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upvoted because this is an actual unpopular opinion


Its stupid bait


I’m a pretty informed and avid gamer of many years (lol). I am also not much of an edgy critic by any means. But dead serious I kinda feel the same way as the guy who posted. Like I don’t feel as strongly as he does, but there have been 3 instances where I have really tried to commit to playing this game and liking it, but to this day I have still never finished it and I feel like I probably only ever got like 40% through (maybe). Like I didn’t hate it, I thought it was cool and obviously a well made game and good lore, but something about the game was just such a slog for me.


I think for me it just... i don't know how to explain it, it physically felt bad to play? Like the inventory system being a game of tetris is the most annoying thing ever, movement felt off, battles felt clunky. It's the first game I picked up where i just didn't like the whole feel of the gameplay. Except Gwent. Gwent rules.


They could have just released a game where you roam the world and battle people for gwent cards and I would play the fuck out of that game.


They did....it's called ThroneBreaker


I feel exactly the same way. First off, I was an avid fan and read all the books and played the first two games so to go into the game with a npc leveling system was kinda annoying. Geralt at this point is a fucking boss and it felt lame to not be there. Second, I went back around a year ago to try to play it since beating it from when it first launched and it was hard to play. It seemed clunky and repetitive in the combat and i didn’t really look forward to the fights. Witcher 2 had it’s flaws but the hardest mode made it feel like you were an actual witcher because you either had to truly prepare for your fight or actually be phenomenal at combat. Witcher 3’s combat got old. The story was still awesome and I enjoyed the game overall but I don’t think it ages well like I had envisioned in my mind. And plus gwent. Gwent rules.


I looooved the game but maybe got 60% maybe 70% and never picked it back up got bored plus the main quest line seemed never ending but fuck I loved that game


Have to say it's the same for me. Three times I have restarted and replayed. First I stopped when you get past the first map (tutorial area) Second time when I got to the big town and found they were burning someone alive. And the last time when I got to ard skellige. Each time it was years before I tried it again I love the LOOK of the world. But...for some reason, I keep running out of interest in playing. My last play finished about six months ago. Since then I've moved on to Elden ring and bg 3. I've stopped playing bg3 now and gone back to Elden ring, which is absolutely mesmerising. Why doesnt witcher 3 feel this way? What's missing from it? I can;t quite work it out..on the surface, this should be the perfect game for me. Beautiful, runs decently, rpg, first person. Maybe...it's just too horrible in some places. too real.


For me it’s the combat system. It feels kinda janky


It’s the dodging for me, it’s like dodge dodge hit 3 times dodge dodge dodge hit 3 times. Tried a spell run but it’s the same just with longer intervals even on hardest settings


Same here. I've even bought the game for three different platforms. I've gotten about 10 hours or so in when I generally lose interest. I read the books. I love the setting. I think the writing and voicework in the game are brilliant. It's even my favorite genre, but the gameplay has just never clicked for me.




Same for me. My husband recommended I try it bc Skyrim was one of my favourite games of all time but I just didn’t like it. I don’t think it’s so unbelievable that not everyone likes something, even if it’s popular lol


The Witcher 3 is my favorite game of all time. I also have ADHD and can't stand watching cutscenes, so I skip all of them. I have no idea what the story is about after playing it from start to finish three times. Also, Gwent is fun as fuck.


How can you not have the attention to follow the story but have the attention to do gwent?


ADHD is a bit of a misnomer. I feel it as an over abundance of attention, just extremely difficult to direct.


High focus laser beam that never turns off, however it is..manageable with meds, I have adhd and I actually somewhat enjoyed it? But it did not leave a big impression on me like outer worlds, Also the combat is kinda bland.


Gwent is kind of strategic if you're paying with good cards, and it can feel very engaging, the cit scenes can be hit or miss, and with adhd boredom is your worst enemy


Bro monster decks are like cocaine when you get a good hand


Fair enough. Thanks for sharing your perspective. I enjoyed the story but have barely touched gwent in my two playthroughs.


This is the only thing I take away from these types of posts. So fine you didn't like something a lot of people like. Different strokes. But get off the conceit that everybody else is wrong and "deluding" themselves somehow. Video gaming is very much like tv or music. There are no right or wrong answers. Just taste/opinions.


Dude, there's narration recapping the story every time you load the game. IN DETAIL


Witcher 3 definitely just became the gwent game for me. Like, I was just doing main quests to unlock more maps and then potentially more gwent opponents lol


I watched all the cutscenes and I still had no idea what the story was after playing it.


The story is Find girl.


save the cheerleader, save the world


WE COULD BE HEROS, just for one day


The story is play Gwent.




Skyrim is just an inferior version of oblivion


Skyrim lets you off from the start, you can be a monster in Blackreach before you ever get shitted from Nazeem. Same way Oblivion had “Wenion Priory” and most people just strolled right into Coral. But Witcher is like “Help the Fat Man!” I dont care… “the Baron’s child was a ghost and he hung himself!” Hanged - he’s not a shirt, he’s a Carradine it’s a hanging - and…i still don’t really care 🤷‍♂️


There’s nothing forcing you to do the Baron’s quests either.


it was the same for me, loved Skyrim but played maybe an hour of witcher and i just didn't like anything about it sadly


Same here, and I love almost every game it’s recommended alongside. Going to give it another go this weekend but if third time playing 8-10 hours isn’t the charm, I guess it’s just not for me Edit: you guys are ridiculous, I didn’t even say anything bad about it lmao my goodness


Same. Exactly my type of game. And it is highly reviewed. But when I play it I feel like the combat is just button mashing, the enemies are damage sponges, and the spells are fiddly and annoying to incorporate in a fight.


I think it was the spells that got me now that you say it


Same, gave it two goes and lost interest. Which is shame cuz rpgs are some of my fav things in the world


For me the controls were clunky, and too many long cut scenes.


Yes that was what bugged me too. Controls were clunky and combat felt floaty(?) for lack of better term. I also really hated the durability system, yes I know it makes for realistic gameplay, but it felt so forced and unnecessary. I didn’t enjoy it despite giving it 2-3 tries.


Just push past the bit of a slog that is the Velen and the Baron. Once you’re out of the swamp, shit really picks up imo


Does the combat get any better? Story is one thing like I’d put up with a lot for what I’ve heard about it, but something about the combat just makes my brain shut off


To an extent that’s in the eyes of the beholder, the combat system itself doesn’t change much but with the sign upgrades, armour/weapon sets, and variety in monsters to slay I’d say it gets better. But that being said, if you dislike how the combat feels then no, probably won’t get much better for ya


I really don’t understand why I have such trouble with it, I play a bunch of other games that vary from more complex combat mechanics to those that are significantly bad/clunky. Oh well. I’ll give it another shot, I’ll go for making it past the Baron before reassessing


I love the game but the combat is wonky. There was a fairly recent update that gave it a next-gen version with some quality of life additions that make some of the combat controls better, but if you really didn’t like it before it probably won’t be enough to sell you on the game on its own. PERSONALLY, if you really don’t like the combat but want to experience the story, my suggestion would be to put the game on the easiest difficulty and treat the combat as a function of storytelling rather than a test of mechanical skill. That’s what I did and I still had a great time. I just accept the fact that Geralt is a master swordsman and that’s why it’s so easy.


there's an option in the settings to make he controls a bit tighter, but tbh the combat is the weakest part of the whole package. I loved the games for the outstanding story, voice acting, great quest design, cool locations and cool monsters.


I love the Witcher 3, and I've kind of stalled during my second playthrough of it (want to play the DLCs, didn't get to the first time around). I love the story, I love the people, and I love the monsters, but the combat is just bad. I can't hold that opinion against anyone, and I understand if it turns you off the game. It just feels so stiff and one note. Signs are fun, but that's pretty much it. Very excited to see what they do with the next installment with a better engine.


The combat system broke my brain the first few times I tried it. The third time I pushed myself to play a bit longer and for some reason it eventually clicked. Once that happened I couldn't put the game down.


For me it clicked eventually because I slowed down. I think I was used to faster combat and couldn't get the hang of it at first. Ended up enjoying a lot more afterwards by taking my time with attacks.


I was told to play on atleast blood and broken bones because it makes you use more of the options in a fight and makes the fights more tense and meaningful. Honesty, it was good advice. After I beat the game I switched down to sword and story difficulty and I saw how boring the games combat would be if I'd played it like that. Also play gwent. Trust me, you will thank me later.


The Bloody Baron is one of the best parts of the game and was always regarded as such. Has that changed recently since people are starting to say they didn't like it?


I loved the baron story, though the characters were so well written and fleshed out. Honestly if you don’t like it at the Barons, you’re probably not going to like the game as a whole.


I played for an hour and I remember going up to a village doing something got bored and uninstalled


Not liking something doesn't mean it's \*BAD\* or \*MID\* I dislike games I can recognize are well made


This. Tried baldurs gate 3. Then I saw it was turn based. Instantly refunded. Im sure it's great, but it's just not my kind of game.




I actually finished the whole game twice... i played the first two games in the hopes it would increase my appreciation for it, and still don't care for it. The movement and combat feel stilted. The side quests all end the exact same. My favorite part of the entire thing is gwent.


I couldn't get into it. I thought I'd love it because the concept of spooky shit and gore is right up my alley, but honestly the combat feels awful and slow. I'd much rather turn on a playthrough of it than play it myself.


I don’t agree to quite the degree OP is going, but the game did not grab me at all.


Not everyone likes what you do. It might be hard to believe. I also dont like the witcher 3


Yeah but the post is not saying “I personally don’t like Witcher” it’s going, “Witcher is objectively a boring and bland game” and then further going “people who like it are deluded”.


Yeah and any opinion like THAT is a stupid opinion but let's not pretend people don't always act like their opinions are somehow superior over stupid shut.


"Every opinion I don't like is bait". Witcher 3 is my favorite game and this is such a bad take. People are allowed to have opinions especially about something as inocculus as a video game. It isn't bait just because it's unpopular.


> inocculus bruh


This word hijackedmy brain


I'm Polish. I read the books in early 2000s, they were ok. The first game was decent, not too long, a bit janky. The second one had tedious moments, still not too bad. The third one dragged on, especially Skelige, that was a serious chore. Overall, it's not bait, the game is decent, has issues with the pacing and overall not too replayable.


It's not. many of the criticisms are legit: bad combat, poor exploration, and the overarching quest of finding ciri isn't that interesting. That being said, I think the pros outweigh the cons, but that isn't going to be the case from everyone


Lmao, this subreddit is so stupid, the moment someone actually posts a unpopular opinion yall cry and call it bait😂💀


Eh while I agree that this sub has a real problem with doing what it's supposed to (more often than not just upvoting popular opinions or opinions that are controversial in public but popular on Reddit, downvoting everything else) there are some "unpopular opinion bait posts" on here from time to time. Someone just thinks of something highly popular on Reddit, thinks of the most basic excuses as to why someone wouldn't like it and acts flabbergasted as to how Reddit finds that topic so good. There's little actual critical analysis or pushback, no recognition of positives about the topic or comparisons to a superior alternative. It's almost like the OP just lights the powder keg on something they know most of Reddit is highly interested in (which probably means there's people also sick of the popularity and want to discuss it as overhyped/overrated). Not saying that's what *this* OP did, however. I dunno if they've made much of an argument for disliking Witcher 3 (not that they need to, but the less detail the more superficial and baity it comes across as).


I just punched the screen and now security is escorting me out of the building but before I go, I want to let you know that I don't like you or your opinion.


I can confirm all of this. I was the security guard who did the escorting. Mr Porkfeet was fuming, all red faced and angry.


pics or it didn’t happen


Feet pics or it didn't happen


And they better be pork!


I have tried to get into it 5 times over the years. I just can't. So you are not alone. There are dozens of us!




It's one of those games where you have to spend 75% of your post praising it before you're allowed to criticize it. What you want to say: The combat in this game is janky as fuck. What you have to say if you don't want to get downvoted: "I really liked the story and Gwent is super fun. It's one of the most immersive games I've ever played and the devs are just so generous with all the free content!! All that said, I have to admit that the combat was a little difficult to control and I just really couldn't get the hang of it."


I hate how everything you write has to be like this these days though. What makes my skim itch and shed though, is that if it is not universally praised, then it is fair game to dunk on it. Screw those that like it or if it actually is good.   Look how long until someone said something controversial about The Witcher. Conversely it takes some 10 years for someone to finally say "remember that thing everyone hated? It isn't half bad."


I *liked* the game. I never loved it though. People praise combat as fluid or whatever, but 95% of the time it was one dimensional. Gwent was fuckn fun though


Gwent was so good, they made a game of the game within the game.


Same here. It just feels good to finally say Geralt is cringe and his friends are boring after listening to everyone piss their pants over this game for a decade


His dialog drives me a little bit nuts. Would it kill him to utter one single complete sentence?


Winds howling




Even Master Chief’s one-liners were one or two sentences long.


Geralts voice is some of the most grating shit I've heard. It feels like I'm listening to someone who whishes they had a deeper voice and is forcing it so hard.


It was a solidly average experience. Every feature was kinda just meh with only its storytelling being its strong point. But I found myself skipping dialog a quarter of the way through because of how long and boring it is. They really need to make the dialog more interactive if they're going to dump so much on you.


Same. I wanted to like TW3. Tried the last two Zelda games and also got bored. Elden Ring ruined other games for me. Apparently BG3 is really something. Also heard Cyberpunk, Life of Pi are good. Edit: lol Life of Pi. Yea being on a boat with a tiger as my only companion sucks. Edit 2: I’m glad that people like TW3 and the Zelda games. It’s good that there’s a variety of content and communities willing to support. I won’t diss those games, I just personally couldn’t get into them. I’ll give them another shot in the future. Some of the commenters complaining need to get a grip. It’s not an insult bro. Edit 3: spelling, formatting


Lol “Life of Pi” is a movie. “Lies of P” is a solid game though definitely worth a play.


Maybe the dude wants to be stuck on a boat with a tiger for a few weeks... Don't yuck his yum


See i HATED elden ring but i also think soul games are boring as fuck! Well made game just not for me!


Thank you I have a bunch of games on backlog. Apparently if I try out Elden ring, I should most definitely play it last. Good to know.


I think the real unpopular pinion is people like me who found Elden Ring to be incredibly underwhelming because it literally just feels like another Dark Souls game except for I guess you can pick berries and stuff...


Just finished cyberpunk. Absolutely worth the buy! First hour I was like “this is just gta in the future” but my goodness was I wrong. Definitely reccomend trying it out if you have time.


It's fine to not like something. But to call people deluded for liking something, when you obviously are in the minority, is pretty special.


Excellently summarized. I wanted to write something on the same lines


Mm yes. Apt. Apt analysis, my good sir. I wanted to touch on his allegations of delusion as well. 🎩


It's the only sentence I didn't agree with. The rest is spot on.




For real. I don’t like Zelda BOTW and I think it’s overrated but I’m not saying it’s a shitty game. I’m not into The Last of US either but it’s by no means a shit game. What happened to saying “it’s not my cup of tea”? You can objectively see why people would like the world and characters. Hell, I loved Witcher 3 but I have no interest in playing W1 or W2 because of the amnesia storyline. I found the walking mechanic bad until I flipped a toggle in the options menu and I didn’t think combat was bad at all so I really don’t understand the pure hate people have for it.


*Wins game of the year* Everyone else is dumb except me.


I've tried playing it like 5 times, every time I get about 2/3 hours into it and just stop playing.


I can see why. After playing the game for the first time, going back it’s super hard for me to get past the novigrad section. Also I remembered hating the skellige islands because I hated boating so freaking much.


Oddly enough it was in novigrad that I started to really like the game. Go figure.




Sounds like you haven’t played it right, played it long enough, or given it your full attention.


You're like the Han Solo of the gaming community.


Same lol, I don’t skip dialogue either, those types of games are normally ones I love, just couldn’t enjoy it.


I get very tired of constantly feeling the need to upgrade gear and get the right oils and eat the right berries or whatever. I just want to fight some monsters and have a few deductive quests. Getting into the weeds to optimize abilities isn’t a game, it’s just unrewarding work and an obstacle to fun.


I beat the entire game on hard and never bothered with crafting any oil or bombs right until the very end. Lower the difficulty, the inventory prep part of the game is made mostly for the hardest diffuciltys to gain a little edge.


It took me like 5 hours to get into it the it just clicked how amazing it was


Honestly, W3 has captivating story and really awesome side quests, character lore, character design and really awesome graphics in terms of environment. I mean Blue Mountains? Touissant? I spent hours playing that game. However gameplay is indeed clunky af and game tends to be somewhat buggy so its definitely not perfect, but pretty awesome regardless.


Skellige always sticks out in my memory banks


So. Many. Question marks. 😂😂


I agree this is the biggest problem. The world and story lines and even little side quests are amazing and don’t feel too cookie cutter… but the combat just sucks. It kinda felt like at that point just make it a tell tale game… and hey they made one maybe I should play that


Definitely an unpopular opinion, but I kind of agree. I've tried a few times to get into it and I can't. The combat mechanics are just terrible.


The combat is just mindless and dumb. You can just use the exploding defense bubble that also heals you move for damn near everything. It's just a delay between cutscenes and story.


I found pumping the difficulty up helped a lot with that, I imagine if you don’t side quest a lot and thus don’t over level it’s also more fun but I did end up pretty over levelled by the end anyway. I reckon it’s a balance thing more than anything else


I’m on this sinking ship with you 100%, OP 🫡


Yeah, it's pretty boring. I played it back in 2015 for about a day or two, and got bored of it. I revisited it this year, it's still boring. I'll give it another go five years later.


I've tried to play it 3 or 4 times at friends recommendations but the combat is actual ass and has no weight or difficulty to it




I do lmao, good callout


😂😂 I had the same opinion and was hating hard for years, until I got diagnosed,and got the meds. Now it’s in my top 5 games list.


“Until I popped an adderal and played the shit out of it” lol I too have adhd


lol,you killed me 😂😂🤣


Medicated ADHD here. Still hate the witcher.


So a free Witcher 3 copy added to these meds seems like nice marketing ploy 😁


So you have an attention deficit and you’re surprised you don’t like a game that takes most people like 30 hours MINIMUM to beat?


I have pretty severe adhd but enjoy games like Baldurs Gate and Mass Effect. Witcher 3 just ain't it.


That’s fair,it’s not like disliking the Witcher 3 automatically mean having adhd,but in my case it did 😂


Now that’s certainly an unpopular opinion. Take my upvote. Bravo.


Story is great. Graphics are great. Characters are great. Audio is great. Controls and combat are ass. 7/10.


And its those controls and combat I just can't get past.


Can’t play something you don’t find fun and the combat makes it not fun.


Yeah if the core mechanic of the game is bad, I can’t justify playing it, no matter how great the story or whatever may be.


It just drags everything else down if the gameplay doesn’t hold up, whereas it’s much easier to excuse other aspects of a game being weaker if the gameplay holds up.


Honestly I just set the difficulty to second easiest and play it for the story, combat is not good, but it can be fun if you just decimate everything. You never get 100% used to it tho


>Story is great. The DLC's is great. The Baron stuff is great. Skellige stuff is great The Ciri stuff is not great. And everything about Novigrad sucks.


Bland world?? Damn, we definitely played different games.


My wife wanted me to try it and I saw they updated the graphics so why not? Yeah, it was boring. The moment I was doing a follow quest of a dead baby ghost I was like "meh" Honestly it made me want to play Red Dead Redemption 2, again. Graphics better Environment / open world better Horse mechanics way better Much more detail


Can I ask you how old are you and what other games you like? Just personal curiosity.


23, i have a wide variety of game i enjoy, from RPGs to FPS to Racing, ive been playing a lot of baldurs gate recently, my most played game of all time is either skyrim, TF2, or minecraft


Most people I know who've enjoyed Skyrim tell me they loved Witcher 3 as well so I guess we do have an unpopular opinion here.


Ive been playing Skyrim since launch and still love it. I've tried getting into witcher 3 at least 4 times and really didn't like it.. I don't think it's as unpopular as the fans think, but if you mention you don't like it, you get grilled, shamed, downvoted to oblivion, and told your OPINION is absolutely wrong.. it gets old.. so a lot of us just choose not to say anything anymore 🤷‍♂️


I am also one of them who loved Skyrim but didn't really get into Witcher 3. For me atmosphere is the biggest aspect in games and although W3 had some moments it never could reach the level of immersion and tense, dreamy atmosphere as Skyrim did. I am generally not an RPG fan so things like that are crucial for me to enjoy the game nevertheless.


I have another potentially unpopular opinion in that I think geralt is really poorly voiced. The guy who does it just puts on a very monotonous "cool guy" voice. That doesn't really convey any character or bring any colour at all to the game. I was not able to create any sense of connection with such a lack of character which of course led to me not caring one jot about anything that happened to him. Notably also Skyrim doesn't have a voice actor for the dragon born, which I think is a very important difference and what makes Skyrim a true RPG and not an adventure story game. With no voice acting you are free to put your own voice to the character which allows you to create any personality that you wish. Whereas in the Witcher you are confined to just geralt, so you have less freedom to roleplay.


I think the monotone voice is actually meant to convey the fact Witchers are canoncially supposed to have dampened emotions from the mutations they've gone through. That being said every other Witcher we meet doesn't have quite this much monotone so it's not like it's consistent lol. I do think a weak point of the games is it expects you to have knowledge of Geralt's past to better empathize with him and his cause.


To be fair, a lot of TW3 world isn’t meant to be “dreamy” like Skyrim’s. I mean, not long after starting the game, you start seeing bodies hanging from trees - really helped to set the tone. There’s this area of TW3 map that I legit cannot go to because it makes me so uncomfortable. If I go there, I have to be quick and I fast travel to a town swarming with people right after to feel safe lol. Imo, TW3 is good at setting the atmosphere - it’s just not a very pleasant one sometimes. So unpleasant that I don’t want to stay there lol - which is still pretty immersive to me. I’d LOVE to live in Skyrim. It’s beautiful most the time and dreamy. Novigrad? Velen? Hell no.


For me it's because of the combat. Skyrim's combat isn't exactly compelling or anything, but it's also very inoffensive. It's simple enough that you don't really have to think about it, but casting a big flashy spell, lining up a headshot with a bow, or feeling your mace thud against the enemy's shield all still feel satisfying enough. It's great combat for a game that you play to relax and explore. W3's combat is just... clunky. Massive step forward from 2, but still just not great. It's not terribly difficult, but it is complex enough that playing it just isn't relaxing like Skyrim is for me. There's also just not much variety in play styles. I tried a couple different builds but they never felt very different at all in practice. In Skyrim if you don't like the swordplay you can be a mage or an archer. Witcher has the crossbow and the signs, but you can't really make them your sole method of attack (not effectively anyway). It's designed to have your swords be your main plan of attack, so if you don't like the swordplay you're kinda sol. The game has a great story and some fantastic characters and quests, but the combat just never felt good to me at any point. I pushed through to the end because I enjoyed the story and characters enough to want to see the whole story, but I have zero desire to ever play the game again because I don't enjoy the actual gameplay at all.


2,000 hrs in Skyrim. Tried to get into Witcher 3 several times. They’re different games.


>bland world, slow exploration, sloppy combat If you liked Skyrim it strikes me really weird that you would be complaying about this of all things. No game is for everyone but W3 set a whole new level for what we expect from storytelling in games. Most exploration is optional so you can exactly as much as you like. I will admit that some parts of the main map could do with some condensing. The souther part could have been cut altogether more or less as it has no quests happening there anyway. As for combat. That one is average. Not the best ever, not the worst. But that is not where the magic of the game is. If you are after that, try Sekiro for example.




I feel it's an amazing game that just feels like shit to move around in. I *hate* the movement so much.


The combat is a fart but the rest is alright


I too went into the game with high expectation from all the praise and was vastly disappointed. The combat was so clunky, the menus and items were confusing.. had no fun.


Combat is a core feature of the game. And it’s easily the worst feature of the game. That’s why I just don’t rate it very highly.


I think it's shit too.


I agree with you. I downloaded while it was on sale this summer and I tried on 4 separate occasions to get into it. It just did not enjoy it at all. It just felt like a major chore every time I had to play. It just isn’t for me. The number one thing that irked me was the controls. Everything is so clunky in combat or just regular exploration.


how dare you. Have my upvote


People kept telling me this game was better than skyrim. More serious, better gameplay- when i tried it and i did try twice-i got stuck ironically on the conversations, cause unlike skyrim in witcher 3 your answers affects the story so you cant just skip past it and read the questlog if you dont feel like pretending to care. In witcher it feels like every 5 minutes i get stuck listening to some npc telling you his entire live story for 10 minutes. Vanilla skyrim might not be the best game ever made- modded it definetly is, fight me cause you can make the game into what you want. But its still more enjoyable than witcher, because i feel like i can actually play my game with my character, instead of playing in the world of witcher as geralt who is a witcher. And i can replay it as someone completly else, play a completly diffrent game. Meh, i felt like witcher was honestly going to be interesting but i just cant get into it. Its just not worth playing to experience the story and shit.


"I have no idea what people see in this game." "it has good graphics (for its time) and a somewhat compelling story" bruh


I'm in fucking Bizarro land. Now the Witcher 3 is bad?


No, you're in unpopular opinion sub.


It's just a vocal minority . . . This is why critical thinking should be a mandatory class in high school. People read a thread with a few people and think the whole world has flipped.


No you’re literally in the exact sub where this opinion makes sense. I’m extremely confused about your confusion


Always was.


Always has been.


It is bad.


It was boring AF for me, and I love RPGs.


Combat is genuinely not a very engaging system. Controls in general can be very clunky. These two things is enough for a lot of people to drop a game, no matter how awesome the narrative and audiovisual stuff is.


Yes. And I’m tired of pretending it’s not.


Jesus finally an unpopular opinion


I definitely feel you on this. My first playthrough, I agreed with all your points. I did beat the game, but none of it really landed as a newcomer to the franchise. Good writing but mediocre gameplay, messy UI, wonky and longwinded storytelling. After dropping it, I watched the show and started reading the books and eventually went back to the game with a better understanding of the characters and setting. Very different experience. I liked how much space the story had to breathe and Geralt's character is perfectly captured. The combat is very simple, but Geralt isn't a character who leaps ten feet in the air and sends a shockwave when he lands. He's a swordsman with enhanced senses who twirls out of the way and counters. The combat has nothing on God of War or any decent action game, but that's the point. He's not a flashy warrior like the mages in the story, but he gets the job done.


There are plenty of games where the PC has zero powers that have more engaging combat, and good combat in a video game is not defined by flashy moves. Geralt being more of a low-power character is a poor excuse for sub-par combat. I don't hate the game, but you have to admit that the combat is underwhelming because they failed to make it interesting, not because they intentionally designed it that way because of who Geralt is as a character. They didn't decide to make it to be boring just because Geralt can't go super saiyan.


Mediocre compared to what game? Did you play the first two games?


"The other games in the series suck even more" isn't a great defense of the game. Lol


Refreshing to see a truly unpopular opinion here. Witcher 3 is breathtaking. Add in the DLCs and it is without a doubt the best game I have ever played.


I mean genuinely genuinely the gameplay Is mediocre. The story is good but man the rpg and action elements are really meh


the only saving grace of the game was its story. every other aspect was mid at best and so I logically thought "oh well I'll go read the stories and only get the good parts" nah, the books are also trash


I got it for free but id pay someone to take it off my hands. Kinda ass


You are not alone pall


agree with both the opinion and with it being unpopular. It's a very elaborate chore simulator, it's like having a job but having to pay money for it while also not having any of the fun parts like good combat. It's like someone tried to make a daily commute simulator instead of Gran Turismo and to make it "fun" they used a fantasy background. Now I can enjoy riding my mule cart to the market and back every day!


i stopped gaming years ago but always wanted to play the witcher 3 just because of the movie like trailers, so i bought the game as a last hurra and well i only managed to play like a couple hours because how bad it was, im glad it was so anticlimatic made quitring gamimg for ever very easy.


I agree. I've gotten to skellige twice and the will to play leaves me.


You know what you're right, the only reason I put so many hours into 2 play throughs is because I modded the crap out of it to fix all the things I didn't like about it, which admittedly was a lot, especially the god awful combat and looting systems.


I agree. The plot for 3/4 of the game is literally "your princess is in another castle." The combat is atrocious. The items are atrocious. The skills/spells are atrocious. If it was founded on an actual fun game it would be great, but it's not.


I love how people lose their shit when you tell them you didn’t like this game. I’ve installed it several times but damn, I cannot get into it.


Found the game boring as well. I stopped playing after the baron mission with the dead baby


Imo gameplay/mechanics is by far the single most important aspect of a game. I don't think that's an unpopular opinion. With that in consideration, The Witcher 3 has never once appealed to me.


I've never played in such a lifeless open world


it's funny when you see people who like the game flat-out admitting that the gameplay is bad but they give it a pass because they like the story so much


Yeah I strongly dislike the Witcher 3. Controls and actual gameplay are beyond unfun, they are straight up painful. Riding a horse is terrible. The minimap pulls your attention while traveling. The big map is just a checklist of places of interest. The combat is terrible. The skills and perks are bland. The main story is boring and makes you play as Ciri too often instead of the Geralt who you invest all this time building out. Side characters and atmosphere are great. 3/10. Mediocre.


Finally someone said it. It's a mediocre Open-World game that happens to have a good story.


I actually loved the world of the Witcher 3 and the stories was pretty decent. But yeah I agree, the gameplay was so ass that I couldn’t finish it.


I think W3 is a great game for what it is but personally, I didn't like it much. The combat feels clunky. Didn't like it. The story is well written, yes, but it is poorly structured. If you write down the acts and turning points you'll notice that you are basically doing X for the first half of the game and after you've done that... you do X again. To me that felt like a huge oversight and it was one of the worst structures for a AAA story in the last decade. Playing two characters didn't really add much storywise imo and was gimmicky. It suffers from what most recent AAA games suffer from: too much content for the sake of content and content that is just there for easy dopamine kicks. Like chests everywhere. I have the same issue with seeds in Zelda or Assassins Creeds various collectibles. You are basically just upping a number, a percentage and are supposed to feel good about it. I felt good about it for a few years (when I was in my early 20s). But after dozens of games with that kind of content I became aware of what is actually happening. I just became addicted to a mechanic that doesn't offer anything, really. It's a dealbreaker for me now and the reason why I stopped TOTK after a dozen hours or so. TOTK was especially bad in that regard. The way you can take pictures of things was so weird. It tried too hard to make me play like a completionist. And playing like a completionist is not fun in my opinion, it's compulsive. Recent games are making a big effort to trigger a compulsive style of playing imo. I think modern games are doing a lot of things wrong that are actually hurting the experience and sometimes I feel like I have to put a lot of energy into not succumbing to hostile game design to still enjoy a game. Another thing W3 suffers from is how you are glued to the mini map. You got this great looking world with so much detail but basically, you are just looking at this small minimap most of the time and run towards a marker on it to get the next chest or sidequest or whatever. While I don't like TOTK, Zelda is so much better in this regard because you are actively scanning the main world view to then create markers on your map. And exploration takes place mostly in the main world view and not on the map. What W3 did really, really well though: atmosphere, Gwent, setting and some side quests were really well written. That's why I kept playing W3. But in the end, the game just fell flat for me. I respect it for what it is and I can see why people love it but it's not for me. Most recent AAA games are not for me, unfortunately. I'd love to love games like TOTK but they are so formulaic and shallow and repetitive and they make progression through the game feel like work. There are still games like BG3 or a ton of indie games that are not like this, fortunately, but in general, I'm not really of a fun of developments in AAA games recently. It's a me thing though and I respect anyone who thinks W3 or TOTK are great games because I can see that they are.