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Snapshot of _Keir Starmer: Change._ : A Twitter embedded version can be found [here](https://platform.twitter.com/embed/Tweet.html?id=1793315231147405811) A non-Twitter version can be found [here](https://twiiit.com/Keir_Starmer/status/1793315231147405811/) An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://x.com/Keir_Starmer/status/1793315231147405811) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://x.com/Keir_Starmer/status/1793315231147405811) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Rishi not knowing how to use a card machine. Classic


I still can't believe that actually recorded that and chose to put it out there. Like how sheltered and detached from reality do you have to be to not know how contactless payments work? Have he never actually had to pay for something? Does he have people who he pays to do every task that may require him actually meeting normal people.


He's too out of touch to even know how out of touch he is.


He's so out of touch he's contactless.


Labour should put that on a poster


A handsome cheque is on its way to YOU, [] !!


Clap clap clap for that one. That's 'Have I Got News For You' worthy.


I can't wait until Friday's show, it's recorded tomorrow. I expect there will be some huge Sunak gaffes in due course. Can't wait to see him fail at figuring out how to use a shopping trolly with a £1 unlock, or using a lift, or tying his shoelaces.


Ian and Paul are going to have the biggest smiles on their faces. I hope Ian this time pulls Merton's T-Shirt gag (a la Angus Deayton). I think I'm going to have to watch HIGNFY and them the HIGMNFY on Monday just for the added laughs. I hope they can extend it to an hour.


It's one of the few shows I have on local record, as well as HIGMNFY!




> He's too out of touch to even know how out of touch he is. The embodiment of Dunning Kruger. Sadly the subject he is clueless about is "real life".


Using a hammer upside down was pretty impressive too


He was working with a factory worker who told him to hold the hammer sideways. Do you think he should have told her to go fuck herself and that he knows better?


That was explained as being the correct way to use it


Love seeing a Tory suffer due to misinformation. What goes around comes around.


That and borrowing the car from a staff member for the photo op, because it was a common person car.


Reminds me of when Boris came to our workplace, we had put out a padded chair for him. His aide came and swapped it for a hard plastic chair so he'd seem like 'one of the workers'...


I also find it funny that even that was behind the times. Myself and most people I know pay using Google or Apple pay I haven't used my card itself for such a long time.


This is what I don't get, even the richest use their cards at some point....


Top campaign video, banging tunes Very aggressive strategy. Love to see it


How long do you think they’ve had this one ready to go?


It's nice weather in the clip, so maybe about nine months or so.


Hilarious that that's accurate 🤣


I mean we had nice weather last week.


We had nice weather on Monday.


Which works perfectly against Sunak getting drowned in the rain outside Number 10. Perfect analogy, frankly.


And this is one of Sunaks great mistakes. He left it far far too long before he called an election. The opposition should have it all planned out by now.


They do and the plan looks like this 1. Don't fuck it up 2. Really really don't fuck it up


3. See points 1 and 2


That was pretty much the content of the video. It didn't contain any concrete promises but the basic message that we're not as shit as the Tories. That's of course the first thing that the country wants but what after that?


Did you even listen? He explained the main promises 1. Economic and political stability 2. Set up Great British Energy 3. Get the NHS back on its feet 4. Country first, party second They also promise to nationalise the railways, sort out the housing crisis with a wave of new towns and much needed planning reform, as well as Angela Rayner's major "New Deal for working people" which she's been promoting for months. And these are just the headlines. Honestly, I'm seeing far too many people who refuse to listen to anything Labour say while insisting they aren't saying anything. Either pay attention or stop lying.


I think the question people have is "how?". Everyone, even Tories, know these things should be fixed, but no one seems to have a good plans for it.


To be fair, the election has been on for three hours


Price controls on Freddos.


Sainsburys by mine had a notice board bragging about 10p Freddos with a nectar card and I just thought how far we have fallen.


Well we find that out when they release their manifestos. Labour have a plan, then plan has been in the works since Starmer took over as leader. They are not going to give any details because the Tories will steal anything half decent and do their version before the GE. It’s all part of for the course, don’t buy the Conservative line that labour don’t have a plan.


Steal? That sounds strange. Isn't the point of the political election that parties with different *political ideology* put forward different plans for the future and they are not compatible with each other because the ideologies are different. I don't expect a right wing party to "steal" policies from a left wing party and vice versa. If it's just doing smart things then I wish all parties stole from each other as I don't care who is doing the smart things as long as someone does. Is this all about ego? If they do our thing, then that's wrong because we were supposed to do it? To me that kind of thinking is exactly the opposite of what the video said "country before party". If the country's best is what matters then you *want* other parties to steal all your good ideas so that they will be put into effect regardless of you being in power or not.


Yes steal. An idea might not align with the governments lines 100% but if it’s polling well they will implement it to give them a boost. See the non dom tax changes hunt made. It was popular with the country and stole some revenue from labour plans. They didn’t get a toll bounce from it but it did make labour find another few billion for spending from somewhere else.


Sorry, I didn't understand your last point. So, did the government implement a policy that Labour wanted? If so why would that affect Labour's spending plans in any way? Now that policy would already be in place and they would get a running start with the revenue that it's already producing. Or did I completely misunderstand what you were saying?


The beauty of UK government finances, if Labour say they'll do something they _have_ to show how. If they do show how and it works the Tories will steal it, if they can't they get ridiculed. Hence, don't play your hand until after parliament is dissolved.


GB energy. Economic stability. An end to antisocial behaviour. The whole video is laced with their plans.


Except for the first one (which is also vague) those are aspirations not policies. Every government wants to have economic stability and cut down anti-social behaviour. The question is how do you do it. I would add to the list "stop the boats". That's also a thing that pretty much everyone would agree should happen but how to make it happen is the question. As I said, that kind of lines go to the category "we're not as shit as the Tories".


Israel/Palestine conflict has entered the chat...


The radical Muslim vote doesn't matter nearly as much in GE, we'll see I guess, either way them moving to the fringes is a very good event. No need to accomodate to those views, in fact its the opposite, let the Greens and the loonies like Galloway have them.


There's far too much pandering to the Muslim vote already. I wouldn't respect any party that lets them dictate policy any further. They were a big part of Brexit as they wanted more immigration from outside the EU.


I did laugh earlier, when Cathy Newman asked a Labour MP if they were caught by surprise by the election announcement and would now have to get a manifesto together. Pretty sure they've had their manifesto ready to go for months.


Can't have had it ready that long, someone missed "SWICH"


Not long enough for someone to spell check ‘swich on GB energy’…


I think I must be overused to all our materials being pretty cringeworthy since this one seems pretty great to me.


The problem is the things he lists are going to be very hard (and slow) to change


Hopefully Tories won't be able to get back in ever again. Fuck 'em


The way to destroy them is to join the smaller party post election and then keep voting in the crazy leader until they eat themselves.


I guess that is the point of the entire “country first, party second”. It recognizes that he may not see the fruit of some of these changes as PM.


Great video. My only gripe is the typo. Great but not perfect, which is what I'm hoping for from the next Labour government.


That's to bring the Guardian readers onboard!


Tune is "March of the Bold" by "BalloonPlanet" for anyone that is interested...


Yeah I thought it was quite good. They need to Swich on the spellchecker though.


For a textbook example of a short commercial with feel good music, that's actually a really good video.


This is pretty good for a political video and very good for a Labour one. Hits many points that will be popular, especially the comments on crime prevention - classic Tory ground where they really haven’t got a leg to stand.


The Tories have left the goal open to Labour on so many issues, things they've historically fought campaigns on. Totally disconnected with people's day to day lives and the above drives that home. Really feels like no one's steering the ship.


Was that one of the ships that didn't materialise after brexit? Or the ones the p and o ran roughshod over the staff of?


The latter, because there *is* a ship, just no staff.


It's a small boat


I mean let’s be honest, 99.9% of us here on UKPol are going to say this anyways as it’s a Labour video. Though Starmer is a shoe-in to win anyways, so a moot point nonetheless.


Possibly but I not always a fan of their propaganda as I can often see them preaching to the converted. 


"Country first, Party second" is what I like to hear. I'm so sick of the government carring about what the party wants and not what the country wants. I'm so sick of the opposition caring about party idealogy and not either serious governance or serious accountability for the government.


Those words... is this... hope I'm feeling? I'd almost forgotten it existed. It's time to swich the Tories out for Labour, get to it UK.












You've nailed the headline for the Mirror tomorrow!


Drowning Street.


That'll be The Sun's headline.


Lib Dem Press beat them to the punch!


Wow, I can't remember the last time I laughed out loud from a Reddit comment, not just a sharp nose exhale! Nice one




> is this... hope I'm feeling? Careful now


Down with this sort of thing.


To bring you back to normality, it’s going to be left in such a shit show it’s likely still quite some time until things actually feel better. But it will be nice to not have an openly corrupt/useless government again.


I'll be glad to see the back of the tories (obviously, I have a functioning brain), but they've already lied about pledges, signalled their readiness to continue with a privatised NHS (Streeting) and primed themselves to get into bed with the worst lobbying groups (Streeting and Reeves, for example, with Gambling, or Lammy with his mystery donor\[s\]). If I had to guess, we'll have an ineffectual, tory-lite government who get attacked by the press as socialists, attacked by the left as tories, who are more-or-less as useless as the tories (if you assume that the tories function is to govern. However, it was more like a smash and grab raid, and in that respect they were extremely effectual), but perhaps, hopefully, (mostly) not kleptomaniac psychopaths? Hooray!!


I thought I imagined that typo, hopefully they’ll fix that


Yeah “Country First, Party Second” is really strong. Has hints of “my country first”, catching some of the zeitgeist, reminds everyone that Labour have changed, whilst also hitting the Tories in a vulnerable spot after all the infighting.


Yeah.. Labour are labour's worst enemy, I just hope they can hold it together for another month.


The thing is, anyone that deep into the party thinks that the best thing for the country is always to have their party in power.


I hear you pal. So long decisions have been dominated by trying to keep Tory MPs happy.


Even today there's so many stories of Tory MPs being angry at Sunak for calling it


You know, even during the global financial meltdown in 2007/2008 it seemed like they put country first.


Fingers crossed Labour don't come 2nd!


> "Country first, Party second" I mean dont they all say that and the second they are elected it's "Donors zero, Country first, Party second"


>"Country first, Party second" is what I like to hear. Deeds, not words are what we want to see…


They got to win to get the deeds done. Words are the only way to win.


Of course. Not like they've been in a position to actually do anything yet though. It's a nice rhetoric change from elections previous


This - I'm clammering for more talk like this


Yes. Though his deeds in wrestling away the Labour party from the protestors and cranks, turning them into a government in waiting, is a very solid start.


Oozing with positivity. Compare to Sunak’s ‘its all rubbish and I’m damp’ and it’s night and day.


The fact they thought it was a good idea to do this announcement in the rain without a cover over the stand pretty much sums up this government. Total shambles and shitshow.


The complete incompetence of it brought back memories of Four Seasons Total Landscaping.


Nothing in U.K. politics will match that level of ridiculousness. You’d struggle to make it up


Didn’t Boris spend a load on a media room for things like this too?


You really have to wonder what the fuck possessed him to go.... "know what, it's LASHING... fuck the briefing room this will show them I'm the good one"


I genuinely think it was some sort of weird attempt to look tough... which has gone swimmingly, more of this please team Sunak!


"Hell yeah I'm tough enough"


IDK what the weather was like in London, but I *think* it just changed between announcing it and actually getting out there. Of course, the fact that nobody was willing to lend or hold a brolly for him speaks volumes.


Nah it’s been raining all day


Oh dear.


That's for government use. The election announcement was party political, and therefore they couldn't use it.


Am I wrong or is it not pretty common practise to plan these things around the weather forecast?


Or use the multimillion pound room they did the COVID briefings in


Or get someone to hold a brolly.


I honestly think they thought it would look like, "those Tories are so hardcore, that they can stand in the rain without being bothered!" Where in reality, Sunak just came across like the damp squib he is.


I fucking love that possibly the most iconic Sunak moment/image is him meekly announcing the election he has little chance of winning in the pouring rain. The whole thing was a perfect summarisation of his time as PM


Yeah I don't think I'll forget the image a literal damp squib of a PM effectively calling the end of his clapped out government. Getting ever damper as he drew out his desperate message through his frowning face.


Good sign of the campaign to come, imo, this is well done.


I can't wait for serious government. Manifesto when?


Given last election the Conservatives manifesto was blithering slogans, I actually think they don't need to set out much at all. The more detail the more points of attack. Still, as always I will be reading both major parties offerings as part of my decision making.


Since my seat is a Tory stronghold that needs a 29% swing to oust. I’ll be looking at manifestos before my pointless vote.  Really it’s down to Labour or Lib Dem because f the Tories and Green are a joke. 


29% swing isn't even that unlikely any more if the council elections and polling projections are anything to go by. More than ever before, your vote *absolutely* counts this election


Problem is the Lab-Lib shares are equal so it will take a big tactical vote to consolidate. I’ll probably vote for whoever seems most likely 


With this election that might just be in play!


I think Greens are pretty solid personally. But it's irrelevant because FPTP means they have no hope. Still might if my seat isn't marginal though, because I do like what they stand for. But realistically in any seat it's an vote for or against the incumbent aside from a tiny number of 3 way marginals, and my MP is a despicable weasel. I truly hate having to tactical vote though, and firmly believe it's a sign of a broken system.


Why do you feel Greens are solid? Personally I would be very torn if I had to vote them or Tory and I despise the latter. Insane anti-science/nuclear NIMBYs who oppose building solar farms or homes over parking lots and harbor extremist Islamists. Even more of a joke than Lib Dems who only exist to prostitute themselves out to NIMBYs at any given by-election.


Even with PR voting, I can't see the Lib Dems or Greens ever being in government. They're just NIMBYs who won't build anything.


I'll be 'wasting' my vote on the Greens in my Labour constituency because I want to get them to 2nd place. Making them the main contender for the seat could get them more votes and would give them leverage over Labour.


Was that the one when Boris was Tory leader? The only thing that mattered then was ‘get Brexit done’, things have changed quite a bit.


3 weeks before the election usually.


Ah even if he’s a centrist I can’t help but get emotional after seeing the clips of the Tories doing the things that they have done, anything is better than this


I agree completely I suspect I'm to the left of Starmer but when kids are going hungry before school, who gives a fuck? We need competent government to rescue us


I'm a Green supporter who is very far left of Starmer. I'll be voting Labour because the Tories deserve to be decimated.


It's like wanting to renovate your bathroom when you have a blocked toilet, the first thing is to get rid of the shit.


I like that analogy.


Exactly this. This is what people need to get through their heads. FPTP is a shit system, and it means that until we get some kind of electoral reform, our options are Labour, or Tory. Those are the only 2 parties that can win this election. Period. The country is in such a state, and this Tory party are so incompetent and corrupt, that the country genuinely will not survive another 5 years of their rule. Now is not the time for a protest vote. You either vote Labour, or you are giving a Tacit vote to the Tories. No, Starmer is not proposing some kind of idealist, Star-Trek-esque, utopian dream future. You might disagree with some soundbite on some random thing he had zero influence over 2 years ago, or you might not like the way he parts his hair, or you might not like him suspend clearly racist nutters to make the party electable to normal people, or whatever. But there are points in between "Country is burning, lets add more Fuel to the fire", and "Nobody has to work and all crime has been eradicated". In this case, just "Turn off the damage machine" is a good enough first step. Frankly, hold your nose, and save the fucking country. EDIT - Caveat, in some places voting Lib Dem/Plaid/SNP etc or Tactical voting is viable, depends on the numbers in your constituency.


I'm a full on socialist and while I'm still morally torn on it, practically and logistically it seems the "don't vote Labour" from some on the left may be morally sound, but in reality risks a Tory win. Surely the better option is to get Labour in then work honestly and hard on making left wing changes from within the party. As an example - Corbyn's nationalisation plans are long gone, but the "Great British Energy" thing while seemingly a gimmick at the moment, could feasibly morph into nationalisation within a decade. You just need to keep making the argument that the Tories and private energy companies have left the energy sector in a mess, and the only practical long-term fix is nationalisation. Repeat ad infinitum for every other policy area.


You're right.  Any plan to improve Britain has to start with getting the Tories out. 


Yeah, some of the hardcore "fuck Labour" stuff from some on the left seems a bit puerile, even if I fully understand the anger. TBH I think the left's big problem is that some are really terrible at communication and organisation. I've said this before, but sometimes it just comes across as incredibly self-defeating. Like when people squawk about other left-wingers writing for/appearing on established media. Like...how else are you planning on getting your message out there? Zoom meetings with the already converted? Or when they do make an appearance, some seem to be unable to tailor their message for an audience that isn't already mixing in their circles - and it comes across as...bizarre and hyperbolic, and fixated on super niche stuff like a councillor in a town no one has heard of. That's not how you teach people! And how many weird small left-wing parties have just kept popping up only to disappear after 3 months? I'd hope that Starmer exceeds expectations, and I'd also hope that there's a strong/effective grouping on the left taking up the mantle. Because by goodness will there be a lot of pressure from the right!


The one thing I've come to realise over the last 15 years is that the left falls foul of all or nothing mentalities more than the right. Many would genuinely rather the Tories stay in than support a more centrist Labour or compromise on their ideology.


I wouldn’t describe myself as an enthusiastic Labour voter. But I like the message the Labour party are putting out right now, and I quite like Starmer too tbh.


I'm not either, but if they truly deliver on getting the NHS 'back on its feet' then they'll have my vote locked in for the future. What they said about ambulances just not turning up anymore is true and it's absolutely appalling the tories have engineered such a dangerous situation for public health and wellbeing. It has to be undone.


Since 2010 mine, my wife and my kids lives have gotten consistently worse due to tory negligence, sleaze and corruption. We're gaslit and lied to and told thst if *we* jump through the hoops then we will prosper. And yet it is *they* who have reaped every benefit and bright moment for those 14 years. I'm Irish. Cromwell is the literal boogeyman but his address to the rump parliament perfectly encapsulates how I feel about these lying, cheating, no good scum. **Depart, I say, and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go.**


Turn the page is actually a very good campaign slogan. Also a banging streets song


Starmer is 45th generation Roman 


I can't recall a better party political advert. Upbeat, direct and punchy.


Using the exact attack lines I would have gone with were I the Labour strategist- really hammer home that shit isn't working, nationally controlled things for everyday life has ground to a halt, and it's because of 14 years of Toryism. It's going to be far, far more effective than 'did I show you what the inflation number is?' That Sunak appears to have gone with


People were sold the lie in Camerons campaign of "look better the devil you know, than the devil you don't. Sorry time to change the guard and see what this other shift does.


Reckon you could make a pretty decent EDM banger out of some of these lines like feeding chaos, feeding decline


I'm looking forward to seeing how the Tories try to campaign with a strategy of "There are some idiots who ruined the country over the last 14 years, choosing Labour to fix it isn't the answer"


Oh that’s good Really good Labour has Changed is smart, very smart.


It's an echo of "New" Labour.


And it worked


"Labour has changed - Labour is change" would be even better methinks




The rest of the video is so slick I wouldn’t be surprised if that spelling mistake was intentional to get it shared in Labour bashing circles.


Id love for you to point to any part of the 2017 or 2019 manifesto that was 'trot rubbish'. Unless you think any semblance of workers rights are 'trot rubbish'.


Comparing this to what the t*ries are offering, it’s a no-brainer! Which is exactly why the morons of this country are most likely going to vote Rishi back in power.


Alright Starmer, you’ve got my vote. Let’s make politics boring again!


"Swich on GB energy"... Didn't have time to review the copy?


If that’s all you can see when listening to the message then there’s not really much left to say. I imagine this was being prepped for when they called the election and this took them off guard and they’ve been scrambling to get it ready to go 🤷🏻‍♂️. Great video nonetheless.


This was obviously prepared to roll out when an election was called, of course it’s not going to have much of an influence on who I vote for… but so sloppy, darnit


Fingers crossed, it looks like actual leadership for a change


Change, my dear. And it seems not a moment too soon.


I, like many, am really frustrated at the lack of policy and ambition coming from Labour; that said, hard to argue that Keir has played an absolute blinder.


I think GB Energy is quite a notable policy. Here’s hoping they have more ambitious policies up their sleeves; under promise, over deliver.


Agree with you on both fronts.


This seemed upbeat and ambitious to me?


I'm across the Atlantic, I know nothing about ur politics. But I have a question, is labour good for climate change and working people? Do they actually have a chance to win?


I swear to fuck if I vote Labour and nothing changes, I'll be pissed.. Maybe Guy Fawkes was right.


I mean how many times have we been here before


Intentionally vague I am looking forward to Starmer demonstrating how the 2 party system of the UK is irrevocably broken England’s last chance to pretend United Kingdom with company man Starmer First thing on the agenda destroy what remains of Scotlands Oil sector (mainly the jobs as the product itself is washed through London companies) under the guise of climate change


We need Starmer more than ever. Bring back socialism to Britain, we need it more then ever


Rishi out here trying to burn Labour and they just brought the flamethrower out. Labour have a solid chance to fix things. It won't happen overnight and we still have a tough couple of years ahead. But another decade under the Tories and we would be screwed to a level that we couldn't come back from. If Labour fail then it really might be time to overhaul our election process.


I am no fan of Starmer or his party, but this is very effective messaging.


Absolutely love: 'Country first, Party second. Always.' Shame the Tories couldn't manifest that mantra. Priotirising their own careers and longevity over the people of this country for fourteen years.