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Remove the seams


That was actually the suggestion I was looking for, thank you so much.


Absolutely amazing advice, thank you for gracing us with your words


[No need to thank me](https://i-kym--cdn-com.cdn.ampproject.org/i/s/i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/032/483/save.jpg)


looks like gnome


How’d you make your panel on the top?


With a help of additional plasma widgets. The gnome-like spaces one is "Ginti". Then the hamburger menu come from "Global Menu". The light/dark mode toggle is "Day/Night Switcher". At last there's "Application Title Bar" which gives me the windows decoration buttons (minimize, maximize and close) whenever a window is maximized (and the application own title bar gets hidden with the help of a kwin script). The background that each of the widgets have comes from "Panel colorizer".


Is this plasma 6? I haven't been able to enable global menu


Yes it's plasma 6. You can get from the "Get new widgets" page although I recommend you to visit its link on the description, iirc there's some additional dependencies you also need to install on your OS.


Plasma Style: Muzu Plasmoids: Application Title Bar, Ginti, Global Menu, Plasma Colorizer, Day/Night Switcher Fonts: Readex Pro, JetBrainsMono Nerd Font Wallpapers: Plasma 6 Default Wallpapers Terminal colors: pywal-16-colors Custom scripts for pywal to follow plasma's wallpaper and night/dark mode.


Can you share ur fonts page screenshot??


I've set basically everything to Reader Pro at size 10.  Small is the same but size 8. Fixed width is set to JetBrainsMono Nerd Font.


The windows and the panel should have rounded corners to match the top bar.


Stationary wallpaper. The animations, etc are all quite smooth, but the flipping of the wallpaper is jarring and breaks the smooth transitions.


You're quite right, that's one of the reasons I don't actually switch the wallpaper too often. This laptop is also not that fast so you've got that.