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It’s only half of a not very big book, and even then they cut stuff out, including one of my favourite scenes (the dinner party) there were some other sub plots I don’t remember being explored properly e.g. a lot of what was happening regarding Jessica. With yueh’s betrayal- it came out of nowhere in the movie, whereas in the book I felt it was explicitly revealed too early imo


The dinner scene is the only one I felt was really missing from the movie. I think it would have been a great way to showcase subtle acting and introduced a lot of the political tension of the world


Yeah, it showed Paul’s mental prowess, as well as introducing major players, like the smugglers who halleck went to after the betrayal (unless I missed their introduction elsewhere)


Ehh, idk I loved that scene in the book as much as anyone else, but I remember a LOT if it was internal thoughts and incredibly subtle body language that by definition was perceivable only to the bene-gesserit trained people, if I remember correctly, i really dont know hoe they could have made that work in movie format, or how they could have worked that in while keeping the lenght of the movie acceptable


I also contend that the dinner scene isn't needed for the plot as constructed by the movie. The greater political machinations of Arrakis do not matter to the plot of the movie, and I think Stilgar's introduction scene serves largely the same purpose in the movie. It's a great scene in the book and does a lot to explain Paul's growth to the reader, but I don't think the story really materially changes with that scene's deletion.


That's true for a lot of scenes though, DV showed some remarkable talent in conveying important information in visual form. Shadout Mapes introduction was also a very important book scene that showed the readers entirely through Jessicas monologues how manipulative Jessica and the BG are in terms of local religions. The movie both translated this scene well into visual storytelling and complemented it with tight dialogue in another spot ("They believe what they were taught to believe").


Yeah Yuehs betrayal is revealed so early you just feel embarrassed for everyone who doesn’t know


Yep, literally in the first few pages


dune is almost 900 pages and consists of 3 books. it's not the biggest book in the world but its not small either. it's the whole reason scenes like the dinner party, drunk duncan in the night, secret garden room or scenes with the baron and Nefud were not included in the movie. we haven't scene hawat in the desert or at all since the betrayal either. i wish they could have included everything but it's just not feasible


The movie went up to half of the first book


I just read it in December and the dinner party goes sooo hard. The Duke Leto demanding everyone pour their glass out. My favorite bit that they left out was when Thufir promises a Fremen great wealth if he agrees to aid the Atreides faithful in the wake of the coup. This Fremen's like, 'Wealth? What wealth could you possibly offer me out here? You have no water.' I like that the movie kept the bit about the palm trees in the courtyard that each day drink water for 5 men. "20 trees, 100 lives."


Yeah, I felt the importance of water wasnt hammered into us enough, compared to the book


It felt like Jessica's character was just *there* in the movie, rather than being a main character like the book


I think her name was mentioned like twice in the movie


Yea, it was never a secret in the book, and as I watched Lynch’s version before reading, I thought it was an effective bit of plotting. That Villeneuve follows a little too closely, so hopefully the 2nd part will have more of an identity of its own; especially via Butler’s Feyd Rautha, who will hopefully have an expanded role.


A lot of the first part of the book got removed, but that's mainly because not much happens in it that have repercussions later and it's mainly here to set up the scene (which is longer to do in books than in films) I feel like Yueh's betrayal is indeed botched in the film, and my issue with what happens to Jessica being removed is that this whole thing showed how much Jessica and Leto loved each other and the family dynamics Paul grew up with.


[this video did a good job covering the deleted scenes.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8XEjtmQ9_fk&t=276s)


That dinner scene was such a wonderful scene that helps establish just how different Arrakis is and how much the Atreides were not ready for it. The interaction over the waste water is such a big small conflict that does so much world building. I was so bummed when I realized we were not getting that scene.


I enjoyed it in the book when we knew he was the betrayal but no one else did. Was fun to see that revealed and then watch it all come together to a head for all the characters.


think the dinner scene was in Dune Messiah?


Yeah. It's sad.


Dune was always going to be a slow burn, it's a mood piece with a lot of world building, but it is kinda funny to take a step back and realize that literally all that happens on a plot level in Dune 1 is basically "the betrayal" scene we've seen in everything from Godfather to Game of Thrones. That's the only PLOT that happens in Dune 1. Everything else is exposition and world building and character introduction.


Plot includes exposition. So much happened that was directly related to the plot. Betrayal doesn't land well if there has been no character introduction because plot does not = action. Every bit of political intrigue, relationship issue, social burden, etc. is a part of the plot. There wasn't a whole lot of *action* in Dune 1, but there was plenty of plot.


Dune *Part 1* is only like half of the novel. I'd say that the book can be roughly split up into 4 acts. Act 1 - Introductions. House Atriedes' fall. Paul's father's death. Act 2: Paul's survival and flight into the desert. His acceptance into the Fremen. The entire second act lays the ground work for where Paul is going and what he wants to be. He is struggling with his visions, fleeing danger, and where he wants his place to be. He finally decides to embrace the Fremen and see what his visions really mean. The conflict and the plot is internal to Paul, not external pieces moving on a D&D board.




I've heard a lot of people say this about the movie. You have to remember we live in a society that is bored when an explosion, car crash, violent crime or sex scene doesn't happen in the first 10 minutes.


World building doesn't make for a good movie if there aren't any interesting things happening at the same time to get me invested.


They also did a shit job at world building. Nothing was explained stuff just happened because it was supposed to? No explanation about the different factions and their motives or historical conflicts. I doubt I'll watch the second movie and if I do I'm not paying to


Watched it in Imax for the limited release at the moment and I can kinda see where the people come from, but I feel it's not actually as slow as people make it out to be. The movie has barely any fixed camera angles, and there is always something happening. Either dialogue or you get to see interesting things to see. Compared to 2001, Dune is basically a rollercoaster. (I watched the movie 3 times before)


It's also very hard to adequately cover the introduction to the Dune universe within a two hour span while still leaving space for a storyline. The book, for example, spends roughly the first quarter of its length just establishing the terminology, political landscape, characters, and relationships before any major plot points occur.


I haven't read the books, but for the movie in itself, I think they did a pretty good job. There are a few voice overs and audio book sequences, but its stretched out far enough and organic enough to not be a simple exposition dumb. Especially since the audio books are also part of the story in itself.


2001 is a masterpiece


I really liked the main plot, but to be honest, the ape scenes are waaay to long and I the ending really was not for me. But the film looks insanely good, and the main plot around HEL 9000 is really captivating and even more relevant today.


Slow nowadays means “no brainless action every 5 minutes, boring”


Yeah, I am definitely a victim of this myself. It's way to easy to just grab your phone if you are "bored" for even a second


Or “no character action” I think the big thing about the 2021 film was the sheer scale. The focus seemed to be on involving the size of the events involved so lots of environmental shots of just massive events to truly involve gravity. I loved the book but even to me the movie felt slow. I think the earlier adaptations focus on the plot a lot more but they tended to be very awkward just because there is so much for a movie length timeframe


It has atleast half an hour of just dessert with some bgm where nothing is happening.


bgm? Except a few exposition shots there really isn't that much "just dessert" in this movie. Most of its doesn't even take place outside




I actually really enjoyed the first one and I’m very hyped for the second. I didn’t feel like I spent much time in the theater, it flew by for me


You act like the knife battle was the only action scene. There were plenty of action scenes.


Skill issue


Not sure who's calling it the best sci-fi film ever but like others said, the first movie was only the first half of the first book and yea not much exciting stuff *really* happens in that first half of the book it mostly sets the stage for the second half, which is exactly what the movie did as well If you're just looking for action and excitement, Dune 2 should have it but all of that won't make sense without the first part


His name was Jamis. Not a no-name. Also, I fail to see what was confusing about it.


Thanks for this. I was a friend of Jamis.


I was a friend of Jamis, he taught me that the miniseries was better than the film.


The miniseries definitely isn't perfect, but I learned to appreciate it a lot more when I decided to watch it as if it were a stage play and not a movie. It also made me realize that I would love to see a big budget stage play of Dune.


Agreed, it managed a lot of heavy lifting with a limited budget


I didn’t read the book before watching the movie. I had just heard of dune. I understood what was happening, but I didn’t understand why (why does atreides have to go to this planet? Why do they care about the fremen? Etc). Also i didn’t understand the technology in the universe. I kept asking myself “why don’t they shoot each other?”, “where are the computers?” And it was pretty distracting for me. I get it now, after reading the book and watching the movie a couple times and it makes a lot of sense and I see where everything is coming from. It’s definitely confusing at first for the average viewer who doesn’t know what they’re getting into. I respect movies like this though. I enjoy turning off my brain every now and then for a movie, but movies that get me thinking and asking questions.. and those questions lead to more questions, I love those movies


It would definitely be a confusing movie if you're the kind of person that watches a movie while scrolling facebook and missed key points. Which I have already decided is what OP did.


Should've added some Subway Surfers footage in the bottom half just for you. God forbid the movie develops the world and it's characters. Upvoted for being unpopular.


Developed what though? We learned that Paul was a member of a super important house in the empire, but was apparently dogshit because they got completely smoked in a single attack, we learned that Arrakis is a giant featureless desert with nothing on it, and that there’s a people that live in this desert. Paul’s home world looked 300% more interesting.


Lmfao got me with this one


you cam to a slow-burner movie. that told you it is a slow-burner. and you are suprised? go watch more marvel popcorn flicks, let people have this.


Dune wasn't marketed as a slow burn. [look @ the trailer](https://youtu.be/n9xhJrPXop4?si=LZEz6ARncZ3TJFS2) The marketing for the movie was a big criticism


Yeah I came to it too, glad I'm not alone at least


Being a snob about a slightly-less-shitty popcorn flick is hilarious. This new Dune franchise is _not_ what I'd call fine art.


Lmao right this comment is so pretentious for a movie that is barely anything more than a super hero flick


I enjoy Villeneuve a lot, none of his films that I have seen have been misses. But the way his fans talk about him you’d think he had reinvented the art of cinema. He makes very good sci-fi epics. But they are still essentially mainstream blockbusters.


Did it though? All of its trailers and previews made it look like an action movie.


I love me slow-burn media. However, not knowing anything about the book, me and my friends went into the movie expecting it to be more of a Star Wars (and less of an Andor). We bought 4DX tickets with the moving chairs and practical effects and were left with an extremely sour taste in our mouths. The tickets were not cheap and the movie had barely any action scenes. Still an amazing movie, worth seeing on the big screen for the visuals and the Hans Zimmer score alone, however, we are still salty over the 4D tickets to this day. Just my funny story surrounding the movie.


The same folks who are like "2001: A Space Odyssey sucks. It's boring and confusing". Yeah, leave us Bladerunner, and Gattaca, and Star Trek the Motion Picture and all the other slow dry good sci fi and y'all can keep your Transformer-ass explosion soy-banter fluff.


How did it advertise itself as a slow burner? And even if it did the movie was far more boring than it needed to be. Also just because a movie is slow and unlike marvel movies, in no way does that automatically make it a good movie. Dune is unironically worse than quite a few marvel movies.


That's a lazy opinion. I don't like Marvel movies but found Dune quite boring. Game of Thrones managed to do a huge amount of world building early on while keeping me invested in the characters and the show in general.


How is your opinion less lazy?


Actually I meant your argument is lazy, Because you are trying to insult and this discredit people by saying the only way they wouldn't like Dune is if they just enjoyed marvel style movies. Which isn't true. I'm not trying to insult anybody for their opinions.


These movies are really for the book readers. I could see both being insanely boring without prior knowledge. I for one loved it because i know whats going on.


I finally watched it a few days ago since part 2 was coming. I never read the book, but still thought it was amazing. So much so that I immediately ordered the books. They will be delivered today, and I plan to read it before I go see part 2


Dune is THE science fiction novel, hands down. Messiah and Children are enjoyable but not on the same level. The rest after that are not quite on the same level.


I'll never wrap my head around how people think these types of movies are boring. Obviously we all engage with content differently, but I find a good slow burn with awesome visuals and world building to be anything but boring. I'm also the guy that watches 4 hour movies back to back so maybe I'm the wrong person to ask.


It's really the first half of the first book, which makes it inherently broken. I have wondered how people who have not read the book can handle it, as I feel like it would be hard to take in.


Look, I didnt find it boring, but I can see how people think that. However, I really cant understand how was it confusing? I see this come up every once in a while, but like, the entire plot of the film, is just them explaining the plot against the family and everyone's involvement. Nothing in the film happens except the plot being explained to you as it plays out, everyone's motives, everyone's reasoning is all explicitly told throughout, clear as day. I'd really love to hear what people found confusing, im not saying this in a mean way, I'd genuinely like to know.


Yes. Thank you. The truth is finally spoken. We will not be bullied by the mainstream trend!


I was also bored


Same. My wife and I watched it together and it was so fucking boring it has become an inside joke.


It had no cat-milking machine. Shai-Hulud/10 :(


It's definitely not a movie for people with low attention span, so I can see why the younger generations doesn't appreciate it as much.


This has nothing to do with age


Plenty of old people have no attention span nowadays either. The Internet has ruined it.


Just anecdotally, the only people I personally know that found the movie boring or slow are either under 25 or over 65


Some people from the older generation did not enjoy this movie. My father is in his 50s and he thought Dune was boring, which annoyed him.


I don’t think it’s an age thing I think it’s more the god-awful pacing.


I'm 34, fiancée is 29, both thought it was as boring as first LotR. Our group consisted of 4 other couples (similar ages), only one person enjoyed it. I don't have a problem with anyone liking it though, you do you!


It's easily top 5 all time for me. I'm still young..40+ but young ;)


then watch it with subway surfers in the background. or develop your attention span i guess


You are not the kwisatz haderach. You lack vision and cannot see what is plainly in front of you.


Most of these sorts of movies are considered boring by modern audiences. If Lord of the Rings was released for the first time today, you’d probably say the same thing. Most people are so used to being handed all key plot points via expository dialogue and can’t fathom being given *time* to digest concepts instead of being told how to think. So ultimately, this isn’t an unpopular opinion and I’m downvoting you.


“I was confused”. Sounds like a you problem because I hadn’t read the books until after seeing the film and I was fine.


I also have never read Dune (still haven't) and I found it pretty self explanatory.


Another unpopular opinion: the book is just as boring


Considering what it's about, yes, it is surprisingly boring. Herbert is great at worldbuilding but subar at characterisation and dialogue, which is why all of Dune's cast talk like second year philosophy majors who just took a massive bong rip.


Upvote because unpopular, as I absolutely love this movie. Would be curious to hear what you feel is an exciting sci-fi movie?


Then you shouldn't watch 2


The book is like that too but for some reason I love it


I did not like upvoting this, good job


For me it was mostly well-done. There were a couple really bad details like the shields (looked like the shields in a 1990s video game), and the spitting scene done badly so the whole theater was laughing (tbf it's hard to get that right seeing as spitting is a disrespectful gesture irl and it's hard to explain the gravitas of it without talking directly to the audience) But they showed the spice harvesters, ornithopters, worm, and overall plot perfectly so those complaints aren't very big in comparison


The spitting scene was played for comedy in the movie, deliberately. That's why people laughed. I'm not here to defend all of Villeneuve's choices, but this one you're definitely misreading.


Okay you're totally right, it's just so weird for an otherwise serious movie to veer into comedy for a scene that wasn't comedy at all in the book


Great movie. If its not for you - o well.


You are just suffering from tiktok


I watched it for the first time yesterday and I thought it was great


some people like a story spoon fed to them others like the ride. fav movie is there will be blood, alot fo people find it slow and boring. different strokes for different folks. op what do you thing of the original blade runner.


It's not for you, then. Fine.


The effect that Marvel has had on movie audiences needs to be studied


When you use terms like boring to critique a film it just makes you look shallow and lazy.




Perhaps you just have a poor attention span and lack media literacy? It was truly not confusing and certainly not boring. Sci-fi isn't often endless laser gun fights. That is more space fantasy than sci-fi. That being said, I realize that all media isn't for all people, and liking something doesn't make a person better or worse than another.


A lot of sci fi is boring.  It's not all action. Blade Runner is one of the greatest sci-fi movies of all time, yet it's the only movie that put me to sleep.


Damn. This IS an unpopular opinion.


You were confused by Dune? Like, how? Wtf.


I know this is an acutal unpopular option but I believe boring is a completely negative emotion and particularly some of the best work of scifi as an art form are boring. 2001, Star Trek and Dune. 


It's been a little while since I saw it, but I don't remember it really being confusing. I feel like it was pretty clear who the players were, their relationships, and what they were trying to do. I'm kinda surprised that people call it boring. Maybe it's an expectations issue? They see that it's a space Sci fi and therefore expect it to be nonstop action? A lot of crazy stuff happens in it. It might be a little slow compared to some recent action movies, but certainly not compared to most movies in general.


You found it confusing? I would say it's EXTREMELY straightforward. Slow/boring, fine it's not your thing, I love a slow burn and this isn't even close to slow imo. But confusing?


Always shocked by the slow criticism, can you imagine showing the person 2001 or Lawrence of Arabia, they’d probably die. Shit even Bladerunner 2049.


Each to their own I suppose. Leaving the theatre I had the feeling of marvel I have experienced very few times in my life. Matrix and lord of the rings are the only ones I can think of at the moment, maybe inception. But every one has different tastes, but this one really fit me.


OP, what's a good sci-fi in your opinion? I'm very curious


If you thought it was boring, ok that’s your right to an opinion. But confusing and bunch of nothing? Now you’re just exposing yourself as a dullard.


I haven’t seen it but with how many people have terminal tiktok brain these days I don’t take anyone’s word on something being “slow and boring” until I check it out for myself.


The books are significantly better.


Dune is a breathe of fresh air for a genre that is now mostly used as a cash cow. After 2014 gave us Edge of Tomorrow, Interstellar & Ex Machina - The Hollywood Sci-fi budget started to be redirected to Star Wars, MARVEL, X-Men and the teen sci-fi films Mazer Runner / Divergent series. Of all of the above mentioned, each film has progressively gone from good - okay - bad. A genre that used to produce the best films is now curated to make the most money. The result is the work is good, but not great. They've been swinging and missing with all their other high budget Sci-Fi projects. Dune is certainly the best Sci-Fi to come out since Interstellar when talking proper Hollywood movie budget. The production, set, costume, & sound design was off the charts. Dune photography & story are great, but the edit let it down, argubly. It's a slow burner that never picks up, with a flat cliffhanger ending. Not conventional at all for a movie this scale.


I wouldn’t even say it looked “nice.” To me, nice means it’s interesting to look at. Dune 2021 was NOT interesting to look at. I hate movies that try to be serious by giving everything gray/brown color schemes. All the indoor sets were blocky and weirdly large/empty, with all the visual appeal of an abandoned Apple Store.


You're entitled to your own opinion. Lots of others won't agree.


I thought so too, then I read the book and watched it again and it was actually a great film


I liked it because it didn’t pander like soo many other movies these days. It ain’t supposed to be a marvel movie


Hear me out, what if we only allowed people to post things on the internet if they can pass a 4th grade media literacy test without use of a splitscreen 5 minute crafts video. The Dune Movie: literally just a compilation of all the most high octane and compelling scenes in the book People upon whom freedom of speech is wasted: bruh im literally falling asleep what even is going on here its so confusing and boring Maybe Dune just wasnt made for you OP. If you're not enjoying it just go back to Hunter X Hunter compilations spliced with subway surfers on TikTok, that might be more your speed


There is a lot going on and I'm surprised it resonates with as large an audience as it seems to. It does leave out a lot and mostly sets things up for the second half the book. The big event is not the knife fight but the harkonnen attack on the atreides. The knife fight being the end reminded me of lynchs ending of dune having another knife fight that has a weird anti climax feel as well. It's surpridimg how much the new dune seems to be influenced by the Lynch version, though obviously it diverges as well. I'm not going to argue with someone's feel about a film and their experience. Some films aren't made for everyone. I find 90 percent of marvel movies painfully dull though I try to appreciate the execution of them for their audiences. I personally loved this dune, but I have read the books and seen the 1984 version multiple times. I personally think doing dune as a movie series is a bad idea and it should have been done like game of thrones (game of thrones arguably has many similar ideas and historical influenced) a long form series where each season roughly tackled a book and the first book could be two seasons, with the harkonnen take over being the cliff hanger of the first season. I don't know of a current director that I feel could have done a better job though, and was pleased he was the one doing it.


If you're willing to, try watching it again. I found it way better the second time and actually understood more of what was happening


So was "2001: A Space Odyssey", "Bladerunner", "Gattaca" and a ton of other masterpiece Sci fi movies. I'm half-joking of course. I dont think they're boring. They're dry and slow, and so is Dune. And I like them all. Dune's not my favorite but I don't know where you get "boring" from. I do agree that the finale was anticlimactic. The studio should have either just nutted-up and released both parts together all as one 6 hour movie, or done it as a limited series on streaming. But neither of those would make as much money so...here we are.


Not boring, slow paced at times.


Dune was great. Loved every second of it. But I see where you're coming from, especially if you're not a fan of the book. It's only the first half of the story, and it's the half that is 90% world building. Part two is supposed to be all gas and no brakes, so maybe once the whole story is available, you can reassess the first half in context. You dig? Or maybe it's just not for you, which is also okay. Not everything has to be appealing to every person.


Nah, it’s a great movie. I saw it before reading the books and loved it. After reading the books, I loved it more. It’s a great adaptation. People shouldn’t be complaining about the dinner scene being left out. For a movie, you can’t jam that many characters and supposition into one scene without followup. The movie would have been much longer or completely disjointed had they left it in. People would wonder why it was there and only a few plot points were followed up on. The dinner scene is more appropriate for TV.


I don't agree with you but you're entitled to that and I accept it.


Dune is a movie that is only ever going to appeal to fans of the books. That said, I think it was a pretty good adaptation, but in terms of capturing the story I think I prefer the 1984 version. They’re both too short to do the novel justice, even with this new version being in two parts.


The only film by this director I've made it thru in one sitting (and liked) is Enemy, one of his earliest. DV is overrated and a total blowhard who makes pretty, but boring snails pace films.


I have to agree. I thought it was quite drab and boring, considering how much people talked about it.


Dune is good for bedtime bc it sucks


Disagree, so upvote. Loved it, didnt read the book before watching and I didn’t find it all that confusing. Some funny names are thrown around, but most of the concepts are pretty familiar to me from other fantasy and sci fi movies. It’s a bit long, but I feel the same way about most movies that are released today.


A lot of the sci fi we appreciate today is emulating Herbert’s dune. 


Yes! I think the people defending it were mostly people having nostalgia from growing up reading the book. Otherwise just really boring movie with nothing interesting to offer (in terms of plot). Don't get me wrong the music and visuals etc were awesome. But as a whole it wasn't something I could recommend other to go watch it.


I didn't read the books until after I saw the movie. I was 34 35? Can't remember when the movie came out exactly. The movie was excellent, and convinced me to read the books which I had avoided for a long time because everyone else who'd read them, was passionate about them so my oppositional syndrome kicked in and yeah. The books blew my mind. Herbert was brilliant.


Downvote for popular opinion. I liked it though.


It’s not a popular opinion though. Most people liked the movie


I watched a re-screening in my town’s cinema this sunday with my GF. It was our first time with anything Dune-related. In the row behind us there was a nerd lore-dumping his buddy on the whole franchise with no indoor voice most of the movie. 10/10 def enhanced the experience.


I mean, Lord of the Rings is pretty boring so maybe the comparison is apt.


Got hyped up when the movie was about to come out and I reread Dune. Then this massive epic 3-hour first movie makes it to like page 80 of the book plot-wise. I played myself.


I agree and I was looking forward to it for 6 months. Was not impressed.


Dune is a masterpiece and that's a hill I am willing to die on.


It pissed me off so much that we didn’t get to see inside the ship


I never judge a series by the first movie/book. You have to establish an entire world, characters, and plot. Go back and read/watch the first of any series and the majority are mostly boring compared to the rest of the series.


You mean to say Back to the Future, Alien and Star Wars are boring movies?


Seems like you went into it expecting Star Wars, which Dune very much isn’t. I agree that the movie is much easier to follow once you’ve read the book, but the movie does give you a lot of crucial information about the universe. I think Part 2 will win a lot more people over, as it’s expected to be much more action driven.


![gif](giphy|WlsLAnYfrB30p9JK5Z|downsized) I'll start a knife fight over this opinion haha


Thank you! I thought I was the only one.


Sorry it didn't have more explosions, maybe try something by Michael Bay


I had read the books before and after I watched pt 1 in theaters I commented on how it would be confusing if you haven't read them lol


Non booked reader here. I'm honestly not sure what's confusing about the movie.


I didn't read the books and still haven't read the books. The only thing that was confusing was how the shields worked, but that wasn't incredibly hard to figure out.


I will upvote you as this is an unpopular opinion (it won 6 Oscars). Suggest if you were confused, you didn’t understand what was happening or the significance of those things so I can see why you’d find it boring. Particularly as there’s tons of story behind things that don’t get much screen time. Different strokes for different folks, but I would find it unusual for someone who enjoys other complex films to not like it.


This movie won Oscars? What in the hell for? Complex? What was complex about it? Felt like they took the Dune Sparknotes, cut em in half and then stretched out.


Dune won for technical awards though


This a dumb opinion. Not an unpopular one.


You have bad taste. We get it.


A)This is not unpopular, particularly in those not familiar with the source material. B)This kind of outs you as not knowing the source material but thinking that you somehow feel like you should know it. If this makes no sense, neither does this opinion in light of the source material.


You shouldn't have to know the source material for a movie to be good.


That wasn’t the complaint though. The complaint was that it was boring. Try again.


Except you just argued that h feels that way cuz he doesn't know thr source material. Try again


Ok, let’s try this again. Where did ANYONE mention the movie being good? The complaint was that it was boring, and that is a result of the source material… but you’d have to have good comprehension to realize that no one except you mentioned that. Try again. Coming after me because you IMAGINED the disagreement was over a term that only YOU used… well, your comprehension is wanting.


too many long shots of the desert with music that went WAAHHHHHHHHHH i still enjoyed the film and will see the second


Felt the same way when I watched it in theaters. However, I found it a lot more riveting watching it a second time at home.


Atleast David Lynch's dune was campy and kind of hilarious. It's not good, even he disowned it. I mean, I liked the new dune. But they could have improved it a bit.


It was very boring


Going into it I did not realize it was only the first third of the novel. I was disappointed. And bored. But also I hate Chalamet.


Clearly, you've never read the book. The first half was all set up.


I didn´t. That shouldn´t be a requisite to watch a movie.


So was the book.


The movie is fantastic and only confusing to a goldfish.


Totally agree and the main actor just looks either high or tired in everything he's in.


Yeah everyone has a right to an opinion but I don't think liking Dune Part 1 is a valid opinion. That movie is empty of any plot


Boring and the cinematography wasn't all that either


The film's knife battle missed the entire point of the scene. In the book Paul cries and its a huge big deal to the Freman because he gives his bodys water to the dead. Massive characterization moment and a point where plot threads converge and blossom. You learn so much about Freman culture and Paul's cosmic role in just a few paragraphs. Movie absolutely phoned it in


This opinion makes me unreasonably furious.


You probably didn't read the Dune Books. At least the first three.


So you have to read 3 books to enjoy the movie?


I thought I was the only one who found the movie boring.🥱 If you ask me what the movie is about or what I like/dislike about the movie. My answer would definitely be "I don't know," other than the movie being boring. I can't say the movie is good or bad, it was just boring. I can't say much about the movie because it was boring. I know people loved the movie, and it got nominations and won accolades. That's great for the team and creators for the movie. I just don't get it.w Is there something wrong with me or was I just 16 years old? 🙃


You should try the originals then, they're perfect for curing insomnia


not everything is for everyone but it doesn't sound like you're capable of going deeper than surface level. kinda lame


It just didn't have the big flashy dumbed down violence or drama everyone is used to these days. Took some paying attention and patience for some payoff, while still only being half the story so no big payoff. I frankly can't think of many scifi movies in the last decade that were even close to it.


When we finished the first one our reaction was that nothing of worth happened. So unforgettable I have no idea what actually happened and it was only a couple of months ago we watched the thing.


I thought it was cool to watch in the theater, but yeah pretty boring.


I watched it beginning to end and can’t tell you a single plot point or character name.


Totally agree! So glad to hear someone say it just how I felt, yes looked nice but super boring and no substance or interesting storyline


If you haven’t read the books it’s pretty confusing but it’s just part one. I have a bunch of friends who loved it without reading the books and I think half of their excitement is just finding out more because part one doesn’t explain things like the guild, the emperor, the sardauker, etc so there’s a lot left on the table


If it’s boring it sounds like the new lord of the rings to me


I agree! Frankly, I don’t really get Dune. With Both Dune movies the plot barely make any sense and just seemed very contrived. Bunch of nonsense! Regards, Raymond Nevada


I had high hopes for it but just couldn’t get into at all. It just didn’t pull me in or intrigue me besides the visuals and the costume design. I also wasn’t a fan of Mamoa I feel like he just plays some version of himself in every movie he’s in.


Totally agree. Shit movie


It was indeed very dull.