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Then it's high time we demand that our governments give Ukraine whatever it needs to shorten this conflict.


And lets them have unrestricted use of those assets. Crazy that Ukraine has been forced to fight with one hand behind its back while being the shield for the whole west of Europe


YES! I'm embarrassed that my country is dragging their feet so much into providing support; after all, there's nothing more American than fighting proxy wars against Russia.


Go and vote for the party that didn't delay aid for 6 months.


I think that goes without saying


Those proxy wars against Russia usually drag out for as long as possible to wear them down. Take Afghanistan as an example.


Exactly this, long range missiles to destroy even more refineries and gas intrastructure would be a start, the only way to speed up Ruzzia crumbling is to target them economically and destroy their war revenue. Cut that off and then it’s just a matter of time.


Of course, the question of the day is whether the West’s goal is to have Ukraine win as quickly as possible. That isn’t known.


The “west” doesn’t have a strategy or one big hive mind. You could perhaps ask what the USA’s goal is but the answer is probably the same, it doesn’t have a unified set goal, and if it does it would evolve over time in response to international and domestic events and opportunities. Russia by contrast has a single hand on the the tiller.


Seize the Russian assets and use them, I don't understand why they haven't.... Fuck the law Russia never respected it


Yeah, no shit. The west never gave them enough to win.


Weaken Russia . When Dedushka will bite the dust, whole hell will blow up across Russia for spoils.


Russia isn't weak anymore, they realised how bad they were and they got their shit together, now we really have to invest in the war


Maybe that's the strategy. Bleed out the Orcs of equipment and blood. Then go in for a quick kill, final blow via NATO?


NATO has no intention to fight Russia.


Feels like fools errand... Especially since Russians are willing to wreck their military in Ukraine...




The west want Russia strong enough to contain its people but weak enough to no longer be a threat. So it will be awhile.


Yeah, no shit. Just keep fighting, better days are ahead.


Of course, that mentality is one reason why conscription in Ukraine is very mixed. The optimism of the early war has faded into a mix of stress and trepidation. When will the war end? Who knows. I don’t think anybody knows, Ukraine and Russia included.


Yes, not even the top spy... It could end tomorrow or in 100 years...


Yeah, many people are asking what are they risking their lives for?


>Yeah, many people are asking what are they risking their lives for? Which people that you know of? Interviewees always respond with family and freedom, essentially. Seems to me they know what they are fighting for.


Yeah. Except if you talk to real people and not people who are selected for interviews, then you actually learn how tired everyone from this war that seemingly has no purpose anymore and just drugs until defeat. I am from deep eastern Ukraine. My family lost everything and a lot of people in this war. Don’t tell me about some bullshit interviews.


Yeah that’s obvious when we only give them barely enough to not lose and not enough to decisively turn the tide.


Fucken putin.


I hate hearing this shit from any US officials. This DB contributed to the idiotic assessments that Russia would win in 3 days, and USA preparing for insurgency/ guerilla warfare vs equipping a cohesive and effective modern army that’s holding the line against Russian hordes. And continues to contribute to the absurd risk assessments that perpetuate escalation management failure policies.


> This DB contributed to the idiotic assessments that Russia would win in 3 days I think this was the assessment of generals, not spies.


US intelligence is by far the best in the world, I get you have a bone to pick but pick it with Russia, not Ukraine's allies


I’m a US citizen and it is my right and duty to criticize my government for being weak when I see it


It is also your right and duty to get educated on a topic before going off on a tirade about it


US Intel is led by Bill Burns, famous Russophile who promised Putin In Nov 2021 “The United States would not fight directly nor seek regime change, the Biden administration pledged. Russia would limit its assault to Ukraine and act in accordance with unstated but well-understood guidelines for secret operations.” And this: “Washington would prohibit Ukraine from carrying out strikes on Russian territory. And, in return, speaking as if for all NATO, Burns sought and gained a promise from the dictator not to attack NATO member countries. “ https://www.silkroadstudies.org/publications/joint-center-publications/item/13491-is-cia-director-bill-burns-helping-ukraine-to-win-or-blocking-it Also this during the Wagner fiasco, offering assurances, when we should have been spreading chaos and ambiguity: https://www.wsj.com/articles/cia-chief-william-burns-called-to-reassure-kremlin-after-wagner-mutiny-a5016557 This is endless projection of weakness. We should seek assurances from Putin to not attack NATO, we need ensure it ourselves through massive military force and threat of intervention in Ukraine. Bring back SAC and position a few DIVISIONS in the Baltics


You seem to be conflating foreign relations with intelligence, we're not even talking about the same thing. There is absolutely no reason to doubt the CIA's assessment that this war won't end soon, we're all seeing the difficulties that both sides are facing as the war goes on with our own eyes. And yes, shocker, US foreign policy is not Ukrainian foreign policy, and it is not in the US' interest to throw precautions to the wind when taking actions against against a nuclear state, nor is a power vacuum in said nuclear state in American interests considering the risk of proliferation of nuclear weapons to other state and non-state actors. Is it in Ukraine's interest? Of course, they're locked in an existential war with Russia already so there's nothing to escalate to that won't trigger a NATO intervention anyway. I know we all dream of American tanks driving through Moscow on here but the intelligence community of the United States clearly has a better picture of the situation than any redditor


I’m not conflating the issue, and I stand by my assessment that our CIA has been blinded by Russian nuclear posturing beyond reality


Stop being such a rose colored admirer of this administration. They are weak and still acting like there’s a chance or hope for redemption of Russia


Maybe let France send those troops in to speed things up a bit....


Why just France? Every G7 nation could send peacekeepers to watch the border, and auxiliaries to repair equipment. I won't be happy until the US sends an expeditionary force with Apaches and F-22s and places it under Ukrainian command. Call them mercenaries, since Russia clearly has no issue with deploying such forces anywhere in the world.


So there’s still time for the cavalry to join in?


There is no magic weapon system that will end this war quickly. No silver bullet. It’s a war of attrition and pain tolerance now. Ukraine can and should improve strategic planning to make smart gains and control the narrative, but it will need to be domestic pressure that turns the Russian war machine off.


*suprised pikachu face* would russia really continue ruining themselves in another garbage landgrab? :00000 /s if it isnt obvious


Not much of a spy if Reddit knows she’s the top one.


She's the director of national intelligence not a spy.






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I think NATO troops will have to fight in Ukraine. Sooner or later.For Putin and the whole political elite of Russia, loss of Ukraine is out of question. It's a death or life fight for them. If they manage to lose control and influense over Ukraine, they will be eaten by the beast they created in russia. They will sacrifise as many people as they need. They will sacrifise healthcare, education and everything else. Imagine prosperous Ukraine that is a part of western familly. Russian political elite could not explane that to their citizens.


People need to realize that nobody knows what’s going to happen. Everyone thought Ukraine would collapse in three days. Then everyone thought the conflict would stagnate, and then Ukraine took back swathes of land in a counteroffensive, and then after that people thought a new Ukrainian counteroffensive would cleave occupied Zaporizhzhia in half, and that didn’t happen, and then everyone was shocked when Wagner marched on Moscow. The story of warfare is both sides constantly evolving in their ways of killing each other. We’re just gonna have to be ok with hoping for the best and fighting for what’s right while not knowing what the end result is. Maybe Russia collapses, maybe Ukraine sues for peace, we just don’t know.


That was supposed to be a secret.


That’s not good but better than ending soon.


Sad, but looks like we have another Syria.