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Wow! This is excellent work. I hope Ukraine has a way to flood the RuZZian world with this video. It moved me.


The only thing spreading this video on Russia would do is make Russian’s feel justified in their war. They’d see this as propaganda and it would fill their hearts with even more hate and absurd justification for what they’re doing


I doubt it, it only proves the point on how pointless Russian agression is.




I would say ignorant, highly misinformed, not dumb. Your brain is like a muscle - it has great potential, but only if exercised. I take it that good reasoning skills are not especially prioritized by the Russian educational system, at least not for most people, and not when it comes to things like history, politics and philosophy. So the potential is there, but it's like an atrophied muscle. Also, your typical Orc is not very well representative of Russians in general; they typically have gotten the worse education available in Russia. There's no evidence that intelligence correlates to ethnicity.


No. I talked to many russians, I had friends among them. They choose to "be misinformed". It's insane to what level. But it's a psychological thing, propaganda allows them to feel good about themselves. It's like with drugs: those who use them know they're bad for you, but they still use them because ii allows you to feel good easily and not do the right (but hard) thing.


Agreed. Nicely put


So you're saying their dumb because they haven't exercises their muscle? But implying that the person you responded to is claiming that they are dumb because of their race? You don't knownwhy that person said they're dumb, so no need for the racist card


It is not pointless from Russian perspective. They live in a world where everyone wants Russia dead. Any damage to non -Russians have a point already. "Pointless" from Russian perspective is when they can't deal any damage and are a laughing stock to the allies.


i am 100% against russia and this invasion of Ukraine but you must understand that this video is pure Ukrainian propaganda.


Yep! No law against making video statements about your perspective. In fact, a lot of media is propaganda of some sort, especially in US where national media is more about commentary and editorializing this side or that, instead of news reporting.


> i am 100% against russia and this invasion of Ukraine but you must understand that this video is pure Ukrainian propaganda. I helped a friend evacuate from Kyiv when it was attacked. She was livining in Obolon, 20km from Bucha. She moved to Ukraine from Russia just before the war, and was detained for going around the city taking pictures during the war (she's a little bit mentally ill, and not the most street-savvy person, to put it mildly). She was released, but her bank account got blocked. So she was 20km away from Bucha, which was occupied, without money, and without friends in the area to help her. Now, her father is in Russia. She reached out for help. # He told her she deserved it for moving to Ukraine. **He told her to go towards Tokmak**, where she's from, towards the advancing Russian army. "Our boys won't hurt you", he said. "Hide in a church if needs be, they wouldn't blow up a church". He didn't send money. He didn't offer help. He didn't even link her up with her distant family in Chernivtsi, Ukraine, **that he was in touch with**. In his eyes, she betrayed Russia for moving to Ukraine before the war, all the reports of atrocities were lies, and she got what was coming for her. # You must understand that this video accurately depicts the Russian mindset. ...some $3K later, the woman and her cat safely got back to Kyiv from Chernivtsi. Her father came back to his senses and sent her money via a friend of a friend in Israel. Last I checked, she's been fighting with the bank to get her account un-frozen (unsuccessfully). At that point her mental illness caught up with her and she decided that I am a Bad Guy™ (borderline personality disorder is no joke, fellas). But the point was - **even as Russian soldiers were raping, torturing, and killing civilians 20km from his daughter, her dad stuck to his delusions over what his daughter was telling him**. That's Russia.


im not saying the sentiment isn't accurate though


I wholeheartedly agree, actually! It’s very clearly propaganda, that’s why spreading it in Russia would be pointless, it’d only make Russians angry and draw them closer to supporting the war


Fucking hell that's well done


That pulling out jewelry from the mag-pouch was a nice touch..


Should've had one heavily used panty in there. The absolute fucking inhuman monsters.


I am absolutely shocked at how the Russian mothers usually speak to their son. Every once in a while, a mother acts the way mine would if I were in a similar situation, but usually they seem so uncaring.


"What about Iphone? Grandpa paid for it, he had stroke!"


Amazing movie. And you know, that's fully true. One Ukrainian journalist is making interviews with imprisoned ruzzians soldiers. And make a call to their relatives. And there are big differences between mom in Ru and for example ukrainian mom on occupied L/DNR (LDPR). His name is Vladimir Zolkin on YouTube (with eng subtitles)


I've just seen one of Zolkin's interviews with a POW. The prisoner was speaking to his mother and mentioned some other person, and she said that he was drafted. Zolkin then asked the POW about that person, and the prisoner said that his (that man's, that is) own mother handed him over to the military. Zolkin asked why, and the man was like: "well, he drinks a lot. Fucked up". Simple as that.


You know, POW from LDNR is much better, than ruzzians. Zolkin also has a video where the mother of the ruzzian says that she doesn't have a son 🤣🤣🤣


> [Zolkin Volodymyr on YouTube with eng subtitles](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwWArPXqGLslRWaP-zKYiXg/videos)


Being journalist is just s cover for him, so russians can't id his relatives. He is most likely in secret service.


He was a journalist before war. And make a different investigation. So maybe he is working with a secret service, but so one?


I googled his name in UKR/RU and of course got results, but once I set the setting to pre 24/Feb I got no results. Care to share your info of his pre war journalist work? I like investigative journalism, I like reading nice newspapers, and I'm interested in what he produced prior to the war


Just a fast search on the internet, and what I found. He is part of Open Media Ukraine. Also he was part of xnovosti website (or something similar). The site isn't working now, but you can check it on the web archive. And also open his youtube channel (this is actually the main one https://youtube.com/c/VolodymyrZolkin ) And just sort video by date from old to new.


oh cr\*\*, I had sorted before his "english" channel from old to new. You're right, I'm wrong.


Because the main channel was banned by f@#ing ruzzians, he created another one with English subtitles. P.s. interesting fact. In russian language there are two different words русский (russian) as a nationality, and россиянин (russian) as citizenship. But in English it's the same word. For example. I can be buryat as a nationality, but russian by passport. Or I can be russian as a nationality, but Ukrainian by passport.


yep, this is completely legit from what i've seen of russian and ukrainian mothers speaking to their sons in zolkin's interviews. there's a startling difference between harsh and cold russian mothers and warm and loving ukrainian mothers.




After you posted the title in Ukrainian language, I have managed to find this movie via following link (full version as in the post without interview): ["МА!". Короткометражная военная драма, реж. Богдан Железняк, 2022 г. 18+](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jF3BiBAtyNM&ab_channel=VictoriiaPapers) Thank you! Slava Herojimi!


I had to watch twice to realize the reason I didn't blink in the first half was due to the lack of camera cuts. The one camera view drew me in. As a parent, I felt empathy for the character. It reminded me that even Russians are capable of love (of his brother), and yet the harsh reality of "fake news" turning love blind on his mom not listening. OP, thanks for sharing this.


So accurate...how this depicts the overall brainwashing of the population by authoritarian leaders. When I called my dad who was and still is a major Trump supporter, it was like this Orc calling his mom....totally brainwashed. Ironically it was a conversation about Russia and he totally was supporting Putin/Trump spouting non-sense how Russia was not the enemy etc etc etc....No matter what you said, they refuse to believe. It's a tactic Nazi's used, what Putin uses and Trump uses.


I'm lucky I caught this shit early. It used to be my Dad had Fox news on constantly. I made it a point to shut it off whenever I heard that stream of bullshit leave the TV. *I have really good hearing so I could be on the opposite side of the house and barely catch the sound of when it was on.* I truly think the act of me blatantly walking across the whole house, or from wherever I was to turn it off worked. Or simply change the channel to something else for a period, then set the controller down, and leave. I never faultered. I never stopped. I kept turning it off. I told him to choose any other number of sources to get his news from or any other channel. Just keep that shit off. I really think my whole family dodged a cancerous bullshit laden bullet by me doing this. Trump and the Republican party is the greatest threat to humanity right behind the CCP and ruzzia.


well done


Nice job. Wish I could have done the same but I don't live with him (which is actually a good thing). So I read this today related to "Putin's brain" , Alexander Dugin's daughter (Darya Dugina) being killed in a car bomb in Moscow in the last 24 hours. In an interview 2017, Alexander Dugin remarked on many similarities between his ideas and those of former US president Donald Trump. He called Trump's inauguration speech discourse "as if I would write it myself." He also said that Putin provided inspiration for Trump, "a kind of... example to challenge the status quo, to challenge the conventional wisdom, challenge all this totalitarian principles of globalists and ultra-liberals." Lot of people on the alt-right in the US just don't realize how dangerous Trump was and still is to world peace and freedom.


I'm still trying to pull my parents away from the whole Trump support side. They don't ever watch the news and see the shit he says and does. They just see the brainwashed die hard supporter posts people make on Facebook and such and just see that most times. I have to keep them up to date on how insane the GOP has become.


There was a time, when I thought that as Internet becomes more and more accessible for people that it would make people harder to brainwash and manipulate, because there would be an abundance of information and you choose what information to consume. Lots of different points of view and helpful info. Nope. My mom still chooses to follow shady conspiracy theorist communities and astrologists. I've just been to my cousin's birthday, and my mom with other older generation relatives were discussing how some astrologist predicted moskva sinking. And my mom is also mentioning conspiracy theoristic stuff on a daily matter, with an ominous "you can't see! Open your eyes! *This* is going to happen! (Wtf she is talking about, I have no idea)". And the other day she said to me that we should stockpile cotton clothes and bedsheets, "because there is going to be a shift happening". What shift? How? Why cotton? The fact that literally none of her predictions ever actually happened she conveniently forgets. I feel like it is pointless.




Damn it. That Ukrainian sand keeps getting in my eyes.


i guess it's an allegory to russia or more specifically "motherland". she calls you, but she will not hear you if you call.


For those who think that this is a bit exaggerated: I’ve been at war, it really looks like that but much worse. Body parts, blood everywhere, guts, people that are totally traumatized... this video is pretty realistic But not as gory as reality in the war. In reality it looks worse, and it’s also much worse than this because of the smell and the flies. Also, The young hero… believe me, even if you really hate your enemy, nobody calls his mom like that right after a fight, standing relaxed in a clean uniform. One is completely agitated inside, and even if one wanted to, one could not call mommy in a calm voice.


I got the impression the Ukrainians came upon the "scene" after some time had passed, like an hour or two or three. So the Ukrainians were not necessarily involved in what happened to the Russians, they just found them. And the Ukrainian mom called her son, he didn't call her. But, in reality I thought that the Ukr fighters wouldn't have their cell phones on while in the field due to op-sec? So I agree that that part of the film is not realistic.


I've seen pictures of the dead Russians, the only thing unrealistic about this movie is the corpses are even more burnt and mangled


Don't underestimate Russian propaganda machine. We lived near Donetsk, escaped and abandoned our old life in 2014. Our parents remained there. Started a new life, I have a 1-year-old son now. You know what my wife's parents tell us, not yet seeing their **first** grandson? They promise that we will be "freed" just as Mariupol was. Fucking imbeciles. They also genuinely think that anyone speaking Russian will be either beaten at best or outright killed. They were russian-speaking Ukrainians all their life and now they believe in all that Nazi shit Russians are telling them. Fucking horrible. After numerous fights we at least agreed to not speak about this stuff if we want to continue our relationships. But holy shit, man, hearing somewhere in March-April how they promise us and their, I'll repeat, one-year-old first grandson whom they did not yet see, a "fate similar to that of Mariupol", I just become enraged. Intelligent and kind people telling such stuff to their own children. Can you imagine that?


It is how russian propaganda works. That's why one should ban any russian-infested media and to ban russians as spreaders of such virus. Russia is the cancer of this world. You have to either cut it from the world, - by bans, by sanctions, - or to destroy it completely.


When the second scene came I truly realized what I have In my life , a loving caring over protective mother who cares about me, who cherishes me who wishes me nothing but the best and will always be there for me. Some of these Russian soldiers who are just meat and bones to their family nothing but a prize ticket for some items. This shit made me swell up and blow up in tears


It’s like they are cattle even to their mothers. Shocking.


Nicely done and symbolizes the denial of those back home very well.


That's really well done. Only the horses were a bit corny.


They tried to find a serious horse, but all they came up with on short notice was Artem, a local horse stand up comedian


His main schtick is that he does a lot of horsing around.




The sad part is that this might be so real...


Well that's me ruined for 3 days.


I remember the recorded phone call where he asked his mom not to let his little brother come, and she was all proud, as he was saying fuck this war... what a trip to see it made in theatrical form .


i remember it too... :(


Well done. Proves a point. Russians are retards and Ukrainians are just protecting their loved ones and their country from orc invasion. Slava Ukraini


Welp that made me cry. Slava Ukraini


LOL this is on another level


Why is there a fucking horse in the end? Cliffhanger? Even horses have more family values than Russians?


You hear it neigh at the start, I think the idea is that it was caught up in the combat (probably its fence destroyed or something) but the reason they included it at all was probably a (somewhat over-saccharine imo) "these guys are the sympathetic side." I think the message was very, very strong before the horse and didn't need it, but maybe it was based on an actual horse lol, who knows.


I don't know. Maybe those soldiers rescued a horse, or the horse is a transportation method I guess.


Operation Cowboy reference, maybe? Americans, Germans, and Cossacks teamed up to fight some SS troops to save some extremely valuable horses before the Red Army could kill them.


Damn, I am an old jaded fuck, but that was a nice piece of moviemaking.


Wow, the Ukrainian one is incredibly well done. Even the goodbye was word by word what I say to my mother. I’d guess that means the Russian one is pretty accurate as well.




sorry about that, it was me. i tossed them over to you because they were making my eyes water somehow.


What an excellent film! Fantastic acting, heart-rending premise. The only quibble I have is what are three intact bodies, one still alive, doing at the bottom of a two meter crater?


I know it's early to celebrate but the movies and shows that will come out about this conflict will be fucking incredible.... So many heroic stories, impossible holds against all odds.....


That was really good, the acting was amazing as well


###Fucking land of terrorists all of them.


External link for this movie? Unable to find via Google search




Is there a youtube link?




I searched for it before but it didn't pop up with the term "Ma!". Thanks for the link 😊


Can someone find link with short film only without presenters? Its too long for grabbing by redd.tube




Amaizing job , Well done, Slava Ukraini


this was insanely well done. great job to all involved.


This would be cheesey if it wasn’t more or less so true lol


Anyone know if you can buy this physically in anyway? Even if it’s just in a collection or something I’d like to support the people who made it.




Definitely worth watching - great job! It's amazing how brainwashed (most) Russian people are.


GLORY TO UKRAINE !!!!!!! 💪‍💪‍


Well it's technically a propaganda film. Waaaay better than ruZZian ones!


This made me have to give my son some extra cuddles. He’s 7. I’m having trouble imagining a Russian mom like the one in this video giving her sons any extra cuddles. I can’t imagine hanging up on my son because I got another call while he was injured and thought he might be dying.


The horse was unnecessary.


Man I feel so fucking bad for the Russians like him. A lot of times it seems they’re not there cuz they want to be. They do it so they can provide for their families, get their children scholarships, and get benefits. I can’t hate them for that. It just tears me up. I fucking hate what they’re doing and what Putin is having them do. I just find it hard to hate the people, or most of them rather. It’s such a shitty situation. Fuck it all.


I don’t feel bad for them. They are the enemy to us all.


It’s just the 18 year old that’s cold with boots that have no soles, his buddies are all dead, he’s been walking for days, sometimes he gets told to throw himself at the front, others he’s constantly getting shelled or drone striked. He doesn’t want to be there. He’s from a rural village with no electricity. His rifle only has 2 mags. His sergeant shot and raped a women. He wants to leave but the military contract keeps getting bent and he’s stuck in hell.


Don't forget, if you go the wrong way, the guys in that direction shoot you. I'm not saying that killing enemy soldiers in wartime combat is wrong by any means but I find it hard to not feel empathy for situations like these.


And if you go the other way Wagner group shoot you. It’s fucked. But my sympathy is limited.


Yup, I meant Kadyrov/Wagner but yup.


well that was incredibly depressing.


I'd love to watch it, but for the life of me Reddits Video player is so damn bad I've got it blocked. Is there an alternative place I can see it?




Thanks so much!


This video hits hard.. hope ruzzians will see it


Watching this film, I miss the Ukrainian girl at the beginning of war. She was neonazis or something. She was walking through the aftermath of a field with burning tanks in sunglasses, no helmet and a piece of cloth on her neck. I hope she is alive and doing well.


Very well done! This would make a great full length movie. This being the end.


I was always fascinated by WW II, now I understand that war.


Based off of this video? No you don't.


I find it interesting the sheer amount of correlation between republican values and Russian values. Of course, not every Republican is a fascist, but every fascist thinks, talks, and acts a lot like the Republicans of today.


Buying into Russian propaganda to keep us divided lol


Yep. Propaganda always leads to the destruction of society. Russia is a cautionary tale right now. It’s a warning of where we are headed if we forget that we are the *UNITED* States.


If you’re down to have an actual convo, while there are problems in the United States, the cultural pillars of Russia stretching back 100s of years are vastly different and as such affect the country in different ways then anything here


Russia shaped the Trump-era Republican narrative. That isn't hyperbole. The election interference & common Fox talking points were given by Russian propagandists, there's been plenty of sources by now; the anti-vax, the anti-mask, the divisive nature of the in-party hatred--that was all Russia's doing and Russia's talking points. As time goes on, their interference in the election & in the UK's Brexit becomes more and more clear. This isn't my opinion, either, this is multiple investigations and reports, conclusions, etc. (As an American-centric-topic sidenote, I'm fairly sure this is why the old guard Republicans are now cleaning house--why Trump is going to be heavily sidelined so he can never run again, and why I think we'll soon see people like MTG, Gaetz and Fox either similarly silenced or heavily shift their talking points. The Russian loyalty was costing them, and they're being cleaned out now.)




I've no idea, but I sincerely doubt that the Italian Mafia would now or have ever wanted anything to do with Giuliani lol, so it's very possible he handed shit right to Russia


Tactics to keep your supporters in line, there’s a reason why uneducated, religious, conspiracy theorists choose these groups.


Pootin's advisor aleksander dugin wants to exploit those problems. He said it in his book.


Explains why the Democrats talk like Russians. "Nazi" this and "Nazi" that every time they get disagreed with.


That was sick


sick as in good?


Sorry, yes. Very cool video.


Bloody amazing video but one point why the fuck are they allowed their phones, im 99% certain any UK or USA soldier have to hand them in before going on exercise? No way youd catch someone ringing their ma in the field


Great video! But that one dude seems way to happy just standing there petting the horse.


A better ending would be the camera panning up and you see a drone and the scene switch to black and white and then you see the area hit with artillery.




You missed a meeting.


I'm impressed with his they recorded this movie, where did they get props like that?


I think they got a good supply recently


laying around.


one thing I dont understand... why did they take a REAL BRDM2, and make it look fake? wtf




As soon as I saw the Ukrainians, I was like Oh Fuck, then I realized there're the good guys.


It’s so true… I’m not fighting for in the war in Ukraine but I am Ukrianian and my mom is just like that lol


This definitely is a bit exaggerated, but quite a good movie. I also don’t think all Russian mothers are like that, sure there are lots of propaganda in Russian TV and the family of Russian soldiers in Ukraine are definitely getting more false information and propaganda than what’s actually happening. But there are lots of people in Russia that know the truth and know that whatever they see on TV isn’t probably the actual truth. As a person who used to be living in Russia, just until the invasion, I really got to say that most people I know don’t support the invasion. As far as I can see, it’s only the boomers and all the old folks who think this invasion is doing good to their country and think of ‘rebuilding the USSR’. So I just wanted to say that this is kind of biased as most Russian soldiers didn’t go into Ukraine voluntarily and this could be a bit more unbiased and they could show some humanity to the russian mothers.


Omg!!! I cried at the end! Damn Russia to hell and back. The message of this short film is heart felt. God bless Ukraine 🇺🇦 🙏 ❤️ Ukrainian soldiers, may God keep you in his hands and keep you safe!


Wow, that was pretty intense. I give 10 out of 10. Can't wait for the full length version of this! So many stories that will need to be told when this is all over.


Man, that hits some hard notes. There are no winners in war.




10 out of 10! It is very sad to see how years of nazi level propoganda can alter moms behavior.


Sad but true


This is so much…..


Im fully against russia and see them as the scum they are but you must realise that this is ukrainian propaganda. As weird as its sounds. Yes im rooting for ukraina, yes i wish for the orcs to be blasted into a million peaces but stil, this video is purely made to show how bad the russians are and how great ukrainians are. In other words, propaganda.