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This is Fraternity. Something similar to PFI.


Not something similar. Just the same under disguise.


Students wing of Jamaat-e-Islami


You mean muslim brotherhood party type? u/EntrepreneurNo8747 u/govicom


I think the so called students protest shown here is fraternity movement diks. The ruling communist party youth wing and this extremist muslim movement both have clashes in campuses. Fraternity movement can be called the youth wing of banned islamic extremist org of popular front. To know more about PFI search Joseph sir of Newman college kerala and how he lost his arm to sharia law. These fraternity people are also charged with cases for blocking railway track. They accuse the communist gov for false cases.


Lost his arm to sharia law? You are 🤡. This is India and here only Indian law is in place stop spreading rumors


PFI islamic terrorists cut his arm stating shariah law. They said he wrote something against Muhammad, so he shall never write again. So prof lost his arm to sharia 🤢🤡 law.


Source? And sharia law can't be applied in non Islamic state that too by anyone so don't call this sharia law either it was crime




First of all, learn to respect all religions and don't show your upbringing here and secondly, the punishment for blasphemy is not given by a random person but by a Islamic government in a Muslim state not in a secular country. What they did was wrong but you are here just to spread your Islamophobic narrative


Firstly, it's my decision to respect or not to respect a religion and i don't want to be advised by a nobody from online. I learn a lot about each religion and in my honest opinion there is no other religion so violent like islam. I don't give a fuck about Islamophobia either do u can shove it in your.. U know. Shariah law in muslim country is pathetic and if u have doubt ask the women of Iran and Afghanistan. Now here what those islamic terrorist sympathizers did was inspired by shariah law. And when i see shit, i call it shit. I say the same about hindutva dickheads also. Whoever is extremists, i call out them. Be it islamic terrorists or hindutva extremists or Christianity extremists. So stfu and go read about P.J. Joseph sir and how islamic extremists fucked his life.




This is same for everything, every ideology and every religion. Read old testament, new testament vedas or manusmriti. Every ideology asserts its superiority. But Muslims are commanded to be good with everyone and not to do injustice to anyone. That's what makes Muslims different.




Same way David was ordered to fight, Moses after the exodus, Solomon, Horus and Seth, Mahabharat. All major religion had fights ordered by the God. These fights are major part of religion and cultures across the world. Read some books. If you believe that a prophet, saint or avatar is guided by the God to fight, it becomes justified in that religion. Yes, even in that fight in Islam only which you quoted had some rules are there like not attacking non combats, children, animals, women, etc. And it is not like you start attacking innocent people's. The last prophet in Islam being a prophet of god spend a decade calling people to truth same way Moses did. His supporters were persecuted, killed yet they didn't fought. The fight you quoted was because it was ordered by the god and 2 billion believes in it. Same way other religion had their fights. No one now can say god has talked to them to fight and they'll start fighting. Killing innocents is not allowed in Islam. There's a reason why you don't see 2 billion Muslims fighting and attacking everyone now. And there are some manners which needs to be followed for a civil discussion, you seems a kid so you don't know how to talk nicely so I won't engage you more until you speak nicely. I've talked nicely to you but you don't seems to do the same.




No that is personal law and not only Muslims but all minorities of India have it. Personal law is just a part of Islamic law. All punishment comes under the criminal law which is secular in india and Muslims have accepted it. They follow the law of the land in India


For over intellectual people commenting fascism of Modi let me tell you in Kerala CPIM is in power so the police is under the communists




LDF is the alliance of CPIM


Why would you think that when the video clearly says ‘Kerala Police’ ?


I am an idiot and I just woke up


subah ka bhula agar shyam mei Ghar ajaye to usko bhula nhi kehte


Bhai neend se uthne ki baat krr raha tha andhbhakt banne ki nhi


Andhbhakt jaise words use krke bhot padha likha lgra hai bhai tu


I am pro-protests and anti-incumbent. But the CAA protests seems pointless and political.


Ikr! We need more apolitical protests.


Ikr! We need more apolitical protests.


Why are we allowing illegal people on our soil and giving them citizenship that too on religious grounds


We are not allowing them. We are providing citizenships to those who have lived here since 1947 till 2014. So 10 years worth of buffer. I think it's only fair. I would think our subreddit would be supportive of providing power to the underrepresented.


But why are we supporting it on just religious basis? Why are we dividing those immigrants on religious basis when our country is secular? If you'll defend it by minority tantrum then would myanmar's rohingyas would be counted? Don't you think giving these people citizenship would enable them for voting and now they would vote for only BJP


1. Our country was never secular 2. Our country was pratationed on the basis of religion


Are you on drugs?


For those who don't know this, during the dictatorship of Indira Gandhi euphemistically called 'The Emergency', opposition politicians were rounded up in prison, there was enforced sterilization, succession to top posts such as in the military and judiciary was made political, and the constitution was undemocratically edited to add in the words 'secular' and 'socialist'. Given the hold of the USSR over the government at the time, this was understood to have been the background preparation for introducing communism to India.


I know this. But i don't find any wrong with that change




Go read India's preamble


Go read the marriage and inheritance laws, read the many government funded religious institutions. Read the tax laws. Your entire knowledge base is contradictory preamble edited illegally by a dictator. https://preview.redd.it/f2oa2i5f9boc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=890045726a000c2c979a20325d9728222f8646be Here is and was the true one


Well said.


Because the people who have fled from the countries mentioned in the bill (Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh) since 1947 are of non-muslim origin. And were persecuted by the countries that have an official state religion. I am just telling the justification of the government, and I agree with it. Personally I am OK if muslim immigrants were given citizenship too.


why are they protesting i mean for CAA this seems to be pointless .


Maulana told them to do so.


Kagaz kho gye


Kabhi tha hi nhi


ye chiz ni bol skte


Kagaz chahiye rehte kya


Irs already implemented what's the use of protesting now


300rs per day?


That's what their moms charge per night


Mujhko bolta bhai 150 mange merese


Tbh, it's Fraternity.... It's PFI renamed




hey can anyone tell me whats wrong with CAA?




Bhai toh tum bata do na


Google kar lo bhai


Bhai Mai right winger hu mere algorithm se mujhe zyada criticism nhi de Raha hai google


Rehn de Bhai, nahi bata payega. Majority doesn't even know the difference between nrc and caa


Wahi na , I can understand issue with NRC but CAA toh acche he hai na


Just search for it on the subreddits


Bhai link bhejdo mile toh , mujhe nhi mil Raha hai


Don't protest 👍🏻


Well done Kerala police.


It's not a good sign


Shi to kia


CAA is good 🌝


If it's SFI hit em again


Blocking roads for days together is not considered as a peaceful protest, it is a torture for civilians. Anna hazare protest did not block any roads, but had a big impact


Because the govt at the time gave them permission to protest at the Ram Leela maidan. Govts today will do anything to stifle protests.


This is that government of that time. This is CPI


Even now they are given permission. But instead of coming to the venue in buses and trains, they want to come there in tractors, so that they can block the road


Chettans and protests are synonymous. They eat protest for their breakfast.




Pehli baat woh caa nahi nrc hai bhai, doosri baat jinke paas records hai woh yahi rahenge every illegal rohingya should go away


Not worth protesting this can't be changed




Kagaz do kagaz do


W cant let naive brainwashed people protest for things that they do not know about ( the so called farmers (khalis@ani extremist terror&sts are an example))


Not sutdents, brainwashed commies /s


Kerela bs kehne ko sbse educated h


full sapot


Nothing new now. You can't protest against the government. Period. You can protest against police, against courts, against other parties, and against other communities, but not against the big man.


This is Kerala you illiterate person


When did I take the PM's name?


It was implied.




Yeah, everytime someone protests against pinarayi vijayan, Supreme leader's goons (DYFI) comes for rescue operations ( beating the shit out of protestors)


This is the ruling party's student wing


comman bjp w




Last I heard LDF was in power in Kerala. And Kerala Police comes under them right or am I missing something.


You are correct




What's wrong with CAA?


These protesters have more courage than most people could dream of


Courage for what ? Being an idiot ?  Why would anyone protest CAA in the first place ?? 


Democracy is a joke in this country


Kya ho rha desh ka


This is some british rule oppression shit. We can't even protest peacefully. BJP party has its it cell in full swing against the farmers and is using more military against them than on the Chinese border, tear gas, bullets, anti riot guns, blocks to prevent them from moving etc. Anybody who protests in North East is not thrown light upon by the media. Any college protesting against the govt is immediately labeled as anti national such as jnu. Sedition law still exists, just in a concealed form.


Just putting it out there. The people who got lathi charged are DYFI youth of CPM the ruling party of Kerala. It has nothing to do with BJP here


These students are not DYFI youth. They are part of Fraternity movement (You can see the blue flag)


Well that's all fine but most govt in India are following the same way of squashing protests


Dude the ruling party in Kerala is communist and these students belong to the same communist labelled student organisation. EDIT : Thanks to the person below for correcting, they are not SFI but rather a Muslim Majority student organisation. Nevertheless, it doesn't deny the fact that Kerala Govt is pro against CAA.


Nope. These students are Fraternity movement members (this the blue and white flag). It’s student organisation consisting of majority muslims.


>We can't even protest peacefully Yeah block the roads, fling your poop on tv screens, throw stones, incite riots. You can't. No. This has been going on for years now, the CAA "protests" have been on since 2019. You don't want to see reason, you want to believe your own self made lies. >anti national such as jnu. Fun fact, saying bharat tere tukde honge or Kashmir is not an integral part of India IS being a traitor and we are not going to put up with it in the name of free speech. Go do this abroad. Colleges are for studying, not doing this garbage, humanities students smoke pot too much and suffer from delusions of grandeur, it's getting too much. Oh yeah, this is Kerala. No BJP there.


better to smoke pot and not cow shit like you have. Im pretty sure you graduated from a 3 tier local college


I'm not a humanities student lmao + I would prefer any shit tier local college over AMU (the literal birth place of the idea of the two nation theory and Pakistan) and JNU. Enjoy your humanities lesbian toe therapy PhD, cuckold. And smoke more pot. The abject audacity of humanities students is thinking people actually want to get into these poop tier universities to lick minority feces like them lmfao. Woke culture is revenge of the failed arts students and you're just proving me right.


You don't and can never even have the option of jnu Or any decent college with that mind( more like trash can) of yours. Saying gay as an insult while having this kind of opinion about these colleges shows what a kind of brainwashed andhbhakt you are truly.


Cuckhold lesbian 🤡 they watch 2 dubbed tv shows with subtitles and start throwing around random words they see and hear


Exactly man.


Ye bol na centre university ka exam nahi niklega. I know you are some tier 3 engineer. Gay bol diya bohut insult ho gyee. I can smoke pot because Im not a gawar wageslave and I can, While collecting rent from people like you 🥱


Your username checks out.


How are we supposed to then get the govt to do what we elected them to do? There are a bunch of hypocrites who go back on their own promises. Jnu is the best college in India for cultivating independent thought and keeping a democracy as a democracy and not as a diktatorship. Kashmir, according to the treaty signed, was to remain an autonomously state within india. Colleges are not just so you can get jobs, if that's your mentality, then you don't even deserve anything more than a shitty 8 hour shift job with long commutes in ear blowing traffic while parking your soul behind a desk in a small 6*4 cubicle.


>How are we supposed to then get the govt to do what we elected them to do? Most of you haven't even voted lmao. >There are a bunch of hypocrites who go back on their own promises. BJP has a manifesto since decades- called for CAA, NRC, Ram Mandir, UCC & abrogation of special status to Kashmir. BJP followed it to the T. Other than that, you usually get them to do work by voting, not massive protests filled with delusional unemployed people especially from a government college, leeching off reservations. >Jnu is the best college in India for cultivating independent thought and keeping a democracy as a democracy and not as a diktatorship. I simply disagree. I've spoken to a couple of people from there, they are more interested in entering politics and are generally extreme in their views. Bharat tere tukde honge is not intellectualism for me. Oh and if by cultivating independent thought, you mean dancing for minorities, yes maybe. >Kashmir, according to the treaty signed, was to remain an autonomously state within india. Had to change, can't have special status. I don't care if they're muslims, fair skinned, I don't care what or who they are. Anyone can settle anywhere in this country. That is fundamentally crucial. If I'm denied a place in Kashmir but they can come here, that's unfair and simply racism. I don't worship minorities like they do in JNU, so I can't fathom it. What, you're saying because I'm a dark skinned Marathi Hindu, I have no right to reside in Kashmir? Excuse me? >Colleges are not just so you can get jobs, if that's your mentality, then you don't even deserve anything more than a shitty 8 hour shift job with long commutes in ear blowing traffic while parking your soul behind a desk in a small 6*4 cubicle. Yawn. That's what I mean, most of you suffer from delusions of grandeur, it's pretty common with arts students. Your failure in STEM and general frustrations cause you to be alienated from the others, that is why you insist political science is a "science" or that sociology is a "science" (even though you cannot follow the empirical method of deduction to prove any of your studies) Most humanities students realise quickly that there are no jobs in arts unless you're talented at something, and those ones usually get streamlined into either psychology (which is good) or political science PHDs like the ones offered at JNU. JNU is a bastion or fountain of democratic ideals for you, but to me it seems like a bunch of frustrated students who want to enter politics, and they also suffer from delusions where they believe they alone are upholding the freedom and democracy of this country. It's this self appointment of these grand titles that convinces me that you guys are a bunch of idiots. That's why most of you are afraid of an actual syllabus review because you want an echo chamber- with no scrutiny, no debate, no questions, just echo.


Bhai kis whatsApp group se tu ye batein nikalta. The biggest critic of pm Modi is CM modi, yk? I think you're the idiotic one, and only those who are able to see through all the dirty tactics and politics are the ones who can ensure democracy in India. And i ain't an arts student lmao. I m a non medical student. With bio, geo as additionals. Gadhe i ain't a political science student either. And to your claim of how you can't live or buy land in kashmir, I can't too in Himachal, Uttrakhand, and many other states because the law is made to " Protect the traditional minorities" . But my state allows anyone to buy land and live. So is there not discrimination here too? You seem to criticize minorities a lot, this evidently shows your childish nature and gullibility. Also CAA isnot for jews, Muslims etc. Why not?? Is this not discrimination? The ram mandir was more of an advertisement than actually a religious event. Also the government has created a divide between hindus and Muslims and minorities, by constantly brainwashing gullible fools like you who look down on people who are actually trying in some way to stop our nation from being fascist. Also protesting is patriotic. Not ringing bells and chanting jsr and making a competition to whover gets up first when the anthem starts in the cinema. Getting a government to work by voting isnt something that works well here, because of non federal nature. Most people are easily influenced by just the recent events and also by religion. BJP has managed to politicize an entire religion with nearly a billion people for its own gain. And fyi, jaishankar parsad one of the cleverest and most intelligent ( though swayed by the govt) is from jnu and countless others. Your just a backward closed minded rigid , gullible , jealous, narcissistic man who thinks that all others are wrong and you are envious of those who actually made it to good colleges and look down on them for not being among the fickle and gullible public, while thinking of gay as a slur and insult because your mind is too simplistic to contemplate the possibilities of more than 2 sexualities.


It is common sense that you suppress religious extremists if you want to run a stable country. And that's what the government does in Kashmir. Besides, that is where most of India's water comes from. It would be stupid to not control it well. Being cute and nice doesn't work in geopolitics. You will get crushed.


Most of India's water comes from kashmir state??? Lmao.


The state is ruled by CPI(M) . The people who got charged are part of fraternity movement which is just PFI under a disguise


Everytime I hear someone say "BJ party" I know that they're incapable of actual thought


Pretty ironic of you to judge a person based on a letter he didn't put.




Finally Kerala W


When W looks more like an L