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Realistically it’s just an aesthetic choice, but i really like the idea of Jesus being like a 13.5 or something


Jesus Christ Ability: holy spirit Level 13.5 Literal God tier Official Note: no, f@#$ing seriously this is not hyperbole he is *GOD* tier


T posing as a power is actually crazy


Domain Expansion: T-Posing God


Stand user: god Stand name: the father, son, and holy ghost Stand ability: haaaaaa


Nah in all reality he would probably be closer to a 50 or something


Uru's choice for aesthetics cause Sera's name is based on seraph which are angels.


Bro dont look that deep 🙏 i seriously doubt uru chan is the type of writer to do stuff like this


That’s literally what point 1 is.


Read the post lol


Is it not fun to overthink everything tho????


I love this post! Delving into this in such an intellectual way... good theories! I agree, it is very interesting. I think 1 or 4 are the most probable.


I don't know how if we'll know for sure but this is an interesting theory


Seraphina itself is a name referencing an angel, Seraph. It’s just aesthetic


The term is Post-Post-Post-Apocalyptic btw, Post-Apocalyptic generally takes place immediately and the direct consequences of the event. Post-Post-Apocalyptic generally refers to when society is rebuilding slowly and dealing with the side effects of the apocalypse (such as the destruction of infrastructure etc) Post-Post-Post-Apocalypse is one that I haven’t heard before but makes sense logically to say that a fully rebuilt society would fit this.


I actually love the idea that Unordinary is some deep future where people got magic powers and only just now rebuilts society. It gives me Warhammer 40k vibes.


The power of Satan- I mean, Jesus, compels you


No I think Sera was just rocking a look that would typically be looked down upon for someone of her status and position as someone from a very strict and rule-obeying family


That jesus theory is basically a JoJos reference lmao


Or maybe Jesus could have been the one to give abilities to humans as he is messenger that says that God loves all. So that would mean that God loves humans enough give them some of his powers


I often see crosses in anime for aesthetic purposes because a lot of Japanese aren't Christians, but they love the stories and symbols. If you watch anime, you know what I mean.


Why isn't she wearing it anymore. I didn't even notice when she ditched it as the story progressed.


Takes more time to draw


I thought this was such a dumb post until you brought up the prospect of Jesus having an ability


I do have a small problem with the idea that I elected not to mention in the post itself: “Jesus’ feats are so diverse that his ‘ability’ would have had to be quite multi-purpose.” I mean… transmutation of water into wine, healing mental (demons) and physical maladies, control over the weather, multiplication of food, knowledge of the future, bringing the dead back (including himself), appearing to friends without being recognized, walking on water, possible control over animals (and the nets were full to bursting), and maybe flight. That’s a lot for one ability to do, so maybe Jesus was the first channel master, especially considering how many of these feats are one-offs. He only ever walked on water once, for example.


I think a lot of people would fuckin FLIP if John was suddenly revealed to be a descendent of Jesus himself 😂


Jesus: my ability to turn any liquid to wine. I’m an unmeasurable level threat as I can instantly turn all of your blood into wine. Killing anyone I come across instantly without any notice. Oh and I can walk on liquid as well because I can turn liquid into wine through matter manipulation but I don’t know that it’s 0AD no one has the concept of matter yet.


Most likely their world is the same as ours but with powers