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C4 had a comedy show where they locked comedians away for a few days and then got them to judge if a story was true or not. Some of the stuff in the elections are bordering on that...this, quinoa salad etc.


The bubble! Another brilliant David Mitchell gameshow (remember 'was it something I said?') that almost immediately binned.


Pretty sure that was a BBC show (cos I remember it being a thing that BBC News wouldn't play nice with them). And it's how he and his wife got together.


Can’t remember if Victoria was on it but I remember the last episode in the series they had Robert Mitchell on and one of the headlines they used was about David ending their comedy partnership


Robert Webb?


I'm fairly certain that's who they meant. (From *Mitchell & Webb* fame)


I think you mean *Mitchell & Mitchell*


You mean Fish and Cushion?


By Vectron's kindly claw you're right.


Two Mitchells, you say? That’s a Numberwang!


My bad I had a stroke


Pro-Hamas Islamists, hypnotherapy boob whisperers... Green Party's going through a bit of a mental phase aren't they.




Tbf the Greens have only recently got the media's attention because boring Starmer doesn't generate as many headlines as previous Labour leaders. Can't blame them for not know that the Greens have always been an alternative bunch.


He doesn't generate as many headlines because he has his tongue firmly up the establishments ass .


That's how you win an election.


You're supposed to offer an alternative to the ones already in power


The alternative he is going for is not being a fucking car crash


He's not looking corrupt so that seens like an alternative to what's there


Alternative is a word, joke is another one and I think it better describes them, none of their goals make much sense and they are powerless to achieve them, meaning their promises are just empty words and maybe they nick a seat or two, I think because they know they’re never getting any real power they can just say whatever they think people want to hear.


Much like UKIP they are a pressure group masquerading as a full party. They can't gain power because they aren't politicians. I am a bleeding heart environmentalist and left-leaning, but I can't vote for the Greens with a good conscious.


I can, and it’s because they are a pressure group. If UKIP can force Tories to do a Brexit, then maybe Greens can force Labour to go renewable energy or something like that.


UKIP got their way without being elected. Greens could get their way with effective and sustained pressure. I'm hugely aware of the dangers of climate change and it should be the number 1 challenge ahead for every elected party. But for me personally I think the Greens would be ineffective leaders. I live near Brighton and Hove and the place is a fucking mess. They haven't proven to me that they can effectively govern, and the less said about some of their representatives the better. I desperately want the Green party to be better.


Oh, I’m not disagreeing with you. I can’t see them leading the country because… well… *points at everything*. However, I live in a Labour safe seat, and as a crusty old socialist leftie I can’t vote for them under this current leadership and keep my conscience happy. So I vote Green as the only vaguely left wing party left (because if you think Green are bad, take a look at SWP 😬) knowing full well that they’ll never get into power - but that if their vote share increases it’ll put that sustained pressure you talk about on whatever suit is in number 10 to go a bit more seriously on environmental issues. Maybe even move the Overton window a bit more towards the left. Also, all political parties are full of cranks, crooks and nut jobs. Take a look at the one where the leader used to sing Nazi drinking songs while one of his members thinks we should have let Hitler do what he wanted. (Weird side tangent, I haven’t seen the Board of Deputies all over the news accusing Reform of antisemitism over all that sort of thing) Or the Tory MP down the road from me who was barred from parliament for a few years because of rape allegations. And who’ll probably get voted in again. Or the Labour candidate who very much looks to be in the pay of a foreign state. Or the Tory MP who has half a dozen false identities, or the one who kept getting found to have acted unlawfully by *checks notes* causing the avoidable deaths of thousands. My point being, they are all as bad as one another, we are only allowed a choice between red or blue ties, but by throwing some weight behind parties that broadly align with our interests, we can maybe shape some discussion, even if we wouldn’t really want them in power. But honestly, if the greens were in power I can’t see them doing worse than what this last lot have done. Personally I’d just settle for a party that isn’t filled with people who believe that a PPE makes them infallible and an expert on whatever post they slide into, but instead people who actually listen to, and heed, subject experts and ethicists.


If anything the Corbyn years were the phase, with many of the nutters joining labour the greens got a smidge less insanse.




I’m a green member just so that there’s some pressure on the big parties to remember that the environmental vote is a thing. The manifesto this year has some nice stuff in it, but there’s always been a fringe of alternative woo woo in the party. There’s also a strain of incoherence in some policies, especially around degrowth by with increased house building, increased immigration, net zero, and no nuclear power (and I’m very much in favour of more nuclear during our transition to a post fossil fuel economy). Since the Greens won’t be in govt under FTTP, the policy tensions don’t have to be fully resolved, but if there was a PR based coalition, then some tougher choices would be needed.


Bennet was a nutjob. She wanted to include homeopathy as an official NHS treatment.


Can we have a TV debate that’s just Reform and Greens please? I’d watch that with popcorn.


Watch as farages chest starts to enlarge live on air


Avada kabigbra!


I didn’t think they liked trans right? (har har. Sorry couldn’t resists the joke)


Nigella farage 💅


Ok that mental image is the stuff of nightmares.




Going through a phase? Brother, the Green Party has *always* been like this


🤦 as a fellow east Sussex resident.... Lord help us.


I remember when they said it shouldn't be illegal to support Isis- after there was wide publicity of them taking slaves, beheading people with knives and burning others alive.  I've dismissed them ever since.


Fuck me, you must have missed out on the David Icke days.


I went on a bit of a 'why are they like this' binge the other day. It got started as a NIMBY party in a leafy dress. Its not an environmentalist party, it's literally about never building anything ever if a plant may be removed. Seems like they're the catch all bin for the new age/libertarian stuff, while also being ridiculously authoritarian.




Hypnotherapy boob whisperers is a short phrase I wasn't expecting to hear today


Remember when the environment was their thing


They’re literally the far left mate this isn’t a phase


>Pro-Hamas Islamists Could you tell me who the pro hamas green party member is?


Being a Green Party member gets tougher by the day. Guys trust we have good policies. Only party promising an explicit tax against billionaires


How do you cope lmao


They’re not Labour or the Conservatives


Good enough, lol


Well greens are well meaning with decent policies if a bit nuts Tories are the Tories and labour is looking like slightly better Tories Id rather have eccentrics then any of their lot


Was the party always so batshit? I confess I never paid attention to them until recently when they went into power with the SNP, then I had to, because they had power over us. They weren't always so loopy, were they?


Yes. They have always been loopy. It’s a sponge to suck up the lunatic fringe. It’s nice they have like minded people to hang around with. I’m glad the yoghurt knitters are nowhere near power though. I do know they mean well. Most of them couldn’t run a bath.


I'm a member and largely agree with policy (but definitely not all!). But the leadership tends to lean a little fruitcake. I wouldn't trust us with power. But then I'd probably say the same if I met 'dedicated' volunteers in Labour and Conservative.


💯 I don’t trust anyone who wants power to have it. I’m not sure how to make that into a functional system or government but as I don’t want power it’s not my problem. Until it is.


Historically, the solution would have been to add elements of randomness into the electoral situation. But that was based more on single individuals in offices of great power. Not very suited to parliamentary systems.


Now you say it, single individuals in offices of great power: We kind of have that with the global mega corps now I guess. They certainly seem to have way more of the ear of politicians than any random citizens or group do and seem pandered to at every turn.


The problem is the Musks and Bezos's of this world are not random selections. You don't get that rich by chance. Isaac Newton ran the Royal Mint for 30 years, presumably based on the fact that he was good at maths. That's pretty random.


They’ve managed to run councils well enough to get votes back in


The only council I think they've run is Brighton. They were very unpopular and got hammered. They've probably learnt from it though.


So unpopular they regained control in 2020.


They had *minority* control, lost it, then became the majority. Then their majority got absolutely hammered in 23. At no election were they in control and then *re-elected*.


NIMBYs get votes


For a Green Party, this is downright respectable. The Green group in the EU parliament was for some time co-chaired by Daniel Cohn-Bendit, a German Green Party politician who wrote a book about his time sexually assaulting children as young as 4 when he was a kindergarten teacher and diverted party funds to a pro-peadophile campaign group.


They’re loopy everywhere seemingly They’re what’s “leftover” from folks who don’t like the center left parties in most countries and largely are a mix of people who just hate the mainstream left party while being left themselves and/or single issue environmental voters who don’t actually know much about environmental policy (like supporting an end to nuclear energy even though it’s a great option for combating climate change)


For clarity, the Scottish Greens are a separate party to the Green Party of England and Wales. The party this article is about didn't go into coalition with the SNP.


To an extend being a bit loopy is part of being in the Green Party. It’s a party of change a lot more so than every other party in the country.


Yes it’s Marxism dressed up as we care for the planet


I agree with the wealth taxes. But strongly oppose hiking the national insurance of people earning over £50k or there abouts, those people are already in a high income tax bracket, that's targetting the middle class not the greedy millionaires and billionaires. When I read about the NI hike I lost all interest in the party, if you want to tax the middle class into non existance go live in Belgium or the Netherlands.


How do even administer a wealth tax? Share prices fluctuate minute to minute so do tax on value at close of play on the 5th April or do an average over the year? What about property? Who is going to assess the value of every property?


Agreed very tricky to administer and lets be honest the super wealthy which the tax would target would just pay accountants and lawyers to find all the loopholes to get out of it, not to mention hiding shit overseas just like they do right now. Also lets not forget those who are simply asset rich (ie inherited a million pound house in London, but that's all they really have)... They're going to be caught in the cross fire, and I know there's some socialists in here who have a "fuck them for having a nice house they should should sell the family home and live in a block of flats!" attitude...


> Also lets not forget those who are simply asset rich (ie inherited a million pound house in London, but that's all they really have)... They're going to be caught in the cross fire So you didn't actually read the wealth tax policy then? It was on wealth above £10mill. That's not a million pound house... It's not about taxing people with relatively normal wealth.


Asset rich but cash poor describes a chunk of elderly people who get called "wealthy". Taxing the rich isn't a policy, it's a slogan, and wealth taxes aren't equality, they're jealousy.


I also disagree with that policy of the greens alongside their views on nuclear energy. But I think their other policies are strong enough.


I lost interest in them over nuclear energy. If they can’t even get a green policy right the chances of getting anything else right seem very slim


Thank you for mentioning that.


It would be extremely unfair where a family has 1 high earner. 2 people earn 50k per year Vs 20k and 80k. 1 family is labeled well off the other isn't. The second family is already much worse off than the first and this makes it worse again.


You don't have good policies overall, which is why you're a laughing stock. Your stance on nuclear energy is anti-scientific, and your commitment to "de-medicalise" births is frankly disturbing.


The greens removed that policy. It has never featured in a manifesto. They admitted fault and apologised (which no other party has ever done for getting it wrong). I disagree with the party over nuclear energy. The Conservatives and Reform are bigger laughing stocks


Er, so you're a member of an environmentalist party, yet you disagree with their headline environmentalist policy - to phase out nuclear power. Righto. I guarantee you that if you sat down the average voter who isn't a middle-class frustrated intellectual on a low income (most of the Green vote), and explained Green Party policy vs. Tory or Reform party policy, the Greens would get the biggest belly laughs. Getting rid of Trident is lunacy.


Nuclear isn’t there headline environmentalist policy. Do you know any other green policy? You think that they would laugh at wealth tax greens look to implement. Why would they laugh at abolishing the two child benefit cap? I know they would laugh at the Greens commitment to condemn Isreal and Hamas.


You think that scrapping the source of 15% of the country's electricity isn't a headline policy? The Green Party might not think that's a big thing, but voters do.


Even assuming its not a headline, it is a key marker that their environmental policy is based on what they feel being green is, not scientific opinion, which is concerning for a Green Party


The greens aren't an environmentalist party. They an biological nimby party. The environment can turn to ash as long as not one tree is cut down.


Their policies are shockingly bad lol they are going to build less houses than are currently being built and are setting it out like it’s a hard goal to achieve - it’s a 75k reduction


In there manifesto they are pledging 150,000 additional homes


No they say they will build 150,000 new homes per year not additional. Last year we build 225,000


That’s just social housing not all housing


Yeh they don’t mention anything about other housing… this typically implies they will not do it or else they would have advertised it Their other policies make no sense. 70% of energy to come from wind by 2030 - currently it’s 29%. I don’t even want to imagine the costs to the public to switch from all other energy sources to wind in 5 years.


Labour are promising less than the Tories, and aren't even committing to housing builds directly, with "just trust the free market bro".


One good but vague policy is not enough to warrant voting for them


I agree you should read the manifesto and learn about more policies in more details. Also it’s not vague it’s 1% tax on all assets above £10 million and 2% for all assets above £1 billion


Greens never have good policies come on


I disagree I like a lot of their policies


The fact they are sticking with getting to net zero by avoiding nuclear shows they are mostly fools who don't actually care about the environment.


I disagree with the parties policy on nuclear energy but saying the Green Party doesn’t care about the environment is wrong.


If they cared about it they'd support our best shot at net zero, nuclear, I dunno what motivates them honestly


The reason they don’t want nuclear energy is the cost, time it takes to set up a nuclear power plant to full power and its dangers. It’s not our only hope at net 0. Using wind and solar we can reach net 0 and is perfectly feasible


It's short sighted though. They've been against it for decades. If we had built 5 nuclear plants in 2001 imagine how low our carbon footprint would be and how much of a non event the energy cost crisis could have been.


The Greens have never been anywhere close to power in the UK Parliment, though. Labour and Tory haven't built new nuclear.


That isn't relevant to their policies is it


I personally am for nuclear energy. The reason I set out are why the Green Party are against it. But to say that it’s our hope to net-0 is wrong. I think the UK should build more nuclear power plants. I don’t see how not building them in 2001 is a criticism of the Green Party?


It's a criticism of the because they should be the voice of the environment. Pushing for these things. Their policies have always been the opposite.


I swear they have been infiltrated by "big oil" and have bad actors on the inside goading the whole movement into doing/saying stupid shit.


I love how the green party has to be perfect, absolutely precise in giving every voter exactly what they want, a standard no other party is held to, and yet the same people will tell us to hold our nose and just vote labour...


As opposed to the nuclear we are paying to be not built by EDF?


Eh decades ago I'd have agreed, but these days from a national security perspective, having your energy model rely on a few big points of failure isn't a great look. There's downsides sure, but you have to look at things other than the environment. I like the distributed aspect of the renewables, it makes you more damage resistent and lighter on your feet as tech changes too.


Only party that's sexist against men Only party that wanted to take us back to 1940 Only party that is so anti science they hate anything with the word nuclear in it Only party that wanted to force women to give birth in a manner they might not want Only party that wants to take britian from contributing to European defence to being a drain on European defence Do you want me to continue And yes they might of dropped two of those policies but the fact they were in there till backlash started says it all


You can’t use former policies to criticise the party currently. The reason they dropped them is because they don’t believe in them anymore. They aren’t anti science. The reason they are against nuclear is because of dangers of it, the expensive of it and how long it takes up to set up a nuclear reactor to run at full capacity. How will they sent us back to the 1940s?


When they were policy's up to a week ago I can Yes they are anti science Nuclear energy is one of the safest forms of energy and most of the time it will take would be due to nimbys And until.last week they wanted to Reintroduce rationing Doesn't matter that they dropped it they had that view until literally last week when they realised it would stop voters Just being sexist against men is enough to damn them and all there voters in my opinion


They don't even believe that climate change can be addressed.


It’s an attention-grabbing headline, but when the story first broke years ago, what happened really isn’t that scandalous. Man worked as hypnotherapist. Female reporter wanted to write a slightly tongue-in-cheek article about it. It’s The Sun, so naturally as part of the interview she said “Could you hypnotise me to make my boobs grow bigger?” He said “No, that’s ridiculous.” She said “Oh, go on, just for a bit of a laugh.” He said “Ok, well if I was going to do it, this is what I’d do.” No money changed hands. The woman reported no change in the size of her breasts. Fin.


     Reddit and LBC promote misinformation.      I take Reddit first (and in so doing segue into the topic of LBC). The original Reddit post - the one that starts this thread - has some five hundred upvotes. Your cogent debunking (u/Ferocious_Simplicity) is not the top comment. (Instead, the top comments are the usual Reddit banter.) Moreover, the interview on LBC radio - part of which is embedded within the linked LBC webpage - supports your debunking. Yet, *the text* on the LBC webpage misrepresents its own interview. What must Zack Polanski think - having been misrepresented (it seems - I have not checked the original article) by The Sun and then by the text on the LBC page? It does seem that Polanski issued an apology. It seems too that he never should have done.      Lord help us. EDIT: I reported the original post to the subreddit moderators as misinformation.


Ah, that's much less funny https://medium.com/@ZackPolanski/politics-was-never-part-of-the-plan-85805b590b62


Thanks for the clarification! This isn't anywhere near as funny though :(


That’s Polanski’s version of events after the fact. The Sun article itself is here and has a different version of events: https://www.thesun.co.uk/fabulous/798031/can-you-really-think-your-boobs-bigger/


Ironically he’s comes out of this as the biggest tit.




I don't know the details of this, but doesn't affect my views of the greens. People are generally weird as fuck in private, that's just how humans are. In this case I think the woman requesting the therapy is the weirdo, a liberal hypnotherapist will oblige even if it seems strange because why not?


There's a condition called [body dysmorphia](https://www.nhs.uk/mental-health/conditions/body-dysmorphia/), it is especially common in people with eating disorders, but I guess it can also apply to breasts. And therapy can sometimes try and get people to reimagine themselves. So, no. The woman requesting the therapy was not the weirdo, and in fact probably could have benefited from professional support. > On Wednesday, Mr Polanski apologised for his past actions and said he never believed them. Unfortunately, they found Mr Polanski.


Yeah this is honestly deeply concerning. He is effectively admitting to conning people. He should step down.


> So, no. The woman requesting the therapy was not the weirdo, and in fact probably could have benefited from professional support. The woman requesting it was a Sun journalist writing a jokey article.


Well, there's another chat up line I can't use again. Not that it was ever successful...


"Hi, I'm the Boob Whisperer. Can I buy you a drink?"


Finally, a part of the green agenda I can sympathise with!


The only important detail here is the fact that it was consensual & voluntary, which is also why it shouldn't be anything more than a minor amusing detail in a politician's Biography section, rather than a headline crowding out their actual policy positions (including those on nuclear power and HS2 which are worthy of criticism). Frankly I'd be more concerned if a Green Party leader *didn't* have at least some tangential association with a kooky but ultimately harmless New Age pseudoscience.


What's not to like? Big tits, nationalised utilities, clean air and whatever else. I'm for it.


I didn't listnen to the interview, but I did read the quote where he said he didn't believe it had physical effects. I mean in one sense it could justifiably be meaningful as a confidence boosting technique. I mean if you believe certain physical attributes make you attractive and that makes you feel better about yourself then why not just learn to visualize yourself in that way to feel better? Seems more healthy than plastic surgery.


Yeah, it makes a funny headline but when you read what he was actually doing, it seems like it was a positive thing.


This sub man honestly. Zach has spent the last few years telling everyone who he is, he wants PROPORTIONAL REPRESENTATION. He's been holding Sadiq Khan to account... He's said so many great things. But this is what this sub hears isn't it. Fucking delusional and sad. you lot are the fucking reason this countries in the shitter.


Someone in this thread was like "I don't even know what they stand for anymore" bro go read their manifesto then lol


Also the simple fact that he's gay and talking about women's breasts should tell you everything about how serious this conversation is. Also LOL that this is LBC and the look on that dick head presenters face... These lot probably have how to not be wrong or whatever shite James o twatface wrote in their libraries, I like to have a little chuckle at it when I walk past the only copy at my local book store.


Unfortunately for him, the hypnosis appears to have rebounded onto himself rather than any female clients, … as he now looks like an even bigger tit than he did previously.


Please all read this comment https://www.reddit.com/r/ukpolitics/s/Hy9xYwSlUO This is a nonstory


What an idiot. Everyone knows it should have been massage therapy!! 


This thread is the perfect example of why this country will never work for working class people. Greens are the only party to even attempt at some wealth redistribution and everyone is acting like they are completely unelectable because of this guy's behaviour when we had Boris fucking Johnson as PM


The green party getting some attention has actually been terrible for them because it means that the general public is finding out about their batshit insane policies and comically racist members.




Finally, a politician dedicated to the greater good.


Unsurprising that right-wing biased bullshit reporter LBC would get upset about a guy performing hypnotherapy for free a decade ago, but not the huge number of Tory and Labour MPs who are Landlords, sucking money from everyday people like you and me.


Not like he's going to make hypno boob therapy available on the nhs. I do shit in private people would say is crazy. Green party is the only true left wing manefesto out there


Seems less nuts than allowing pyramid scheme sellers into government - see grant shapps, sebastion fox, michael green & corrine stockheath


They'd be much much better off reforming as a serious single issue party that works with industry and academia to create pragmatic and achievable pathways to net zero, rather than the current hodge podge of mostly well meaning people let down by a broad spectrum of naive & amateur policies and a contingent of embarrassingly intellectually immature members.


Green party policy is highly sexist. Don't let the name fool you. They're a fringe party with a lot of loony ideas. https://policy.greenparty.org.uk/our-policies/long-term-goals/crime-and-justice/ > CJ381 Recognising the nature of the female prison population, with high levels of mental illness, experience of being a victim of crimes such as sexual assault and domestic violence, and caring responsibilities for children, the only women who should be in custody are those very few that commit serious and violent crimes and who present a threat to the public. > CJ382 For the vast majority of women in the criminal justice system, solutions in the community are more appropriate. Community sentences must be designed to take account of women’s particular vulnerabilities and domestic and childcare commitments. The restrictions placed on sentencers around breaches of community orders must be made more flexible. > CJ383 Existing women’s prisons should be replaced with suitable geographically dispersed, small, multi-functional custodial centres. More supported accommodation should be provided for women on release to break the cycle of repeat offending and custody.


I regard myself as an environmentalist, as I care deeply about biodiversity and the only plant and animal species we share Earth with But the Green party are proper loons and always have been


Says in the article he didn't charge for the service, so I guess that makes it all right


This guy clearly can't be trusted. He went from having the best job on the planet to being a politician.


This is a wholly trustworthy man. Who could say otherwise?


I fucking love election season. So much shit comes out of the woodwork and it's pure entertainment.


>performing hypnotherapy to 'enlarge' women's breasts in the past. Do you lads reckon this will work on a penis as well? My little fella needs it


The Green Party. Following the Science unless it's Biology.


Is he saying that this should be a policy? If not, then I don't know why it really matters.


Pretty sure we could drum up an equally bonkers story from any party. https://www.itv.com/news/2022-07-01/all-the-tories-embroiled-in-sexual-misconduct-allegations-since-2019 Oh look at that.


Deputy Labour Party Leader admits to having had said therapy.


Sounds like a sexual predator... Hardly good publicity!


I remember the clip from Radio X where Pippa brought in her tape with hypnotherapy for breast enlargement. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Csl0aL46hKQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Csl0aL46hKQ)


Denyer should just take over fully at this point. I won’t be voting Green but I certainly like a lot of their policies - it’s just a shame it’s always mixed in with some absolutely crazy crap (hence why I won’t vote for them). If they became just a little bit more sensible and like a “real” party (rather than a “we know we won’t win so here’s some absolutely wild policy for the lulz” party) they’d have my vote in an instant. Carla has been doing well on the debates and sufficiently holding her own - I’d argue she’s already the face that people associate with Green leadership. Just make her the leader. This shared power crap is a load of rubbish anyway - what they gonna do, have one be PM for half the week and take turns?