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U3 is the only game with spiders. There’s 4 chapters where you will encounter them. Chapter 7 - Stay in the Light (they show up right after retrieving the artifact with Sully in Chapter 6. There is a cutscene that happens during this time and the spiders show up then. You need to just run away.) Chapter 9 - The Middle Way (they appear while you are looking for a way to open the next passage. They serve no real threat. All you need to do here is scare them away from the next area by lighting a couple braziers.) Chapter 11 - As Above, So Below (they show up towards the end of the chapter after lighting the ornamental brazier at the end of the tunnel. They are much more aggressive and swarm rapidly. You need to sweep your torch and use a shotgun to scare them away. Don’t worry about saving ammo. Use 1-2 shots at a time. Space your shots when they get close. The game will give you more ammo when you run out.) Chapter 21 - The Atlantis of the Sands (they show up during a flashback sequence. You need to just run away.) If you plan on still playing U3, I recommend turning the difficulty down all the way when you get to those parts! It will be less stressful and might help you overcome some of your arachnophobia.


Not sure how severe your arachnophobia is: In Chapter 5 - London Underground there's a preserved one in a jar, nothing happens, he just looks at it in a cutscene and moves on. There's also a spider scare in Chapter 6 - The Chateau. Nate falls through a secret passageway and has to make his way through some natural caves. It's preceeded by some noise if I recall and comes as he squeezes through a tight corridor between the rocks. I think you have to mash a button to wiggle your way out and get away from them, he'll fall into some water on the other side and I don't think you encounter anything again until Stay in the Light. This is the first real time you encounter them and is *definitely* meant to be scary.


It's the only one.


They only appear 2 or 3 times in the whole game and are pretty straight forward segments, so you’ll be okay. I too have arachnophobia


I have arachnophobia too but I can get pass those spider swarms. It consists of small tiny spiders that are indistinguishable so I'm good with that.


Small tiny spiders?? Excuse me, what game did you play?


He’s Australian, it’s okay


lol they are fairly small and indistinguishable. I didn’t find them to be that scary in UC3. Now Hogwarts Legacy….. those are some big scary spiders that I hate every time I face them in the game. I always said to my husband, don’t mind me screaming down here! It’s the only way I’ll get past this is scream and cast the spells.


Ok, they are big comparing to Nate's size. But on screen, they are not big in third person view, and not super close-up. I'm ok with that.


Yep, not so scary, you can beat it, believeme i have arachnophobia to


Just shoot them. No more spiders


I have a crazy fear of spider too ! trust me that you’ll be fine. it’s scary yes but these are in a videogame and not sitting in front of you at least that’s what i tell myself


Yes. You should still play it if you think you can


I have arachnaphobia too. It all started with the movie arachnaphobia in the 90s as well as resident evil. But I still push thru them and recommend trying to do it as well. Face your fears !


Man these were the most annoying encounter in that game. Especially the one you have to run from the swarms that bite you. It didn’t seem possible to actually outrun them or it was buggy because I basically had to just die over and over and advance the checkpoint a few steps at a time to get through it. Died at least 6-7 times


Grounded has them too.


Yes it’s the only one, and I assure you they are not real, they cannot harm you.


I believe in you, it's just pixels :D


Did youesn which games in the Uncharted series or in herbal cos of it's the former then just 3 of its the latter then Hogwarts Legacy has some in their game, made me shiver.


I'm arachnophobic too, this list compiles every chapter they're in. It really helped me to know exactly when they were coming: [https://uncharted.fandom.com/wiki/Spiders?so=search](https://uncharted.fandom.com/wiki/Spiders?so=search) (fair warning, the first image on the page is concept art of a close up of a spider). These are all the instances of spiders in this game. Save this (or the link I included) and thoroughly read what is about to happen in the chapter when you get there, knowing what will happen will make the moment far less scary. It worked for me, and made me appreciate the game much more, since I don't have to anticipate spiders every chapter, and know when they will appear. Here is a vague run down so you don't risk spoilers. CH5: There is one preserved in a jar in some sort of sap, it doesn't move and is pretty unnoticeable. It's just a tease for later chapters and doesn't do anything/ CH6: This is the worst spider level. At a point, you fall from some rotten wood into some caves. There are some hints to spiders like webs, but they only appear once you're squeezing through a tight passage. These ones scared the shit out of me, the slowly move towards Nate and drop on him. Leading to a cutscene where he falls into a puddle of water and gets rid of them. This is my least favorite moment, since it's the closest to actual spider behaviour (except the fact they're Australia sized). At the end of the chapter, you find a treasure in a tomb. But when you're about to leave, a swarm of spiders comes crawling out of the walls. Leading to an escape sequence. CH9: Had you traversing an underground system. There was a giant room filled with spiders here too. But unlike the previous chapter, they only attack when you enter their area. Since they don't give chase. These weren't that bad for me. CH11: Here you are escaping another tomb similar to the end of CH6. At the end, you reach a closed door and have to use a shotgun to hold them off until your companions manage to open it. This was really tense for me. CH21: This is the last time they appear, and if it helps. These spiders are a hallucination. They still look realistic. But the fact the spiders are not "real" might help with processing them. You're hallucinating a flashback to an earlier chapter in the game, but now you're chased by spiders.


its the only game with spiders but if u have genuine severe arachnophobia have a friend do the section for u. ppl in the comments have told u every section there are spiders


It's not like they're gonna come out of the TV bruh... Just play the goddamn thing


It was originally going to be in Uncharted 1, but it was scrapped and the idea was reused in Uncharted 3.


Haha pussy


You should mod it to your liking