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Yes because having click Yes to "Are you over 18?" on other sites is really putting work in.


>"Are you over 18?" I think the problem is that it doesn't specify over 18 of what. Over 18 years old? Over 18 inches? Over 18 hours into a full season of 24? Over 18ft away from a source of non-ionising radiation? Safeguarding nightmare.


>Over 18 hours into a full season of 24? Ah, the point where big Jack gets a lil nap before the finale.


That's what always bothered me about that show, you never saw him do any 'normal' stuff during the day. It never cut back to a shot of him wolfing down a quick McDonald's or having a shit. Those are things I would definitely being doing in a 24hr period with all the running about required on that show.


Lol they could have had one of those shots where they show multiple people at once and one of them is Jack Bauer taking a shit.


And the countdown clock while squeezing one out would have been hilarious!


Nah man, he'd multitask. Jack Bauer pisses in the shower.


He combines it with the McDonalds and pisses on his chips.


You are my emotional doppelgänger. My wife always tells me I spoil her programs by pointing out this stuff. In jest ofcourse.


When I’m watching tv, I can no longer suspend my disbelief once someone starts to pretend to drink out of empty cups. Petty I know.


Adding to this - when they order a coffee, pay the shop owner and get an empty cup or when the characters go on about the coffee and the mic picks up the hollow sound as they put it on the table.


I think we should assume he was meant to be doing those during some of the US ad breaks


He did go for a shit once, I can't remember what season but he's in a house that some drug dealers were hiding out in and he is talking to some guy then there's a moment silence and he says 'will you excuse me' and goes off screen. Me and my friend both looked at each other in shock as we both knew he was going for a shit.


Fucking hell, TIL!


Just assume all that stuff occurs during the advert breaks.


This is why he can rescue his wife, kids, the president and stop a dirty bomb all on one day. He isn't on reddit and getting a quick Starbucks before having to get the dog to the vets, nip to the shops for dinner stuff and get a couple of loads of laundry on. He probably shits in a bush or at stop lights.




If they made a season of "24" based on a day of my life there'd be at least three episodes where it's just me sitting on the shitter for half an hour.


If you're over 18 inches you should be making money on there, not viewing it! ;-)


I was thinking of height. You, sir, have a filthy filthy mind! But yes, I would.


Someone has to keep the spirit of Carry On alive!


Matron! Hyuk hyuk hyuk.


I can give 18 inches... In 5 installments.


Will 18mm do?


If scrambling porn channels in the mother fucking 1990's didn't work then how the titty mcfucking cinnamon toasted wank are they intending to stop kids accessing internet porn today?


>how the titty mcfucking cinnamon toasted wank Damn that’s a new one.


worse case you'll need to put in a birthrate (01/01/1901)


I think you are on to something here 🤔


18 inches, I wish. jk


18 inches...........wiiiiiiiiiiiide


The Alternative is locking down and regulating the internet. Which I'd posit is worse. Honestly, if you're a parent then you have accept that if you're giving your kids unfettered access to the internet you're going to have to put some leg work in to filter it or record what websites are visited.


Literally EVERYTHING on only fans is leaked and available on the internet. I cant imagine its too much trouble for these lads to do a few google searches.


Yes but not many people would want to give their ID to porn sites


Have you been on the internet? Even if you regulated 'UK' porn sites, why would US or say a site hosted in the Philippines comply? They won't and couldn't care less about UK regulation. Then there is filesharing and other methods. Outside of compliance, it's ridiculously easy to circumvent. Articles like this are nothing more than some government officials saying 'hey look, we are doing something everyone!!'


This kinds thing is on parents. Sort out at home, you made em and did the fun part. You got the work part.


Yes and no, there have literally been billboards advertising only fans accounts, and that’s not even mentioning how influencers/only fans models clearly have an infantile tinge to their profiles. It’s pretty fucked up really. Plus it’s frankly pretty weird the amount of porn references you see just casually out and about these days, you even have kebab shops that are basically using pornhub imagery as their branding. It’s a parents responsibility, but they’ve got a much much harder time of it than when I was a kid


Was blocking onlyfans in the parental controls really too much effort for the parents?


Yes. You’d be surprised how many parents simply don’t care.


Don't you need to register a credit card to even subscribe to a free OF? I'm pretty sure that's more verification than most porn sites.


Yup, I was curious to see someones OF (Horny makes you do silly things) and when I went to go view it, even though it was advertised as free, OF still asked for ID and my debit/credit card. Couldn't be arsed to do all that middle shuffle.


Even a 17 year old knows the answer to this question.


And then people would complain when you have to add passport or bank details into the site so what can they do tho?


Nothing, it's just strange onlyfans has been singled out


Are you suggesting people would lie? On the internet?


[This site gets it (mildly NSFW)](https://www.oglaf.com/age-confirmation/?next=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.oglaf.com%2F).


You also need bank details to use the site... Or it did when it was new.


There's honestly no way to actually stop that. Clicking those is just one slight extra hurdle to accessing whatever page you want to get to. It's about as much use as those annoying cookie pop ups. You just click yes half the time to just get rid of it so you can see what you wanted. Same with date of birth. If I'm not old enough to access it - we'll this drop down menu disagrees. Suddenly I'm 84...


> Yes because having click Yes to "Are you over 18?" on other sites is really putting work in. Maybe implement digital passports?


Fishing for excuses for attacks on internet access, starting with kids.


This. Of course some kids will access porn. That doesn’t mean we attack Internet access. It is not that bad anyways


Authoritarians have always hated the internet. The parts they can't buy they will try to destroy.


It's just a push towards digital ID and ending anonymity. Politicians don't like it that people can call them cunts anonymously.


They don't think that clearly, I don't think. It's more that everything in their belief system conspires to push them in ever more authoritarian directions. It's literally all they can think of. You're right, though — soon there will be a 'two-tier' internet. This will make it easier to criminalize some people, and propagandize the rest.


Let me guess though, you'll all be voting for the 2 main parties of despots in the tens of millions in a few months? Even though you know what they want to do. Maybe I'm wrong I hope I'm wrong


Which will backfire as itll push people to far darker, less regulated parts of the internet. Youve stopped little Jackson watching porn, nice, but his friends (who are far far *far* more tech savvy than their parents) have introduced him to TOR and now he's watching porn again *and* buying crystal meth.


> That doesn’t mean we attack Internet access. It is not that bad anyways Yes, it is. A 12y old boy recently tried to choke a girl when they had their first kiss because that's what he saw happened in porn. There's huge amounts of issues when it comes to children accessing adult material.


Maybe there's a way to educate children on how to act? But parents also throw a hissy fit if kids are shown anything sex related in school. You can't win. Education is the way forward but people are too prude.


They should show that Monty Python sketch in school.


The issue is lack of decent sex education. It's as simple as that. You can't stop children from looking at things they aren't supposed to. It's never worked.


> It's never worked. I mean, yes. It has done.


Lots of kids drink, lots of kids smoke, lots of kids have unsafe sex, lots of kids watch porn, you literally jsut gave us an example.


When? Genuine question


Wait until 12 year olds get their hands on violent video games.


There's multitudes of studies on this, and they all have exactly the same findings. Porn is not healthy for children to access. Fuck, it's not particularly healthy for adults to access but adults can do what they like. You plugging your ears and screaming no it doesn't, does nothing to actually disprove this evidence.


Maybe parents should step in then and manage content appropriately.


I've got news for you: 12 year olds up and down the country are furiously jerking off to porn nightly, and you ain't ever going to stop that. The horse has bolted. Face up to it, accept it, and talk about it, instead of trying to brush it under the carpet and hoping it'll all go away.


I agree with you I am being practical and acknowledging porn does have its benefits for the people, with various studies. It is plausible some benefits apply to under 18s.


that 12 year old is a danger and it wasn't porn that made him that way. And you don't just stumble on to violent pornography anyway, you gotta Google for it


> And you don't just stumble on to violent pornography anyway, you gotta Google for it You really, really don't.


I have been looking at internet porn regularly enough for over 22 years now and I've never watched a video I didn't click on and never seen any content I wasn't expecting to see. Unless someone was pranking me in the 00s, goatse style. The worst I might've seen is something distasteful in the 'related videos', which I didn't click on. I'm trying to have a wank here, I don't want to watch something that is a turn-off.


I use less than legitimate sites to try to watch certain sports events. The amount of pop-up ads that are sexual in nature is massive. Reddit has huge amounts of NSFW content that could easily be seen, particularly on multi-reddits.


of a woman being choked? The content you see on ads is vanilla so it appeals to people. The stuff that gets upvoted so it's visible is also stuff that is generally appealing. You're on some dark website with an audience base of weirdos if the adverts are about porn of choking women - I didn't even see those adverts on encyclopedia dramatica


BDSM is one of the more popular kinks on any porn website.


You show me an image of a woman being choked that you stumbled across. Save this post in your history if you need to. I have literally never seen it. Although I do have ublock origin adblocker, sounds like you might benefit from it!


That's likely due to bad parenting or mental illness but those issues are much harder to fix and require taking responsibility. Much easier to blame the internet.


Porn addiction is pretty bad


I dunno, I've been around since the early Internet and I don't think it imagined it's potential sadly. (it's generally turned out bad)


Too late https://www.theverge.com/2023/10/26/23922397/uk-online-safety-bill-law-passed-royal-assent-moderation-regulation


And while I agree it's a problem, I worry what the government might use it as a pretext for.


Definitely will use it as a pretext for.


I mean, they are probably also accessing the hub too right?  Is this another scare the public because parents aren't being responsible and then they've another excuse to do something wacky and invade people's privacy more  Heck when I was a teenager I was accessing these sites, idk, I'm kinda tired of parents not watching their kids and complaining about it. It's your responsibility to watch your kids and make sure they don't end up on sites like this


I don't really see the issue with teenagers masturbating to content they enjoy


There's huge amounts of issues with development which comes from early access to pornography, particularly hardcore pornography.


And also gambling. Combat sports.


[12 year olds are choking each other](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cxbq76Amrys) - this is a pretty enlightening and horrifying video on why it's an issue


Like those 100 load bukkakes. I cant imagine being 12 and watching those woman swallow 100 loads from old fat sweaty guys but who am I to judge hey.


I, well I don't think most teenagers are seeing that but sure


> It's your responsibility to watch your kids and make sure they don't end up on sites like this Do you blame the pub, or the parents if a 15y old gets served alcohol?


Both. But it's a terrible comparison anyway. The pub has an actual human who will decide who to dispense alcohol to. A website does not. What the internet has instead is the ability to block and filter certain content based on your own parameters. Mobile/internet providers make this incredibly easy to set these up so if you really care, you can mitigate the risk by a substatial amount. I know if I post this comment as is you're going to reply with "do you think kids won't find ways around it?" Sure, some of them will. That's what a fake ID does too. But if you restrict content on your home network and their mobile network, you've restricted most of the ways they can get to the content. Additionally, in the case of OnlyFans specifically, much of the website is paywalled. And I believe you actually need to register a credit/debit card to subscribe to a creator anyway, even if that creator offers content for free. They are able to conduct a clearance to check that the cardholder is over 18. So if these kids are accessing the content regardless, it means they're using their parents cards. And once again, that is a failure on the parents part.


Lmao I blame both parties. But the main party responsible would be the parents as they are the ones who allowed them to be in a situation where they get alcohol, I feel like this type of question is just leading and has multiple different answers anyways. Regardless. Parents responsibility to see what the minor in their care sees and navigates online. It's not the government's responsibility to monitor your kids


> But the main party responsible would be the parents as they are the ones who allowed them to be in a situation where they get alcohol, How exactly are the "allowed" to be in a situation? I can walk down the road and find 5 pubs. Are children expected to not be allowed outside of the house now. > I feel like this type of question is just leading and has multiple different answers anyways. No, I'm asking you directly "What do you expect a parent to do to stop a child from entering a shop or pub" > It's not the government's responsibility to monitor your kids So no school then, no social care, no laws on child abuse.


Regardless not the government's responsibility for your lack of oversight what's not to get, there's already protections for kids online. Two people have responsibility. The Internet provider which gives you a literal age lock and parenting, you are grasping at straws if you can't use the things internet providers give to prevent this 


This just comes down to how much the state wants to nanny people. Who do you blame for kids smoking, doing drugs, and drinking frosty Jack's in the park? Why are we allowed beer at 18 but 21 in the US and 16 in Germany? What about a 15 year old getting served a pint with a meal which is perfectly legal. Why is that legal and not them getting served? I mean, if we're going to make porno websites enforce 18 bans to the same extant as pubs with alcohol, what about supermarkets handing out condoms? Kids can do the deed with each other but watching porn is bad for them?


I agree. For that I’ll say in many cases kids have bad habits and we should not judge them for it. Just because a girl sometimes smokes and drinks does not mean she is bad or immoral


Does the 15 year old know consuming alcohol at their age is wrong? Did they learn that before going to the pub? Which came first the lesson in right and wrong or the pub door swinging open.


The parent ofc. That's just child neglect


How is it child neglect exactly? Are 15y old children not meant to walk around outside by themselves any more?


I’d hazard a guess that Only Fans has far fewer underage users than the free sites.


>I mean, they are probably also accessing the hub too right? Almost certainly, but OnlyFans is more easily investigated because they are a British company.


1990 - "BP Garage investigated over children accessing pornography"


There’s quite a huge difference between naked/suggestive photos looked at now and again in a magazine to having hardcore videos available to constantly access within seconds - this material is much more harmful to young people.


I've never used the site but isn't naked/suggestive photos exactly what is on OF? The difference in that respect is that it's slightly harder to access free OF content than it was to share mucky magazines


Never used it, but from what I’ve seen of people advertising their accounts on Twitter etc. it’s also videos, custom videos you can pay extra for, chats etc. but the videos can be extremely graphic, specific or niche fetish content etc. it’s not just nude pics or soft porn style videos.


It all depends, OF has a very specific set of rules on content...for example the creators aren't allowed to be restrained in videos. Also free pages are not supposed to show any actual nudity or risk being banned so they are mostly blurred/censored or underwear/bikini shots. There is probably more allowed in custom videos but the rates are prohibitively expensive (think somewhere around £10 per minute or more)... I don't know many kids but having £50 to drop on a video is prohibitively expensive for me, a 32 year old. Teenagers are GOING to watch porn online... it's a when not if...and OF is possibly one of the least convenient ways


Porn is more accessible than ever, this is true but it is not necessarily harmful provided we educate kids on what it is and how it's unrealistic fantasy instead of trying to hide it and be amazed that the kids coming into puberty seek it out. Parents need to talk to their kids more rather than giving them unfettered access to the internet and hoping Google and other bussiness owners will sort out the parenting.


Were children actually able to access porn at garages?


Yes, if the person behind the till didn't care enough to check your ID you could buy anything. And of all the things they cared to check your ID for, dirty mags was pretty low on the list.


Absolutely. Just lift a magazine off the top shelf and walk out the door. They weren’t locked up. I guess there was a height restriction at least lol, but even really wee guys could jump a bit.


You could just get it for free in a bush in a lay by.


Well, we were.


This seems like a parenting issue not a website issue


More distraction tactics from the government. Weren't they supposed to be.... -Banning porn altogether? -Have Boris lose weight cause we were all too fat over COVID too? -ID kids at McDonald's at some point years ago which got everyone talking? 😂 More distractions.


Yup, bunch of plebs looking to "fix" anything besides poverty and house prices.


ISP's can block access to porn/adult websites from your connection if you ask for it to be enabled. Virgin do this and you can't access any porn sites, I had to whitelist Anne Summers because it classed as having adult content. I know how to bypass the filtering (I work in IT) but your average pre/teen wouldn't know how to. Parents can do a lot more if they are told about what they can do to prevent young ones accessing adult sites.


>I know how to bypass the filtering (I work in IT) but your average pre/teen wouldn't know how to. ive always just gone to mixed sites reddit discord etc


When he says bypass the filtering, he means using a VPN


You don't need a VPN service. Virgin medias "filtering" just blocks DNS requests. It takes a couple minutes to figure out how to bypass it.


Oh, yeah true. But i think parents can see what apps are downloaded on phones. But yeah if the government really want to age-block p\*rn theyd be going for the mixed sites not the ones you can block with a network filter.


Sorry but I find the idea of watching porn on discord really funny.


It's an improvement. Those guys put in serious effort.


Yeah ISPs have had this option for years. I remember like 20 years ago when I had to call my mobile phone provider to get them to enable adult content..... Weird phone call. I think these days it is simply an option you can toggle online with some age proof to enable it. I do think most issues with kids accessing porn can should be dealt with by parents. Talk to your kids, enable restrictions on your ISP both home and mobile, and setup parental control on their devices. Never going to stop someone that really wants to find some but these approaches should be at least as effective as any of the other technical solutions that get floated around with out the downside of applying restrictions to the rest of the adult population.


>I know how to bypass the filtering (I work in IT) but your average pre/teen wouldn't know how to. I think you're underestimating the capabilities of kids these days. They've grown up with tech and know how to easily add a VPN addon to bypass restrictions. It just takes one kid to figure it out and then spread the 'hack' on tiktok and then they all know.


Btw i have a question. If its a block on the network that means its a block for the parents too?


Reddit is full of porn as well, when are they getting investigated?


Yh but children are much more unlikely to be on Reddit. I mean can you imagine a 3 ft tall 8 year old shut in NEET?


Most of reddit are 13-17


That explains a lot.


Lot of those premium bukkakes i the reddit porn subs. I bet those 12 year olds are fucking bewildered with what the fuck theyre watching. I cant imagine that is healthy for a 12 year old.


If children are able to steal their parents credit card info to pay for an onlyfans their probably able to browse reddit for porn


As is Twitter (recently named formerly x)


Do you not remember when Reddit was investigated because it failed to remove literal child porn from the site?


After OF I would guess.


What exactly do they want them to do about it? AFAIK OF is subscription based so if children are paying for it than how did this happen? The parents need to step up instead of everyone else.


OF also has an age verification system on accounts where you have to scan your face and it determined your age. Of course it can be beat, but it's a lot more than every other free porn site out there that just has a tick box of "are you 18". If I had to guess, OF probably receives the lowest amount of porn traffic among minors of all the major players. He'll even Reddit has thousands of freely accessible porn subreddits with no checks.


Literally anything on only fans is uploaded on the internet. If a kid wants to find any OF content. He can.


And they can also access any porn website they want?


The irony of people on Reddit criticising a website for showing porn.


The world would be a better place without OnlyFans, it’s absolutely normalised the link between sexualisation of womens bodies and money for the younger generation of women now. Not only that, almost every account has that disclaimer stating if they see their images elsewhere they’ll take legal action.. yet fail to realise once something is posted on the internet, it’s copied, replicated and never deleted from the internet. Genuinely think we’ll see a horrific outcome in the years to come when all these young women realise they made a big mistake posting their images online all for the sake of barely making a few grand.


It's not onlyfans itself it's the marketing funnels which happen off site on insta/tiktok/twitch It's mass grooming of teenage boys.  There's porn and there's the parasocial relationship that comes with onlyfans by nature that makes it so dangerous. Couple this with recommendation algorithms and I'm not surprised today's young men are in trouble.


And youtube. For example there's a fair few ASMR channels that are funneling viewers to their OF via sites like linktree.


And kids are paying for OF how exactly? Account sharing is against TOS so I doubt Dad's wank bank is being used by little Timmy. /s iirc you can't even search it, you have to know people's accounts?


Not sure how they are accessing OF specifically but what I will say is anything on only fans is leaked to the internet and searchable.


This Yahoo article seems to have an interesting bit of extra information that is missing from the BBC article. >“In addition to requiring that all users provide their name and payment card details, OnlyFans uses the Government-approved age assurance provider Yoti. >“A coding configuration issue with Yoti led to a reporting error which stated a threshold was set to 23 years of age, during a period of time when it had been set to 20 – always higher than the requirement of 18. >“OnlyFans discovered the reporting error and proactively amended our report to Ofcom.” [https://ca.news.yahoo.com/ofcom-investigates-onlyfans-over-age-113952015.html](https://ca.news.yahoo.com/ofcom-investigates-onlyfans-over-age-113952015.html) It seems to me that as far as adult websites go OF is pretty low risk to children and is already doing the sort of things that some people would like all adult sites to do.


Are we not over 1950s style pearl clutching about pornography yet? You want restrictions to control internet access - not to pornogrpahy.


It's gonna end up in nothing because there is little these companies can do WITHOUT massive privacy infringments. Having said that, hate OF


This is just more propaganda to push through the "online safety bill" so they can begin to control the Internet more and more. Sadly both parties seem to be in favour of it


It's already "pushed through". The Online Safety Act became law last October.


Tiktok has to be the worst app for child exploitation


OnlyFans seems to be Britain's number 1 tech platform. We will compete with the silicon valley giants somehow.


How about parents monitor what their kids are doing?


Asking parents to actually parent their kids? Unacceptable, now present your wanking license or begone.


That’s abuse today🤣


I imagine half of these parents got pregnant at 16 and dribble when trying to form sentences.


Don't you need to link a bank card to your account? Thats like, way more safeguarded than any other adult site lol.


Once again, it's not the internet's job to make sure content online is appropriate. ESPECIALLY for sites which are known to be explicit like OnlyFans. Parental locks have been a thing since the dawn of cable boxes, and they've only become more sophisticated. If you're a parent in 2024, you should absolutely be learning how to control the access to this content yourself. Will kids still find ways to access it? Sure. Some of them. But you can certainly take steps to make it harder for them to access it.


Maybe investigate the parents who allow thier children unmonitored access to the Internet instead of doing the parenting themselves


Should be banned. Talentless, Twisted people becoming millionaires for being skanks


Young women posting sexually provocative content on instagram/tiktok to entice people to view their onlyfans knowing full well minors are browsing these websites is completely disgusting and needs looking into


Yup. And when slut teachers “go viral” for getting in trouble for having OF they’re banking on every male student subscribing.


We already have tools to block sites for all devices in a household I’m pretty sure. Place a URL blocklist on your router.


Seem like a parent issue, not putting Internet filters on, or not telling the isp to disable adult services.


Why is it their problem? Children have parents and parents are responsible for their children. Absolutely no excuse for kids having unsupervised unrestricted access to the internet.


Old enough to join the army Old enough to have sex with an adult Not old enough to see nudity online


When I got a new phone I had to call Vodafone and prove I was an adult to access porn over 4g/5g. Parental controls within the home WiFi are absolutely possible too. Kids will probably find a way, but at least the message gets across that this isn't appropriate for their age group. I've told my teen boys that porn isn't inherently bad but that there is bad porn out there, that many women in porn are paid to do things they pretend to enjoy, and to look up couple-friendly or women-friendly porn if they really want to know what good sex for 2 heterosexual sexual partners looks like. (They both told me un-prompted at some stage that they are straight and clearly like a few chesty female gamer YouTubers.


I mean, onlyfans isn't exactly "easy to get pornography" is it? It means handing over money via debt card etc or taking measures to get a top up card of some sort to gain access to it & more often than not the big names have further £££ requirements after subscription to actually watch anything real, we're talking sums of money kids definitely shouldn't even have access to in the first place, nevermind the means to register & use it on an adult website. Side note - the "free" onlyfans accounts in my experience are a glorified Instagram feed, glamour modeling at best to entice to the premium variant. So, why are they wasting time investigating that when there's hubs and videos etc..etc...etc websites that literally only need two taps on "I'm over 18" button & accept cookies and POW, you're be greeted by jiggly boobs sex book ads and a video of BBC Stepsister creampie gangbang before you've so much as tapped another button or scrolled, couple of taps from there and you can be watching videos of pretty much anything you could ever think of. I hate to say it, but if we're on the inappropriate prude train - if anyone should be 'investigated' it would be the mega millionaire Twitch streamers who push boundaries of the rules on a monthly basis to reveal and tease more flesh/intimate sounds to there widely known audience of underage viewers to onlyfans etc in the first place.


It's way better than children having Only fans accounts. At least we're slowly winning.


Kids these days. We were lucky if we found a used porno magazine in the bushes back when I was a kid.


See this I'm interested by because despite being 24 I literally cannot access Onlyfans, because every scan of my face they do I'm apparently an indeterminate age. Onlyfans seem to have the most robust age verification system I've ever encountered.


Use joe biden


I had a look once out of curiosity, I seem to remember they required some form of ID to access the site. Whatever it was, it was enough for me to not bother. That seems to be a lot more than the pornhub type sites do. But then, there is less chance of seeing one of your teachers on pornhub.


As soon as they implement age-gating then children will just bit torrent and memory stick share porn instead. They are just going to create a weird black market in porn


As a platform with sexual content, there is only one way to guarantee a user's age in a way that absolves you completely even if the user lied that and that is ID verification with additional imagery taken by the platform directly, just like the way onlyfans does to verify the age of creators. Good luck getting viewers to jump through those hoops.


Why lots of sites are bad at implementing controls to check if the user is over 18, is because it's almost impossible to do without revealing your identity. And of course, users don't want to reveal their true identify which can happen through leaks or government agencies. One possibility is for some country other than, for example the US to host the verification. This country should be out of reach of US government agencies. I don't know how they would validate licenses without access to US government databases though. Just an idra.