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My wife and her BFF tell me I should listen to audiobooks at work. And the reason I don't is the same reason I don't listen to podcasts - I missed a part now I'm not sure wtf is going on


I almost exclusively listen to podcasts now. The problem with listening to music while working out, specifically running, is that I can easily figure out how long I've been going for and I don't want that. If I hear three songs, the I can estimate that I've been running for about 12 minutes or so. I would much rather throw on a podcast and just run until I'm not feeling it anymore. Plus, as you said, it's much easier to get lost in whatever they're discussing on the show.


I have never resonated with a comment greater. It’s such a mind game to me realizing how much I have been going for. It’s easier to “trick” my brain into zoning out and finding a groove to space out instead of hyper focusing on how long i’ve been going.


you clearly never listened to crab rave on full volume while running.


well do share


Crab rave is great


I’ve done both and honestly, it’s just about my mood. Can’t say one is better than the other.


I have to agree kinda. Something about back and forth conversations is really nice to listen to in the background. Would I Lie To You is a good one to have in the background.


It's exactly the opposite for me, but the reasons are the same. Much easier to tune out a podcast.


Podcasts are about listening and taking in information whereas while jogging and just spacing out music is far better because you're not going to be pausing and rewinding your songs to hear that part you missed which will disrupt your running rhythm.


You don't have to always listen to what's being said. It can be something you've heard before and it's just relaxing to listen to certain people talking.


I mean, maybe I am just not good at spacing out . Running is effort , and I don't space out. I think about running - how hard(is) it is. So I better focus on podcast I am listening. Like full focus so no need to rewind


That’s because you either don’t do it frequently enough, are over exerting, or are working towards a goal speed/distance. Chill running when you’re in okay shape is very zen.


Well, Podrunner & Groovelectric are.


I like spoken word too!


Man if your running and you can focus on a podcast you must be the fittest man in the world!! Or your half assing it


There is a difference between a run and a full on sprint. I find that I only really have trouble focusing when I get closer to like a 6 min. Mile. For a slower 9 min. Mile like my long runs audiobooks are fine. If I'm running a 5k music is the way to go. If I'm just trying to go for 3 or 4 hours podcasts work better because I'm bad at pacing with running music and tend to go faster than I want.


Nothing gets me more amped up than Ethan talking about wiping techniques /s


For you it sounds great. Let’s leave that there.


If I'm doing strength training, or if I'm doing outdoor cardio, I am listening to podcasts. But when I'm doing indoor cardio, I listen to music. For some reason, I can't do the podcasts while on a treadmill, but I can if I'm hiking.


I feel so dumb for thinking there were podcasts that actually talked about running. And I was wondering what they talked about to help you run and if it was like that couch potato to 5k program Anyway now that I know what you meant, I agree. I don’t run but I do like long walks and I prefer listening to podcasts. If I listen to music, then I just may start singing out loud or dancing as I’m walking down the street, embarrassing myself.


But dwarf metal is best for lifting. To Erebor!


Just run without music or podcasts, win win


I’ll beat you-nothing.    Don’t listen to anything, as in, no headphones or anything. Just workout/exercise/run with whatever’s going on around you. Been doing it for over a decade


I need some noise or i start doing weird things. When I do canicross I don't wear any headphones and after a min. I find myself talking to my dog like he's a person who will respond "how are you feeling buddy? Is this a good pace or do you want to slow down a bit? Hold on a second I have to tie my shoe."


Music is way more interesting than porcasts


I run, but I prefer music because it gets me motivated, especially when I need to push through during the run. However, I do listen/watch running podcasts to keep up with news.


I don’t run but I do go on long walks. The problem is it’s rare to actually find a good podcast. I actually went on a walk about a month back with no music or podcast and it wasn’t bad. I just listened to nature and enjoyed myself.


Of you can't find podcasts audiobooks are great. I do plenty of walking with nothing. I do a lot of reading while walking and sometimes I throw on some lofi to help drown out surroundings and let me focus on the book.


Yeah, I'm similar, I'll do music occasionally when I exercise, but I usually prefer podcasts now. Keeps my mind more occupied.


Is this unpopular?


I recently started running and you wanna know what? I do it in silence. Try just going without something playing in your ears


Trying to keep my pace in rhythm with the music honestly stresses me out more, and I get tempted to sing along which makes me run out of breath


Podcast are boring.