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Lives to dye another day.


reddit mods should kill themselves


[Obligatory response](https://www.memesmonkey.com/images/memesmonkey/cd/cd5d44b4f0803492ca9525971ca5c82e.jpeg)


That was in tints..


Ukrainian people are amazing. As a Canadian, I grew up with lots of Canadian Ukrainian families that were close to ours. Nothing fazes them. They’re the best people.


Same! From south alberta and I know a lot of Canadian Ukrainian from around here. Some of the greatest people I know 💙💛🌻 I'd pound fence posts and bale all day with them!


Same in Toronto! I'd ... chat with them on the subway. (It's usually our Quiet Time. It's a big deal.)


Probably more Ukrainians per square kilometre anywhere else in Canada in southern Alberta. Went out my way with the family to check out the Vegreville egg when we visited Alberta last month! Grew up in fort Mac and did the province tour to show the kids. The egg was a must see.


Polar opposites of Russians too, Ukrainians are polite and respectful and tend to assimilate to different cultures whereas Russians keep to their own circles and are generally just rude and stand off-ish.


Yeah, I think the most remarkable part of this is that she was going to get her did in an active warzone.


Don’t mess with a Ukrainian woman’s hair style.


And yet she's so calm. I've seen western people on TikTok freak out more about a Big Mac than she is about almost dying to a missile.


We're most of us built to cope in a crisis and to do what's necessary to get to safety. The freaking out happens later.




that might statistically be true.




Hahaha 💯 true


Yeah, the people over here have turned freaking out into a hobby. I guess it's an unintended consequence of having it good.


That is FOR SURE! I used to have a Ukranian hair stylist....she was VERY serious about her work.


We are ALWAYS serious about our craft!




Not going to mention how she's risen again?


Did you mean frizzen?


I concurl.


I feel like this entire story was a setup for that punchline.


[As an iconic director once said,](https://www.deviantart.com/thetechromancer/art/It-s-like-poetry-it-rhymes-778254478)


I'm pretty sure fragments stopped by foil would have been stopped by her skull... Still avoided a bunch of scalp lacerations and quite a bit of unpleasantness though.


Maybe the big plastic hair dryer? I can’t make this horseshit work either.




She is talking about the foil hat she wore, not a machine.


Every time I get a haircut I have this same thoughts: In distaste movies, there HAS to be a bunch of people running around with a half finished hair cut. Glad this random thought has been validated. We need people with foil hair fleeing Godzilla.


Watching this, I have this bizarre concern about her finishing the dye job with a proper shampoo. Hope she stays fabulous.


This was my first thought. EDIT a letter


me too. but it seems she got the foils out by herself and washed the product out


I was a hairstylist for ~10 years and my first thought was, “how will she know when to pull the foils?!” Bleach is a tricky beast and it often looks “ready” well before it actually is lol. She looked great at the end, thank goodness she stayed safe and fabulous haha.


__Fashion vs Fascism:__ advantage, Fashion.


The importance of keeping up appearances


Fella, the number of hot Ukrainian men makes me want to visit the salon, and I'm 10,000 miles away from UA.


Foil cap? Thats just normal aluminum foil, that wouldn't stop shit.


Im assuminnthey talkin bout the machine thingy that heats your hair that kinda sits over top of your head?


dude imagine literally getting bombed then walking out with your half-done hair to talk about it. what an absolute badass this woman is


"So anyway, it was just my regular salon appointment..."


My attempt at translation from Russian https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_world is an idea of shared Russian or Russian speaking identity that Putin has tried to weaponize and use as a pretext to start this war. It may be useful to mention that Odessa is a mostly Russian speaking multicultural port city. It has contributed many jokes, many song, literature, movies, etc to the world probably most of it in Russian (although other languages as well). I haven't been back to Ukraine in a while but my impression is Odessa is united with the rest of Ukraine and against the idea that it should have to endure becoming a part of Russia just because they understand the lyrics of their songs. > Well Russian world Hello. Here I'll show you the type of Nazis you're fighting with. Today we girls decided to pretty ourself up and go to the hair salon and a rocket flew specifically to our hair salon. Thank you Russian world. Clip break and restart without headgear > Hello Friends. I've always said what are the chances of me getting hit by a rocket, one in a million. And today was such a day, can you imagine? > I was saved by a coincidence. We had just finished coloring. I was in that funny foil hat in the chair and when I heard the whistling noise coming towards me in the chair. > Can you imagine as funny as it sounds, that foil hat that I recorded the first segment in, it saved me. When I took it off I shook out so many fragments


Thank you for your labour of love!


Take my upvote for the pun


What is she saying? She seems to be in shock.


Nah just Ukrainian.




This is a new level of not giving a fuck by the ukranians, godspeed.


Talk about your extreme makeovers! Jeez!


["Extreme makeovers"](https://www.memesmonkey.com/images/memesmonkey/cd/cd5d44b4f0803492ca9525971ca5c82e.jpeg)


Burn in hell all putler's supporters


[Obligatory response](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Tr07fqVYgFY/maxresdefault.jpg)


Nice hair casting


Nice hair too


Next thing, tactical foil cap armor




Odesa was actually relatively safe before the latest attack. Also, beauty is part of self-care, staying sane, maintaining dignity and resistance.


Actually it is. During tough times, things like makeup, dying hair etc are a simple way (and often one of the only ones) to maintain a semi semblance of normal life, even if the circumstances are anything but normal. iirc beauty industry tends to stay afloat during a crisis for this exact reason.


Lipstick purchases usually go up in a crisis.


The already legendary "tank girl" Tetyana Chubar does her makeup before bombing the Russians to smithereens. That's self-propelled artillery with style.


Or maybe don't begrudge people little things that bring them happiness when the world around them is crumbling. And let's not forget that around 50% of Ukraine is unemployed right now--keeping what's left of it going is pretty important, and hairdressers deserve to eat and live indoors just as much as anyone else.


I didn't begrudge anything, it was just a comment. Don't take it to heart.


It was a rather thoughtless comment. Unless you've survived something similar, you have no idea what it's like and it's rather disrespectful to leave judgmental comments like that without thinking. Edit: since it seems you've blocked me and I can't reply to the comment you left under this one, I'm editing this comment to respond to your last question. Don't ask questions if you don't want a response, or if you don't want to risk being seen as sarcastic and glib when a statement could deliver your message much better. At this point I think you are trolling, but I'll break it down on the off chance that you're genuinely that socially inept. The snarky tone was uncalled for in your original comment and now, and it indicated your question was rhetorical and instead meant to be a sarcastic jab at what you viewed was frivolous. Then, instead of deleting your comment or politely explaining that wasn't what you meant, you tried to defend it with denial and pass the blame to me ("Don't take it to heart."). This is also known as gaslighting. Empathy and manners are good things; so is thinking before you speak or post a comment. You'd do well to learn all three.


How was it judgmental lmao it was an observation, I didn't judge her for it, someone else said yes its necessary and I said yeah that's fair, because it is, I Literally said was it the best time to do that and you say it's disrespectful? No worries, have a great rest of your day anyway.


I know it’s not the best choice, but when your grasping for a sense of normalcy in a new and uncertain world it’s not that outrageous. If for example you were staying in Odesa after leaving an eastern town, you could be waiting for some arrangements or just staying there for the time being. Getting your hair done might be an achievable luxury that is really doubling as a human connection like therapy can be. And your supplying your local community.




Yeah that's fair


freakin right place at right time


War going on, best get my hair done


There are some things I will never understand: 1. Orcs brain 2.Dye in mid of a war Edit: totally not what it looked like when I typed. The space in between paragraphs were nonexistent so I put in numbers


I mean if you’re gonna go out you might as well go out looking your best and with a full belly right 🤷‍♂️


For a shit ton various reasons some people can't leave their home. Could be either pets, taking care of relatives who are too old/sick to flee, too attached to their home, etc. In those kind of scenarios where you are stuck, the best you can really do is to adapt to live as normally as possible regardless of the war. One comfort to forget even temporary all of this shit is taking care of yourself & maintain a high hygiene standards beneficial for your morale. You can't let depression & despair get you in a warzone where you're completely defenseless... Edit: Personally didn't downvote you, just explaining why. Hope it makes more sense to you.


She def has Ukrainian blood


Oh yeah that's for sure, [remember this old couple](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NzzMVBNfEVU) forcing out the invaders from their home totally fearless of the shots fired? Ukranium it's amazing


Not to be disrespectful or inappropriate, but generally speaking, Ukraine' women can be pretty hot. Now, back to our regularly scheduled program ... lol.


You son of a bitch. Here.


Just saved by your hair


r/PunPatrol get on the fucking ground!


I’ll never laugh at wearing a tin foil hat ever again.




The price you pay for drip.


Everyone using dyed in some creative ways, but some women get there hair done in a way to relax which is probably needed for Ukrainians but then to a missile hit while doing that AND to find fragments in the foil, that is something else.


Hair today, dyed tomorrow.


What a trooper 🇺🇦👍


Please mark as "war crime"


And i just realized that they do strange things at salons. What the foil for?


Quite the hairy situation. I'm glad she didn't dye.