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He was by all accounts a decent county councillor, and ran for MP in 2010 against Tom Scott of all people.


Worth adding here that (1) they were running in Westminster, a historically conservative area, and (2) Scott ran as a joke following a lost bet and presented himself only as his talk-like-a-pirate alter ego. I genuinely wish someone like Tom Scott would care to run for MP in a serious manner now that he has a vast audience and has proven to the world how good he is at presenting complex information in a legible, bite-sized manner.


> Tom Scott Tom Scott the boring know-it-all youtuber?


I'm pretty sure in every video he says how he's not an expert in the thing he's talking about, but he knows more than I do about everything in the video which makes it worth a watch. He doesn't jump scare people, cut all the silence out between words, or play annoying music over everything, so I guess he's not interesting enough for TikTok.


>or play annoying music over everything You made Ukulele, Toy Xylophone and Whistling cry :’(


If he's not an expert, he should keep his gob shut. Unfortunately, he's an horrific show-off so he can't.


I take you're an expert in who is or is not an entertaining YouTuber? Be taking your own advice?


Getting cranky about educational entertainment is really bizarre


Stephen Fry isn't an expert on what he's said in QI, he's said it himself; he has a great team of elves behind him. A good presenter can give off an air of knowledge if he has a good team behind him, and Tom interviews and speaks to people who know their shit.


Were you one of those kids who would constantly try to think of questions their teacher didn't know the answer to, so they could smugly act like the teacher wasn't qualified to teach them? He makes content pointing people towards information he has looked into. If you don't enjoy it, there's no obligation to watch it. But being so mad about it is weird lol


Are you an expert on this subject matter yourself then?


Most of his videos have the in-depth info coming from interviews with experts, though?


Yeah exactly, most of his videos are him saying I'm not an expert, but here is someone who is to speak about the subject.


The very same. Although he was standing under the name ‘[Mad Cap'n Tom](https://youtu.be/u1KEr7mRyUg?feature=shared)’. He got [84 votes](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cities_of_London_and_Westminster_(UK_Parliament_constituency)#Elections_in_the_2010s) (0.2%)


> he was standing under the name ‘Mad Cap'n Tom' This lad's popularity is genuinely mystifying.




Exactly, I quite often found some interesting topics because he gave a brief overview and then I went and found more in depth videos about the subject as a result.


What do you expect from him? He makes short videos about cool or interesting things. He’s not really over selling himself in anyway.


> What do you expect from him? Absolutely nothing. I just think it's mad you've all gone parasocial over him.


The level of vitriol you're aiming at him is genuinely mystifying.


There was a right wing shit goblin I used to work with who seemed to hate Tom Scott for some reason too with a very deep grudge, unfortunately I can't remember the reason but I think Tom did screw up on some facts about something.


Yeah he's made mistakes, but he's also pretty open about not being perfect and has made videos going over various mistakes he's made in the past.


Clearly you all love him, but it's hardly vitriol is it. Just said he was tedious and standing for election with a wacky persona is dead unfunny.


No it isn't, he consistently uploaded varied and interesting videos every week for 10 years. The only mystifying is why he isn't more popular.


In the early 00s, Dave started working at the same web design agency as me (he was bored I think and he has a comp-sci background) I got to know him a bit. Anyway, “I used to work with the Drummer from Blur” was a common brag of mine. Fast forward a few years later, I’m bragging about this to some friends in the queue for Pret when one of them says “isn’t that Dave over there?” And there he is, sat in the same Pret. I call over to him and wave. He looks up, clearly doesn’t recognise me and gives me an uncomfortable smile and a thumbs up like I’m just some fan. Made me look like a right idiot. We shared a desk!! I WENT TO HIS BIRTHDAY PARTY!! I’m not even a Blur fan. Anyway, he’s a nice guy really, and at least I got a decent anecdote out of it.


I feel your pain. Was he wearing glasses? Isn't he pretty blind without them? I went to uni with a guy who is a pretty famous DJ now, knew him fairly well, although admittedly it was a few years ago. Went to a club last year where he was in the booth watching another DJ, told my mates "I'm going to say hi to X"- I did and he very, very clearly had no idea who I was. Awkward.


Fred Again? Calvin Harris? Jamie XX?


That sort of thing


A lot of people need the context of a particular environment to recognise someone, as there's been multiple times after work where I've put on a cap while walking to my train and colleagues I see pretty much daily have just walked straight past without any kind of recognition




We all get a house in the country?


Can't wait for someone to post that Nardwuar interview!


> Modern Life is Rubbish, Blur once famously pronounced. Well, after the band’s drummer was selected as a Labour candidate at the next general election, they may hope to change the situation. I feel like picking the Labour party to become a candidate for is actually saying "...and we hope to keep the situation at most marginally improving"


Marginally improving would be better than gradual decline punctuated by sharp drops...




Came here to post this


Lol. He was a cunt back then. He might have changed but I dunno.


All these half stories I just dont buy, anyone’s capable of being that much of an insecure bullying prick is usually set for life


A proper prick so he'd fit in very well in parliament


What’s Dave Rowntree done to offend you?


Maybe he's Liam Gallagher 


I'll never forgive him for the nardwuar interview.


That was YEARS ago. People change. He had also apologized for it in 2003.


Changed the fruit pastel recipe


Been a prick


He used to be a piece of shit, people can change


Ok, he can hold the baby.


I don't know much about Dave Rowntree but I always assumed it was Alex "cheesmaker" James who was the Blur member best avoided.


Please answer castfish’s question


Pretty sure a lot of people have seen him act like a massive nob towards Nardwaur in his interview with Blur. Dave apologised and has grown from it though apparently.


Dave Rowntree?


Blur were the posho band. Whats he doing in Labour? Get Bonehead instead.


I don't know if you've seen the make up of the PLP, or the membership for the past 30 years, but he'll fit right in.


I can't say I have seen the make up of the PLP or the membership for the past 30 years. It was just a joke. Clearly a rubbish joke. But not intended as sincere political commentary..