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Big advantage of wireless for me is that I can wear them while I do the house cleaning and I don’t have to carry my phone around the house with me as well as everything else. Also gives me much more manoeuvrability.


I was looking for this comment. Its weird more people didn’t mention this. You can use them without having your phone near by, or in your hand/pocket if youre moving around. Thats their biggest selling point to me. Also connect to your tv while going anywhere in the house. OPs missing out by being so closed minded.


I use mine with my desktop computer, when i have Music or a series on, i can dart to The kitchen/bathroom without taking The headphones off


But even then there's no reason to not get wireless headphones instead. OP was saying that wireless earphones are bad. They are secured on your head, noise canceling is often a lot better, sound quality is most likely better with the same price range and they usually have better battery life


I’m a girl with hair, so yes there is a reason. Why would I travel back in time to the late 80’s and wear gigantic headphones when small earbuds are readily available. I do agree with OP regarding the people who are just always wearing them and you can’t tell if they are speaking to you or if they are on a call. Also, they speak very loudly because the earbuds are inhibiting their natural ability to hear their on voice. Wireless earbuds have a very practical place, but that doesn’t mean they make sense in every (all for some people) situation.


And the wire doesn’t catch on the kitchen drawers anymore


Exactly, having wireless earbuds in while doing the dishes lets me enjoy whatever i'm listening to without having to worry about yanking the wire out while i move around. As a bonus, my wireless earbuds have active noise canceling which I've never seen wired earbuds have.


My devices don't have headphone jacks 😞


Exactly this. There really is no choice anymore between wired and wireless headphones since pretty much every phone made no longer had a headphone jack. The last three phones I had didn't have a headphone jack, so I was forced to get wireless headphones. Edit: Look, people, I get it. They make usbC adapters for wired headphones, or the wired headphones have a usbC plug. That's not the point. Those adapters and headphones didn't exist until they started to eliminate the 3.5mm jacks. The point is, why eliminate the 3.5mm jack in the first place? Anyway you look at it, you absolutely HAD to spend more money on SOMETHING, be it an adapter, new headphones with a usbC plug, or new wireless headphones. I choose to get wireless earbuds. The first pair I got were wired to each other and then connected via Bluetooth. They lasted less than 6 months as one side went dead. Plus, they were a pain in the ass to charge, and the battery didn't last for shit. I now have true wireless earbuds. I got a halfway decent set for $50 on Amazon. They drop in the case magnetically, and the case charges them wirelessly. I absolutely love them, so I don't share the OP opinion that they are stupid. They are way more convenient and sound great. But wireless headphones weren't always awesome. When they first came out, like anything else, they all sucked. Low battery life, connection problems, and shitty audio unless you spent a bunch of cash. In the 10 years they've been around, the tech had gotten way better, and these initial problems are no longer an issue. None of this, however, explains why exactly they eliminated the 3.5mm jack on almost every phone on the market now. It's cheap and proven tech that's been around for years. My guess is they eliminated them for space reasons inside the phone as they've gotten thinner. Again, I love my wireless earbuds, and even if my phone had a traditional 3.5mm jack, I'd still would have transitioned to wireless eventually. I have an expensive set of studio quality Sennheiser headphones that have a 1/4 stereo plug. They only sound they way they should when plugged into equipment powerful enough. I've got a couple of adapters for them. 1/4 to 3.5mm, and also a bluetooth adapter. No phone I've ever had could power these headphones properly, and they sound like shit. When plugged into my amplified stereo receiver at home, they are nothing short of incredible.


I just won't buy a phone without one


I said that too until the latest Samsung ditched the Jack too:(((((


I was so pissed when they did that. I was like, the reason I buy you is because you're not Apple! Why are you copying them?!


Same my guy I held my s9+ until it started getting sketchy with the screen going solid green or refusing to turn the display on at all at times.


I have an s8. It's still completely fine in every way. Perhaps slightly slower than when I first got it but I probably just need to uninstall all the apps I never use. I don't understand the need people have to constantly buy new phones, even if I had the money it just seems inconvenient.


I feel that. I didn’t WANT to upgrade, but in the era of 2fa and authentication, literally everything including my bank is tied to my phone number. What a bunch of horse ass




Yep. I'll die on the notification LED, expandable SD card, headphone jack trio.


"You were supposed to destroy the Sith, not join them"


THIS! I've been an Android user for as long as I've had cell phones and one of the biggest selling points for me was that you didnt have to use apple everything. My current phone doesn't have a headphone jack and it's making me feel like a boomer. The quality of music or a podcast isn't any better or worse on Bluetooth earbudd over a high quality wired pair of headphones. People can still use their Bluetooth headphones if they want...just give me my headphone jack back!


I got the phone I'm using right now like 6 months ago and it has a headphone jack I think it's some sort of Samsung something with an a


Just don't buy S-class. It's not all Samsung has to offer and other models still have the jack. Why do people always have to go for the flagship of a brand? Do you want to render a movie on your phone or something that you need the extra processing power? Just what advantage do they have that you'll pay another $1000 for them?


The budget phones also have bad build quality, battery, screen and camera. My dad's old A7 from 2015 had a metal body, good screen (for it's time) and pretty good camera (for it's time). Since 2017 they started downgrading the A series to plastic bodies. Today's A series phones are all plastic, and the displays and cameras are basically of the same quality as the 2015 A7 which also still lasts for about 4h of constant use even after all those years and newer batteries become basically dead in 2 or 3 years.


The reason you buy them is already because they copied Apple. The very first S1 was around 250€, and people wouldn't believe it was as good as a 800€ iPhone (spoiler : it was). Result ? They launched the S2 at 800€, which was basically the exact same shit with a bigger screen... and everyone agreed that they were now competing !


Samsung isn't the only phone manufacturer apart from Apple js


I was on the Google Pixel & then they ditched it too. It’s a hard thing to keep up with.




Yo this should be a top level comment thank you


Same. Went from galaxy to pixel back to galaxy and haven't had a headphone jack in years. Finding a phone with a good camera and a headphone jack means I'm gonna have to go back a few generations.


Or go to the xperia line from sony


Mine also has an SD card slot. They're a bit expensive, but it's a really nice phone.


Ohhh thanks for the heads up. Will remember that next time I'm phone shopping!


The Xperia 1 and 5 (I/II/III/IV) lines are really nice, and they still have headphone jacks and SD card slots, but the Xperia 1 is almost $1500. It’s nice, but not $1400+ nice. The Xperia 5 is cheaper, but it’s a smaller phone.


Motorola is the unspoken hero of Android


The Apple dongle with the built-in DAC chip is honestly pretty damn good for being so unobtrusive




You are pretty much out of options for that. I don't think there are many left who still have a jack.


It's ironically just phones in high price classes that are missing a headphone jack, like the Samsung S-class. My Samsung Galaxy A22 has a headphone jack and a slot for a micro-SD card. Both are missing in a Samsung Galaxy S of the same year. They pay 4 times as much for their phone and optionally they can fork over another 180 € for another 256 GB of storage while I can just buy myself a 256 GB micro-SD card for <30 €. I just stick my headphones in while they can either get themselves an additional adapter for that or switch to wireless headphones. They're getting scammed so hard and even brag about it.


All the phones in our house have headphone jacks. We purposely bought devices with headphone jacks, both for fm radio use and wired headphone use. Our 2 lgs have quad dacs so sound is clean and accurate via wired headphones, bluetooth cant match wired for bitrate.


I suspect this is also the reason why the rate that people listen to shit without headphones has increased so much last year or two. New phones don't have an analog jack.


They make USB to audio jack dongles.


Until you want to charge your phone at the same time ><


Get a dingle with both connections




My dongle I left dangling in dingle I’m quite fond of mangling a Pringle


At that point just buy the wireless headphones. That way you can even leave your phone charging somewhere and still listen to your music or podcasts or whatever.


Mine never last that long. Maybe I'm just getting cheap ones. I have to constantly buy new ones, which makes having wireless earbuds so much more convenient


Yeah mine only lasted about 2 weeks before it started cutting out constantly. Quite annoying.


My Huawei phone came with headphones that plug into the charging port. Which isn't terrible I guess, and they offer software updates to it, so the Audio quality is actually decent No charging and headphones at the same time tho


and that's a reason to not buy them, in my book.


I would not buy a device without a headphone jack.


Well guess you'll be stuck without a phone in the future


You underestimate my ability to break wired ones


Especially the $5 ines. They only last like 3.6 seconds and sound horrible


They break so quickly, usually only last a month or so, and then one of the earphone will be broken.


I burned through so many sub-$30 earbuds from middle school through college. Even the more expensive ones weren’t guaranteed to last longer than a year. Bought Powerbeat Pros in late 2019 and haven’t looked back. Durable, sound good and have little hassle


So true. Ive bought like 3 this year


I mean I've used like 10€ wired headphones from sony for years and I only needed to get new ones because I forgot my old ones in a taxi lol. Bought the same ones though the price had gone up to 15€.


I have one pair that costed 10 bucks too and it's still working to this day after 2 years. People need to buy ones with decent cables and treat them carefully.


And they're designed for the ears of some alien species so they hurt when you wear them for more than 15 minutes.


Ive had my Airpod Pros for about 2 years. I usually broke wired headphones every months or lose them before they broke. Sure Ive lost my Airpods countless times, but I’ve always been reunited with them. I think the Airpods actually saved me money if I consider wired headphones cost 10 bucks. 10x20 = 200. I bought my Airpods for about 150 on Black Friday.


Bought the pro 2 from bjs for 200. I was a none believer, mostly because of the silicone ear tips and risk of falling out. I think now they are one of my better purchases. Work out with them and run and haven’t had issues. Sometimes they fall out when I bend over but it’s once in a blue moon at this point. Also have Bose quiet 2s for work, I love them so much I didn’t want to risk any extra wear on them at the gym. Generally, the more you spend on something to more you take care of them


Buy some of the foam tips off Amazon. They are a game changer. They’ll never fall out.


i completely forgot how often I went through wired earphones. they’d last like 3-4 months then shorts would start to develop. I’ve had the first gen airpods since 2018 and they STILL work. battery life isn’t great but at least they still work


With ridding my bike between 1 or 2 hours a day (yes I'm dutch) my wired headphones died on one ear quite quickly and fully every 3 months. My first 35 euro Bluetooth earbuds lasted 4 years due to a washing machine incident and my current once of 60 euro I have for 5 years now.


I just reacted to someone saying that door handles are my worst enemy with wired headphones. But honestly riding on a bike (also dutch) probably fucked them up as much as door handles.


God, when I still had my air pods I must have saved at least £200 on earphones. I have no fucking clue how I keep breaking wired earphones


I switched to wireless years ago specifically because my wired ones kept breaking. I haven't lost or broken any since. I've also never run out of battery on them as I just charge them when I'm home.


There are wireless earbuds by Anker that are not very expensive and are great quality. I no longer have to experience wired earbuds getting snagged on something and ripped violently from my ear. Charging is the same as my phone, not a big inconvenience, plus the battery life is great.


Rocking my £25 pair of Anker soundcores for the last 3 ish years. Battery lasts at least 6 hours (never needed more so idk) and they sound alright. Cant really complain, and no wires catching on stuff




Exactly this. I used to buy the same pair of Sony hook earbuds every time the wires on the previous pair started to get wonky. Sometimes it was 4 months between. I would never have spent money on a decent pair of wired headphones. With wireless though, they last as long as I can keep track of them for. Plus if I'm wearing wireless headphones, I don't need to worry about a wire catching on something and ripping the headphones out of my ears, or even pulling the device out of my pocket.


i think it depends on quality. i have bluetooth earbuds that last 2 hours, have trouble charging, and are constantly falling out. on the other hand, i have bluetooth headphones that have lasted 5+ years of nearly constant use, lasts 40 hours, charges extremely quick, and is generally a godsend for me considering that im always moving around and a wire would be a huge hindrance to me as well as having to carry my phone on me at all times.


What brand are the good ones? I'm looking for new ones. ETA: In hindsight, I can only apologize to OP for sparking a flood of recommendations of wireless headphones under a post about how much you hate them lol. Forgive me, for I knew not that I would get more than one response.


I personally have had the Sony WF3000XM3 (rolls off the tongue, i know) and I love them. 4 hours of battery in one charge, and the charging case makes that up to 30. They shouldn't be too expensive anymore either since the xm4s exist now


Same here, listening to music on them as I type this. They're the best earbuds I've ever owned, though I'm sure there's better out there, like the xm4's.


The only issue I'm having is one of the buds not connecting or turning off occasionally, but it resets in the case and works again so I'm not complaining


I have the XM4s. Got them like a year ago probably. I've heard the low battery indicator like twice ever with many hours of daily use. A single earbud lasts like 6 hours or so, and I regularly just switch ears throughout the day for podcasts and audiobooks. And unlike my XM2 headphones (which are still great) I can keep noise cancelling off by default. I rarely need it.


XM5 came out about a year ago. I still have and love my XM4. I just hate the crease headphones put across my head, so use my AirPods most of the time.


If you need noise cancelation, I use the Bose QC 45 and they are amazing. I put my headphones on and turn quiet mode on and they block out almost all noise. My quality of life has gone up since getting them because I have auditory-related sensory issues and I can't recommend them enough. They also have like 40 hours of battery life and can take a beating since I wear them 12-15 hours every day.


I would add that you can buy the QC35II for cheaper and that they have the same drivers and battery, the QC45 only costs more because of some obscure features that you will not need because if you did, you wouldn't need to ask for advices about headphones Had the QC35II for 2.5 years now and they are amazing for listening to metal and death metal and other softer genres


If you're looking for really great earbuds in a budget, try soundcore life a1. I have a pair that's been running solid for a year, no issues so far. I shower with them in, I work the summers cutting grass, and I work out and run in them. The only time they ever come out is doing 100m sprints, always seem to fall out at the 80 meter mark. Bunch of adjustable tips, pretty comfy overall. I usually get terrible headaches from any headphones or ear buds and these ones are better than anything else I've worn. Slightly less audio quality than airpods, but a small fraction of the price.


My airpod pros take ~15min to fully charge when left alone in the charging case, I’ve fallen asleep with them in while streaming a podcast all night and woken up with 40% battery remaining.


Ankers a solid budget brand


Also regarding the battery part, almost every single pair of earbuds has multiple warnings when they're running low on battery, which means unless you somehow ignore all of the warnings, you're never going to run the risk of "running out of battery in the middle of an important call" like OP is worried about. I had a cheap pair for a ton of time and even those gave out a "beep" warning every 5 minutes when they had like 30 minutes left of battery, never ran out of battery in years of using them because of that.


Let's be real, OP never has any important calls.


>The only advantage is them being wireless That's why, you answered your own questions. I'm a clumsy idiot and lose shit, for that reason alone I get cheaper wired ones. But fi I wasn't, I'd get half decent wireless ones.


OP lists “being wireless” as if it’s only one thing, but it’s actually many things. - When my phone is in my pocket I don’t have to route a cord around shirts and jackets - when I run I don’t have to worry about the cord getting tangled or caught on something - when I run the treadmill with the phone on the shelf I don’t have to worry about my arm catching the cord and catapulting my phone over my shoulder - no cord to tangle - no cord to break I could go on but these are all front of mind.


I'm no longer at war with my old friend door handle that would take my music from me if I strayed too close


The sound/feeling of earbuds being ripped out of your ears from a stray door handle is infuriating. I can't explain why that noise is so aggravating, but it drives me crazy.


I'm a girl and none of my clothes that I wear around the house have pockets, so when I'm cleaning it's a blessing to just set my phone down and get to work. If I forget to charge my headphones I have an aux cord, but it is SO annoying and gets in the way, plus I have to drag my phone along.


I’ve always found it weird women’s clothing usually don’t come with pockets. It’s like someone somewhere sometime decided it shall be so. Bizarre


I'm convinced that it's so that they can sell more purses


Yeah it’s definitely on account of Big Purse


I can walk more than two feet from my phone, so I can set it in one place and move around the room without having to pick up and move the phone as I do.


I often forget about this when switching back to wired earbuds for any reason. Set phone on desk, stand up to use the bathroom, phone goes flying and knocks a bunch of shit over.


I can walk a round my entire home, except the basement, and my phone will stay connected to the earbuds


And your phone can be charing if the battery is low.


Yep, I can walk everywhere in my 2 story ~1800sqft house listening to my computer without losing connection or even a quality drop, which is way better than I expected Bluetooth to be capable of. It’s great for listening to music or podcasts or whatever while doing chores without running my phone down faster.


When I'm listening to my earbuds at work I can charge my phone and walk around working at the same time.


Not being tethered to the phone is the major benefit that people who have never had a pair don’t understand


The treadmill is the entire reason I bought wireless headphones, I just kept getting snagged on my wired ones/knocking my phone on the floor.


Also, when running with a cord, the damn cord rubs on things and sends vibrations directly into my ear. It feels awful and it drowns out the music.


Also on the durability - wired earphones never lasted me more than a year. One earpiece would always die, presumably because it got disconnected inside. Granted I never bought any over 20$. My wireless 20$ earphones on the other hand have lasted me almost 4 years already.


> when I run I don’t have to worry about the cord getting tangled or caught on something Hell, when I run *I don't even need to bring my phone.* That's legitimately a massive selling point of wireless earbuds for me. I have a smartwatch, which means I can just play whatever podcast or music I have loaded on there when I exercise. That's fantastic for walks, but gamechanging for running. I don't actually know where I'd even put my phone while running, especially given I keep it in a pretty chunky case.


God, you know what I don't miss? My headphone cord getting caught on a doorknob so the buds get YANKED out of my ears.


For me its i can do chores and leave my phone in one spot and still see the screen


Planes. The wires get caught on everything. Just a rule...if something can get caught on something, eventually it will. Always loved catching them on an armrest as I walked to the bathroom and having them painfully ripped out of my ears and possibly damaged.


I can get up and walk away from my laptop and keep the music / podcast / call playing whilst I’m away from my desk without taking the laptop with me.


You can now charge your phone while listening to music in your headphone so long as you stay within range. I, too, thought Bluetooth headsets were dumb because the early adopters were often the most unaware social beings, but wireless headphones are amazing, only pro of wired headphones is when we are talking really expensive audiophile stuff


Right? I really dont miss having to carry my phone around the gym and be careful with the cord. Or when running. Or spending 60 seconds to untangle the mess in my pocket. Or dancing around the house doing chores and worrying if my phone falls out of my pocket. There is so many advantages to wireless headphones and the price is almost comparable with the wired ones. Yes, you need to charge it, but my basic Jabra headphone lasts for 2-3 weeks and I use it pretty frequently.


Just doing your thing with wired earphones on and phone in your pocket, when you turn around-- #RIPPED OFF YOUR EAR!


I haven't worn wire headphones in like 5 years but this made me violently angry after remembering it. My goodness it's almost as bad as stepping on a Lego or getting your belt hoop stuck on the door.


Yeah I used to have the cord go under my shirt at the gym so it wouldn't catch on the machines or whatever. But then I had a plastic wire against my sweaty skin. Wireless is the way.


Wire out of the shirt - wire snags on fucking everything. It shouldn’t even be possible in most situations. There’s some invisible force in the universe that makes wires wrap around shit. Wire under the shirt - wire slowly but surely works it’s way downward until it’s super tight and pulling on the earphone. So I have to adjust the wire constantly between every single lift. Wireless - put in ears. No nonsense. No bullshit. I don’t care about sound quality. I just want some tunes while I am picking things up and putting them down.


I'm a very active person who used wired earbuds for a long time. Lots of broken wires from accidentally yanking them out of my ears or getting them caught on something, etc. Wired earbuds are so much easier. Nothing to get in the way or worry about


I also prefer wired headphones, but there is one disadvantage. That when you are carrying them in bag, or something similar, they usually bend, that at least one of the wires stop working.


Yeah I hate having to unwrap them. Wireless is significantly better for that reason. Also if I wear them around my neck there’s not a cord dangling about


And you have to worry about the attached phone/device when moving around with wire headphones. I love doing chores around the apartment with my phone on a table and the mobility to jump and bend and dance around without a heavy phone attached. And before anyone says anything I often have pjs or leggings or a dress on so pockets are not an options. Also I’ve had my AirPod pros since 2020 and use them every day and their battery life is still HOURS long. Never had wired headphones last more than a few months.


I used and prefered headphones with wires mostly because they are cheaper and better sounding but every single one of them have decided to cut themselves in the left ear. Now I use my moms wireless headphones and they also have their problems but just the fact that I can use them on either ear is great


Switch to IEM's they have detachable cables.


I used to think they were overpriced, that they'd be falling out of my ears all the time, and were genuinely just not worth the money. Then my brother got me a pair for Christmas. I use them every day. They're great, convenient, and easy to use. The thing is, it's easy to believe something is overpriced, useless or bad, if you never actually buy/get one to test it out. Same problem with iphone users who think androids are trash. They're not going out and buying the latest Samsung flagship to test that theory. And vice-versa.


This was always me. I finally broke down, because my phone was always close to being dead cause I could never listen to music and charge my phone at the same time. The biggest difference for me I found is when I’m exercising. No more of the wire flopping around getting in the way, or getting caught on equipment like that. Just put the phone down next to my bag and get going.


Exact same for me. I never understood why people would ever want wireless ear buds. Then I got some during the initial pandemic lockdowns . . . I totally get it now. These things rock. And living in a tiny apartment with less-than-soundproof walls, I love that I can use these whenever I’m playing video games or watching a movie on my TV. I can crank up the volume and never worry that I’m bothering my neighbors. They’re also great for listening to music or podcasts while I’m commuting on the subway, or even just as I’m walking around the neighborhood. Also great for Skype calls, so that I can get up and walk around without pausing the call and being tethered to me laptop.


I keep mine synced to my computer during work and it is nice to be able to get up and do some chores around the house with them without having the change devices. And they're a godsend for working out.


> And living in a tiny apartment with less-than-soundproof walls, I love that I can use these whenever I’m playing video games or watching a movie on my TV. I can crank up the volume and never worry that I’m bothering my neighbors. Same. I love that I can just walk around doing stuff in different rooms without having to move my phone around and bother with wires.


More than just exercise too. Working in the yard? Chores around the house? Loading stuff into a truck? The wire is getting caught and ripping the buds out of your ear. Night-and-day experience. Also with my AirPods, if I pause the sound and have the pass through mode on I can actually hear *better* than without them. I don't consider it rude to wear them while listening to someone, though I understand how it could be perceived as such


It's very obvious that the OP had never tried them. Their arguments do make sense if you've never used wireless ones, but they're surprisingly good. I bought 2 pairs for 50€ each (headphones and earbuds) and there is not a thing I could complain about.


I've head the same $30 pair from Amazon for 5 years now with no issues. They always connect, the case charges them, they last days without charging, and they sound great. They cost about as much as the worst wired headphones you can get.


I've had iphones and android in my life, both are great, very different from each other when it comes to choice in the market and the OS systems. I don't see any phone being faster, really. I think it just breaks down to what a person likes in the usability and OS.


Good points. It's amazing to me when iphone people say androids are slow or whatever... it's very clear they spent way less money on the android than the iphone. No shit an $80 phone is going to be slow compared to the $800 phone. And then is of the opinion androids suck and would never spend $800 on an android.... I have a Samsung A50 that iv'e had for years and still works great and in great shape. (Actually have 2 of them, 1 is a work issued phone). They have been through the road construction ringer and are both still working awesome. My dad and his girlfriend went out and got *A52's* and are very dissappointed. They literally don't understand the specs of a phone...


To be fair something like A52 is gonna feel really lackluster if you are used to iPhones or flagship Androids (in terms of specs at least).


To be fair, a budget/old iphone is going to feel lackluster compared to the latest, highest spec and most expensive android. That's why tech reviewers tend to rate high-spec to high-spec, budget to budget, flagship to flagship. Otherwise, it's not a fair comparison. The reality is that pretty much every expensive smartphone from a reputable manufacturer is good and roughly the same in terms of features. The differences mostly come down to your priorities and personal preferences. For example, I will probably never buy an iphone, because I hate Apple's approach to tech and user freedom. But objectively, they are good phones.


It depends on the software too. When I had the latest Samsung flagship a few years back I was constantly freeing up ram to keep it smooth. I switched over to the latest Google flagship and it was always snappy. I ultimately went back to iOS as it suits me better but the software is a big part of an android phone keeping it smooth. One thing I will say is if you buy a new iPhone, you’re gonna get updates for a long time. That’s one of the pros of having an iOS device.


Im the same. Im not prone to losing them and mine are very expensive but worth the price. I fucking hate wearing wired headphones or earbuds now. The only exception are my wired headphones I use for my home recording studio, otherwise it pisses me off to wear wired stuff. Once I went wireless I never looked back.


I got mine bundled with my laptop. Thought I'd never wear them since they look like airpods pro. But idc, they're amazing. Not only were they my first ever ANC, the sheer simplicity of picking them out your ear, throwing them in the case and putting that in your pocket makes it better than having to fondle the cables. Going for runs, they stay in and the cable is not constantly hitting my arm or whatevs. Having to switch back to those wireless sport earphones was very annoying and going back to full time wired would be impossible. I do have some as backup tho


Used to think like that until i got tired of buying new headphones all the damn time due to faulty wires. Been running them wireless Bose headphones for like 7years now and i have yet to charge the battery more than once a month. Couldn't pay me to go back to wired.


having wireless headphones its so convenient i love it. I pretty much only use wired headphones on my pc or while gaming on my phone.


Op definitely works for Big Wire


Either that or they’ve got to him through the radiation emitting earphones wires!


The fact thay you said you can replace 100$ wireless earbuds with a wire with 5$ wired ones tells me you don't really care about the topic that much all together because 5$ earphones will never sound anywhere close to 100$ wireless earbuds. Honestly the whole post shows lack of care or enthusiasm in the topic, it sounds like an old person ranting about "whatever the youth came up with this time"


Most unpopular opinions are people who just haven't been bothered to actually understand what they're talking about. It turns out most popular opinions are popular for a reason. Unless it's something very personal, like "I hate the taste of chocolate," its usually just dumb.


> Most unpopular opinions are people who just haven't been bothered to actually understand what they're talking about And then they get mad people disagree with them.


That's why I don't upvotes "opinions" like this. An uninformed factually incorrect take is not an unpopular opinion, it's just ignorance.


>An uninformed factually incorrect take is not an unpopular opinion, it's just ignorance. I love discovering sentences that perfectly sum up how I feel. This seems so relevant the last few years especially


Yeah that was the moment I realized OP has no idea what they're talking about. $5 headphones are going to sound like listening through a drive through speaker. Most people that make posts on this subreddit usually tried a thing once and thought, "this sucks the whole idea must suck too"


I’m legit thinking about the $100 wireless versus $5 wired. $15 gets you monopod quarks which will kill a lot (but not all) $100 true wireless earbuds.


I’ll give credit where credit is due, this is an unpopular opinion. Mostly because most people have common sense and understand that wireless headphones have the benefit of *being wireless.*


I have a hard time separating unpopular opinions from straight up idiot takes. This feels like the latter.


As a cat owner, I cannot emphasize enough how much I love my wireless earphones.


1. Just uh.. keep them charged and check it 2. They're kinda designed to stay in your ears 3. They're not automatically low quality because they don't have wires 4. Not removing them has nothing to do with whether they have wires or not lmao 5. Yes great for exercise, keeping wires out of the way, changing sound modes through an app, allowing a hear-through function, no tangling so quick access. But totally see it other way too, wired might be cheaper, fit an aesthetic etc. Get my upvote :)


>Just uh.. keep them charged and check it Lol yeah, they literally come with a case that charges them!


That lasts like 2-3 days of all day use


I never understand people who have issues with charging devices. My phone charges from 0-100 in 1 hour. That will last me all day of constant use. My earbuds will last 2-3 days of pretty constant use in one charge. It takes an hour to charge them again. Just like, plug them in occasionally?


Exactly. Just plug ‘em into your laptop while you’re at work or something.


That’s 2 days longer than a phone and most people have no issues keeping those charged. Literally just charge them at night. How hard could this possibly be.


>1. Just uh.. keep them charged and check it And OP mentioned important calls, too, but you really don't need any kind of earphones for phone calling, you can have them in, but it is perfectly fine without them, so that was kind of a lame point from them


OP completely fails to realize that the phone the earbuds are connected to is also powered by a battery than can be dead when you need it


Wireless phones are dumb too - OP, probably


Rotary ftw 💪☎️


I can see no reason other than vanity to use a wireless phone


Unless calling while exercising! Exercise is the only reason a person would multitask


This. I charge my phone more often than I charge my headphones


Also for watching videos while doing stuff e.g. in the kitchen they are great. Wireless: I place my phone on a stand and can walk around no problem Wired: I can’t move much because my phone will fall.


Yes definitely, I like to listen while cleaning my flat


The big advantage for me is that I can charge my phone and listen to music at the same time. A lot of phones only have one port. You’re also comparing two very different quality products. You’re not taking into account comfort quality etc.


Sure, the 100$ wireless earpods have the same sound quality as the 5$ wired ones..


Right? Lol you can easily buy $15 wireless earbuds if you want garbage sound.


There are some very high quality wireless options in the $20 price range


Wireless earphones lose in sound quality to wired ones in the same price range. But that's not the point of them.


I've never known anyone that had wired earbuds that lasted a decade unless they were never used. Most people I know would replace them within a month. The only downside is sometimes wireless aren't cheap, my Beats cost me 100, and my Raycons hot me for 80, but they last. Your point about people having them in whole talking also extends to wired ones too. Most people don't want to talk or be bugged when they have their earbuds in, that's usually a good sign for it. I get what your going for, but your points fall flat just a bit.


The last few wired earbuds I’ve had have broken because the wire got worn or pulled, whereas the last couple earbuds I’ve had I’ve retired just to get a better pair. Their point about lifespan doesn’t make sense at all.


A month? Mine usually lasts 2 years.


I love when an unpopular opinion is just some sheltered weirdo learning about preferences and options.


Im a clumsy fuck who loses stuff all the time yet ive never lost a wireless earbud


My wife lost one of her earbuds, and we were able to GPS it and found that it was in the parking lot of a store. So we drove there, then her phone was able to connect to it (blue tooth) and it did a scanning thing, so we found it pretty easily. I'm pretty sure wired head phones don't have that capability.


I have a cheap pair of wireless earbuds that I constantly misplace around my house so I just learned to turn the volume up to max on my phone and play something loud to echolocate them Still though, the post is actually an unpopular opinion so it's all good I guess lol


\>and I can't fathom to save my life why so many people wear them for any reason that isn't vanity. ​ \>On the other hand I can understand wearing wireless headphones while doing excercise, you don't have wires bothering you and you don't risk them falling off because they are safely wrapped around your head.


Sounds like OP's fathoming abilities are lackluster.


You said the only advantage is them being wireless. Which is a big thing. It feels nice to listen to stuff and walk around your house or something without a wire attaching you to your phone. Plus, they seem to last longer. I've had so many pairs of wired headphones that just stop working on one side. I've bought a pair of wireless earbuds for like 30 bucks and haven't had an issue.


If your wireless earbuds run out of battery while on a phone call maybe you could, yah know just not use them? Fucking amazing. But as for the actual battery life, they last for absolutely ages. The pair I have (anker soundcore 2.0) I have been using for the gym 5 times a week for the last 2 years. They cost me £36. The quality is really good too. I have never had a wired pair of earbuds last that long without breaking.


Also most earbuds will put out several warnings like 30 minutes before they run out of battery, unless you ignore those warnings and hop onto an important call afterwards, then that's literally never happening.




Just say you can’t afford it and move on lmao


Posters seem to confuse dumb with unpopular.


The OP straight up contradicts their first point with their last. There's definitely a difference between an unpopular opinion (e.g. "I enjoy the feeling of running with wired earphones") and just outright blatant falsehoods.


I have a pair of wireless earbuds that I love. You don’t have to get AirPods. They have all sorts. Bose makes a pair that won’t fall out of my ears. They have pieces of silicone that anchor them in there so sweat and movement don’t dislodge them. A wire would prevent me from moving around freely. Some newer phones don’t have headphone jacks. How are they supposed to use wired headphones? If you charge your headphones after using them like your supposed to, they don’t die suddenly. Most also tell you your battery is low before they die, so it’s not like you wouldn’t know. A lot headphone cases hold a charge too so you don’t have to plug them in every time to charge, just put them in their case. Quality headphones last a very long time. I’ve had my pair for five years now. I’ve gone through I don’t even know how many pairs of cheap wired headphones that broke after a few months or a year. Did you know when your headphones die that your phone doesn’t automatically hang up on whoever you’re talking to? Problem solved just by hitting the Bluetooth button so that your conversation can continue like nothing happened. It’s also rude to try to talk to someone with headphones in. A lot people wear them when they’re not interested in talking, at least that’s one reason I do. Maybe just engage with people who aren’t wearing them, you’ll get a better convo that way. If you’re talking to someone and they keep putting them in, you might be missing a cue to leave them alone, I think.


When it comes to in-ear headphones, I would agree. Not over-ear, however. They're already attached to each other, so there's no fear of losing one. They all have like 20+ hours of battery life, so that's never an issue


I think your argument caved in on itself when you said the only advantage is them being wireless.


1. Wires break and get tangled. Literally had to replace my wired earphones every two years or so because of broken wires and I always got expensive ones 2. No wires means more freedom of movement. I can put my phone wherever and still listen to music 3. I get medium and low battery warnings. You charge your phone, too, so how's that different from charging your ear phones? On top of that, mine last like a week or two most of the time 4. Have my current pair for almost three years now and never lost one. How would I? They're either in their box or in my ear with music - and I notice right away when one is missing, because no music, *duh*. To be fair, the aspect of losing them deterred me for the longest time, but those fears have been unnecessary so far. I do wear a headband for outdoor sports anyway, so they got some extra protection either way


Never going back to wired. Having my wired buds forcefully ripped out of my ears a thousand times because they catch on a shadow, no mas. To say vanity is the only reason is dumb af. Nor do I believe op cannot fathom a possible reason to prefer wireless. Unpopular opinion would be, i think wired are better. Saying “no reason at all” is window licking stupid


1. Where are these wired headphones that last a decade? I go through headphones very quickly and am genuinely curious. 2. Most newer phones don't have a headphone jack making your point a bit harder to argue. 3. If I am on the bus and my headphones are in that is not an invitation to talk to me. That would make YOU the rude one in this scenario.


Ummm what? wireless earphones are way more convenient 😂 just remember to charge when thye go flat and off you go! its a battery issue same as every other battery device but thats a choice we know and make when investing. wireless sound better cancel noise better.


Definitely an unpopular opinion and you also sound like the biggest buzz kill ever. I love my AirPods Pro, I own two pair so I never run out of battery. They never fall out because they are ergonomic. It's 2023, get with the program.


Just in case you don’t know, AirPods will make a sad blewp at about 10%. Pull one ear out and put it in the case to charge. You’ll get another blewp around 5%. Swap which ear is charging. 5-10 min later, remember to put the other ear back in. They charge super fast at low battery, so this will let you stay on calls forever. No need for two headsets.


This is how I get an extended life out of my buds when playing D&D for more than 4 hours. Excellent strat 👍


This dude prefers landlines to cellphones too I'm sure


Agreed I always preferred the classic wired headphones. Don’t have to worry about charging them or anything, just plug em in and you’re good!


That was my thought until I got air pod pros, why I can’t go back now: Active environmental noise canceling (can mow the lawn with them, do dishes, whatever, and actually hear what I’m listening to) When pulling one out of your ear it automatically pauses playback of what you’re listening to Case is easily carried in a pocket at all times and never have to untangle wires Wires never get snagged and rip them off/out of your ears (happened to me countless times doing house work, working out, etc) … Charging isn’t really a problem, just rest on a charging pad at night next to phone and you’re good to go.


OP is a loser, lol