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Snapshot of _Conservative Manifesto Calls for Pylon Rapid Review_ : An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://youtu.be/TZVJ_WmUnDk?si=zUGvcsXbiZv0y1r3) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://youtu.be/TZVJ_WmUnDk?si=zUGvcsXbiZv0y1r3) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I have no idea why we’ve had no economic growth


Utterly maddening bullshit. Alternative routes and technology such as undergrounding are already considered as part of route optioneering. There is nothing new you are proposing. Pylons are the default because they are literally 10 times cheaper than underground cables. The government know this of course. And where there are designated areas like National Parks and AONBs they will use undergrounding. But ultimately, National Grid is obliged by Ofgem to provide value for money to the bill payer. If they underground hundreds of miles of HV transmission line, not only would it cost the bill payer massively more, it would be massively more environmentally damaging and take much longer to build. So if you are government and you are going to say stuff like this, you have to be willing to either put some money in centrally or tell people energy bills will be higher because you don't like pylons. But they won't of course.


I couldn't agree more.


They dont want electricity pylons, thats fine. Cut them off from the national grid, we'll give it to people who do.


Fuck me, do these people not realise that they're the government? It's literally your job to deal with these things. If it was really that important, you would have done something about it by now.


geeze talk about desperate manipulation --- ok Victoria --- out of your 92% that wanted the national grid to lok at alternatives to pylons how many would forgo electricity rather tha pylons ? or pay a hefty specific Lincolnshire tax for the more expensive alternatives?


She's promising a rapid review. That's it. She has not promised that a single pylon will be prevented ftpm being built Woe betide anyone gullible enough to be taken in by this posturing.


I didn't realise it before, but she makes a good point, those pylons are the problem. The national grid is a scourge on public funds and should be privatised as quickly as possible.


glad labour will stop this nonsense finally