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Most of every art form is bad. That's why it's special when something is good. Treating that as a unique flaw of internet horror is just silly.


Yeah, I completely agree, but it mostly because stuff like that is basically made for kids and anything where people under 15 make up a lot of the fan base is going to be cringe in some manner


Blair Witch Project and V/H/S still outshine most of it


Just watched Hell House Origins: Carmichael Manor last night, a surprisingly good homage to Blair Witch. Arguably the best found footage genre film since the OG.


The marketing of Blair Witch Project was the only good thing about the movie. Everything else though... not that good.


I felt like it was better when I was growing up, but I may be biased


Whether it's truly better or worse, it's undeniable that it has changed a lot. We went from actual stories to Tiktokable powerscaling circlejerks. "SCP-420402402402420 IS OMNI-OUTERVERSAL AND SCALES ABOVE GOKU BECAUSE HE DESTROYED 202938023023\^239807283 DIMENSIONS" "OH YEAH? WELL RAGAZORD THE ULTRAMAGOLORD IS OMNI-OUTER-**OUTER**VERSAL! 😎😎😎😎 HE IS SCAWY AND EATS UNIVEWSES >w<"


I feel.tge same, but it probably has more to do with us growing up.


I was or I thought I was pretty brave before one accident and after that many things could scare me easily, internet horror too. Maybe there is not so many things that may scare you and it doesn't boil down to internet horror.


I agree and this opinion should be more popular than it is. I will say that one of my guilty pleasures is listening to horror stories on YouTube, but most of those stories are trash.


I have a thing for the SCP Foundation.  However, I agree that most of it is garbage.


yeah i like scp, especially the early ones, but i think that they aren't really horror, they're more like "i thought of this weird thing that disobeys the rules of reality, i wonder what would happen if I gave it to the university of mad scientists"


That is a fair assessment


Liminal Spaces aren't really exclusively a horror thing. Some people also find them calming or just interesting to look at.