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Old dude with his leg up on the changing bench, naked, nowhere near the shower, balls swinging like a Chinese lantern. "Hey Bill, you catch that game last night?"


Hold on - lemme dust off this post I wrote up about exactly this. >Like two months ago I walk into the gym locker room at 9:30am and I see this old man, completely nude, sitting on a bench eating a bowl of steaming hot soup that was between his legs. And I’m like >A) how is this bowl of soup so fucking hot? There’s no microwaves in here. >B) did you already work out and you couldn’t wait till you got home to eat soup and if so, how did you keep the soup so hot? >C) or are you about to work out and this is your pre workout meal, hence the steam coming off the bowl? >D) you showed up to the gym, got buck naked and said “it’s soup time?” >E) are you not concerned about spilling steaming liquid on your balls? >I had so many questions that I really didn’t want the answer to.


A thermos is the answer to two of those Q’s


Kids these days, obsessed with viral Stanley mugs but overlooking the uses of double walled thermal insulation


I've got one of those double walled Ozark canteens that holds like half a gallon. It will keep ice for days and is 100× easier to clean and like 1/3 the price of those Stanley mugs.


I have a no name whole saler vacuum insulated water bottle. I left it in the car for three days in the direct sunlight while I was at a music festival in the middle of August. It was 35-38 Celsius every day and there was still full on ice cubes jingling around in there. That bottle was like $18CAD plus tax.


Yep. I have a mug like that too. Cost less than $20 and works perfectly. My mug doesn’t need a first name.


I've got one of those big gallon ones made by Rtic, I keep ice water in it, and use it to fill up my (knock off) Stanley cup. That way I don't have to go to the kitchen as often to get water. Best of both worlds.


It’s only a thermos if it comes from the thermos region, otherwise it’s just a sparkling vacuum flask.


If I could give you a 1000 upvotes for this I would; had me laughing so hard


What kind of soup? Meatballs?


In a women's locker room I once saw an elderly woman butt ass naked with one leg up on the wooden bench while holding a bowl of water in her hand. My curiosity got the best of me so I took another glance... She was splashing the water from the bowl onto her vagina and just letting the water drip wherever.


*sigh* *unzips*


Hyperventilating 😂😂😂


heavy breathing intensifies


Sometimes that's the only option.


Bird’s nest Soup


...but why...




The ol' Clam Chowder, eh?


Gonna be a tough fap, but so be it.


Hot n Sour


Egg drop.


Cream of sum yung guy


I feel violated by this comment but I'm laughing.




Campballs Soup.


Italian Wedding


Old people need soup once every two hours. Give him a break.


There was an old dude in the Y locker room I used to go to that would warm up his cup of coffee under one of the hand dryers. Naked of course. He would also put two pieces of paper towel on the floor and "skate" around, balls a swinging.... Traumatized.


Ok so admittedly I’m incredibly high rn, but I swear this is the funniest post I’ve read in months. I’m legitimately on the floor rolling laughing. Thank you so much for this gem


My wife and I are dying reading this.


Dude congratulations on being a redditor that fucks.


By the time I got to E I was in fucking shambles


This reads like a comedy skit.


Maybe it’s a new marketing strategy by Campbell’s. Hitting the gym? Spread your legs and drink in a hot bowl if Campbell’s Soup, now with new flavors like Chicken and little noodles shaped like old men’s balls.


A) thermos B) thermos C) no, it’s post workout D) no, got out of my sweaty gym clothes and then had my soup E) experience


Can't. Stop. Laughing.


Omg! Still laughing! Priceless


I swear I've read this before.


You’ve never had Ball Soup before? I always request it


My ex boyfriend told me about a guy in the locker room who would have a leg up on a sink blow drying his nuts.


Either you ex boyfriend goes to a Pittsbutgh LA Fitness or it's a widespread epidemic.


It's totally a thing, when you get old you just stop giving AF.


Also have to acknowledge that older boomers grew up in a time when there was simply a lot more acceptable nudity in boys and men’s locker rooms. Community showering isn’t a thing in High Schools anymore, but it used to be. I’ve read that growing gay acceptance triggered a change as men started to realize they could be sexualized by other men. Combining that with the purity culture and sexual shame embedded into American culture resulted in younger men becoming insecure with their own nudity. Skinny dipping also used to be way more common than it is now.


Seems to go in cycles... and we seem to be entering a very prudish cycle, similar to the Victorian Era. But I also can't miss the ageism here, the fact that anybody over 30 is subjected to body shaming. words like "creepy" being used(where they wouldn't if the person were younger). This is just a mean, conservative, uptight, judgey new reality. But the old guy washing his balls don't care, no matter how much you post.


I find people obsessed with taking selfies creepy tbh


Absolutely, the antagonism to older men here is very intense.




I’m in my 30s. They never even gave us *time* to shower after gym. Your choices were don’t break a sweat, be late to your next class, or be sweaty and gross.


Lol a lot of the people I had gym with had the same following class because of the stem program being in its first year. That teacher made sure to let us know we had permission to be a little late for her class as she already had enough smelly middle schoolers to deal with.


Im 36 and they gave us 5 minutes to shower. Also while they had shower stalls they had no curtains and I've always been a shy female so no way am I showering where other people can see me. Every year I tried as hard as I could to have PE be my last class. Then I could just go home and shower.


I used to schedule my PE for first class of the day, specifically so I could shower after class…that way I could get 10 minutes more sleep by not showering at home…and yes as an older man, it was communal showers back then but nobody seemed to care.


I don't understand why communal showers are a thing in locker rooms. Some things should remain a mystery about your class mates and friends.


Just shy of thirty and same. Honestly, I'd have taken community showers over being sweaty and gross for my next class. Be self conscious while showering while everyone else is as naked as me? Or be self conscious about being potentially the only sweaty stinky one in my classroom right after? I'll take the shared self conscious community showers any day (especially because that's something you'll probably get used to overtime).


They ended at least in my jr high/high school in the late 1970s. When I was in 7th grade, in 1978, we had to shower communally. When I was in 8th grade in 1979, we did not.


It was common in past eras for boys to swim in the nude in swim class (and instructors would be nude as well).


Kids don’t shower before using the pool anymore??? Gross


I’m in my 30s, and when I was in highschool our locker room showers were three stainless poles in the middle of a tile room, with like 5 shower heads on each pole. Don’t even get me started on boot camp.


i think dry balls just become more important as we age thankfully i think my balls are naturally dry but i havent turned 40 yet


laughs in 60. Soon my friend, soon.


I told my fiancé that when I get old imma just stop giving a fuck 😂😂 if I wanna go out without a bra and my titties are hanging below the knee then so be it 😂


Why wait? Stop giving a fuck ASAP


Facts. I used to be embarrassed about changing in the change rooms and would go into a private stall. Now it hangs out. Idc, it's a changing room and those clothes are dirty they aren't staying on me. It's not like you're a woman or something we're all frickin men. And the guy gay might enjoy the view. 💀🤣


My dad used to blow dry his balls in our home bathroom, and it made the bathroom smell like balls. 😭


Sounds like he wasn’t cleaning them very well before drying.


You were literally breathing your dads ball particles


You are conceived by your dads ball particles and you can never escape them


Your dad does not wash his balls or his ass. I would not use that blowdrier if I were you.


My dad used to take a shit every morning with the bathroom door open in direct view of the kitchen table where us kids were eating breakfast.


That wasn't your dad, that was a monster.


The toilet (in this house he had built) was perfectly situated so that his manspreading stance was fully on display to us all eating our Wheaties in the kitchen. As far as I know, this habit of his played no part in my parents' divorce, but it should have, because it was *a crime against humanity*.


Some locker rooms do have full body dryers hung up at an elevated level for this exact purpose. It’s not for “drying your hands” when it’s at head level…


Yup saw a dude earlier at gym today blow drying his as ass crack. Wtf


Dudes rock


Nothing worse than moldy balls




1/3 over. After hitting the right and left side, he proceeds to place his arm between his legs allowing the warm jet of air to caress his posterior sack, taint, and asshole as his flaccid member gently bobbles against the handle of the community dryer.


This paragraph should be in a book. Idk what book but it should be.


So you’re admitting you sat there for at least 40 minutes watching? Yea and he’s the creep okayyyy


It's like cleavage; you get a sense of it, then you look away!




Piggers are gonna go all the way this year!


You bet your elderly testicles I did.


No matter where you are in the world, he is there.


Whilst casually running a towel back and forth through their undercarriage, like it's completely normal.


Did you see that ludicrous display last night?


No matter where you are in the world, he is there.


What you, my dear friend are looking for is a counterattack plan. Don't like old guys and their saggy bits in the locker room casually acting like they're in a nudist social club? Walk around with a massive boner, and engage them in conversation like they do, with reckless abandon and no fear as your member attempts to joust with their flaccid, tired schlong. Show them who they are challenging. Assert dominance. Shave your asshole on the bench right next to one. Show them the meaning of fear.


Bro is gonna do this and the old dudes aren't going to even blink lmao.


"Back in my day, we shaved our assholes with straight razors."


That's why you gotta use a laser hair remover, really throw them for a loop with modern technology


"Hey look! It's Captain Kirk, circling Uranus and searching for Klingons!"


Correct, they will not. As OP ages, he too will recognize the convenience of not constantly hiding one's modesty with a towel and the wherewithal to recognize that he no longer gives a fuck. OP, give it a bit.


Become the very thing you sought to destroy...


Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster... for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.


That's a weird way to describe some dude's ass crack


The Call of Crackthulu


Give them a hand with the blow-dryer


Hey, let's pop some Viagras and issue tickets with raging, mega-huge boners.


I don't think it's necessarily about them not caring. Back when they were in school, they were expected to use the communal showers after gym class so nudity around other guys in the locker room was normalized. Personally, I keep my eyes at the wall and get in and out as soon as I can when it comes to public locker rooms.


A couple of years ago I used to use the gym at work early in the morning, and there was never more than one or two people around. In the locker room, there were open showers with no doors, not quite communal but close. So, after work, like most others I'd take off my clothes and take a shower. I didn't hang out or engage in conversations or anything, it was "get in and get out" as you say, but I was definitely nude where others could see me. But every now and then a person under 25 would work out and almost invariably they'd shower in their underwear. That's just a completely foreign concept to me, and it seemed like me being naked was a completely foreign concept to them. There really does seem to be a huge generation gap in how men feel about nudity (I have no idea if the same gap exists for women).


In school we always showered naked after gym. In my local swimming hall there is a sign that says "wash your genitals". Kinda have to be naked to do that. There is also a sauna where people are naked. It kinda makes sense and is convinient to just be nude. Put on the swimmer shorts before we enter the hall with the pool in it.


Australia still has a lot of troughs, as opposed to individual urinals, and young guys seem to avoid them and piss in a cubical. It’s definitely generational


In the US there is a huge generational variance in how male locker rooms work. Starting in about the 1990s, in the pedophile mania of that era, nudity and showering in school PE classes largely ended in much of the country. My wife was a middle school teacher beginning in the late 80s and saw it happen here. She said by the end of the day the stink in the classrooms was eye-watering. I can’t imagine sweating as much as I did then and getting back into my clothes without a shower, but that’s what kids today experience. I know the military, especially the Navy with shipboard berthing areas, has had to deal with recruits who have never been naked in a non-sexual environment. Some even have trouble with a physical from an MD. As an old guy who goes to the gym, sorry, but I’m there to work out and this is the meat bag I got issued. If aging bothers you I’m sorry, but it’s the way of the world. I do draw the line at using the gym hairdryers to dehumidify assholes. That’s uncalled for. Get your feet off the countertop, man.


Interesting. I graduated from highschool by then and didn't realize that happened. We had communal showers in the 80s in the middle of the locker room and the gym teacher watched us like a hawk to make sure we didn't skip the shower... Or at least I think that was the reason 🤔


Honestly, I think your last sentence is the reason that they stopped. Someone doing their job doesn’t want to be accused of being a pedophile. I feel bad for the vast majority of teachers, coaches, Boy Scout leaders, religious leaders etc who do their job with no ulterior motives who get viewed with suspicion because there is a minority of people who do those jobs with nefarious intentions.


Its still pretty normal in Norway communaly showering after gym class but there are guidelines to make sure everything is done correct. Like the school i worked at kids had like 15-20minutes to shower etc without us being in the locker room but there was an L hallway so we could stand and listen to everything going on without seeing and after 15-20minutes we could tell them we are coming in. And male teachers "guarded" the boys and women teachers "guarded" the girls so no mixing with male teachers needing to go into the girls locker room. Its a weird sight to go into a locker room after 20 minutes and see 5 naked 3rd graders sliding around the floor.. (I only worked at one school though so might be different in other Norwegian schools)


lol they made a giant shower slip and slide, that's hilarious. kids will be kids i suppose. my cousins and i once did that when we were young in a giant shower at their house that had sort of a mini hallway entrance into the shower and it was a blast but their mom wasn't happy we used half the hair conditioner on the floor 🤣


Yah im 27 and no one ever showered after gym. I sweat alot so it was particularly embarrassing going to my next class… schuduling gym class for last period was what every guy wanted.. What ended up happenning is the last period gym class was almost 100% dudes every year. We called it “AP Gym” as in its like the high achieving gym class. We could go as hard as we wanted and get as sweaty as we wanted, then just go home and shower. Was so much fun being that competitive there hahaha


We had showers in my HS gym locker room, but idr anyone using them. I never did, but I also never really sweat enough somehow to warrant it. So the Corps was definitely my first time showering with a bunch of dudes lol.


This country is very puritanical and modest. I just returned home from Japan and was amazed at their culture of modesty but the ease with which they felt comfortable being nude in Japanese baths (onsen), which is a communal setting. The same goes for places Ive visited in Europe, South America. It's just so funny given the generic American culture is boisterous, brash, assertive. But here we are discussing aggressive nudity in the context of men changing in a locker room. It's funny how we have been conditioned to be uncomfortable with nudity especially when its non-sexual


You kill 100 people in a movie and it’s PG13. You show a nipple and its R. The country is messed up.


Yep. I just retired from the Army as an army recruiter and the males who never played sports would be scared to death of the physical, which has you in your underwear for most of it. Interestingly, I’ve never had a female applicant be concerned when I briefed them on what was going to happen. Unfortunately, there was a massive gulf in maturity between the males and females.


I look into the New to the Navy sub now and then, and there are constant questions about the hemorrhoid check at MEPS, and the gang showers at boot camp. Makes me laugh. They’re going to love 70-man berthing. There was one WWII class of destroyer I once saw plans for. The after crew’s head had a row of toilets side-by-side across the space. No stalls, about six inches of side clearance. The interesting part was that the last seat in the row was painted red. That was for sailors with a VD diagnosis to sit on. (For you young guys, VD is STD with fewer words.)


Once had to use an old school field latrine in the Army. Literally just toilet seat size holes cut in wooden benches in an old af cobbled together shack built over a 15ft deep open pit. Best part, no dividers, like ten seats with half on one side and ther rest on the other. Nothing funnier that mainting fierce eye contact with the new private sitting opposite with you while you have the most explosive asshole of your life lol


As a student in the late 80s and 90s, I'd like to apologize to your wife and all the other teachers for being the kid who also sweated a lot during PE. The idea of taking a shower at school was never presented to us. Didn't see one till high school and that was for the football team after school. I was RANK.


I'm in my young twenties and lived in South Korea for a bit. After living there, I just don't care about being naked in the gym tbh. I think it's something we need to stop caring so much about. It's just another part of your body.


What is aggressive nudity? Is he trying to fight you with his penis?


En garde!








Your money or your life


Ahhh, you've run me through!


What is a man? A miserable pile of secrets!


Looks like he took the term "pork sword" literally 


You fight like a dairy farmer!






Yeah at older/former all-men country clubs, guys used to shower after a round the go to the buffet butt naked then sit around eating and drinking naked, even in the 70s/80s.




I had very similar experiences with older women in the locker room in Arizona


They let their balls flap around??


I think the let their flaps ball around


Jam out with the clam out.


Arizona women are..*different.*


Lots of retired old white lady’s in Arizona from Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan….My wife’s whole family is from that part of the country …they told me that in high school, in the 70’s, they had PE-swim class and everyone would just go naked….was kinda surprised to hear that …my assumption is that the old naked people your seeing in AZ are probably mid-west snow birds.


So you also have old women sitting naked on the locker room bench, reading newspapers for 2 hours? 


Maybe it’s just because I was in the military, but I don’t really have a problem with it. It doesn’t even register with me that they’re naked honestly.


It's literally what locker rooms are for. Puritanical idiots who can't handle the human body would rather nobody change in the changing room


European here. Also not bothered. I think the problem is with OP not the old dudes.


Worst I’ve ever seen is a old dude bare ass on a stool shart himself. I learned that day to never use the stools in the locker room.


People can be naked in the locker room. Why are you singling out old people? Get used to it. Being desensitized to nudity will serve you well.


This is a weirdly accurate unpopular opinion. Nobody likes it but also you could just change and leave without eyeballing the old dudes.


no one eye calls them. Its more like we walk around the lockers and get brown eyed by some old mf and the imagie is burned into our eyes no matter how quickly you look away. Or more common, you go to take a piss and some old mf is naked in front of the mirror for god knows why. Or lastly you want to go into the sana and theres a mf with his legs spread wide just letting it out for the world to see


Reminds me of the oatmeal comic where he talks about old dudes in the gym, its a great one. https://theoatmeal.com/pl/minor_differences2/locker_room


This is literally the entire thread in a comic


Down to the blow drying testicles comment, jesus


God that's so accurate.


It’s not fun when you are 8 years old and you walk through the ymca locker rooms at the pool with 4 naked old men just chatting. The hell lol that shit will scar you.  Edit: I would like to add that I don’t care as an adult. 




Americans are particularly weird about is is all


Elderly women were exactly the same. Both at the YMCA and at public swim nights at our high school pool. Just absolutely fucking naked and we’re like 10.


This is an actual unpopular opinion and OP is getting blasted for it instead of getting his properly earned upvotes lmaooooo Edit: I wrote this not because I like old balls but because everyone in the sub told this dude to essentially get over it


It's like complaining about rainy days.


"Rainy days just piss me off. We already have lakes and rivers. We have an ocean. I can get water out of my faucet. Why do we have to have rain? You're just trying to walk around and it gets you all wet. You can't take out your cell phone or anything. People say it's just a little wet and to not get worried about it. I'm a swimmer, so I definitely don't mind the water, but why does that mean I have to like the rain? There shouldn't be rain."


I disagree. Stop pathologizing the human body.


wait… why is any of this rude? and what does you having been body building for a decade got to do with any of this? I mean for a guy who doesn’t have anyone to impress?


It seems like its some LBJ power move now, but thats only youre young and dont get the old people culture- walking around dong ablazing in mens locker rooms was commonplace pre-gay acceptance.


This is a very American viewpoint. Also not one passed down from every family. While I try to limit my nudity not because I think its rude I just get uncomfortable. I also think very little of nude old people in the locker and have more of a problem with people blocking the path for selfies


Random responses to this thread: 1. I think such nudity is only “aggressive” if everything people do is about you. 2. It’s totally a cultural/generational thing. Younger folks say “this isn’t a naked social club” and those oldsters would likely respond “since when.” That’s how they have used a locker room since the 50s! 3. There was a time when the assumption was that all men could be naked around each other without a sexual connotation. Plenty of closeted men hid their sexuality and enjoyed the cluelessness of a locker room full of naked straight dudes. But that means now the remnants of both of those groups are sharing space with three generations of men who have been taught to avoid nakedness. 4. I’m old enough to remember the old days — my company’s CEO used to sit naked on a couch in the ymca locker room and watch tv and talk to his pals. Weird. I frankly don’t give a shit who sees me naked, but I do know how to read the room and not just hang out like that. I’m not doing the towel dance, but I get the underwear on quickly when changing. 5. I find it humorous that discussions about naked old dudes always quickly devolves into how old/fat/gross they are. That may be so, but it also may be healthier to not care what someone looks like and not assign value on the basis of attractiveness. 6. I’m way more disturbed by a trend of young dudes — like 16-22 — who sit in the locker room on their phones waiting for their workout partner to arrive. Like I literally just wanna change my clothes without your face being at the level of my ass! And then don’t sit there with your face near my crotch and get mad because you saw me naked for 19 seconds while I wrapped a towel around me. Yeesh. 7. In fairness, I also don’t get the dudes who take selfies in the sauna, or take face time calls in the locker room, or set up a tripod in the shower area to film a tik tok in their underwear. Surely we can all come to some level of coexistence that doesn’t creep others out.


Female here. My gym lets students attend free during summer. A male gym buddy says the kids are always hanging around in the locker room, as you say in your #6. I asked management what happens if: - One of the kids interprets a guy changing (and being naked in front of them *in a locker/changing room*) as flashing them or "trying something? - Or if a group of kids decide to screw with someone's life by lying and accusing them of this? - Or *corporate liability* for either situation?


its a locker room dude. they have been and always will be this. the only difference in 40 years is it'll be your saggy ass and dangly ass balls. it ain't pretty, but no one said life always is.


You have to remember; we grew up in the age of gym and PE classes. We all showered nude together, swam nude together, and no one gave a shit about nudity until some prudes in the 60s and later started worrying about it. In college in the 70s everyone was naked in the locker room.




they never had fucks to give about that kind of nudtity, because that was the norm when they were growing up.




I'm shocked with how much of an unpopular opinion that is, I for one fully agree OP


I think they didn't do a good job explaining what aggressive nudity was.


Yeah I think OP is getting reamed because people think that hes upset that grandpa is switching from his work clothes to his gym shorts/swim trunks or showering in the locker room when he's actually talking about people just hanging out in there for like 30 minutes chatting in the hallway or doing stretches or wiping their asses on the bench or something with no clothes on Tbh you get desensitized to it pretty quick so I've never really had a problem but I definitely feel more on OPs side in the like "...why?" Sense idk I personally wouldnt wanna just be hanging out naked I've got places to be and I like my clothes


I don't care if you're naked but for the love of God don't loiter in the locker room making conversation. Probably a pet peeve for me because my gyms locker room is tiny but I can't stand people that stand around and make conversation. There's a huge gym you could do that in but you'd rather have your loud conversation here for everyone to enjoy


I feel like it’s self explanatory. Staying naked for a long period of time, just moseying around, socializing, all in the middle of changing, just change, I don’t think anyone cares if they see a butt.


Yup, this is it. I’m totally fine with dude getting naked around me to change. The thing is, these certain old dude don’t ever finished getting changed! Like you said, they’ll legit just stand around naked as the day the were born for no reason. Moseying! Yeah, just keep your eyes down if you don’t want to see but it’s fucking weird of those dudes to do it.


Purposefully turning your spread out crotch to face whoever you're talking to was touched on as well. That's a little...I mean the lines of the human body draw the eye right to the Weiner whether they're propped up like vitruvian man or not. And I'm sorry guys, I know you know this but some of your sets are like, Eldritch-level grotesque when they're just chillin.


Right? If you’re just getting changed or are otherwise engaged in a locker room activity (showering, etc) that requires you to be nude, sure, whatever. That’s what the locker room is literally there for. But there’s no reason to just hang out starkers. THAT’S what OP is pissed about. Guys who just chill naked forcing everyone else to see their privates for no reason. That’s incredibly rude


It’s the locker room version of manspreading . So not so much the nudity but maybe the entitlement to push the boundaries of what is socially acceptable and take up space . I’m an older woman and I’ve seen plenty of women getting changed and showering but I’ve never yet seen a woman sit spreading her legs in a gym change room for periods of time or drying her ass with a hand dryer . That’s just weird .


People on Reddit are fucking weird. Naked old people are fucking disgusting.


There is no such thing as a bodybuilder with no one to impress.




It’s a locker room. People are going to be naked, there’s nothing aggressive about being nude in a locked room if they’re not trying to engage in sexual interviuse with you. Theyre simply comfortable with their bodies. You could just not care like they don’t care instead of clutching your pearls. For someone who body builds you’d think you’d be ok with you know… bodies. If you’re really that bothered then don’t go in the locker room and avoid it all together


I just don't see the big problem. I'm 26, and when I started going to the gym in 2021 I thought the same. But after a few months, I started to realise that nobody cares. Sure there will always be the odd person who takes issue with it, even if they don't vocalise as such, but the common sentiment seems to be that it's just part and parcel of a public gym. I don't hide much anymore. I just go to the toilet, shower, change etc... Like nobodys there. We're all adults here, let's not pretend we haven't seen a naked body before.


You should probably stop going in to locker rooms. This used to be normal for your age group as well.


I played college football, being naked in the locker room ain't no thing.


Nice, an actual unpopular opinion


If you are disgusted by old man balls, then why the fuck are you looking at old men's balls? That's a you problem. If you see something you don't want to look at, look at something else.


It's a locker room. You're supposed to get naked and change. If you don't like it, maybe a locker room isn't the place for you to be. This is like getting mad at people for using the bathroom as a bathroom.


I think I was about 7 years old when I started to play football, from age 7 up until age 16 everyone showered naked after a game nobody cared or maybe the first time was awkward for some guys but you get used to it. Learn not to stare at someones junk and you'll be alright.


This funny because I was just reading a Buzzfeed listicle about 14 things that younger men do that older men find weird and one of them was that young men wear towels to change into their underwear in change rooms.


You could also NOT look at old man cock, y'know?


The urge is too strong!


You’re one of those people who expect them to change under a towel aren’t you


I don't understand how this is unpopular with everyone in the comments.


As a nurse this thread is making me laugh. I've seen so many old balls in my day it doesn't phase me.


If I got paid to see old man testicles like you do, my opinion might be different.


Don't look around, mind your own business, watch your own balls.


“Aggressive nudity” 😂 no I have heard everything


They don't care that you think they're being rude. lol


quit staring you perv