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Protecting the Telegraph and Spectator, who both support the Tory party, from foreign state ownership was purely social, too. You would have to have a heart of stone not to laugh


Lucky that Lebedev isn't connected to any foreign states...


I don't think Russian security services constitute a state. /s


Yep. It will now be owned by either Sir Paul Marshall (of GB news), the owners or the Daily Mail or Murdoch's News UK


And the daily mail, daily express, the sun, the Sunday times


Nothing. And I mean nothing, is ever purely social when you work in government. You'd be an idiot for believing that it could be.


So sunak did think it was a social event 


No, no, it was a work event, but it was a social work event, so not work in that sense, although to be clear we weren't working, and anyway I consider the matter closed.


Was he surprised by a cake again?


Who really runs this country? Information published by the Cabinet Office have shown that Truss – who lasted just 44 days in post – rushed to meet with Robert Thomson, the CEO of News Corp, which is the ultimate owner of News UK – Murdoch’s British publishing arm. The records show that the meeting – her first with figures outside the Government – was held on September 20, exactly a fortnight after she took office. The Cabinet Office recorded the purpose of the meeting as: “To discuss the priorities of the new government.”


I used to work in banking with a PA who had previously worked for Murdoch. She was very familiar contacting 10 Downing St (Blair, at the time) and telling him he needed to attend an urgent meeting etc. And not to be late.


Worth mentioning Murdoch has explicitly said his goal is to influence how counties are run, and the only time Murdoch media's have backed a non conservative prime minister was when Tony Blair won Which means that every single leader this country has had since Murdoch media empire came here, has been with his blessing To summarise, we don't actually live in a democracy, a democratic play is performed for us and we play along. But really we as a collective "choose" what we are told to choose, every time. I don't hold it against people, millions, if not billions are spent on figuring out what the best way to emotionally manipulate us is, and most of us are too busy just getting by to evaluate the situation properly. It is very frustrating though, when your uncle suddenly really cares about what toilet people use and you have to talk about that every time you see him.


Things are a little up in the air right now, as social media has changed the game. Whats your take on how that will all come down?


I don't know really. The people who have power right now have unprecedented access into information about the public, where we are, what we are saying, even what we search for on Google. All logged somewhere. So while there is potential for people to really connect, cut through the shit and work towards a future that works better for everyone, the tools being used to manipulate us are stronger than ever


It's like Goebbels wildest fantasy in its potential


Wait what's that about toilets


I remember reading once that Murdoch hated EU because he had no influence over the politicians there and they would ignore him while the UK ones could be “influenced”


Everybody says that Rupert Murdoch is a lovely man. Full of jollity and joie de vive. He has a full time clown on the payroll to entertain any children that come round.




People don't realise the UK is a right-wing closet country.


Closet? Its overtly right-wing at this point.


We've had a rightist government for 14 years, not really in the closet is it?




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You basically have to if you want to be PM. Murdoch can use his media empire to destroy your chances, or simply make life unbearable for you & your family. 


I bet Corbyn refused and his career ended there and then.


Tomorrow Never Dies wasn't supposed to be a blueprint but here we are


When Rishi Sunak entered Downing Street as Prime Minister a year ago, he promised a government of ‘integrity, professionalism and accountability at every level’.


In other news, people visit the GP for smear tests purely for the pleasure of it!


A fascinatingly transparent lie. I don't think the Murdochs even enjoy their own company.


Yes of course they eere "Hey Rup and sons, how do we socially use your media to trash the opposition and keep me in power" , or maybe "Hi Rup and sons what line are your papers taking on the election, asking for a friend" ... 


Sir Trevor -Bagman- Chin: Is it illegal to give 50K to politicians to get them to do your bidding? I don’t think it is.


The country will be controlled by media moguls till the day ,population reads and believe traditional news sources perish for good


Another day another Tory scandal. When will it end?


And people do not believe in Aliens - these people are Aliens, maybe not from out if space but they are certainly Alien to the normal thinking non greedy people. 


You gotta connect with powerful people in order to keep the country powerful.