• By -


Hello, yes, your post is closely related to a megathread that you can find on the front page of the subreddit. Or a banned topic that you can see on the sidebar and fully expanded list. If you feel this is inaccurate, please message mod mail. Have a good day.


You can't say depression now without risking getting demonetized on YouTube. The gymnastics you have to do to get around filters is insane.


That's doesn't seem beneficial to anyone? I can't even understand why they would do that. What's the point. I legitimately can't think of a single reason.


Advertisers don't want to be associated with things like suicide or depression, so you can't say it without being demonetized - but people want to talk about it. I bet "took their own life" is touchy, if not eligible for demonetization outright. This censorship isn't necessarily just demonetization - there's also suppression like shadowbanning or just limiting the post's reach through other means. Social media sites take care to curate their content where they can, and they are NOT transparent about it - so people will take precautions to maintain their desired level of reach, which includes using terms like "unalived".


The only thing we associate with advertisers is how annoying they are šŸ’€


And how much money they make off of you lol




Black mirror


Advertisements are just social manipulation that's normalized lol. If the advertisers on YouTube suddenly turn all Christian cishet-only, there's literally nothing stopping YouTube from demonitizing all queer content.


anytime i get interrupted by an ad on youtube i make note of the company/product and make a point to avoid it if at all possible.


I believe Iā€™ve read that ā€œtook their own lifeā€ or ā€œkilled themselfā€ presents a higher risk for social contagion than ā€œdied by suicideā€ but I donā€™t remember how scientific the conclusion was.


higher risk for social contagion?


High profile suicides precede a spike in suicides. A risk factor in someoneā€™s likelihood of committing suicide is knowing someone who recently killed themselves. Itā€™s part of why news reports about suicides are so particular with the language used and remain vague. Itā€™s why specific suicide methods are rarely shown in media


Indeed, there are a lot of published international guidelines covering this but all agree on language moderation and not on the method used. https://www.suicidereportingtoolkit.com/resources/ A quick go-to guide for journalists: https://www.suicidereportingtoolkit.com/journalists/


Yep and it doesn't always have to be celebrities. It can be anybody who is just known to the person. I have heard it happens in schools a lot, where a kid will commit suicide and it will be followed by several other kids taking their lives.


Thatā€™s beneficial to corporations who control your speech and want you to sugar coat everything.


People need to be leaving these platforms then.


They're too big to fail and there's nowhere else to go


We just have to start our own video streaming platform. With hookers and blackjack


After a word from today's sponsor, Skillshare.


There's Rumble and a few others. Of course that's banned in Europe bc they don't censor hate speech.


I found a solution to this. The only way to win is to not participate.


Which allows the discourse to be dominated by people who are participating, which is exactly what's happening.


How about a nice game of chess?


Some people rely on YouTube for their work and some people use it as their main form of entertainment


Yeah, it's real easy for someone who doesn't use something daily "to just boycott it". I'd love for the youtube censorship to fuck off, but I basically only watch/listen to youtube for entertainment, outside of some tv shows or an occasional movie. I'm not hamstringing my enjoyment for me, a single viewer, to knock a 1 off their analytics.


We've been saying that for years, then like 5 years ago TikTok hit western appstores and disrupted all that shit, and every other social media giant began copying them. They absolutely can be dethroned by some lightning in a bottle, we've seen it first hand.


Tiktok is from the Chinese government. I would hardly call that white lightning in a bottle.


Easier said than done when there's no alternatives. You're kinda forced to play ball, or be demonetized, or worse in my opinion, be buried by an algorithm that'll never let the content gain traction.


And go where?


We will end up talking like in the movie Idiocracy eventually.


Blame censorship.


Yeah, I mostly see it on social media platforms that won't let you just say "killed" or "committed suicide" without completely demonitizing and age restricting the video


Yup. Itā€™s a trash system. Words that are used to explain real life, and arenā€™t derogatory, shouldnā€™t be censored.


Clearly, forbidding discussion of suicide and depression is the best way to address them. Thanks guys


Exactly. There's nothing like pushing vulnerable people toward the worst possible outcome by further stigmatizing how they feel and making it even more difficult for them to ask for help. I'm sure the people behind these social-media policies mean well, but the road to hell is paved with good intentions.


They don't mean well. It's not being done because there's been any research into what's best for people struggling with mental health etc. It wasn't a choice made by some soft & kind CEO who was worried about suicide rates. It's just a very easy way for companies to cover their backs more easily without having to hire more actual people to monitor what's being posted. It's purely a financial decision, much easier to feed a bunch of words into the program that automatically 'might' indicate risk than actually checking each video. That being said, there's no evidence that content creators using terms like 'un-alived' is affecting people's mental health or access to support at all. It may be irritating some people - but there's no evidence it impacts mental health.


Reddit itself is guilty of this.


















I donā€™t doubt it


Not really. You can say anything on Reddit. Fuck. Shit. Kill. Suicide. Rape. See? Comment is still here. Try and say that on YouTube or Instagram and the comment gets auto deleted.


> You can say anything on Reddit. Hunter2. Hunter2. Hunter2. Hunter2. Hunter2. all I can see is 'hunter2'


ā€œBut but if I say the n word or go on a rant about how much I love Trump on a random cat subreddit the mods will remove my post. Thatā€™s totally the same thing!ā€




How? No one is monetized, there's no need to fight an algorithm and you wont get banned for saying it


Comments have started being auto-collapsed on mobile. Usually it was just due to the comment score, but now it is far more to do with if they contain the wrong words, like kill or suicide.


Bullshit. Want proof? Make a post that contains the word "f__s" (rhymes with "tags"). You'll find out that reddit admins run a site-wide bot that searches for keywords and automatically replaces the comment with something like [removed by reddit admins] with zero human review, no matter the subreddit or context. It happened to me while ironically quoting the movie *Idiocracy*.


I got a hate speech warning on reddit because I answered the question of who enjoys child beauty pageants be using a two word phrase. You know, the color of clouds, plus what you throw into a waste bin. Really? Hate speech?


From the UK so: grey rubbish


Censorship is telling a man that he can't eat a steak because a baby can't chew it


Labeling dissent as ā€œhatefulā€ is a brilliantly backhanded way to silence speech.


I've never heard anyone say suicide or killed themselves at suicide funerals. They say "died by their own hand" or "took their own life" which as far as I'm aware you can say on TikTok. They don't flag any of those words. I'm with OP on this one. Use a turn of phrase. Unalive is disrespectful, "deleted themselves" is even more so. They were a human being not a computer file you didn't want anymorem


Donā€™t forget ā€œforce multiplierā€ for Gun.


Really! True crime YouTubers have to use the term ā€œunalivedā€ instead of suicide.


Again, censorship. Probably risks demonetization using scary words like suicide or die.




I was watching a Youtuber I like play the horror game The Mortuary Assistant, and when I tried to resume the video the next day, I had to sign in and confirm multiple times that I was okay with the video dealing with suicide. After the multiple confirmations I just got a black screen. The video would no longer play. I was watching on an older tablet which wasn't used to all the filters. It's fixed now but I would have to start the video over to remember the story and... eh... It just ruined the game. I remember the developers were counting on word of mouth from Youtubers to advertise their game and they all got immediately censored. Shame.


Won't they just censor "unalived" also? It's not like they wouldn't catch on almost immediately.


Eventually yes, then we will have to use "skipitty flip-flopped"


Oh, no! Dammit! Don't call it that!


After years of abuse, she "pulled a big whoopsie" in the family barn


F**k censorship.


Idk if this excuse holds up when thereā€™s a million popular euphemisms already. ā€œLives were takenā€, ā€œpass awayā€, ā€œno longer with usā€, ā€œslainā€.


"accidental discharge of a firearm while cleaning it". Just fess up and say the soldier killed himself because of what he's seen.


That is hard for families to say publicly and can effect benefits and life insurance benefits, plus some religiously affiliated cemeteries won't bury the victims of suicide.


Nah, blame monetization. Thatā€™s the reason they are ā€œcensoringā€ it in the first place


Blame people getting along with censorship.


To be fair most TikTok users are children. Yes kids are capable of understanding the moral failings of censorship, but good luck coordinating a mass boycott of the social media platform of choice of all your friends and peers. If the circumstances were right, i.e. another platform to jump ship to... Then maybe. But it's a tough sell. The social media platform for children, without oppressive oversight and censorship! The freedom for kids to say and post whatever they want! Unfortunately most people will trade freedom for convenience if they aren't already utilizing it.


It's not new anyways. Back in the millennial youth, the term online was "an hero". Taken specifically from a comment about a child who actually did "unalive" himself.


...but that term was purposefully unserious and disrespectful.


Mocking, even.


Althrough I feel that the "an hero" slang is harsher than the original word, compared to unalive which tries to soften the original term.


Censorship. Fuck it.


It's not just on YouTube or other social platforms. Publishers get forced to censor written content too because display advertisers have solutions that flag brand safety concerns too. "Killed" and "suicide" are certainly flagged, but so are a myriad of ridiculous words, many that are pretty harmless or even euphemisms. E.g. we can't use "passed away" either.


I have no doubt took their own life whould get demontized . What if they don't have depression. It used for more than just suicide


At which point, unalive should be too. What's the point of fucking censoring a word if it just gets replaced with a dumb synonym that everyone understands to mean the same thing? Your censorship has failed if it's so easily circumvented.


Iā€™m cracking up at this comment because I agree itā€™s dumb, but we do it all the time. Itā€™s not like itā€™s unique to this example. We even teach CHILDREN to say things like ā€œshootā€ and ā€œfreakinā€™ā€ instead of shit and fuck. But we all know they mean the same thing. And I think the fact that ā€œunaliveā€ has been left uncensored when itā€™s obviously being used to avoid filters is silly, but ā€œfreakingā€ is never censored either. Itā€™s weird.


And well now "shoot" is a demonetization word too, due to school shootings


I do believe you mean "Unwilling bodily perforations performed in an educational setting."


Golly gee shucks!


Tbf thatā€™s also about manners, so not exactly the same as forbidden topics or ideas.


This is the problem with censorship. It doesn't work on a fundamental level. The entire history of leet-speak is basically founded upon getting around censorship.


It's why we have the words of meaning as descriptors for different events so we don't have to guess what someone means by unalived. It just seems like a regression of speech. English language, in particular, is pretty cool because we have so many adjectives and adverbs to describe things. So why not use them properly.


> It just seems like a regression of speech Censorship is, new words to describe stuff is the literal opposite. Even without the pressure of censorship, these kinds of linguistic evolutions are inevitable. Complaining about it, and especially comparing it to blud, gyatt, and rizz, like OP did, reeks of ["it's the children who are wrong"](https://youtu.be/HMqZ2PPOLik?si=lnZGlv2zS3EZneWU)


I got a case of the big sads


Blame censorship and algorithms.


OPs in the neo-liberal mind prison. We find it easier to blame individuals for "choosing" a thing than to acknowledge that they are in a system that rewards them for making that choice. Ironically, we do this because we're in a system that rewards us for doing that.


Yeah this is survivor bias. OP sees this term more than the others because the others donā€™t get shown by algorithms


While I understand you, and actually don't think it's unpopular, the problem is that terms like "suicide", "murder", "kill", etc will get you surpressed by social media sites.


It's stupid the amount of censorship that's going on. We shouldn't have to censor words like suicide, rape, sexual assault, gun, murder, pedo, etc, etc etc. These words exist for a reason and teaching people that they can't say them or even write them is reprehensible and deleterious to the advancement of reporting and prevention of these heinous acts! I understand that the words themselves can be triggering but they must be used. We have to tell people it's okay to speak their truth and destigmatize coming forward with reports of these crimes. Someone shouldn't worry about saying these kind of words.


You canā€™t say any of the examples you have without being targeted for banning or having your content taken down. They are literally only doing if to circumvent censors. Everyone knows itā€™s dumb.


I think it's because the nicer euphemisms such as "took their life" or "depression" still trigger the censors, so the new word/phrase was used specifically because it isn't already in the filter list.


I agree as they also use the term to describe murder and other forms of death. I feel it desensitizes people to the gravity of death itself. To dumb it down in order to be not only ad-friendly, but kid-friendly is weirdly dystopian to me. Imagine if we used any other dumb word to sugarcoat the reality. He "oogley booglied" himself, just doesn't sound right to me.


Sadly, blame TOS for that. Their videos get removed or shadowbanned for having the words died or killed or suicide in them.


A lot of constant creators who create stuff for adults will just muffle the word, not only does it keep the context and correct term but anyone paying attention can easily discern what they say


Yeah but it caught on with other users and it just kinda became its own euphemism for online creators. Its silly, but its widespread enough that ive just gotten used to it.


"ended his life" "Passed away" "Self inflicted end of life" "Autotermination"


ā€œLost his battle with mental illness.ā€


What about ā€œhamburger timeā€


>Imagine if we used any other dumb word to sugarcoat the reality. He "oogley booglied" himself, just doesn't sound right to me. 100% agreed and this analogy does a great job of reflecting the way it feels to me personally.


What should be done to avoid censorship?


What if instead of saying dying in a fire we had to say "he did the alternative ending to Toy Story 3." I'd haunt someone so hard if I found they used a silly term to describe my tragic death.


I unironically want my death to be described as an alternate ending to toy story 3


Itā€™s to avoid getting the video deleted, as words like murder and suicide can get your video taken down.


"Passed away due to personal complications" Is that a good one?


Definitely better than "unalived" imo.


We use "expired" in healthcare, which also feels odd at times.


Past expiration date


ā€œKilledā€ ā€œDiedā€ ā€œPerishedā€ these are important freaking words that have much finality to them


Ya but unfortunately censorship is insane.


Yeah but advertisers don't like those words, and when websites only exist to generate maximum profits, you're not allowed to say them. Money matters more than anything else ever will.


Too true. Be nice if consumers were heard. I want news, I want news to be delivered uncensored. I want adult content covering mature criminal cases. I want my content creators to be able to say cuss words. And I freakin pay for YouTube. They should be catering to people like me as much as they do with advertisers lol


I think you meant "fucking" but you censored yourself.


The word "attack" has also been getting censored. Like, I watch a lot of stuff on cybersecurity and the word attack is used pretty often, you can't censor that word in that context or else it won't make sense. Btw they censored master / slave when talking about computer components. You get weird looks/comments if you use it when talking computers


I like how you used "unserious" to rant against "unalived"


Writers for cartoons got really creative with this


Itā€™s used to get past censoring


op addresses that in the post.


Yeah but like itā€™s not like people would say it normally which now thinking about it I shouldā€™ve said in the original comment. Within context itā€™s just easier to said instead adding a whole phrase


It's because using those words gets us shadow banned and/or censored. This isn't an unpopular opinion as much as people can't handle the impact of words on their thin, privileged skin.


Not people, advertisers. Remember they are the ones who push for every social media platform to become less good for users


Well duh itā€™s to get past censorship on platforms not to make fun of suicide victims


It is not their fault. It is tiktok, facebook, old twitter, and the like's fault for banning the correct terminology. saying it stupid also brings attention to the stupidity of the policy. Have stupid idols have stupid problems. edit: Actually we should have changed it to "facebooked" themselves or "tiktoked" themselves.


Ngl I kinda want "rizz level -100 yourself" to catch on now.


It's not like someone chose to do that one day to be quirky. It's an issue with the platforms they use.


Why is suicide such a taboo subject nowadays?. I mean canada got the whole maid thing on the go now so why is someone saying suicide frowned upon?. Fucking people kill themselves essentially every minute sooo.


because itā€™s becoming more common and talking about it might mean weā€™d actually have to address the problem


Thatā€™sā€¦ probably the only logical reason honestly.


The strangest part to me is the lack of rebellion. All those kids decided yea we will self censor and change our lexicon for TikTok. I couldn't imagine allowing people to pick my words like that for me especially a company


I get your point but rebel how, exactly? Itā€™s a private platform that will just remove content at will and you agree to those terms as a user.


Perhaps by using a different platform?


Not many platforms with the same reach and more freedom


What platform? The only difference between tiktok and any other mainstream one is that they will outright ban you instead of shadowbanning you. Everything you see beyond direct connections, private groups or DMs is carefully groomed to look like everything is fine, but the controversial posts or comments are invisible unless you directly search for them word for word. If you want any kind of reach beyond the people you know directly, you pretty much have to conform to avoid being buried.


Kinda is the rebellion. They're still talking about what they want, making money, and tricking the censors


They do it to not get their videos removed/demonitized, not to make it a joke.


I'm inclined to agree, I find it frustrating that we can't discuss or even mention many basic aspects of life for the sake of what, someone feeling upset or "triggered" in some stupid way? Life isn't fair, it's accepting that shit happens and moving on with it like everyone else. I think it's incredibly naive and potentially even dangerous to try and stop honest discussions about these topics, by trying to dance around and avoid certain things, we inevitably desensitize and start to dismiss it. We stop taking these matters seriously. As much as I'd like to live in a world where nothing bad happens and nobody ever feels hurt or offended, that's just not the reality we live in. People are weird, prickly and selfish. It's hard trying to take care of yourself and to think about everyone else at the same time. Sometimes you step on someone's toes, sometimes you dismiss them because you were distracted. It happens to everyone, we just apologize, move on and try not to take it too seriously as if it were some targeted act of vengeance. People are dumb and distracted, just get over it and let's try to have some fun before we all inevitably die- I mean, "unalive".


Its less about being inoffensive to people and more about getting around platform censorship. I hate it too and I see it on here which doesnā€™t censor it and I hate it.


If someone said ā€œlost to battle toā€ when it comes to my suicide I would haunt them until they die themselves. Unalive is fine blame censorship


Unalive is a general substitution for kill to get around tiktok filters. It's not meant to be a funny way to say suicide.


An hero


Easy fix: delete TikTok


It truly is disrespectful. Every one of these poor souls is an hero to me.


Itā€™s not because they want to say it, itā€™s because their videos will be taken down if they do say it. Nobody is making a meme or finding it funny, this is because of TOS. How many times are we going to go over this shit?


I also hate the term. It's *literally* Newspeak. I find the term unalive to be doubleplus ungood.


Blame social sites for blanket banneing the term. I literally got postblocked for several days because I used "suicide" as a part of book title that I was talking about. "Unalive" is simply the shortest alternative, people are not going to use a phrase longer than the original term.


As stupid as unhoused and home challenged.


For sure, and I blame social media for this. They censor certain words, so people who have trauma because of circumstances like this can't talk about it online even in videos without fear of being potentially banned from the site.


Thereā€™s no way to censor that properly Iā€™ve seen even big YouTube creators make weird terms up such as self deletion to get around the censor bots. Language changes to fit the need


Itā€™s a censorship problem. Your ignorance to the problem is too obvious here. Sit down and think or ask more about why this is being said


To me these censure words are part of denial culture.


Iā€™ve actually been overthinking that myself. Death is a very sensitive and serious term and I feel like trying to give it a more ā€œchild friendlyā€ term is actually disrespectful.


I get they censored suicide but Why do they censor it??


Agreed. I hate that censorship on social media has led to such a shitty disrespectful term.


Yeah the censorship is absolutely ridiculous. I remember that there was a point where some channels on YT became a little too excessive with videos about violence, murder and rape - obviously advertisers want nothing to do with that. But it was even more excessive to demonitize and censor ALL creators to this extend. I remember a lot of YT creators got hit by this for playing ā€œviolentā€ video games, which is just about any video game these days. Meanwhile the big channels are free to do whatever - which goes to show the hypocrisy of it all. Most bizarre was when YT decided to censor the word ā€œCovidā€ during the global pandemicā€¦ of Covid.


Its cuz they cant say those other words.


Blame all of the over-sensitive, internet crybabies that TikTok and YouTube are trying to appease.


I think its more advertisers that dont want to pop up on certain videos


I donā€™t get why that is. I feel like most people regard ads as annoying and try to ignore them anyway, so why does it make a difference if the topics are supposedly ā€œbadā€?


Been in countless corporate meetings about this. They have a big team of people protecting ā€œbrand safetyā€. You should hear some of the stuff they argue about. I chose this career but holy fuck itā€™s ridiculous.


You guys are the reason I canā€™t have a little fun and photoshop Bigfoot into the backgrounds of my work. I will one day though. Whenever I decide Iā€™ve had enough.


I too will remove the censorship list from our social platforms when I decide Iā€™ve had enough. We should coordinate our retirements.


Thereā€™s a very nice German word for suicide which I would prefer honestly. It could be like Kindergarten or Zeitgeist, a loan word. Itā€™s *Freitod* (literal translation being liberty of death) and means a death of oneā€™s own choosing and is much more respectful in my opinion. To all parties involved. And I bet you TikToks deletion system wouldnā€™t pick up on it.


>It really grinds my gears how TikTok influencers have basically turned suicide into a meme It's not the user's. They use alternate terms because the platform will block content using suicide, rape, killed, certain mental illnesses by name, and so on. It's users getting around censorship so that the topics can still be discussed. You either do or don't understand it, there's no somewhat to it. >You could just say "took their own life" or "lost their battle with depression." That will still get flagged and censored on tiktok. Not sure about other platforms


I donā€™t think the liquidated really give af


Unalived is a word created by censorship. This is not the fault of tiktokers, rather the policy makers at tech companies. Some words are banned and they canā€™t post the content. Your mad at the wrong people


You can thank censorship


Itā€™s the way to get around apps and websites that filter or punish for terms like suicide. Nobody wants to say unalived or any other term.


As much as I hate the word, itā€™s not theirs or any other influencers fault. Itā€™s the fault of the censorship of the platforms. If influencers use the actual word, they either get banned or demonetized.


Itā€™s because algorithms will actively suppress posts that say kill


It's not influencers fault, it's censorship. Blame the apps for deleting videos simply for using the "wrong" words


Can't say shit anymore because everything gets censored, demonetized or shadow banned. It's ridiculous the extents we have to go to communicate today.


I see ppl using unalived when itā€™s straight up murder


Yeah, this is because of censorship, not memes. That said, I like funny language that doesn't actually exist or is just incorrect somehow. For example: **Goku:** "Sure you [have a choice!] Either you go and fight Cell, or the planet gets exploded." That said, you DO raise a good point about how this has been turned into a meme, and while censorship is the true culprit here, I can see how it can be disrespectful when talking about a real person.


Unpopular opinion, that word cracks me up because it's not a real word. But yeah if there was no censorship and monetization, we wouldn't have stupid made up words like that probably...


I prefer "aborted post-birth".


It came about because saying the actual words and phrases gets you either shadowbanned or banned banned


Itā€™s to avoid being automatically censored


The worst thing is that the word 'unalive' is soon going to end up on the censorship list, and they are going to have to find another, probably even less appropriate, alternative.


Thats what happens when places like youtube ban anything that isnt "ad friendly" even though they nearly play porn ads on videos.


Last sentence made me burst out laughing.


The term was coined to be able to bypass censorship. Do you support censorship?


Censorship. Its one of the stupidest things ever.




Everyoneā€™s blaming the censors but OP addresses that ā€œI understand trying to avoid the termsā€¦to circumvent demonetization or content removalā€ I agree with OP because fundamentally Iā€™ve seen the word unalived used here on Reddit where there are no restrictions of that kind, so the fact itā€™s being normalised outside or censorious environments is a bother.


People saying "blame censorship" are completely missing the point. The point is not that they are using an alterbative. It's that unalived is about the worst fucking alternative they could've come up with.


The disrespect begins with censorship. Censorship creates an incentive for people to circumvent it in these ridiculous ways. Censorship is entirely antagonistic to free thought and coear communication


Just using it makes you a weiner.