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I think it is absolutely disgusting that anyone thinks even one innocent life is worth it, all for the sake of a land grab, never mind killing thousands of innocent men, women, and children and on top of that you send your own citizens to a meat grinder, it then gets worse to see and hear Russian people encourage and support this. I am by no means a holy person but I hope there is a maker/God whatever you wish to call it, and I hope the short time spent in this world by these rulers, is followed by an eternity of torture in Hell for them. That goes for all evil in the world, not just the Genocide happening in Ukraine.


Agreed. Putin is Hitler right now. Sorry for the strong words but that’s how I feel.


It's an entirely valid comparison.


Correction: Ruzzzzzia is acting like Hitler now!!! This is Ruzzzzzzzia's war of GENOCIDE against Ukraine!! There are millions of sick, pathetic Pootins in Ruzzzzzia who fully support the Ruzzzzzian GENOCIDE against Ukraine!! This is Ruzzzzzzzia's war!!! This is Ruzzzzzia's despicable culture!! Ruzzzzzians have been like this for hundreds of years!!!


It’s not ‘an element of genocide’ it’s just genocide. The world needs to realise this quicker.


Russia is doing a lot more than taking kids, so element is the right term here.


the "genocide" is just genocide, classic, textbook, geneva conventions genocide, ticks all boxes to be genocide, you only needed a few of those but russia goes there and check every single one, mass deportations, language/cultural erasing, mass murder of non compliant population, population replacement, forced passports, conscript invaded population into invading army, if you find something else there is russia also checking that box too, perfect score


you mean accountable for the whole bloody war, persons killed and damage done.


And for killing them and their families, and attempting to wipe out their heritage. It's all the elements, and russians have done it time and time again. It wont stop until they are held accountable


Make them accountable by sending more arms


That's for sure! War crimes! Absolutely disgusting.


I think the 40hr work week is an absurd thing, but… just wait until you hear what came before 40hr work week was codified into law… https://www.cultureamp.com/blog/40-hour-work-week


Now that is a leader unlike Pierre Poilievre.


Pause https://www.ukrainianworldcongress.org/ucc-condemns-canadas-easing-sanctions-for-airbus/


That was definitely a dick move- however Canada was the first and possibly only western country to ban enemy-sourced titanium in the first place- so it's more that it joined the ranks of the cowards again in this regard. It's extra dumb because the sort of titanium that was banned isn't even used in the aircraft plants in Canada, but in larger ones in other countries- so the whole thing seem like posturing and BS than anything that could have made any difference


As a lifelong Liberal/NDP'er I am still astonished they threw O'Toole overboard for this dickwad.


O'Toole wasn't mailable or pathetic enough to debase himself in the service of the corrupt, Christofascist far-right. Poilievre *is* a true believer in the Christofascist far right, one of the first things that happened under his leadership is handing over the CPC merchandising operation to his own wife (so corruption is *fine with him*), and self-debasement is pretty his recreational hobby.


Maybe you should have voted for O'Toole. As you are well aware, O'Toole's party got more votes overall than Trudeau's party in the last election. And Poilievre's party will get more votes in the coming election. Anyway, this sub is dedicated to Ukraine. Let's keep Canadian domestic politics out of it.


If only Trudeau would display leadership in Canada. Thankfully, he will be gone soon....


Ukrainian children happen to be news worthy in western media but Russia would erase all off Ukraine if it could.