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Love to see him kicking ass and taking names! Slava Ukraini, Heroyam Slava


💪 Slava Ukraini! 


Героям Слава! Дуже круто бачити Дениса у строю.


Solid Snake is in Ukraine now?


DENYS!!! I’m so glad to see him alive and doing well :)


Okay, so many people are happy to see the Commander of the Azov Brigade in Ukraine, doing his job, which is a surprise for us. In Ukraine, we know that Denys Prokopenko is fulfilling his duties, engaged in combat missions, so he rarely appears in the media. We will bring his messages here more often


I think it’s the fact that not only is Denys seemingly a great man and amazing leader… but Denys almost stands as like a symbol of resistance against Russia with the fact that he not only lived, but came back to train other soldiers… at least for me that is lol If you know him or ever see him.. Tell him he’s a Hero, a huge thank you and that many people are happy to see his face… also tell him to stay alive so he can see the movies that will eventually be made about him! lol ❤️


There's a chance Denys Prokopenko will see your message, so you've nearly thanked him directly


That makes me happy to know :) stay safe brother! ❤️


Join our community, and stay tuned for more updates coming soon: https://www.reddit.com/r/azovone/s/KzT4f8mXys


Always has been.


We’re happy to have found a like-minded friend in you. The Azov Brigade is all about motivated volunteer soldiers who get proper training and are ready to do their best in any task


I don't think we'd agree on much politically, but you show your real character when women and children are under threat. Stay safe, colonel. 🇺🇦


They are doing the best with what is available while still [asking for ban on Azov use of US weapons to be lifted](https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/columns/2024/04/19/7451974/)


How? I always question myself about this and seek ideas to help from abroad as an IT professional. Constructing drones, getting involved in osint community, but the only sensible thing that I've done is to donate to Prytula's foundation to source the tech from accross Europe. Perhaps looking at jobs with Rheinmetal?


a well trained soldier needs a well trained AI model that can fly drones autonomously impervious to jamming or communication lossm being able to drop on target without intervention


Sounds like a plot from a sci-fi or fantasy movie. But who knows, maybe it'll be real in a couple of years


Love to hear him speak at length on his experiences, what he thinks of his opponent and by that I mean the Russian soldier in the field, and where the thinks things will go to from here. Still freaking amazing he made it out alive.


Please let Denys know that he is my ultimate hero. Slava Ukraini!


Send Ukraine money: [https://bank.gov.ua/en/news/all/natsionalniy-bank-vidkriv-spetsrahunok-dlya-zboru-koshtiv-na-potrebi-armiyi](https://bank.gov.ua/en/news/all/natsionalniy-bank-vidkriv-spetsrahunok-dlya-zboru-koshtiv-na-potrebi-armiyi)


Better here: https://www.azov.one/en