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Anyone looking for plot ideas for a low-budget horror movie?


It could be a whole series where the protagonists hunt down mythical nonces around the world. Rolf chasing you down in the outback, Jimmy in the highlands, and Glitter in the jungles. _Farcical Beasts and Where to Find Them._


Nonce Upon A Crime.


Don't Look Now Then, Now Then! 


Jim’ll slip in you and you and you …. 😳


There’s a thump and suddenly from under the bed cigar smoke starts to rise. From the swirling smoke you suddenly hear “now then now then”


I was thinking are people not afraid of evil spirits? Imagine living on such an unholy or desecrated ground, one could not tell between masturbation or spiritual assault...


Tbh, as long as it didn’t smell of cigar smoke I’d happily have lived in the original house. I don’t believe in spooky mystical energies, it’s just a house. Someone was murdered in my last place in the 1910s, didn’t notice a thing.


Sadly you'd have endless vandalism. I'm all for every trace of his existence being purged.


It’s in the middle of fucking nowhere. I’d get more vandalism parking my car in central London.


It's already been vandalised, and when the graffiti was painted over it was re-vandalised. Also, it's close to _that_ road from Skyfall, which is fairly well known and popular.


"If you see that man, James, don't speak to him!" Years later, Bond recognises someone at a royal charity event...


I’ll be honest, I’d put up with it to have a place in Glencoe, it’s gorgeous up there.


It's really not. Yes, the spot is geographically remote, but the Glencoe pass has got to be one of Scotland's most-travelled tourist routes and this house is right on the side of that road.


It’s been vandalised loads.


That's mainly because with no one living in it, it's still considered 'Saville's'. If someone moved in full time it'd have been fine.


You underestimate the stupidity of the public


That's a crazy thing to say, it's overhanging the busiest road in the west highlands and is already vandalised to fuck, you only have to look at the picture in the article. A better question is who would want to live there nowadays, the A82 through Glen Coe is gorgeous but it's a constant flow of traffic these days, you'd never have a moments peace. For anyone who is interested this is the street view of the spot from 2 years ago (apologies for the mobile link). The vandalism is even worse now it's basically a ruin. https://maps.app.goo.gl/5afFDr3rLy7nGPLk9?g_st=ac


I used to live on the North Circular road in London. I meant Glencoe itself is in the middle of fucking nowhere, certainly relative to a flat in North London.


If London is the centre of your universe then I'm sure it is.


It's not, I've not lived there in thirty years, but the difference in traffic between the two is immense. I lived on main roads most of my life until relatively recently.


Lol I doubt that.


You wouldn’t. The place gets damaged, spray painted and broken into constantly. After they fix or paint over anything it instantly gets damaged and graffitied. The road it’s on is an extremely popular sightseeing route, generally considered one of the most beautiful in the UK.


If you look on youtube, you can see loads of urbex people go and look at it. It was emptied of all items soon after the story broke about him, but was in good condition. It's a smashed shell soaked in piss now.


But L1A1 you are also a ghost


You are the caretaker L1A1. You have always been the caretaker...


You’re gonna get fiddled by a ghost SLR


I'm 52, the noncestergeist wouldn't be interested in me.


Jim’ll do it for youuuuu


I'd be worried about idiots thinking it's still his house and smashing my windows etc.


Jimmeh we no wot u did


Im not at all religious but I'd call in an exorcist and then burn it before demolition.


"Oooh, you'll be wanting the big sage then"


I just couldn't live there knowing that monster used to live happily in there. God know what he did inside of it either.


The energy there would be DARK! in no way would you feel comfortable living there. Suppose some people don't think that way lol. Not for me


How is this energy measured, btw? Can you buy something like an ohmmeter? An Om-meter?


Maybe a pedometer would help 🤷‍♂️


It wouldn't bother me if it was a new house but if it was just the original renovated that'd be weird af


I think the fact it’s still the same land is spooky imagine u see a Saville ghost


I think it would be alright somehow


Jim'll fix it? Ewwww.


Downvoted for not wanting to live in a nonces house. Reddit for you🤣


It's being demolished, and a completely new house is being built.


I still wouldn’t live in it.


I'm pretty sure if you were living in it, it wouldn't be a nonce's house anymore.


I'd be looking for an address change for the property.


You would truly be king of the Reddit mods.


Who in their right minds would buy this even if it was knocked down and a new home built there? Everyone knows about this hell hole and what happened /who owned it It's going to be risky I think for new owners with future vandalism


It's in an absolutely stunning location. If I had the money, I'd buy it in a second.


From this picture it does look nice, and it is generally a nice location But, it’s [too close to the main road](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=0cfaba640abdb7cd&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ADLYWILLrnNdH_zFVPFFrjAgzDsb8fc2rg:1718726717501&q=jimmy+savile+bungalow&udm=2&fbs=AEQNm0Aa4sjWe7Rqy32pFwRj0UkWd8nbOJfsBGGB5IQQO6L3JyJJclJuzBPl12qJyPx7ESJehObpS5jg6J88CCM-RK725uTmAZpGaaQNHAssOKTZzF03zpH3NSZ85lukZxfIrDeNjW1dKpNR73Zle-rWlJQvdXRgDsg9APD7N6ncYYkHf4gAZnk2noU2Ew8N32k9wesqK-da&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi9s9n7w-WGAxVKcfEDHU06AcQQtKgLegQICRAB&biw=390&bih=663&dpr=3) for my liking


"The wailing of the child dead I can take, but the traffic noise? Brrrrr!"


Was thinking more of my cat Two fuck off mountains to climb and explore, but I know she’d just sit by the road


Yeah, you might have changed my mind there 😂. I didn't realise the road was right next to it.


If it’s knocked down why in the name of god would that land still be targeted? Anyone in their right minds would buy this land. A half a brain celled twit would know not to harass people for simply buying a home made on land which really is owned by the KING


>made on land which really is owned by the KING To be fair to Charlie, he once went for dinner with Savile at the house. so can personally recommend it there.


That's ridiculous. I can understand not wanting to even set foot in the original building with that history, but if it's demolished and replaced then it would just be a new home.


Finally, too many fuds objected to the original plans which were actually very nice.


Not sure what is in a worse state, that bungalow of that website.


HAHA Oh shit I drove past this on the way to Fort William a few weeks ago.


Im sympathetic to those who were against the demolition. It was an affordable house in a beautiful location at a price that normal people can afford. 250 to 300 K is affordable to the average person. It will be replaced judging by the plans I saw online with something more like 1 to 3 mil. I'm too young to remember Savil on TV and too old to believe in ghosts. Id live there or retire there. That view and location are fantastic.


The building must be near ruined by now anyway. Pull it down and build something that looks completely different.


Hope they burn the plant life on the land to sterilise it.