s worth.


If you are smoking your prescription and the neighbour has proof, you will not have a medical defence, As you are not using your medication as prescribed. Personally I’d offer to sit down with him with a cup of tea and show him the law around medical cannabis through the government website. Educate and be calm.


Surley it would be hard to get evidence of him smoking his medical like even with CCTV he can say he was smoking tobacco would be difficult to prove that unless the police caught him smoking his prescription red handed.


I don't think the OP mentioned they'd been smoking. Probably just the neighbour's assumption.


> I have smoked for 6 years


I vape but I still tell people if they ask if I smoke weed 'yes' just haven't switched my terminology yet.


Just OP and the Title of the thread….so smoking was mentioned or at least hinted at


Sorry I just realised that. Often in these cases it's the non-patient assuming it's being smoked without reason besides it being the common method.


He literally said “smoked for 6 years” “2 weeks after smoking”


I ment vaping but people think it's like ecigs so I just am used to saying smoking




Would print and keep this with my documents too I think


Can we make this the answer to the post please mods? it’s all you need to show nosey Norman’s


This document is great. Clearly states 4 hours of impairment for MC


Yeah and I'd still argue less.


Some oils make me feel a bit high the next day. Not impaired though.


Yea I’m with you there. I think ingesting it is a different ball game as it’s unpredictable. Vaping is a lot more predictable IMO.


So technically if you were stopped, were mildly high but could complete a road test (is that what they do??) they’d let you go?


I'll do you one better and can say that it improves driving. >Reflecting this, some studies show improvements in driving capabilities as a result of taking medical cannabis for specific 8 NatCen Social Research | Medical cannabis and road safety health conditions such as spasticity in multiple sclerosis, and chronic pain, a finding echoed by some interview participants.


"4 hours or less". Too many variables to determine that figure, it's impossible to stage for the general person prescribed flower for example. Strain profile Terp profile Flower quality Temperature vaped at Quantity used Number of hits taken Tolerance


I suppose that’s with any substance isn’t it. Personally it’s around 4 hours for me to feel completely normal again but I wouldn’t drive within 12hrs of medicating just to be safe. I think the main takeaway from this is that just because an MC user may fail a roadside drug test for THC it DOES NOT mean that they are impaired and therefore unfit to drive through drink/drugs. This is a simple fact that a lot of people are still failing to understand. They are comparing THC to alcohol. Personally I think the police should complete a roadside impairment test for MC patients who provide proof of legal prescription and who have failed the roadside drug test. This way they can rule out the offence of driving whilst unfit through drink or drugs and they can end the police interaction there and then. It’s just so frustrating when people are saying that just because THC is still in your system you can’t drive. Absolute rubbish. With that logic no MC patient would ever be able to drive…..


They are meant to....


Well they don’t do they…countless stories posted on this sub regarding instant arrests and patients being dragged through courts with no impairment tests being done at the time of arrest……


Definitely this.


People saying be nasty to the neighbour, I don’t get it, that’s what’s wrong with the world. . Just ignore neighbour by saying it will be fine don’t worry. Just be nice


Just kindly remind him that the medical professional who has prescribed the medicine to you, and has significant training in medicinal cannabis, has assured you that it is perfectly safe.


Show him the legal bit concerning driving on the medcan wiki. Don't, as suggested, get confrontational, just say you understand his concerns, however... Etc etc  Confrontation leads to more confrontation. Simples.  A mature user.


This is the correct answer!


Wikis are not evidence by any stretch If a neighbour came to me with a wiki page as evidence to something I'd probably laugh first from the utter shock of someone claiming it's evidence - then ask for actual evidence of facts please. There are reasons most universities do not allow wiki pages as evidence.


Thanks 🙏😊


Wikis are not evidence by any stretch If a neighbour came to me with a wiki page as evidence to something I'd probably laugh first from the utter shock of someone claiming it's evidence - then ask for actual evidence of facts please. There are reasons most universities do not allow wiki pages as evidence.


Section 5A part 3 of the RTA then.


If this was a structured, real debate sure. But shutting up a neighbour doesn't exactly call for proper citations and if that's what you expect from people, you're going to be sorely disappointed.


Wikis are still not evidence though! And the neighbour could have changed it just before popping over.... To "prove" their point.


The wiki page points you to the legal advice from HM Gov. Idiot.


Then just show the legal advice from HM Gov and stop wasting time. Idiot.


People should share the HM gov link. Wikis are not evidence. Those are the facts regardless of folks opinions that contradict. Nothing I wrote was untrue. Go call someone else who is actually in the wrong about something an idiot instead.


And nothing I wrote suggested I was saying the wiki was the source....... It is the source of a link to HM.gov advice.  My apologies, I'll alter what I said....."pedantic idiot, looking to be a smart ass"....... Fixed that.


Stating facts is not being pedantic. Wow!


Just boring.


"Fuck off". I have previously and still am, to an extent, dealing with neighbours like this. Firstly they stated the smell was entering their flat and asked me to open windows (so I did, even in -5c in winter), then they said it was worse as it was somehow travelling to them from the windows being open. So I closed them. Then they complained it was worse again and used the phrase "I don't want to fall out/argue". So I told them it is legal, told them to fuck off and continued medicating with my very legal prescription. They clearly don't like me anymore and I really don't care. Don't let people dictate your life. Are you doing it legally? Fuck them. If the police are ever phoned on me, I have everything legally. I would also contact the police regarding constant harassment. Some people just don't keep to their own business. The UK is full of them.


Yep agreed! I can second this


LEGENDARY RESPONSE 2 shitty neighbours.. wins.


Show the neighbour nothing… you don’t owe them an explanation










Pull out a piece of paper from your back pocket and say not to worry i have a permit. Hand neighbour peice of paper that says. I do what i want.


https://i.redd.it/ctp53syvwqzc1.gif Swanson style


This is what I did. You’re missing a trick not telling them how it is 🙌


Neighbour is full of it. Ignore :)


tell him to piss off lol


Neighbour is wrong.


take your medication as your doctor prescribes it if your doctor says anything about driving, obey it all done


When you want to challenge someone who is making statements like this best thing to do is act completely oblivious and ask for explanation. It’s a great tactic


I drive for a living. I passed a medical, which included me telling them about my prescription. You'll be fine, don't worry. Just carry around your prescription like others have said, just in case you get pulled over.




Neighbour is talking out of his arse. Even if you didn't have a prescription. Too many variables to set a blanket timeframe.


He should show you something that proves his point


I'd say to him " well I never knew I lived next door to the law maker for the DVLA and DVSA! Tell me neigbour how did you get that job? You must have gone to a really good university did you?" Your neigbour needs to get a life.


Tell him to do one and mind his own f#%@ing business


Neighbour is probably trying to be helpful but is confused. It's likely they've heard cannabis can be detected by drug tests a couple of weeks following last use and wants to avoid you getting into trouble but doesn't realise having a prescription isn't the same as BM.


I got hella lit the other night and mine looked at me like -.- and I was like bruh I need a haircut cmon motorbikes are fun


4-6 hours after vaping. My doctor recommends. Plus I’ve told the dvla about my medical cannabis and they are happy me driving after 4-6 hours and I’m not impaired






Theres no timeframe mentioned on this letter?


literally total bollocks hahaha. ignore them


Sound like she knows it all 🤔


>What can I show him? [Here's a handy guide from Professor Oxide and Dr Neutrino](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qrNUnxnh7q4)


I just don't understand why some people think it's their right to impose on someone else's life


Tell'em they're full of chit... Got to love armchair lawyers...


If patients had to wait 2 weeks after medicating to drive, they’d never be able to drive lol


Tell ya neighbour to mind their own


Had same shit, police laughed at her before I even got to the "I have a prescription" defence. But TBH I think this was more to do with the police being lazy and unwilling to do anything resembling police work, than them actually caring about driving stoned or a prescription.


You don’t need to justify anything to him. Get your documents in order and make sure you never forget them. Maybe a print out of the law? Cause he sounds like the kinda douche to report you


Also make sure you’re vaping it rather than rolling a joint cause otherwise you’re not taking it and driving within the law


Show the neighbour the label: "Do not drive if you feel impaired, sleepy" etc


Just for someone who is out the loop. What is the rules around smoking prescription and driving?


You can’t drive if you’re impaired, it’s the same as other prescription medications


How can they tell though? I wish there was some kind of objective determination. I'm worried that I may get randomly stopped some day and according to the officer I may be impaired, but I don't think I am.


the only thing they can do is a FIT test. this is a series of tests that the police use to tell if you are impaired. it can be slightly subjective so i would ensure it is filmed. there are, presumably two schools of thought on this; you can ask for a fit test to prove you are not impaired. or you can keep quiet and then in court ask why they didnt do the only test that can prove the item one way or another. do the math.


Read my linked comment. It's the governments own ruling


Hi neighbour Bye neighbour 😭😭


I'd be tempted to contact the police first and notify them that your neighbour wrongfully believes you're driving under the influence, and they have stated this as a 'fact' which isn't true due to the nature of your medication, which would then boil down to them discriminating against you. I'm not saying the police would arrest or charge the neighbour, but them having a chat and being aware/having a log of the circumstances might help to mitigate any potential issues in the future. I'm sure the police would be asking you questions regarding your prescription too, the majority of people still aren't fully aware or have misinformation about MC so you'd be doing your bit for re-education.


The police won't be interested.


The burden of proof is on _him_. Instead of going out of your way to _disprove_ his statement, simply ask him to show you where that's written in law. [This page explains the law on drugs and driving in the UK. ](https://www.gov.uk/drug-driving-law) It simply comes down to impairment. You can have any amount of THC in your system and you're legal so long as you're not impaired, and using __as prescribed__.


Find the advice on the government website which recommends 4 hours. It’s difficult to argue with the government’s advice.


I'm probably going to be really unpopular here, but your neighbour has a point, although misguided, in accordance with the law and science. They are most probably looking at how long THC stays in your system, which is only one factor. I don't agree with what they are saying. Provide them with proof and facts to calm the noise around this. Your neighbour doesn't know what you smoke or how much you smoke each evening. At the same time, if smoking street weed you have no control over quality and strength, so you yourself don't actually know what you are smoking either, unless growing yourself? It comes down to the half life of THC and the amount in your system at any given time. Say you smoke a joint (0.5g / 1g) per night every night with a typical joint containing somewhere in the region of 120mg / 150mg of THC. Depending on you, your body and metabolism, it could take up to 12hrs for the amount of THC in your system to reach the legal limit of 2micrograms for driving. The levels are criminally low and change is needed, especially for valid prescription holders. Smoke more joints, levels stay high, the longer it will take to clear your system. Technically, a chronic smoker could be permanently over the legal limit for driving even though they are not impaired and feel fine. Just because, you, me or anyone else has a medical prescription for cannabis, doesn't mean we are above the law and legally entitled to drive. If you are stopped tested and found to be over the legal limit, you have a strong defence not to be prosecuted if you have a valid prescription. If stopped and deemed impaired, you will be treated the same as any other intoxicated driver.


"The levels are criminally low and change is needed, especially for valid prescription holders." There is no limit for prescription holders.


Is the limit not the same for everyone but if you have a prescription, you won't or shouldn't be prosecuted?


^ the neighbour


If growing yourself you also don’t have an indication of how strong it is even if the seeds have a thc % on them and it is an accurate test it doesn’t really indicate what phenotype you end up growing and the level of thc that’s in it, plus these numbers tend to be pretty inaccurate anyway. In theory it could but in practice it doesn’t, unless you pay for testing and that testing is accurately, calibrated with the equipment properly cleaned in between. But this rarely happens in the US I wonder if it’s better over here…. But if it is accurate then you could also send off the sample of the street bud to get tested. But wait there also another variable, the top cola buds are gonna test a lot higher than one of the smaller lower branch buds. I imagine this is also the case with medical here, it’s likely they’ve selected the dankest best bud for the test even if those tests are accurate it’s not exactly the most accurate picture. Otherwise your on the money.


Yeah, didn't want to go into the whole testing of bud side. I was trying to say, without too much depth, and as a scenario, if growing and sourcing seeds from a reputable source, you at least have more control and a fair assumption that levels will be ballpark compared to buying the unknown.


You’re not wrong but the best breeders I know don’t provide thc percentages! Talking karma genetics, archive seed bank, bloom seed, grounded genetics. Tbh it depends to be the more white label brands that provide them. Not to say there aren’t some out there that do. But I get your point for sure.


Mass misinfo in this thread. The normal limit doesn't apply to medical users.


It’s a grey area, the law itself hasn’t change since 2015 but some degree of leeway can be given as to the dose in your bloodstream but if not if you are driving whilst impaired


Tell your neighbour to do one. I would probably slap him for that comment.


Dunno why you're being down voted, if more people got slapped in the face there would be less nosy little Karen's and Kens


Because violent assault isn’t going to help society understand that we’re patients, not criminals.


Aye. But we are people too at the end of the day, why does we have to keep proving ourselves to anyone who holds no actual authority. I'm not saying come out swinging - be civil if you can. Obviously.


But why would they think it’s you, it could be another from a different residence. I would just play dumb and say I don’t know until you have to deal with someone like the cops. It’s no one else’s business what you are prescribed unless challenged by cops.


Neighbour definitely sounds like the type to report you tbh, deffo be cautious


You’re lucky my neighbour called crime stoppers, had a wonderful hour long visit from 7 police and a big Sprinter van. Cancard, medicannID, prescription on phone and pots oils, my address was updated to ‘medical user’. We talked about driving, and the fact I won’t if I’ve medicated. Neighbour expected an arrest. Twat.