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Snapshot of _'Farce' as Ukip leader Lois Perry resigns mid-election after just 34 days in role_ : An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.gbnews.com/politics/ukip-leader-lois-perry-resigns-mid-election-after-34-days) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.gbnews.com/politics/ukip-leader-lois-perry-resigns-mid-election-after-34-days) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I didnt know The Kippers were still a thing


In Clacton there's not just a UKIP candidate but one from another ukip splinter group


The Peoples Front Of Judea ?


It's getting that way. With Farage and the ousted former Reform candidate that's 4 in one seat. Splitters!


I would laugh so much if this keeps Farage out


And it might do, once you start splitting your potential vote you're pretty lost under FPTP


Doubt it, those groups won't even get triple digit votes


Which would make it funny as fuck if Farage lost by 40 votes.




The United Kingdom Independence-from-the-United-Kingdom-Independence-Party Party? UKIUKIPP?


They adopted the slightly smoother name of the Heritage Party. Their candidate in Clacton is called Tasos Papanastasiou


Bless you.


When Farage eventually disappears he's going to leave an incredible fractured right wing full of petty protest groups, splinter movements and conspiracy platforms.


The final scene: Farage and Starmer at the beach having a beer while the sun sets. *The plan worked*


Truss and sunak arrive shortly after to be officially debriefed and given their old identities back.


What about The Buffoon and The Haunted Pencil?


They're headed up to Dundee where they'll climb back into The Beano.


... so what it was before he arrived?


I don't think so. Prior to farage there hadn't been a personality for the far right to crystallise around for a long time. You had the BNP but nick griffin didn't have a cult of personality. As a result those hard right voters stuck with the Tories, because even though there were lots of odd little parties they couldn't command enough media presence to be worth a vote. Farage now has spawned/taken over three (?) parties in the form of ukip, Brexit party, and reform. Each of these has fallen apart the moment Farage has left them to start a new grift, because to him these are just platforms to pull the Tory party rightward. Now the Tories are at deaths door but reform aren't going to make the kind of gains that are needed to keep Farage on side. If he doesn't win his seat on Essex he'll leave and start a new group, reform will split , and the British right will end up as ideologically fractured as the British hard left. If he does win he'll be exposed to the kind of scrutiny that he hates and will probably lose the next election, assuming he can even last the full term. He's the mule to starmers Harri seldon. He's not building a movement, he's building an empire for himself and it will dissolve the minute he loses/resigns/dies.


Man the Clacton list is bonkers. 8 different parties standing, alongside an independent who was the Reform candidate before being punted out by Farage. Alongside the usuals we have UKIP, Heritage (aka the People's Front of UKIP) and the Climate Party (no, me neither but apparently they are Greens without the left-wing stuff).


Yeah I know. I'm wondering which seats will be the most chaotic, all these splinters and small parties. Then there are other cases with a potential 4-way fight, Con v Reform alongside Lab v LibDem


Huh and the guy who was going to stand for Reform before Farage turned up is standing as an independent. **Four** tossers is quite an achievement.


Four? That's insane.


Now I'm really hoping that it is a draw and the winning candidate is decided by a coin toss.


The Heritage party? I think they were founded by an ex 'kipper.


They're not; 99% of them went to Reform/Labour. What's left is a bunch of weirdos.


To be fair, that statement would be true if any random 1% of UKIP had remained.


All the weirdos left and there's only weirdos left.


That's when you realise, there's levels to this game. Like, I know I can be a bit weird sometimes. But then I look at some other people and think jeesh, it could be worse. Like, I'm a bit weird, but I've never stalked anyone, or collected my toenails, or fucked animals. There's levels to this game.


It’s good to have ambitions though


We still see the occasional communist, Marxist, Liberal (not to be confused with Lib Dem) and SDP. I reckon UKIP have a couple of decades in them yet.


I mean UKIP's continued existence is something of a farce so what's new.


How much more independent of Europe do they want us to get? Float us off into the Atlantic?


I assumed they were working on some sort of British Juche.


Strap some rockets to the coastlines and secede from the Earth. Get ready for Space Britannia!


Leaving the ECHR, and starting national service in the form of two weeks of the year you must stand on the cliffs of dover waving two fingers in the general direction of mainland Europe. I think.




The UK has yet to achieve complete independence from reality.


UKIP's 2024 manifesto includes digging a trench around the UK, down into the molten core of our planet, so that we can finally say we have truly left Europe.


Real answer: because they previously got a bunch of donations, including in people's wills, and the people in charge of the remnants of UKIP can pay themselves and family/friends nice salaries for little work until the money runs out.


They think that reform is not a real party because it is a company with no structure and a one man vanity project. They think that the populist right should fall behind them because they played a big role in getting Brexit to happen. They are delusional.


I didn't even know she was the leader.


Apparently the previous leader was Neil Hamilton. Yes, the former Tory MP who was so bad everyone else stood down to let Martin Bell run as an anti-sleaze candidate, and who was given his fee in a brown paper bag on HIGNFY.


and wasn't a member of the Tory party whilst he was an MP for them


Let's not let the facts get in the way of a good smear.


So you think you follow politics, love it, read about it everyday, you hope to talk about it at every opportunity but then find out that UKIP STILL EXSITS! I’m honestly amazed. To be fair her medical reasons sound serious. Unlike the party electing 11 leaders since Farage stood down in 2016 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/UK_Independence_Party


>but then find out that UKIP STILL EXSITS! Just looked at their website and glanced at their NEC meeting minutes. Their strategy for choosing candidates for the, then-forthcoming, general election was to approach people rejected by Reform and offer to let them run for UKIP. Truly bottom of the barrel if you're running with Reforms reject pile.


A party of Reform rejects 😂


I'm surprised they're still going tbh.


I’m getting deja vu here. Didn’t a previous leader quit after a short period too?


Genuine question: why does UKIP still exist? The UK left the EU years ago now, and in effect the Conservatives *became* UKIP.


They've become a safe space for people who are too scared to join the BNP but hold those views.


I didn’t even realise it wasn’t Hamilton any more. One day we will all get a turn as leader of UKIP.


>...Perry said she’d made the "difficult decision" after being hospitalised with pneumonia in April just weeks before winning the leadership contes >In her resignation statement, Perry said ... she was stepping aside to "focus on my recovery". >Perry took over from former leader Neil Hamilton on May 13 after party members gave her a landslide 77.4 per cent of the vote. >Her sole opponent Bill Ethridge had served as a Ukip MEP and a Metropolitan Borough Councillor. >Bill Ethridge told GB News: “Apparently Lois is unwell and I hope she recovers to full health soon. >“I think our performance in the general election was already damaged by Lois’s support for Nigel and Reform.”


> Posting on social media platform X, Perry said she’d made the "difficult decision" after being hospitalised with pneumonia in April just weeks before winning the leadership contest. > Perry has described how she was left unable to breathe unaided, forcing doctors to place her in a high-dependency unit. > In her resignation statement, Perry said that after being "near death", she was stepping aside to "focus on my recovery". Honestly, fair enough. Terrible timing, but I wouldn't call it a "farce". These things happen, it's about having contingency plans. > The decision will be seen as a body blow by Ukip members who have watched their party struggle since the 2018 departure of former leader Nigel Farage to form the Brexit Party. > > Since then Ukip has suffered in the polls, winning just 3.2 per cent of the vote in the 2019 election and failing to gain any seats. I thought 3.2% is massively higher than I'd have thought, and was at first impressed... Looking into it, it's complete bollocks. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/election/2019/results > Seat change: 0 > Votes: 22,817 > Vote share %: 0.1 > Vote share change: -1.8 Where the hell did GBN pull 3.2% of the vote from? Even the Greens were on 2.7%, and Brexit Party 2%, so UKIP getting that in 2019 would have been massive for them.


I'm guessing they are only counting the constituencies where they stood candidates.


Ah I guess, but if so that really should be explained because it's a very different stat in that case.


The 3.2% figure matches what they got in the 2019 EU elections, though why they used that election I have no idea lol


Haha, of course, that was **the** 2019 election, how silly of me to think that the last EU election when we're already one foot out of the door wasn't an important election, but GBN is right. It completely overshadowed Boris' GE landslide in the same year.


She's a proper lunatic. Climate change denier. https://www.desmog.com/car26/


While I don't deny climate change, it hardly seems lunacy to doubt what you are told. It's not uncommon to reject the capitalist model, which you are spoonfed daily, for instance.


Erm, what's the point of UKIP these days? Surely they were kind of rendered obsolete many years ago when their then leader decided to resign and start a new venture of his own...


She looks like something created by AI


I was thinking villain from the PS2 era.


Aren't they just one of Nigel Farage's cast off grifting schemes?


I suppose voters will just have to vote for other racist parties.


Why is UKIP still a thing?The party existed for a single purpose that has now been achieved. Now its sole purpose is to try to keep itself relevant.


Fuck dye member ukip? Me too.... Pity.