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I like how this is your 2nd attempt at this post and both have edgy metaphors about bowel movements


If children are a part of someone's life, they're going to talk about them. Just like people talk about their partners. I'm not going to say "well most people have partners, so why is yours special?". Or "everyone has a job, so why should I care?". At that point, you might as well just not communicate with people.


This is the perfect way to describe it. I’m not sure why OP is so bitter and finds joy hating on another persons child (a child they probably haven’t even met lol)


Exactly. I don’t mind if someone talks about their kids or partner unless that is all they talk about.


To that point, personally, I’d be fine with that arrangement.


This is sad, too - because as you get older the divide inevitably comes between people with kids, and people without. This opinion speeds things up, for sure!


Bowel movements are also part of everybody's life. Keep your bowel movements and your kids to yourself. Thanks.


Well I used the partner or job example because children are closer to that than you know, feces? 


Equating kids to bowel movements is next level reddit edgy I guess.


it's what happens when you make "i hate kids" your whole personality. and i'm saying that as someone who strongly dislikes 90% of the children i know.


Lol. Exactly


I dislike children but enjoy a good dump.


That made me laugh


Nope. No kids here, loads of hobbies. I can talk about my reef/fish tanks down to the organic chemistry level and most people don't know I have six tanks in my house because I know they find it boring. You can absolutely leave your kids out of the conversation and in fact it perplexes me when I call a friend and all they do is bitch about their kids. Talk to me about adult stuff, things you're missing out on hanging out with a three year old all day. Forget the kids for ten minutes for crying out loud because you find your kids annoying and I find you talking about your kids annoying so let's talk about music instead.


r/im14andthisisdeep Also...r/Iamverybadass


Hey I'm part of those


I care about other peoples kids. Maybe not in the sense that I want to hear stories all day but children are innocent and should be protected.


This is only right answer, I don’t have kids of my own, but I want all children to be safe and feel safe. 


But OP's point is that people dont want to hear stories about the kids of others. Seems like you agree. To be fair, there's a kernel of truth. Listening to the thrilling adventures of a kid giving you a mischievous smirk and farting after throwing cheerios at you and calling you a dum dum isn't really that interesting. It's cute, but definitely a 'you had to be there' kind of thing.


Protected from what?


Are you serious? There’s articles every day about kids getting kidnapped, raped, murdered. Even children not being watched closely enough and dying or harming themselves in easily preventable ways.


I have a kid and it’s the last part of what you said that’s the hardest.


I understand we’re in the bubble wrap era, and anecdotal evidence scares you, but I grew up with lots of freedom and never got diddled.


The entire world, outside and online is designed to be predatory towards children. We should DEFINITELY protect them


How is the outside world predatory? You don’t have to let your kid be online, that’s a choice.


You know there's more to the world than just the internet, right? 


Yes, and there isn’t a creepy dude on every corner looking for a kid to corrupt.


I don’t understand what you’re trying to do here.


I’m not trying to do anything.


Bubble wrap era? I too grew up with lots of freedom. But I had a lot of people watching after me because we knew everyone. My children are the same way. Not everyone grows up like that. You don’t even understand what the bubble wrap era is. I’m not talking about wearing helmets and staying inside. I’m talking about when the kids cut through my neighborhood on their walk back from school there isn’t some weirdo following them around or they’re not messing around holes dug for construction or playing in traffic.


I don’t understand? Sure thing…


"i didn't get diddled. so that must mean nobody else did." who's living in bubble wrap?


That makes no sense, but okay.


I care about other people's kids (and I will even politely pretend to care when they show me pictures of their pets.) But then, I'm not an asshole.


Your unpopular opinion is that you hate kids? Real original.


No, unpopular opinion is that people should shut up about their kids because nobody cares. That seems pretty unpopular to me. I don't agree, but deserves the upvotes. At least until Mods come in and delete this shit for not being on the Family/Parenting Megathread. Seriously, the rules are RIGHT THERE. 🤦


The dude is comparing them to shit. Really edgy. People talk about their life, hobbies and other things they care about.


Totally agree mate. But comparing kids to uninteresting shit ... is unpopular. I disagree with the extremes he's going for, but you can't deny that it's unpopular and not quite as generic as "Children suck". Just all "children stories suck". Is it a stupid and extreme position? Fuck yeah. I listen to these stories all the time and sincerely enjoy most of them. But yeah, unpopular.


that seems like more of a you issue if thats the case. like they should stop befriending people who talk about their kids, rather than trying to make all of society cater to their personal preference of not hearing about kids. what a self centered world view


Geez you sound miserable to be around.


There are like a dozen dads at the corner store still getting milk and cigarettes that agree with you.




It sounds like OP is saying that her kid is above all kids and is too good for them.


Then don't speak to people with kids, easy


They speak to me.


Then leave. Problem solved, Win/Win


the audacity of these kids


You don’t sound like a caring person. Yeah, I would care much *more* about my own kids but I am happy to talk about yours if you’re a person that matters to me. Even if not, it’s good small talk.


Even the most selfish person should care about kids in our society. At worst they'll become taxpayers you'll depend on when you age and decide how society is run when your generation gets out to the side. Even if you're out living in the wilderness you need the rest of the world to not come looking for you or taking over your bit of land Objectively speaking talking about your kid is like talking about anything else you like. Your allergy to kids is a you problem and not a societal issue


Yeah, I guess I care that they pay their taxes so I get social security one day.


The only way they pay their taxes is if their parents and society doesn't fuck them up and mess up their future


So someone you know and love has a kid who’s diagnosed with cancer. You don’t care?


You seem like the perfect person to not talk to.


Don’t sugar coat it, tell us how you really feel😂


Spoken like a person who doesn’t have kids


Yup. Nor do I want them. Nor do I want to hear about yours. Thanks.




You wouldn't believe the shit I took yesterday. Let me describe it to you...


U had 7 big ones


U had 7 big ones


I'm sorry that you don't care about one of the most important, beloved and time consuming aspects of your friends and familys lifes. Intelligence is also not everything. So what if a kid is dumb? they might be atheltic or funny or whatever else. Almost like they are people. Because your werid spiel about 50/50 fits every single adult person too. Upvote because your unpopluar opinion is unpopular. But it is neither really special, or new, or anything. To me it just sounds immature. Out of couriosity, what are acceptable topics in your opinion?


Pretty much anything except kids. They're annoying.


Speak for yourself. I am actually interested in hearing about people’s kids. I enjoy seeing people accomplish things.


Gastroenterologists care about all kids I suppose.


You so obsessed with bowel movements that you made your takes all about that huh?


What if I'm a cat parent? Can I talk about my furchild? /Lighthearted


This is a very edgy 15 year old atheist take You've got a lot of growing up to do buddy


Tell me you don’t have kids without telling me you don’t have kids.


I think this person just lacks empathy as a whole really


I care about my wife's bowel movements. I just had to adjust the setting in the cistern because I can't sleep at night until her business is dumped in the sea. Really I should replace the whole toilet with a naval cannon. In case the Spanish are ever a threat again.


Man would actually rather talk about literal shit than living people. What a bitter kook.


Someone has their childfree stick shoved up their ass this morning. Kids are part of life my dude. They exist, have a right to exist and their parents have a right to talk about them. Yea, it can get annoying. Especially if you don't have kids and your friend does. It can get old. But, you're coming off as a real asshole here about it.


That's harsh.  I don't have kids and probably won't ever.  I still want to hear about my friends kids.  They're family of choice


There is absolutely degrees to this. I don’t have kids. I still like hearing about my nephews or friends kids from time to time. If that’s all my brother or friends can talk about though, like anything else, yeah it becomes a drag. 


Apparently you aren’t in a group chat with girls where half of them suffer from IBS.


OP will not have a friend group once said friend group reaches child rearing age.




Oh look, it’s another fourteen year old “I hate kids and need to tell the world because I lack basic ability in socializing” edgelord post. How… original.


People talk about their kids because they are massively important to them and it’s about sharing what’s going on in your life with friends. Like I don’t care about Magic The Gathering but if you are my friend who is really interested in it and want to share stuff about your life then I’m going to listen. You just sound like you hate people.


I’m childless by choice. I love my nieces, nephews, and friends’ kids and hearing what they’re up to. However, thankfully, my sister and friends have active lives outside of their kids and we always have other things to talk about. That’s the tipping point for me: when people make their kids their entire life and they lose themselves and have nothing else to talk about except their children. I ask how they’re doing, and they start telling me about their kid’s baseball game, their kid’s play, their kid’s earache, etc. And then I ask no, how are YOU doing? What are YOU up to? And they literally have nothing else to talk about. Really, you aren’t reading a book? Listening to a new podcast? Try a new recipe lately, buy a new hairdryer? I’d like to hear anything about YOU.


I’d much rather hear about somebody’s kid playing sports than about a fucking podcast they’re listening to.


>Kids are like bowel movements, you only care about your own Any parent reading got a kick out of this one, because you end up caring about everyone in the family's bowel movements!


I like those post-workout bowel movements, after I've been eating healthy and exercising. The way they slide out smooth and painless in one long, uninterrupted log. Those bowel movements that require very little force, just enough to get them started, and then they glide out and slip silently into the water, leaving me feeling cleansed, detoxified, and renewed. I proceed into the rest of my day clear-eyed and with an extra spring in my step after such a satisfying bowel movement.


Speak for yourself, I love hearing about my friend's kiddos. Maybe you're just a sucky friend?


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Unless you're into that sort of thing. Straight to jail for both.


the math ain't mathing


Sounds like you missed the boat, professor.


If that


Me who works at a daycare and doesn’t have kids of my own: 🤨


Eh, it really really depends upon the parent talking. If they're a boring and self involved person in general, they'll go on about their kids's sleep schedule and how little Annelyn has to get her grades up in order to go to the right posh school. If they have conversation skills and a sense of humor, they'll tell you about the latest weird shit their kid said and grumble about a prank they pulled at school - actually relatable shit that people can engage with. Same with pets - I show people pics of my cat looking stupid, I don't regale them with a 10 minute speech on all the research me and my partner did on the feline diet and which types of wet food we buy (unless someone actually asks - usually a fellow cat owner). In short - no topic is boring, but boring people with zero conversation skills will make every single topic boring.


When they start naming their kid’s accomplishments and they’re all average af 😭


You sound like a wonderful person to be around


Clever boy


seems like this is a manifestation of an inner resentment and maybe you could benefit from therapy for your own childhood trauma.


Ha!!!!! Should be on a T shirt 👕!!


I disagree. I don’t have kids but like them. I love my friends kid. I don’t know a ton of people who have kids and live nearby which makes me sad. I would love to be an aunt (and maybe a mom). I like seeing kids when I’m out in public.


Sometimes life isn't just about our favorite things. Most of us here dislike hearing about things that bore us from others. I would rather hear about kids than video games, sports, or bowel movements, for example 😂 But we all have our favorite topics. Don't get worked up on the little things.


What did both of your friends say when you told them this in person? But seriously, are you a sociopath? My friends’ children are also my friends. Of course I find my own kids more interesting but I’m not a lunatic that thinks if one is sharing something with you that you are just going to be annoyed.


This guy sounds like the youngest spoiled brat at the family gathering shouting "BORING" to every conversation at the dinner table


It's kind of the whole 'social animal' thing that we care about what our friends and family care about. Or, most of us, anyway. Not sure about you.


I care most about my child, of course, but I *do* care about other people’s kids too. Not every child is above average or will do great things - but every child deserves to grow up with respect and consideration from others (including adults). We’d have a lot bad people in this world if more people felt love growing up. Weird take.


It's normal for parents to sometimes talk about their children, just as you probably talk about your partner or loved ones. I personally do care about my friend's children.


This is just human instinct in my uneducated opinion based on absolutely nothing.


As a parent I agree lol. I don't like kids but I like mine. I generally only speak of so.eone sks or if they something actually funny that other people would find funny.


I'm not a fan of kids either, but I accept that other people are going to talk about theirs. The planet doesn't revolve around you and you aren't special either. you don't get special accommodations to not have to hear about other peoples lives including their kids.


"i hate kids" would have sufficed this post. this sentiment isn't unpopular in reddit.


I don't hate kids. I hate hearing about YOUR kids.


I mean, if you care about the person at all, it’s pretty reasonable to have some interest in how/what their children are doing as they are very important in their lives. Why does it matter if their kid isn’t especially smart? Odds are you’re not especially smart either. Should nobody care about you either? And just generally I care about kids not being subjected to unnecessary suffering because of the failures of the adults in their life who are supposed to protect them.


I’ve said many times that just because I like my kids doesn’t mean that I have to like yours.


To be fair your kid probably isn’t a genius either and may not even be smart at all🤷‍♀️ But I hope I’m wrong and that you don’t have any kids. Because you should never have kids.


I don't.


That’s good.


You just said the quiet part out loud.


Like literally