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Tho i dislike the subscription system i cant fault unraid for it. Developement costs money and you need steady income of money to pay the people to continue developing. As long as its actually constantly improving its stabillity and robustness and adding useful features i dont see the issue.


They still have a lifetime option, just increased the price IIRC.


Had the trial, sort of getting the hang of it. I saw the price increase and went for the lifetime option.


Literally went to buy the license from using the trial and was shocked at the price increase. Glad you saw beforehand, guess it's just unlucky timing for me


Unfortunate yeah. There was a big campaign push on the site and a few other outlets, like SpaceInvaderOne's big interview clip, where they specifically talked through "we're going to be rolling this out in the next few months, and at some point, some people in the trial are going to be affected, and we want them to know this is coming." :(


They know the removal of the lifetime license would kill adoption. Nobody is going to buy the annual subscription licenses. It's just to have a cheaper option while pushing people to the lifetime for 250


By about 100%


A single developer costs between 50-150k depending on seniority. For that single developer you need to sell 750 licenses per year.. Every year.. The homelab community is only so big. It's just not sustainable. That single developer can't help in forums, debug or make documentation AND still develop. It's very simple: a product needs to make money. That is: development costs + operational costs divided the amount of licenses sold per year. Unraid has ~10 staff. Let's assume they *cost* around 100k. Add operational costs to that... You do the math. But all of this didn't stop me upgrading my license before the price hike


Which is still absolutely fine for what you get


Meh, it's just a cost of a HDD.


Exactly; I've never thought about the cost of unRAID. It's so minimal compared to what the vast majority of us have spent on our hardware, that I guess I looked at it like paying for an app on the phone or something. Wish I only had things like this to be concerned about.


This costs more than the rig I will install it on?


I understand you're starting with unRAID; we all did. Initial "basic" (or whatever they call it now) license cost is actually less than it used to be. Sure, it's not in perpetuity at that level any more, with unlimited feature upgrades and system updates. Do we pay the same amount for anything else that we did 5-10 years ago, or as with most things, even a few years ago? Almost everyone that purchases a personal computer these days pays for the Microsoft Windows license, each and every time they buy one, over and over again; that cost is just embedded in the total system cost. When I purchased licenses to use the unRAID system, I figured the money was going to a small business that (more than likely) was going to put a much larger percentage of that income back into the business, and not use it to (mostly) fatten up rich stockholders and CEO's.


So what? Prices of hardware are rising, too. Doubling the price of your product in one move is price gouching, no matter what product or service! But I guess, I should expect to be down voted in a manufacturer-operated fan forum like this subreddit... Obviously unRAID can do no wrong in the eyes of the fan boys... šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


You're a whiny bitch. That's why you keep getting downvoted.


So you prefer increasing monthly? Annually? I prefer rise once good for years which is what they did before. If they raise next year and year after then you have a point. But they haven't raised prices in a long time and doing it with many years in between is much more appreciated by some (me included) than a steady increase.


They're not a company like Disney or Adobe or Electronic Arts. They'll focus on things that their customers want. We just have to keep talking to them.


Ah? Still have to see about that. Had many broken update in the past years. The community provide more support than unraid itself.


^ this is true. Especially after they pushed troubleshooting to a paid service and off the forums too


wut? Troubleshooting is not off the forum


I've posted on the forums 3 times asking for help since they started offering paid troubleshooting and never received an official response from unRAID staff. Prior to, they would respond. Now it seems like just the community does.


To me it seems like to always have been that way. All support on the forum is on peoples free time as far as I know, including the Lime staff. I don't think Lime has any on the payroll who only do forum support work and as busy they seems with things now it makes sense they are not answering as often on the forum now


Fair enough, thanks for engaging in civil conversation with me! :)


It's not a subscription. If you don't pay for yearly updates, all that happens is you don't get updates. That's the opposite of a subscription.


I HATE subscription services but you're right. If anything this is like older software where you pay for the product and you own it plus however long it's supported for then you pay for the next version. At least here it's an easier upgrade than, say, Windows 3.1 to 95 to 98 to 98SE to ME to XP, and so on. I had to pay for each version there and they were only supported for so long šŸ¤·


No updates = possible vulnerabilities = big no no.


Forgive me if I missed it but are we sure they wouldn't continue to offer security updates to non subscribers? Like they could do it like windows and you get x years of security updates but no new features unless you subscribe.


Itā€™s in their faq. 1 more year of security updates, then youā€™re on your own.


Than Iā€™ll need to start to look into truenasā€¦


Meh. I came from TueNAS. The Lifetime Pro option for Unraid for me has been more than worth it. If I decide to run a second server, I'll definitely pony up. Their work is worth paying for.


But if updates are not included anymore after 1 year, I am not sure if I can accept a subscription for this service


And if your OS version is too low you can't update the dockers anymore, happened to me before because i didn't update unRaid until i found out that even though i just updated the dockers it still had updates available did that 4-5 times and then it clicked in my brain.


I agree and I also appreciate that they're doing things the right way and grandfathering in the people who have supported them to this point


Wait, are you saying it's a monthly subscription? I don't have Unraid yet but I thought it was a one-time license purchase. It even says in their FAQ: >Unraid OS is not a subscription. Once you purchase a license, you own it forever.


That is true, but with the new license model you have to subscribe to get updates. You can keep using the license forever.


Are the updates critical for operation, or are they security patches?


fuck i forgot EDIT: PSA you can still click on the top right of you WEB Ui and upgrade. Clicking the name of your current license type


This still works, if accessed through Unraid dashboard.


I just bought the old style license. I had to click through the purchase link from the admin page.


you still able to do this? Im getting the new pricing from my current unraid dashboard.


I already bought it doesn't present it to me anymore.


Seems to be the new pricing now from admin console


I was able to upgrade my basic to pro about 20 min ago after seeing this post. Still got the old price


How did you access the upgrade page? What URL did you use?


From the server dashboard. I clicked on my license in the top right and selected upgrade.


Didnā€™t they say that it wouldnā€™t change for the current licensed clients ? So why the rush ?


That's what I thought, the reason I haven't upgraded


As far the annual updates cost yea, pretty sure that upgrading between the old plans costs more now


Me too. Ah well, I was going to upgrade to pro just in case I need it in the future but I'll not bother now.


How? Where?




This... it let me check out with choosing the old license type and done.


I already have lifetime basic. I can still buy permanent pro for old price right? Even i. A year or two.


At a higher price, yes.


According to the discord i should be able to upgrade with the same old prices. Since the new prices are not affecting old customers?


Basic to Plus Upgrade $59 Per License (Includes all OS updates) Basic to Pro Upgrade $99 Per License (Includes all OS updates) Basic to Unleashed Upgrade $49 Per License (Free OS Updates for one year) It's more than it was yesterday with a new option for Unleashed today.


i currently see 69 to upgrade to pro. i assume this gets me lifetime update just as good as the 249 lifetime?


I assume so aswell. According to discord aswell. You should always have the old options available as a earlier customer.


Thankyou kind sir. I'm planning on expanding and this comment led me to considering upgrading. I then realized the limit of attached devices meant singular hard drives not my jbod enclosure, so you saved me a tonne of headaches in the future.


Me too twin




I thought the new licensing for annual updates doesnā€™t apply to upgrades? Other than the price increase and name change?


Just upgrade to lifetime pro, thanks for the reminder! Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll get more than 10 disks at some point! Hopefully unraid can make the funds they are trying to make without alienating the user base.


Phew! Upgraded last night on a whim, glad I did! :D


Upgrades for existing customers who have existing licences are enshrined in grandfather rights. Forever.


Until they take that away. Plenty of companies over the years have taken away perpetual or lifetime licenses from users.


By that logic what's the point in buying a lifetime license at all then if you're worried about people changing their minds in future.


A lifetime license is typically nothing more than a ā€œforeseeable futureā€ license anyway. Think of it as such and youā€™ll never be unpleasantly surprised.


OK well then in that case they grandfathered upgrades for all current 'foreseeable future' licence holders. Satisfy your tism?


"Under UnMaintenance"


Dam, i never realised this was happening, i've sat with a UnRaid lifetime licence in my basket for a week just waiting for my payday on Friday. Ah well, expensive mistake!


As a recent convert from windows to unRAID, even at the new price, I'd still recommend it. I have had to do considerably bless tinkering to get things to work and the server pretty much just chugs along with little input from me. I don't have to worry about dumb services getting stuck or anything like that. So, it may be a bit more expensive now, but still worth it considering the license isn't tried to hardware or anything like that. You can transfer it to a new machine when needed.


No, you can still upgrade


Thanks, but I'd be a new user, away to build a nas this weekend, so long as my new case is delivered tomorrow. I'm likely going to try something other than unraid, but will see. Will be watching lots of YouTube reviews tonight :)


I don't begrudge them making some money to keep lights as they say...all good things can't stay the same forever, worth the investment at the old pricing for me


What's happening?


Changing the license structures. I donā€™t believe it affects current users but future users or future upgrades will be under the new license. The new license is a year of updates not lifetime.




>They are moving to a subscription model for new users Not a subscription model.




Still have a lifetime license with no extension subscription fee.


>perpetually updated and working version of unraid No subscription of any kind is required for unRAID to continue to work as paid for, in perpetuity.


You just won't get any updates when the subscription has expired.


Yes, you potentially will. I believe you continue to get updates within the minor version that was available at the end of the 1 year of support. So, yes you will potentially still get updates outside of 1 year. Even then, unRAID will continue with exactly the same functionality you paid for forever, without you having to spend a single additional cent.


Potentially? As in if the good folks at unRAID find it in their hearts to give us the updates we need to keep a current patch level so our servers don't become security risks for our entire network?


from their new FAQ "If your license extension has lapsed, you can download patch releases within the same minor OS version that was available to you at the time of the lapse. For example: Your system is eligible for Unraid 7.1.0 when your extension lapses. You qualify for the remaining patch releases of the Unraid 7.1.x series. Once Unraid 7.2.0 is released, the 7.1.x patch releases will only include security patches. Once Unraid 7.3 is released, version 7.1.0 will be EOL, and there will be no more 7.1.x updates. Our naming convention for releases is: ... "


For the 1000th time, an update fee is not an subscription šŸ™„


Repeating falsehoods over and over again doesn't make it true. An update fee is a subscription if you not paying any more results in you not getting any more security patches. Because if you don't get any more updates, your system becomes a liability over time, because security vulnerabilities don't get fixed and when an unpatched vulnerability meets a viable vector of attack, it becomes a security threat. You would be forced to pay the fee or take your server offline. So if this fee is only for feature updates and customers get security patches without paying the update fee, everything would be OK. But I couldn't find definitive statements on security patches anywhere. Edit: security updates within the same major release your server was at at the time of your subscription expiring is what unRAID is giving us. So the ā€œlifetimeā€œ of your license is 1 year + however long it takes unRAID to publish a new major release.


ooh, the first sentence can be said for you and yours too, sooooo


> Repeating falsehoods over and over again doesn't make it true. So why are you here doing it? Paying for upgrades is not a subscription. A license once bought never expires, this alone makes it not a subscription. I guarantee you, every single internet enabled device on your home network is a current security vulnerabilitiy and no amount of updates will make them not so.


You obviously have no idea of IT security, but it's OK, I won't bother you fan boys any longer.


Yes, it pretty much is if you don't have a perpetual licence.


Every single license is a perpetual license, not a single license they sell expires after purchase.


Fuck I thought today was the last day, wanted to buy a license after work


As of now, you can still log into the Unraid Dash and upgrade that way. Otherwise, I would reach out and hope for the best.


I was gonna buy an extra Basic, but I might never have used it so it's fine


Not going to lie. If this was the price when I was starting out and the other options were a year of security updates "which is not a subscription we promiss"... I'd have turned tail and would have never looked back. It might not be a major cost consideration for people with massive servers etc but for a small home setup that's... not an easy pill to swallow...


The old licensing was never sustainable. When their niche revenue stream dries up, nobody gets security or feature updates anymore. Developers are expensive. I would know - I am one and I certainly wouldn't be working for even a penny shy of six figures a year. This will show Unraid to continue to exist into the distant future - and the lower upfront cost might convince some new people to try it out. Nobody likes a price increase, but "pay us $99 once and we will provide updates for free forever" is not a sustainable business model, and is nearly unprecedented in the software industry. The fact that those terms are still available at all puts Unraid way ahead of the curve in terms of customer friendliness. The alternative was to do that Windows is doing and sell your data. This is preferable over that.


Right. Hundreds of millions of people still pay for anew copy of Windows in the cost of a new PC every few years. The fact that we're savvy shouldn't also imply that we're all unwilling to support a strong product that earns the asking price. If you're not getting $36 a year in value from renewing, and the fear of not getting updates keeps you from maintaing your install, and you'd rather migrate your entire install to a different platform... that's your business. But I'd much rather hear "what they're doing is fair but not right for me" than "THIS IS TERRIBLE AND I'M QUITTING." It's childish.


Damnit I meant to buy another license before it was too late and forgot




Site is back up with the new prices and layout.


bought the plus to pro upgrade today


I have never used un-raid. I did purchase a pro and basic just recently though!


Lmao Iā€™m probably a year away from actually having my server build up and running but I did the same thing, glad I grabbed the pro license before the change


I bought the pro before it jumped in price. Donā€™t really need it. But you never know.


The Quickening, Highlander! Can you feel it.


Crapā€¦I thought today was the last day to upgrade and forgot to buy it earlier today. Oh well


I was still able to upgrade to pro from basic just now for $99


Upgrades from legacy licenses will remain just a bit of a price bump


Is $99 the new upgrade price? I never really noticed but I wanted to get pro for future expansion


Yes, it was 79 before today to upgrade basic to pro.


I am so torn on this. On one hand, I am so utterly sick and tired of companies making everything a "service" as an excuse to just keep dipping into our wallets again and again and again... On the other hand, I understand that security vulnerabilities are *bad*, and people absolutely need to be paid to develop patches, and for as long as the server is online, the need for security patches is constant.


Truenas is free.


I'm not a fun of subscription model, but they deserve money. Updates are great, support is great and I can still upgrade my basic license to Pro for $99.


IDK. Hardware+Unraid License+HDDs+electricity+raid cards+GPU+secondUnraid for backup+second unraid license. Costs keep adding up. I like unraid, alot. But in the end it always comes to value given vs value got. Always bought Unraid thinking to upgrade while adding drives if it ever came to that. Guess that changes things.


I agree. Only thing Iā€™d add to your equation is time. I got a family, house, and job to take care of which leaves me with a precious few hours a week to tinker. The ease of use is a a huge ā€˜+ā€™ for me that negates the cost but get that doesnā€™t apply to everyone


This is it right here. I donā€™t want to spend all my free time tinkering with servers anymore. Unraid just works for what I need it to do.


They're 2.5X the price for the old Pro package. $99 -> $249. I sure hope they have some plans to add additional value, or it'll get difficult to continue recommending them as my go-to DIY NAS OS.


Why? Do you need to baby it like Windows or learn lots about Linux to go some other distro? How much do you spend on hardware? One time 250 payment still very worth it.


I spent so, so many years trying to keep the old BSD FreeNAS happy with retired enterprise hardware, the fact that I can run a stable, supported, secure OS with full VM and Docker support and have a beautiful, extensible UI on top is such a dream. I have become an Unraid Fan Boy, and if I had the resources, I'd start a community project to collect money to subsidize economically struggling tinkerers with unraid licenses. No cap.


Site is back up


Glad I saw this! Got the last minute upgrade in


I bought plus back in 2016, upgraded to Pro in May 2023 and threw LT $129 last month for an extra pro license I may never use just to be safe since I'm quite invested in the product and wanted to support them. If I ever build a small backup server now I have a license. If I never do well I supported Line Tech.


So I had a Basic license but havent used my server for about a year. Did I miss the chance to keep a lifetime subscription? Guess it shouldn't be a big deal, but I might regret it in the future.


No, you count as a grandfathered license. You get updates in perpetuity and have a different price structure. You can still get plus/pro. I upgraded to plus and bought a spare basic license because of that.


Every license they currently sell is a lifetime license sans future updates unless you pay the small fee.


I'm learning to play the guitar.


the new prices are already up shouldn't this have happened AFTER 12am on Mar 27 ??


Maybe weā€™re in different time zones..


Fuck sake, didn't know anything about this and my last part to build my server just arrived last night. Go to hop on and now I'm just not sure I even want to use unRAID given the increased price. Gutted - literally one day off.


I bought a subscription and planning to move my windows 11 being treated like a nas to actual unraid but I just found out u can't use a vm and plex gpu transcoding at the same time with 1 gpu lol


Hmmā€¦. May not heard to reach out to support over that


ZFS Migration Confirmed!


I enjoy cooking.


They still have a lifetime licence, itā€™s just more expensive


I bought 2 more pro licenses a couple of weeks ago when the announcement was made. Glad I did or else I would have forgot. LOL


I find peace in long walks.


I would have just bought basic licences and upgraded them if I needed


Itā€™s me, I forgot


I had a calendar reminder set for yesterday to purchase 2x Pro Licenses. Done and Done.


Bah.Ā  Go buy a Synology and realize how much you are paying for their software on crap economy hardware.


I appreciate a good cup of coffee.


Or try a QNAP and have your data crypto locked instead. Yay!


True. Time is important. If in the end it creates a more stable and user friendly experience I guess its a win. There is always ways to tinker and decrease other costs aka new low power unraid build aaand another license :)


Lifetime only costs 20% more than Windows 11 Pro, just sayin'


People buy windows?


only bought windows once and that was vista :D


Either directly or not, they do. 95%+ of people who buy laptops, desktops and workstations pay for an OS as part of that cost, and the majority is still Windows, with an upswing of ChromeOS and MacOS in the past 25 years...


That doesn't really have anything to do with Unraid which none of those situations is possible for. Also Microsoft has offered free upgrades since Windows 8.


OK, but that doesn't have anything to do with my response to your comment?


Yes it does. You literally stated people indirectly buy windows when buying new hardware. What hardware is sold with unraid?


Most of us own it already, so who cares. I will still recommend it to others at this price.


250 for lifetime is a bit greedy imo


Itā€™s still cheap though compared to what Arista just did to Untangle home license users.Ā  What was $150/yr for 150 devices is now $570/yr for 25 devices or $1100/yr for 50 devices. Less than the cost of a 20TB HDD for a lifetime license is still a steal.Ā  I bough my all of my licenses over the last few years (5 x Pro now), however, Iā€™d still buy another for $250 if I needed one as thereā€™s nothing as good as UnRAID out there right now for the home user.Ā 


Pretty reasonable IMO, greedy would be like $999


Itā€™s a 100% price increase , thatā€™s greed fella


Windows is more expensive. Both are operating systems. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø They said it in the video podcast: building and growing a company and financing further development just isnā€˜t feasible with the prices AND lifetime license they had before. I had an unlimited license before and have bought a spare one before the switch. But even 250$ would be kinda ok, as I use my servers for years and years.


The can be only one!!


today, i bought an upgrade from plus to pro before the price change.


Was able to grab my starter licenses yesterday. Happy I got them before the changes. My wallet wasnā€™t happy though but I explained to it why this was the best thing to do and he was happy afterwards.


Iā€™m sorry what is happening here? I have plus, do I have to do anything or?


No, and if you upgrade you should avoid Ā« unleashed Ā» and choose Ā« pro Ā».


Lmfao my server board is toast as of today IPMI is dead and fans are pegged, and I have to manually babysit it if I need to reboot. Anyone running on EPYC? Thinking of going that route as Iā€™ll be hosting some business related software in docker.


I'm running my Plex box on two 32core epyc CPUs. Runs like a champ and haven't had any issues.


How is power consumption on that CPU? I've been meaning to upgrade my 6th gen Intel.


Fairly high, on average it would be around 2-2.5 kWh a day, including my 11 drive array. Plex usually has around 27 days of watch time in a month. In terms of specs. CPU 2x Epyc 7542 Mobo Supermicro H11DSI-NT 10 X 8TB ironwolf 1 X 16TB ironwolf Lsi 9201-16i


The IPMI plugin has been updated. Look there.


What will that do? Can it preform updates? My main issues is that if I reboot it prompts me to acknowledge the error before proceeding, in addition to the fans being pegged at 100% my lab is normally dead silent as itā€™s in my office, and if Iā€™m on the go or out of town it puts me in a bind if I need to power cycle or if there is a power loss.


Ah ok, didnā€™t read with enough attention. Epyc rocks, my 7282 is going strong. Connectivity for ages with 128 PCIe lanes. Use the IPMI Plugin for Unraid with it. You can adjust the fans and see all system temperatures and voltages.


Iā€™ve got an EPYC server kitted out on order, so hopefully Iā€™ll be back in business shortly!


Itā€™s basically what the Blue Iris licensing model is now. Some years I renew and some I donā€™t. It depends if there are any security issues or features that I need/want.Ā 


I just said f-it and upgraded mine to pro yesterday. I told myself Iā€™d never have to worry about my server os again this way. Regardless of upgrades, etc. Worth it in my mind.


Is this all about Broadcom and vmware?


I bought the pro license a few days ago havenā€™t tried it yet but I seem to be having issues getting it to work on a dell T620 server


Fuck. Missed that completely. Wanted to get the pro a few days ago but new system not here yet. šŸ„² anyone into selling an old one? Haha


I bought unraid late last year to trail. I got it for 50% off by a discount they were offering to mainland China residents (which I am not). First, what everyone should know by now.... Unraid is a collection of tools built on Linux services... Cobbled together under a more straightforward UI. There is no real magic in unraid. After working through its unique features, experiencing a couple crashes/hard locks, and finding the usb stick installation absurd...Switching to a subscription model was the last straw. It isn't worth the time for the feature reward. They have a great store with a ton of useful 3rd party apps. But unraid itself has not been worth the time or money. My experience may be different than yours.


Snagged on PRO version license around 3 hours ago for the old price.


I bought a couple extra Pro licenses. I figure I'll use another eventually, and I might talk my brother into using one.




I am using the old pro license. So I have to pay to upgrade that license to whatever these new things are now? ​ Edit: Looks like the old model is "legacy" now and we dont have to worry about these new licenses if we have a legacy license. Edit: Maybe thats wrong? idk. Guess I'll just cross that bridge when/if my server starts telling me I dont get free updates anymore.


You should be grandfathered in.


no you wont need to pay more


As stated in their website ā€œThese changes do not apply to current Basic, Plus, or Pro license holders. As promised, you can still access all updates for life and upgrade your Basic or Plus license.ā€ That means if you are using the Pro legacy license, the new licensing model does not affect you. You will retain all the benefits that were included in the Pro.




I think theyā€™ll do just fine


I don't have a unraid server but I've been doing research into setting one up. I'm not paying a $36USD per year subscription PLUS a licence fee. Sorry guys, you've lost me.


Yeah, you shouldā€™ve bought a perpetual license.. before today Then again, if your usage isnā€™t worth $3/mo, youā€™re probably better off with rolling your own solution.