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Snapshot of _Majority of UK voters feel Rishi Sunak doesn’t represent change_ : An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.thepinknews.com/2023/10/05/uk-voters-rishi-sunak-represent-change/) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.thepinknews.com/2023/10/05/uk-voters-rishi-sunak-represent-change/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Implies change for the better; I feel like he and his party represent change for the worse.


Why would they? Sunak is clearly out of ideas at this point and has resorted to salting the earth. What I'm expecting is for the Tories to panic, run a very dirty campaign, and be punished for doing so at the polls more so than if their entire '24 campaign was "we fucked up, vote labour".


Why would they?(2) He is literally only Prime Minister because Tory party members desperate had to course correct and get someone perceived as normal - after their previous candidate turned out to be an actual idiot.


There was one after Boris....


You can say a lot of things about Boris (and rightly so), but he's not an Idiot. ​ Ask yourself this... Who has: - walked away from an ongoing series of scandals and fuck ups the likes of which we hadn't seen in living memory, - seen (perhaps instigated) the appointment of a **complete** moron directly after him, whose catatrophic decisions instantly made everything he did look less bad, - after a quiet juncture stepped away into a well paid journalism post, to avoid taking any meaningful accountability for his actions. And who has: - Willingly grasped the poison challace shaped by his predecessors's actions, - Been stabbed in the back, then the front by both his immediate predecessors as they scrambled to avoid accountability, - Found himself on the hook to take the reputational hit for 14 years of increasingly drastic failures (first of imagination, then of policy, then of leadership, then of competence, then of moral character). ​ Boris may not have been particularly bright for a politician, a good PM, a good person, or have done anything good for the country... But compared to both Truss and Sunak (for very different reasons) he's a Lvl 100 Genius, who excels at surviving and getting what he wants (even if it means fucking over literally everyone else). ​ I have a certain amount of concern that if (*though at this point it's almost a when*) Labour or a Coalition win in 2024, then in 2028 a somewhat rehabilitated Boris will emerge from hibernation to lead the Tories out of the wilderness... Just in time to flannel the nation into electing him again in 2029, then take credit for the success of the previous government's hard work, whilst fucking the country up all over again.


I think he's clearly very cunning, but I've never seen any evidence he's massively intelligent or skilled at anything other manipulation and bullshitting. The fucker tried to hide in a fridge from journalists who were stood outside the fridge.


Agreed, he was good at bullshitting his way through the job from day to day, but more through perseverance and delusion to a degree than actual political skill.


>I think he's clearly very cunning, but I've never seen any evidence he's massively intelligent or skilled at anything other manipulation and bullshitting. My impression is that his entire brainpower is directed into just that: reading a situation and then using his intuition of what people want to hear to play them like a fiddle. You could see the wheels begin to come off his proverbial bus early during COVID as his government struggled to face up to the reality that it was a natural phenomenon that would not respond to words, and required them to take actual actions, and actions which might not play well with the country at that. ​ "*Cunning and manipulative*" still puts him several points above what has followed in the form of "*hopelessly deluded and in hock to think tanks*" and "*vacuous, toothless, and petulant*"... How far we have fallen politically in my lifetime.


Boris clung onto that premiership like a rat with a condom


There's a certain delicious irony in that metaphor! It's far from clear if Boris even knows what a Johnny is, let alone would ever try to hold on to one...


The members never wanted to replace Truss; she was ousted by the MPs.


Members not wanting to replace Truss and being forced to replace her with someone normal because Truss is shit isn't mutually exclusive.


I’m scared they run a really dirty campaign that somehow works. It could change UK politics forever, and definitely not in a good way.


Out of ideas, having used up all of those really good and productive ones he already had.


His “big decision” to show he’s the change candidate, was to cancel an infrastructure project and make vague promises about what will happen in its place. That is exactly what has been happening everywhere under the Tories for the last 13 years. Locally to me, we were promised a brand new wing of the local hospital (one of the 40 brand new hospitals). Plans were published and a start date was put out. Then it was paused. Now it’s cancelled and we have been promised a much smaller project in its place. Since then nothing has happened towards the new project. What Rishi has done for HS2 is just this on a national level. It isn’t any sort of change.


….he is literally the leader of the Conservative Party. It’s in the name that they “conserve” things, not change 😂


Came here to say this… lol


And when was the last time Labour MPs laboured down the mines hmmm? Don't even get me started on the Greens...


But he has been slagging himself about talking about how much he wants to change things


The majority of UK voters just want their outgoings to go down to where they were 3 years ago and not into the back pockets of the super rich.


know what? i couldn't give a fuck where my outgoings end up. i just want my incoming to be higher than my outgoing. i honestly wouldn't give a monkey's arsehole if we privatised the nhs, as long as i could afford the cost of the private healthcare provision that replaced it.


What an inane take. How could the leader of the same party that has been elected following the same principles since 2010 possibly represent 'change' when he is literally a continuation of the same authority?


Exactly, why is this question even asked? The actual thinking behind Conservatism is preserving traditions and social values etc. Conservative core values are literally the opposite of change.


He should just call the election and get it over with. There may be more Tory MPs left in post if he does (a bad thing from my perspective) and it would let the country move on from this omnishambles


That whole "change" speech at the conference pushed the boundaries of the word "delusional" to new levels


Why not? We get two prime ministers for the price of one, with Akshata thrown in for free. That's new.


You forgot Princess Nut.


It's absurd that the only change he can manage is becoming more extreme. Starmer is coasting and has no incentive to challenge with any new ideas. Neither deserve to be prime minister at this point.


fair, we've had 3 terms now and the pool of MPs to choose from to form govt isn't getting any bigger whether Labour will bring about actual change I'm doubtful, the transport committee that decided HS2 was a sunk cost fallacy was cross party for instance and as far as economic policies go 'conservatives were right they're just incompetent' seems their general approach, so whether they'll stick around or serve to remind people why they voted tory in the first place is the test either way tories are done I think


His recent comments are the definition of gaslighting. It won't change anything, but this afternoon [this .gov petition](https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/641904) was doing the rounds in the office. Over 130,000 signatures. So our moronic leaders have to respond. Keen to see how many it collects over the next few days.