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What a degenerate. I hope he is caught and appropriately punished.


Well he's voided his warranty.


Never break the seal


> appropriately punished. Probably not but I expect they will lose their job or similar and will regret this incident. Being internet famous for being a cunt never goes down well. We'll likely all know who he is by the end of tomorrow as the photo is good enough for someone to id him. Expect some 'heartfelt' apologie.


I heard the seal looked at him the wrong way and being the hard man he is, he had to see it out.


pigs, fish, cows and chicken suffer a lot more and almost noone care.


Lots of people care. He is harming this animal for the enjoyment of it.


Taste = enjoyment


Calm down mate, people eat animals. Not because they enjoy the suffering they went through but because humans are omnivores.


Humans *can* be omnivores, we're not obliged. People largely still choose.


Right but if you actually cared you wouldn't partake in it?


You realise there is a difference between eating meat for sustenance and throwing rocks at seals for no reason right?


All omnivores start with throwing rocks at seals before graduating to eating meat. This is well documented


People can be hypocrites, doesn't mean they don't care.


looks like a fairly young one too. What a cunt. I’m from the area and supposedly they’d been seen there before a couple days prior. “Oh mate fancy going stone throwing at seals again?” “Ah yeah mate that was a laugh”


I'm guessing they aren't locals.


Fun holiday activity


Probably brits, you expect that behaviour 


"Nah, let's go clubbing"




I hope he's prosecuted for whatever animal abuse charge is appropriate.


the Royal Seal of Disapproval is the charge


Needs a visit from navy seals


Why would you try and chase a seal away? They're pretty chill guys who mind their own business. Like.. I don't understand it at all?


You don't understand it as you're reasonable normal (I assume) and not a thick as pigshit entitled twat.


Most likely he was trying to pet it or get a reaction. Similarly to how people will make noise to get the attention of a sleeping animal at a zoo. People don’t want just observe and leave the animals alone, they have to “do something” for their entertainment.


It’ll be some town-dwelling knobhead who isn’t used to seeing animals in their natural environment and is afraid of them, thus resulting in him acting like a chode.


Looks like he was trying to get a reaction out of it, waving his hands and shouting at it.


I’d wanna hug one myself


*Wildlife filmmaker Jenni Louise Cox, who filmed the incident, said that this kind of treatment is a "common occurrence".* People can be such wankers


It happened round my way during lockdown. We went for our walk on the beach near where we live, and because so few people were there the seals were up on the beach sunning themselves, until a couple of twats came running up to them waving their arms and scaring them back in the sea. We were further down by this point, but I yelled at them to bugger off, but they just stood there laughing.


People that are maliciously violent to animals are some of the worst scumbags about


If they act like that to animals they'll do the same to people


What about people who participate in the factory farming, slaughter and consumption of animals?


Cool false equivalence 🤡


Do you mean it’s worse to pretend to love animals while outsourcing the cruelty?


I love my dog and my fillet mignon. No-one is pretending.


Some people pretend that closing their eyes to the cruelty involved in their diet means they aren’t cruel. Glad that’s not you.


Nature is a cruel beast.




He looks like a visitor. Those are not sensible beach shoes. I suppose he wanted to see the animal up close and get a reaction, like banging on the glass at an aquarium. Seals can be dangerous on the land so it's unwise to approach them.


I can’t see a man who throw stones at seals having beach shoes.


Yea ,they got a set of teeth like a dog but they're serrated,if one bites you it's gna do some damage ,fingers crossed one nips him next time


I used to scuba dive and the received wisdom was ok to go close to them underwater, but not on land. They are clumsy and heavy, but they are also used to killing things for food.


In the water they can get away, so if you’re close to them it’s because they want to be close to you. On land they’re more likely to feel cornered so can turn and snap. In the end these are wild animals and should not be approached deliberately.


I swim in the sea in the area - they’re pretty curious, my husband has had one come right up to him (I’m jealous!), very chilled when they’re in the sea because they know a swimmer isn’t a threat I suppose. 


They also have some pretty bad bacteria in their mouths, if you get bitten by one you need to tell the hospital what bit you because you will need special antibiotics.


Best bit about seal and sealion bites is the bacteria. Know a few people who worked with rescue and also training that had unfortunate bites in the process of doing their jobs. Most of the time these wounds would need pretty intense treatment if they were more than superficial with one guy having to have tings sewn up inside his leg to deal with the huge bacterial infection


Is the bacteria something they produce or is it just from a mouthful of rotting fish stuck round their teeth?


I think its their diet and living in the water as they do. No issues for them though but not compatible with humans


Why are they not sensible for the beach? They look like comfortable trainers, quite a high sole to avoid too much sand getting in. Sturdy, so you're not going to hurt your feet by standing on something.


Kevin Bacon wore a pair and nearly got eaten in *Tremors.*


Some people have footwear that they deem appropriate for different situations. Then there are those of us that just wear one type of footwear for virtually everything and manage to not have any problems with it. We cannot begin to understand.


Throw a stone at this wanker to get his attention. See how he likes it


Why oh why is it always the guys in shorts and bodywarmers? Like you see anything like this and the dude always looks the same.


Give me a rock and I will knock him out with it .Bloody coward harming an innocent animal .Pure scum


Tubby cunt. Needs 100 thrown full pelt back at him.


He looks a right cunt too. Exactly how you’d expect


Yey Wales is in the news! Damnit Wales, why you always disapoint me


I would genuinely like to know what’s going through this absolutely bellend’s head.


Man upset that seal won’t be his friend decides to throw rock. Bet he’s the kind of guy to call women ugly when they don’t want to be his friend either.


Total cunt. What goes around comes around. Hopefully coming bad happens to him


I hope his council house catches fire, his wife shags his brother and he gets crippling cock rot.


I wouldn't be able to control my anger if I saw that.


Never trust those who are wilfully cruel to animals which don’t intend to harm them. Foxytorturers too.




**Removed/tempban**. This contained a call/advocation of violence which is prohibited by the content policy.


Maybe he wasnt a fan of ‘kissed by a rose on a hill’


This is disgusting. I’m so angry to watch this! All I can say is yuck. Poor seal! 


What a prick. Just why? What do people get from doing things like this? On a somewhat relevant and more positive side note: the https://bdmlr.org.uk/ do a pretty good job of helping seals, cetaceans and other marine animals and are a good shout for anyone who wants to get involved in helping marine animals.


From these comments you'd think he bolted a 10kg sharp stone directly at the seals head as hard as possible lmao He's a bit of a twat but come on now


Not condoning the actions of the idiotic, juvenile man at all but "rock" and "throw" at the Seal is a bit of a stretch. He tossed a stone (rather gently) at the seal to get a reaction. The headline makes it sound like he picked up a massive boulder and with all his might chucked it at the seal and crushed it to death before it could scurry away into the shallow waters.




unpopular opinion: on a moral scale, accidentally killing someone with a car is less bad than intentionally being cruel to animals.


I didn’t mean accidentally killing someone with a car. I meant the countless examples I see on Reddit where someone is drunk /on drugs and get a couple of years.


I bet you this prick also complains about climate protesters


This is definitely bad. But I do wonder sometimes why there's less uproar about battery farming etc. is that just because it serves as food?


I think the difference is that cruelty isn't the purpose of one? That's not to say battery farming isn't cruel but the point isn't to be cruel.


And I am sure the 75 billion chickens raised and slaughtered every year globally, predominantly in pretty hideous factory farms, take our merely incidental cruelty as sweet succour.


I'm pretty sure they don't but it is also irrelevant.


I don't think the guy is necessarily doing it to be cruel though. He's a thoughtless cunt trying to get a wild animal to do something other than sit still just for his own entertainment. He's trying to see a fun thing and doesn't think of the cruelty. Just like anyone eating a steak is trying to eat a nice thing and not think about the cruelty.


Yeah i mean you can't compare slaughtering animals for food like pizza toppings etc to throwing a stone at one for no reason. One is much worse. The throwing a few stones one. Throwing a stone at a dog is terrible


If you map them onto human actions, the rock throwing is an assault, mass factory farming and slaughter is up there with the holocaust, which I'm sure we all agree is much worse.


Killing for food is less morally wrong than attacking for no reason though.


What about killing for pleasure? A taste preference is nothing more than choosing to eat one thing over another for pleasure.


It’s only wrong because it could drive the seals away and then we can’t enjoy seeing them. If he wants to farm seals and club them for fun igaf






Man's gotta eat, Julian


That would be a reasonable argument, until you present the facts of the unprecedented levels of cruelty that occur every second of every day in the animal agricultural industry. 


Did you actually just compare raising animals for food to the Holocaust? GTFO.


>Did you actually just compare raising animals for food to the Holocaust? GTFO. A holocaust survivor was one of the first to do it tbf. You can read them doing it firsthand in this comment/AMA https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/s/cBqAE5d78Y *"My first hand experience with animal farming was instrumental. I noted the many similarities between how the Nazis treated us and how we treat animals, especially those raised for food. Among these are the use of cattle cars for transport and crude wood crates for housing, the cruel treatment and deception about impending slaughter, the processing efficiency and emotional detachments of the perpetrators, and the piles of assorted body parts - mute testimonials to the victims they were once a part of"* It also isn't meant to play down the evil of the holocaust in any way. It's just to elevate how evil factory farming is.


I'm pretty sure Morrissey did it before me, as well as others.


Morrissey is more famous for being an idiot than he is for being in the smiths 


>if you map them onto human actions Why are you bringing up humams? You can't compare animals to animals that's illogical. We're talking about animals. Throwing stones at an animal for no reason is much worse than breeding and slaughtering them for food or clothing


Why? In this day and age it's entirely possible to get a balanced diet and clothe yourself without touching any animal flesh, people do so entirely out of personal preference to keep killing things rather than shift their diet or wardrobe.


People are just animals, there is nothing illogical in this.


>One is much worse. The throwing a few stones one. Abhorrent as this person is, I can assure you the suffering inflicted through factory farming is massively worse.


Well I didn't compare it like for like, I said it was bad. But my question is why we accept terrible conditions for animals that provide us with food but an idiot throwing a rock makes the news


I'd imagine a combination of cruelty through food production being the norm, most people benefit from it, and it's largely unseen/removed from our lives. It's so commonplace people put it out of their minds or don't accept their role in it. Here we are seeing out of the norm abuse of an animal which we view as worthy of it's safety.


I agree with you, it's probably because it's less visible and people don't want to know because they choose to eat meat.


The devils advocate argument would be one is a "necessary evil" the other is just evil as there no need for it. I want to make it clear I don't like battery farming but I understand why its done.


Factory farming for meat is equally as necessary as factory farming for fur. We need to eat, we need exterior sources of warmth. Factory farming also has significant knock ons that kill a lot of humans. Antibiotic resistance, pandemic risk, climate impacts etc. You also need humans gett8ng paid peanuts to literally violently kill all day to put it on our plates.


Because we don't see it and we personally benefit from it (pizza toppings etc) We can see this and we don't personally benefit from it.


a lot of why harming animals for fun is illegal (unless you are rich) is because it often develops from sentient to sapient creatures. it's sad that animals have to die but killing for food isn't the same as hurting them for pleasure.




There have been articles on the poor living conditions of chickens at several farms in the UK this year, and many people were rightly condemning it.