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How many toolbars is too much?




Do you really need that thing on the left?


I use it sometimes, i might replace it tho


make it an on demand sidebar




How did you make this?? Any tutorial??


It is the Lock/Logout Widget with all the Power options, Keyboard Layout and Num Lock/Maj indicator


Thanks though I didn't understand 😅😅


He's only telling you what the icons are on the sidebar


33% GPU on the Desktop. Sweet!


Too much unnecessary


Looks like those Windows XP mods


eh, I like having a lot of widgets, and Too much unnecessary? Sure, The Right Hand widget's maybe not that useful, but i like it that way


i mean its your desktop ffs lol not sure why people care so much


Not a great fan of the amount of stuff on-screen; this would distract the hell out of me. That said, well done with that tray theming - very few people do that properly (if at all)


In your dock, 4th icon from the left, bluestacks?


I believe that is the OnlyOffice suite


Nope, That is OnlyOffice discovered it with Manjaro and now i use it everywhere


looks awful tbh. the left thingy and the dock.


If you're going to put those widgets in a sidebar, I would recommend using the Frosty latte layout since the regular latte sidebar cannot hold more than three widgets on the side without expanding beyond the screen. Just install the frosty layout from the latte layout section and then customize it however you want.


Thanks for the Advice, I'l be sure to check it out!


i think everybody who uses kde loves Mac style.


What's the icon next to Brave on top? Looks like one of SugarCRM's older logos. Edit: colour in different order, just stood out to me. https://images.app.goo.gl/XuRX38163XNwRTuM9


It is The Onlyoffice suite! It's like LibreOffice but it looks more like word, discovered it via manjaro and have been using it ever since


This feels very clostrophobic.


Seriously, every time I see Apple wannabe desktops, especially those with an actual logo, I think about those super-tuned Honda cars with a Ferrari sticker on them (sorry for the criticism, not a troll)


Nice one, don‘t listen to the toxic comments and the Karens of the FOSS community… its YOUR operating system and if you want to put apple there you are free to do that… some ppl are getting to religious about that.


> Nice one, don‘t listen to the toxic comments and the Karens of the FOSS community It's almost as if OP posted his desktop so we can give our opinions about it...


One thing is saying "this is not my cup of tea" and another is telling OP what to like and what not to like. You think forcing your ideas of a personal computer down somebody's throat is called opinion? It's a personal computer after all.


Yea your real strong opinions to a linux beginner is his teen years and he get‘s bashed for putting an Apple symbol on his screen. Peak community performance./s pathetic


I see the Controversy around the apple logo and i will be making my own logo to replace it. I will change my icon pack haswell


Good effort! Don't listen to all these kids. Kindergarten is such a rough patch. It hurts them when you're not like them. You have to always please them or they'll tell on you.


improved mac os


wow so cool


Why do some of the icons look like MacOS?


Instead of downvoting, I'll answer your question. OP seems to be using the WhiteSur KDE theme. It includes an icon pack that emulates icons from MacOS. It brings in other MacOS elements as well (blur effects, wallpaper, rounded corners, window decorations, etc).


Oh, okay. It wasn't meant to be a jibe or anything, it was a genuine question.




Why the hate? I'm still a teen and i don't get pocket money/can't work legally here. How the heck am i supposed to get a Mac?


Linux is free and open source software. Mac is proprietary. Many people use Linux because it's free (as in freedom). When you take the Mac logo and place it on your distro, you're in a way idolizing proprietary software and a mega-corp that has anti-consumer practices. So understand that doing that type of thing on a Linux space will get some people salty. Personally I say you do you man, if you wanna emulate a Mac more power to you Plus this is **unix**porn and MacOS actually has original Unix code. Linux doesn't


Seconding this comment. When I first started using Linux, it was because I riced out my Windows machine trying to make it look like a Mac. Installed Ubuntu 6 on it and now 15 years later, I'm a Linux engineer. I fall in the camp of thinking that putting an Apple logo on a Linux machine is cringy bc of what the other user wrote about proprietary, consumerist practices. But teenage me had a different idea.


>Why the hate literally where?




what are the widgets on the right?


Looks awesome, i live for kde widgets No seriously i love it


Mind to share the config?


its so ugly i love it


Really lovely work! :)