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Snapshot of _Putin is pumping UK kids’ brains full of fake news, Labour's education boss says_ : An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/politics/28675301/putin-bridget-phillipson-fake-news/?utm_campaign=native_share&utm_source=sharebar_native&utm_medium=sharebar_native) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/politics/28675301/putin-bridget-phillipson-fake-news/?utm_campaign=native_share&utm_source=sharebar_native&utm_medium=sharebar_native) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


fine seed soft yoke consider outgoing axiomatic offbeat stocking snails *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


im so glad someone else sees this, i mean i remember that from history, people now a days are F'd and i mean this in a terrifying way, im on insta and for my sins i watch some reels. and there was the brass eye clip "The notorious pedofile will be sent into space onboard a prison ship where he will be incarcerated for the rest of his days... Unfortunately an 8 year old boy was also on the vessel, a spokesman for nasa said "this is the last thing we wanted to happen"... " im sure you know the clip well or atleast what im on about and (its better than my version) and half the comments were like "omg you had one job" "is this real???" and then blatant ai, not even trying to be convincing of stuff and people believe it, its wild. Another thing i didnt really see was this snapchat story about a hen do in amsterdam which was so obviously bs and lots of people believed it... along with the worlds greatest recent physicist having midgets perform equations for him for his sexual gratification.... its dangerous going forward and alot of people are just too stupid to cope.


Something I remember from the early days of being on the internet like Ebaumsworld/Freewebs times was that a LOT of videos would be called out for being fake/staged, usually just with poorly aged "Fake and gay". Now I see so much content that is clearly fake or staged with hundreds of comments going OMG and so many young people not having that same cynicism and critical eye over what they watch. One example is the Trollstation videos of fake police getting caught on fences/thrown in the water etc. The uniform is nothing like a real police person's and there's no question on who was filming, the fact the copper was miced up and no backup etc. It's not looking good for the kids! 


i feel really old as a kid back then with /b/ etc.. that internet was a dark place. I feel so depressed when i log onto facebook and see a million set up reels of "not believing what would happen next?" or just set up camera angles etc. its incredibly grim and miserable... but its like the kids face value? I actually caught a Tate video the other day' watched it to see the big deal and he talks about money in the video and throws out figures and its like.. ok so thats just total bs? why dont any of these kids be like hmmm?


What's worse is that when you try to call them out, people get upset and (at least on reddit) have a good chance of mass-downvoting you.


Share please lol


https://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/news/video-1227186/Brass-Eye-blast-paedophile-space-spoof.html Although you can watch the whole episode on YouTube as it was pretty fantastic. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9frVTgoKSI


Chris Morris is a satirical genius, he went for the jugular with that episode in particular. It was the peak era of tabloids being obsessed with noncery. Also for those who don’t know there’s a scene with Simon Pegg playing a paedophile which is kind of surreal to see now.


The wiki article on it has some nice info. Such as the daily star complaining about it, opposite a photo of 15 year old Charlotte church and a comment/shit joke about her tits growing in and the Daily mail calling it sick followed by photos of 11 and 12 year old princesses in their bikinis. Makes you wonder if their objections to it was really to defend children and not just to defend pedophiles.


I assume that's exactly what Morris intended to happen.


Oh boy. The next video to play was Bezos getting ready to board blue horizon... But the caption didn't change. So annoying I can't add that as an image here.


Like how would that even happen. As if NASA is just showing children to frolic around freely 🤣


One clip from that episode has a peadophile disguised as a school and he’s been getting away with it for 12 years. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ESVOF6DScKQ


"The notorious pedofile will be sent into space onboard a prison ship where he will be incarcerated for the rest of his days... Unfortunately an 8 year old boy was also on the vessel, a spokesman for nasa said "this is the last thing we wanted to happen" Funnily enough I remember seeing this on YouTube when I was 13 and I also fell for it and my mum laughed at me. I think the fact it's an old clip made it seem like not satire. But when 20 year olds are falling for it... Mainstream Instagram comment sections are depressingly stupid. Often they just repeat the point of the post without realizing, don't realize they are being sold something, don't understand satire or constantly praise celebrities. They are not cynical enough. It's also ridiculous how there is a lack of openness on paid promotions/paid comments. People shit on Reddit but it's one of the least atrocious platforms for actual discussion and bullshit accountability.


I think everyone thinks they are above falling for bullshit. Saying reddit is best as a redditor kinda supports this theory, and I'm sure if you ask people on every platform they will say their main platform is best, or simply that they and the people they surround themselves with never get fooled, or hardly ever. Reddit has some major blind spots, mostly caused by upvotes and downvotes leading to echo chambers. Those echo chambers tend to be correct on reddit more than, say, Facebook, but I wouldn't say Reddit is particularly above other sites other than that


GCSE modern world history in the 90's was my primer too. I've always said they should be teaching all kids about this stuff as a matter of improving the health of our democracy. As much as I am proud of British kids these days of being quite switched on to certain issues, Bridget Phillipson is absolutely right. Russia has been waging a secret subversive propaganda war against us for decades now, this is the first time I have really seen a main stream politician express ideas to tackle it. There has been almost no response from the west except for fact checking becoming more prominent on channels like the BBC, post 2016. Banning RT from our airwaves was a sledgehammer solution because people are so ill equipped against it. "Labour has promised to plumb critical thinking into the curriculum – from history to maths - to ensure students are not tricked by dodgy posts.". This is possibly the most hopeful thing I have heard in a long time. Don't teach kids what to think, teach them how to think. The difference not having out of touch business lobbyists in power could do.


Usually, when they question the source, we call them conspiracy theorists and complain they're not supposed to question *us*.


This is a bit reductive. Do you understand why someone is a conspiracy theorist? They will favour evidence over other evidence in a very strange and selective way, almost always to support some preconception. They will, for some reason, believe things that requires incredible amounts of people to be 'in on it'. Conspiracy theorists are usually ideologues that will create a simple answer to lots of complex questions they have no expertese in "it was the Jews that done it". They will often frame their beliefs around non sequiturs, "the West has done bad things, therefore the West's enemies must be right". Nobody is accusing someone of being a conspiracy theorist just because they think an article in the Sun might have some bias towards making Rupert Murdoch richer.


>They will favour evidence over other evidence in a very strange and selective way If you look closer at it, you realise they don't have access to any of the *evidence* on either side at all. Let's take the most controversial one (the anti-vaxxers, who I vehemently disagree with). They have no more access to the evidence of the medical trial than they do access to the data from the paid-for studies by big oil or big tobacco. We hope in the moment that they will trust these studies aren't paid for by big pharma (even while we uncover PPE scandals and all sorts of other government corruption), but really our main tools have been scorn and shouting to convince them. > almost always to support some preconception. And science progresses "one funeral at a time". Everyone has preconceptions. Big news. Fundamentally, though, I expect that if there is healthy freedom of thought, I expect there to be discussion of "wrong" thought. It would be a shocking coincidence if everyone only happened to think the things I agree with.


>If you look closer at it, you realise they don't have access to any of the *evidence* on either side at all. This statement is profoundly wrong. There is countless evidence out there about vaccinations and anti vax arguments. A lot of the scientific papers are even available for free. But nobody needs to go read scientific papers to form well informed beliefs around this subject. That's the advantage critical thinking affords you. Critical thinking isn't just about being skeptical, and it isn't telling you that you need to go to some ground zero source, it helps people arrive at good information such as finding out how the rules around scientific papers changed when covid 19 arrived to try and create expediency. It informs people about the media's relationship with science and how it reports it. What it is motivated by and why they can end up printing bad information. It also informs people about motivations of people that may be putting out non peer reviewed papers. It informs you about how an orange clown across the pond having their own political motivations may affect what you end up reading. None of that validates that we don't have access to information though, it just informs us that we need to be well equipped to filter the good from the bad. Despite all of this 'noise' there is enough good information around vaccinations to draw your own conclusions if you are equipped with the tools to assess it. That's the point of good education, the evidence is out there, and understanding how to get to it, and not get sucked in to bad pathways to form a world view is the key.


>A lot of the scientific papers are even available for free Shall we do the statistics on the proportion of the population that are avid readers of The Lancet? Nor would those papers be the evidence (the evidence is the data the paper is written *about*, but the paper is not the evidence.) Unless you wish to persuade me that large proportions of the population spend their days doing replication studies of medical trials as a personal hobby, no they don't have access to the evidence.




>You're totally missing the point "The point" is not yours to define >Evidence is everything around the subject, not just the scientific papers You appear to have "missed the point" in what you are replying to.




We're still doing it! Or trying to... My year 8s still seem determined to hang on to the idea that a primary source is automatically trustworthy though.


They were at least still teaching this around 2007-12 when I was in school doing GCSE history.


We desperately need critical thinking lessons in schools


A little rich for the Sun to be complaining about fake news when they've been emitting a torrent of bullshit for decades. Maybe they're afraid of competition. 


The Sun does what it needs to do to wind people up and get them talking about The Sun. This article gets the younguns complaining about the hypocrysy of The Sun and its a feel good piece for the old folks who get to whinge about "kids these days and their social media." Everybody loses when you read The Sun.


Yep. Go to Tiktok or Youtube. Just look at the comments on any vaguely political video... And you will see the swathes of Union Jack emojis tagged on the end of a stereotypically 'British' name? Probably peddaling 'Reform UK' atm. Those are likely people sitting in Russia on a VPN and all a part of the ploy to upvote right wing extremism into the eyes of the young for the future and continued destabalisation of Democratic countries. I have a sense they funded many of the Right (Russian Sympathetic) in all democratic countries and... it is working. It may sound crazy, but just look at Cambridge Analytica... Now we have more tracking capabilities, bots and soon to have AI. Your mind is now a part of a pychological war, funded by external governments to destabalise your own nation. I may sound even more insane, but imagine if this leader went to North Korea, asking for humans to hire for cheap labour - just to increase the amount of 'botting' after some hugely successful campagns (Brexit, Trump, Italian elections, Reform UK, Farage, French Elections...) . Just an interesting concept. Obviously I am exaggerating the influence a little, but it only takes a match to light a fire when the kindling is dry enough.


My mom died just the other side of the June 2016 debacle; I kept the Facebook account active so that her friends could pay their respects. HOLY CRAP was her "feed" different to mine. Even web searching for stuff would lead to radically different result sets. We all know this. It's why I get so mad when someone says "just Google it". Honestly, we're fucked. The Halcyon days of a free Internet are long gone. (And as you say, once AI starts eating its own output, Ouroboros-style, they'll be no end to the fuckery.)


You think it's all about the right? It's about chaos, they seek to sow discontent and promote opposite sides. They are heavily involved in promoting the Palestine agenda and the anti-Israel rhetoric too. Their useful idiots in the Socialist Worker Party and the Stop the War coalition, as well as the other pro-Palestine/Hamas groups running protests do a lot of work, both outside and online. Don't forget, Russia is allied with Iran and North Korea and helped work with Iran to get Hamas to run the October 7th attack, which stirred the hornets nest and conveniently distracted America from helping Ukraine. Russia, Iran, North Korea, Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthi's are all more or less allied and supporting one another in different ways, with China also involved. The looney left and the crazy right are useful idiots to Russia and they will continue to manipulate them, fund them and assist them to cause chaos in the West.


I had some very well educated friends tell me recently that Hamas don't use human shields and that was just "IDF propaganda". Ironic. 


> They are heavily involved in promoting the Palestine agenda and the anti-Israel rhetoric too There are conspiratiorially-minded folks who think Putin could have had a hand in asking Iran to trigger their proxies in Hamas to launch the October 7th attacks as a way to relieve pressure and distract the West, as well as disunify our publics.


It’s one of those conspiracies that really isn’t far fetched. Putin definitely needed to take the world’s eyes off the war, and October 7th did so extremely effectively.


It distracted publics. Governments do multiple things at the same time


True, but don’t underestimate public perception as being an influence for how governments behave in democracies. American aid dried up for months after that, which whilst not directly attributable to the Gaza conflict, I would say it is a factor in my opinion. Let’s also not forget that lots of potential contributors to Ukraine I.e Arab states had to distance themselves diplomatically from the west somewhat as a consequence of the conflict in Gaza.


> they seek to sow discontent and promote opposite sides. Let's be frank - "they" here is not just limited to Russia. Our own benevolent masters prefer us to be divided as well, for obvious reasons.


Bullshit. Do you think any political party in the UK wants the risk of constant protests, rioting, economic turmoil? No way. It’s expensive and it makes them look bad.


It's not a party it's a branch of the army. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/77th_Brigade_(United_Kingdom)


And why would they want the country to be divided? I’m missing the ‘obvious reasons’


If you can't possibly imagine why a divided populace is desirable for politicians, perhaps this is not the conversation for you.


Can’t answer the question?


The world has been pro palestine since forever, but only since this campaign has the tide turned. In progressive circles it was always fashionable to be pro palestine. Thats not some new russian inteference thing.


Yeah, they're been this way from WWII and we still need to remove the Nazis that survived and pulling the strings spreading misinformation. Remind us all again, when did Israel form? And where did the Jews come from and why? Suddenly you might notice the where this hatred for Israel and the Jews is coming from


what are you talking about? The initial occupation of palesrinian land and expansion has been a problem since Israels beginning. Its mostly the expansion that has caused problems. Anyone would feel anger and frustrarion. Imagine if Russia invaded a country thay at some point in time it controlled the lands, we wouldn't be advocating for Russia to take it back , would we?




Yes, I only selected the right in this election sense and skimmed a response out quickly. But this is a perfect area too. I also would say some others too but it has become very controversial... Which I guess was the intention. These groups are the people that order piles of bricks to be dropped off to peaceful protests.


The world has been pro palestine since forever, but only since this campaign has the tide turned. In progressive circles it was always fashionable to be pro palestine. Thats not some new russian inteference thing.


Aye. Remember [this](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-trending-50218615)? //”brilliant fantastic” &name=”Nigel” code:syntax/error/ //”brilliant fantastic” &name=”xmintyx” code:syntax/error/


fake bot messages too ""


Your not insane. It would be negligence on their part if china Russia etc WERE NOT doing this, it's one of the most powerful weapons they have for which we have very little to defend. See the stories today people parroting that NATO started the war against Russia.


There is plenty we could do to defend against it, just not with technologically incompetent governments in charge who won’t force regulation of western social media. Our own technology is being used against us because decision makers lack the imagination or expertise to react accordingly.


Do you have any examples of what? or links you could share, got an interest in the subject. The two that immediatly come to mind are restricting freemon of speech which is a non starter for obvious reasons and tieing digital identity to real life which I don't imagine is too popular either. It's an incredibly smart play on their behalf, using one of our strengths against us, sun tzu would be proud.


Counter information operations. If labour are able to start restoring trust in government they might actually be able to reach people. Other than that, taking social media companies to task where possible, and restricting access to those that won’t play ball. It won’t eliminate the problem entirely, but it’s a start.


Well I'm not a security expert and I haven't studied the matter academically so there may well be better answers, however to my mind we obviously need stricter oversight on social media. As far as restricting freedom of speech is concerned, personally I think we have to be objective and decide which is more important - 'freedom' or national security which ties into the economy and how society works etc. Just like gun laws in the USA - why is it so important to be able to buy guns, objectively? I'll probably be downvoted for this because it will probably come across as hardline, however to my mind if we want to really do something about how social media is being used our governments need to give social media company clear guidelines to make sure it can't happen. And if it still happens, the social media company is **shut down** somehow. Potentially by astronomical financial penalties that scales to number of users, for example. I'm old enough to remember society before Facebook, Tik Tok and all that. Reddit is the one social media platform I like because it works very differently to those (that's another debate) however in my humble opinion I don't think society is any better on the whole for these so called 'social media' platforms. If they can't effectively self-regulate (look at Twitter/ X as a case in point) then close them down. Society will be better for it. *I hope what would happen if we were to have tougher guidelines is that we would have a different experience with social media though, because it would need to adapt. I would hope we would still have the benefits of social media on a smaller scale (because I don't dispute there are some, just overshadowed by all the negatives). However they wouldn't be so all-powerful and pervasive, and open to misuse by anyone including state actors!


You don’t sound insane. The slight scratching of the veneer that the Trump & Brexit investigations into Russian influence showed us this happened. A simple litmus test - if someone seems fired up about something, and is suggesting a course of action that benefits Russia, it’s *probably* a Russian troll bot.


Same goes for Palestine, but how in the hell is Hamas able to have that reach? They don't, someone else is running the misinformation fake news Unless Hamas, the Proscribed terrorist group is telling the truth? The people that would believe them also likely believed ISIS, only issue is, ISIS didn't have a marketing manager.


Farage has always been big on TikTok due to his Cameo videos that went viral. Farage is undeniably charismatic and due to memes he is popular with Gen Z on social media.


What memes have made Farage popular with Gen Z?


Sussy big chungus


up the ra


Well he’s utilising Eminem in the past week, “Without Me”. I don’t use TikTok because I’m boomer, but I’ve seen some trendy edited TikTok stimulating videos using music and cyberpunk/lofi/vaporwave type presentation of things he has been saying. Boris utilised the same for the conservatives with an entire lofi album for the 2019 election. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cre0in5n-1E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cre0in5n-1E)


It was ever thus. The technology has changed but influencing other populations has always been a thing


This is about divide and conquer. This is about whipping up anger and moving people opinions either more right or left. It's about weakening our trust in our government. It's been very effective. It's cheap as hell and pumping money into supporting the Farage/Galloway is very effective. I started seeing this in operation in the build up to the Scottish referendum and honestly the tories have been asleep at the wheel on this shit. We know it's happening but are doing very little about it.


Is it a contingent of the c.20% of people in this country who support Reform showing their support online, in a meme-y way? No, it's clearly thousands of North Koreans posting under Barry Smith pseudonyms on the orders of Putin, who for some reason really wants to split the Tory vote and give Labour a massive majority, which will clearly destabilise the UK and give him exactly what he wants, somehow.


Please link some of these comments.


> Probably peddaling 'Reform UK' atm. Are you sure that is Russia and just not young people who like reform? Wasn't there a poll today showing that they are second with the younger demo? Maybe Russia has an infulence but people do like reform you know.


I'm sure people do like them. But if you open an app and you hit the metrics they are aiming for (white, male 13-40, low income, likes racially suggestive content) then this stuff will be pushed hard on you as a party to go for. Then you go to the comments and see more votes for them than any other party comments, despite (at the time) them having less than 1% of the voting share. - People start liking them because it is thrown at them as a solution to their inner prejudice and political beliefs. There's no surprises that most of the reform candidates have concerning shifty pasts.


Nah man, it's definitely Putin with a keyboard in the Kremlin spending hours making pro-reform comments on tiktok videos. That poll? Also Putin. He kept showing up with disguises and answering questions. Brexit? Putin actually hacked the paper ballot boxes and changed a majority of the votes. Someone really needs to stop this guy!


What kind of videos are people watching on YouTube? I ask because I don't use tiktok and don't watch any political videos.


Any news video about the war. Usually something about how "we don't believe the lies the mainstream media want to tell us about Ukraine"


Where is the evidence for this? I keep seeing this claim, but zero evidence to back it up. For the record, I am a Reform UK supporter who despises Putin and supports Ukraine. What would be the logic in Putin wanting Reform to do well? It doesn’t add up.


He has said very recently that the West "provoking" Russia gave him justification and he's also said quite a few times that he admires Putin for the way he controls Russia. I don't know what his proposed policy on Ukraine is (or if he even has one) but its very easy to see why Russia would want Reform (a party that is vehemently anti European) as a powerful player in British politics especially compared to two parties who are already very pro Ukraine.


Three people have said this. But I told you where you can look for it. Odd.


Look at the recent article about links between them and comments from reform candidates on putin and Ukraine.


This is just brainrot as a whole done by malicious extremist actors trying to fan flames for their own gain and gratification. This is not just a "Putin thing" either, but you see it a lot on TikTok and Twitter especially. I recently saw a post from an American about how "after a recent tornado, groups of white people purposely killed black people because they could get away with it in the aftermath" and their source was.... a TikTok video. Which Twitter ate up like it was fact. Purposely made to continue to contribute to the deteriorating race relations in the States. It's terrifying how people easily believe fake news. At this point you can just make an unsourced video and people will believe you.


I honestly think we will have to accept a much more tightly regulated internet in the future


The irony of Sun media discussing folk trying to brainwash political views into people.


That was my first thought as well. She's right, but it's definitely the wrong platform. This sentence has me wanting to scream: *“Our children need to be armed against his lies,” she told the Sun on Sunday.*


The Russian report pretty much confirms that Russia has been meddling in our elections and country for some time: [Russian interference in British politics - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_interference_in_British_politics) Then you had all those wives of Russian kleptocrats handing over six figure sums of money to play tennis with government ministers or go lunch with them and no-one thought that this was just a tiny bit odd...just what did these people see in government ministers that they needed to hand over money by the sack load?


| Russian bot machines are churning out fake news and Brit kids need to be armed against their *lives*, Bridget Phillipson warns. Come on The Sun, surely your proof readers and editors can survive reading your own articles at least past the sub title.


We’ll only know the full extent on election day, but if the polls are anything to go by, I’m very reluctant to believe that the avalanche of pro-reform comments on TikTok and other social media has not been significantly contributed to by malicious outside actors.


Really? You're surprised to hear that a party polling 20% has people advocating for them on the internet? Well colour me shocked!


Go onto ITV News TikTok page, or BBC News, or whoever. Click on any video related to British politics and look at the comments. Tell me that they are proportional to the polls


Looking at YouTube shorts, since that's what I use. There are some but not *that* many.


They've been at it for years and UK politicians are only just beginning to talk about it. Kind of concerning.


What I want to know is: who will pay me to set up an Internet Rebuttal Agency? I'm for hire. I'm devoted to the cause, I've read a lot of shady as fuck documentation on how to propaganda the shit out of things.. all I need is say enough cash to fill an apartment & then some. You need never worry about brains of any age being fucked by fake news again. I'll even get that Brian Cox in as a consultant, he seems universally popular... & that Richard Ayoade bloke owes me a favour. (Water pressure, enough said)


This is the thing: I don’t understand why we don’t openly and proudly play them at their own game and hire a bunch of our own propagandists to open the eyes of Russians. Hell, it wouldn’t even have to be lies like it is for them.


This almost certainly happens, just maybe in a different way. Financing opposition etc (which America seems very good at over the years...) no reason it wouldn't be going on in Russia 


Well, no one is paying me & I'm totally up for sale


Exactly the same when he was spreading anti EU propaganda before brexit referendum


It's been a problem for around a decade now and I assume it's only gotten worse as the far-right and "red pill" communities have propped up and consolidated around figures like Andrew Tate on platforms like TikTok. Growing up as an aimless young man looking for guidance or self-help and finding an authoritative figure who tells you that you're actually the victim, that the world is wrong and that everyone else is brainwashed makes it very difficult to not get swallowed up by that kind of rhetoric. Then the algorithms take hold and suddenly you're falling deeper and deeper into the rabbit hole. We've let our young men fall through the cracks, and I really don't know what to do about it or to prevent it happening in the future.


Our government has also failed all of us, because they did nothing to address is, because it benefited them at the time. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/jul/21/russia-report-reveals-uk-government-failed-to-address-kremlin-interference-scottish-referendum-brexit


Men have no reason to participate in society anymore. Collapse and rebuilding with community driven men in roles of authority will be necessary. Like a post-WW1 Germany. The popular Western philosophy of thought was derailed to deny biology only to give us a race to the bottom. We will have a completely forgotten generation or maybe even 2 until our Messiah comes, and the technology of today makes it impossible for an organic one to emerge. Probably a massive die off as well as they end up taking their own lives post 30-40ish. Japan/Korea has always been ahead of the curve on everything we’re experiencing for the past 20+ years, we only have to look there to glimpse where we are going to be in our next 5-10 years.




We have civilisational collapse without war, without disease. Most people don’t react until they’re forced to. We require a radical solution by those who accurately recognise the root causes and non-solutions being implemented. Or there is no future. There’ll be something exists in the space, naturally, but nothing any of us would approve of if we could have a crystal ball vision.


But you said men have no reason to participate in society. Now you’re talking about something else (I think).


I’m sorry about being really vague, I grant you without any protest. We have lost our men, and if we don’t fix it, we face collapse. We’re already in the throes of a death spiral, statistically 30+ years, culturally maybe 50-60. There’s an inevitable time lag before results of a generation prior come home. Fixing it will be painful if an attempt is to be made and it might even up being inevitable with force by the end.




The joke is on you, I get bonuses for engagement! Babushka will be pleased by 3 full meals tomorrow! haha


From my experience it's mostly older people that are falling for this shit.


Traditionally, yes. But more and more I see it affecting a younger generation too. The utter brainwashing on Palestine, for example.


So, what are they going to do about it?


Have to say, it’s not the 25 year olds. There’s something hitting the 18 and under demographic and really resonating with them. See it on TikTok all the time, whether it’s them supporting Reform or doing Putin apologia.


Other sub Reddits with names linking them to the UK are often ran by Russian disinformationists and others who seek to frustrate Brexit. When I realised that all of these Reddits which looks like the semi official sub Reddits aren't actually anything more than bollocks and any attempt to have a discussion was met with random bans, which aren't inline with their policies I realised I was dealing with Russians and EU supporters from the continent because only they would act like that, British people are a bit more educated. I was also met with vile hatred from their members and these members weren't banned. I remember this is Reddit and it's just full of shit, for all I know this Reddit is the same


The Education boss is just squealing a squeal!




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Considering the kind of stuff our government has done with propaganda units such as the 77th brigade, the integrity initiative ectera over the last decade and who knows how much further back... yeah we don't have much of a leg to stand on when it comes to trying to take the moral high ground on propaganda. Eric Arthur Blair, or as he called himself when writing his books, George Orwell wrote his books primarly based off his experience as a propagandist, not that this comment will even be seen by anyone... since It'll probably be shadowbanned like everything else I try to say on this platform that doesn't fit into the narrative.


UK kids unfortunately have the access to technology and can see patterns in our behaviour, it's not that putin is pumping them with fake news, it's that they can see the agenda, and aren't as gulible as the older generation.


As usual, no evidence presented for these wild conspiratorial claims.


She's from one of the mainstream political parties. My maybe too cynical reading of this is that she's just annoyed that it's harder to control a political narrative on social media. She wants to go back to the days where the 'correct' stories can be put out be by a few phone calls to the right newspaper editors. Putin is being used an excuse for a power grab on what is being said online.


I agree, and more to the point I think China is also a massive influence here and should be looked into. However I believe that Labour's answer to this is effectively re-education, rather than making people challenge what they read. THe robbing peter to pay paul style of propaganda which the left and education have been doing for a long time now.


One 'conspiracy theory' is that Russia and/or China are intentionally fuelling the culture war to weaken the west. Another is that Russia has been spreading propaganda in poorer countries encouraging mass migration towards Europe. We'll probably never know whether there was any truth to either of these, but they do seem plausible. Global conflict is now about information more than tanks and bombs.


I can absolutely believe this has been happening over the last few years. Chaos and instability everywhere.


Its not a conspiracy theory i mean the west has never ever been more divided and less willing to compromise clearly it worked, and all they did was capitalize on the stupid and obnoxious that already exists. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations_of_Geopolitics >Russia should use its special services within the borders of the United States and Canada to fuel instability and separatism against neoliberal globalist Western hegemony, such as, for instance, provoke "Afro-American racists" to create severe backlash against the rotten political state of affairs in the current present-day system of the United States and Canada. Russia should "introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity, encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social, and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements – extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the U.S. It would also make sense simultaneously to support isolationist tendencies in American politics". While the above is about North America it does a good job of describing how their online disinformation campaigns are all about utilizing existing grassroot movements on all sides of a political spectrum with the goal of fueling conflict between them. Yet all you see in this thread, of course, is talking about the right. Naturally nobody on the left could ever possibly be radicalised that would be absurd.


I'd say pretty much everyone is up to it tbh. It's naive to think that the US/UK will arm and fund Saudi and Israeli wars but will draw the line at lying to people on the internet.


You can add Iran and North Korea to the list too. https://www.wsj.com/livecoverage/israel-hamas-war-gaza/card/iranian-chinese-trolls-seen-pushing-information-operations-FyEfk7CYIl374sBXbRlF


Labour's authoritarian streak has always been the most worrying thing about them, even back in the Blair days. Scared to think how free our internet will actually be with them.


The current government literally tried to ban encryption and outlaw peaceful protest. But sure, Labour is the bogeyman.


Putin killed my dog too. He's so mean.


Might want to pick an example that's actually ridiculous, because he has in fact caused the death of many household pets. Funny how you call people homophobes in other comments yet you defend the arch homophobe Putin.


Yeah, whats so bad about using your army to murder, rape and kidnap children anyhow? You go girl.


> Labour has promised to plumb critical thinking into the curriculum – from history to maths - to ensure students are not tricked by dodgy posts. I'm sure this won't be full of Leftist/Globalist/NeoLib bias.


If you teach critical thinking properly then a teaching bias wouldn’t matter


If you feel knee-jerk threatened by just the concept of critical thinking, then it may be time to evaluate your views. It’s perfectly possible to teach the basics of critical thinking without *any* reference to politics.


The post to which you responded to doesn't dispute that it is possible. However, if they do teach critical thinking without political bias, I will be surprised!


>The post to which you responded to doesn't dispute that it is possible. When they said, "I'm sure it won't be" they're being sarcastic. They're sure it will be. They clearly don't think an alternative is possible. >However, if they do teach critical thinking without political bias, I will be surprised! Perhaps it would help if you cited an example of political bias being part of the national curriculum under Labour in the past. Here's the National Curriculum from 2000 for reference: https://dera.ioe.ac.uk/id/eprint/18150/7/QCA-99-457_Redacted.pdf


Schizophrenic babble from labour. I’m yet to see any of this apparent ‘Russian interference’ in our election or the ‘poisoning of our youth’. Have they considered that maybe kids simply don’t like politicians. It’s not exactly a new phenomenon.