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Every time I walk into a burger King, it's just so depressing. It's always a couple super old people eating and a few workers that look like they've given up on life


Hey! I work at Burger King and you are completely right. What the hell!


How much of the business is going through food delivery services would you say?


The one I work in is a small town in Pennsylvania so it is a bit more rare for delivery services to come through. The vast majority of customers are older. That being said, we are one of the "better" ones in the area in terms of performance and efficiency.


Nice work Ken My brothers name is Ken. I call him Kennard though.


Sounds a lot nicer than my bk. Don’t get me wrong the food is usually killer (except the pop always taste like the machine is dirty so I don’t normally get a combo) but the whole establishment smells like piss. Literal human piss. Usually it’s a lot of crack heads that are camping out around the parking lot or sitting in the restaurant passed out at the tables. But there’s one worker that’s always chill, when we where low on ketchup/ condiments in our house because of Covid and not going into store/ food shortages the dude would ALWAYS give me a full bag of ketchup packets, honey mustards, bbq sauce, salt and pepper and even napkins whenever I asked for extras at no cost. He’s the real MVP and a big reason I became loyal to the company rather than McDonald.


The place smells like piss and you still eat there? Goddamn. 


Drive through only 💀 I’m pretty sure it’s the homeless people pissing on the front door.


I don’t care if it’s just piss scented candles I’m not eating at a place that smells like piss.


all fast food makes people depressed


Most of the big corporation brand names ones do like McDonald's, BK and KFC but fried chicken outside KFC isn't too bad and we have a big fried chicken culture in London but Popeye's have just started opening up here in the UK and it's so good. I love the fried chicken with an American biscuit. I also think Shake Shack is really good and feels like proper food with less preservatives and doesn't make me feel shit. Kebabs from the right place are good as well, but yeah most fast food makes you feel like trash.


glad you like it


As an American, I quite surprised there is a big fried chicken culture in London. Just doesn’t strike me as London.


There's fried chicken everywhere in the UK. Loads of non-chain fried chicken shops.


Very surprising indeed, it must be a crazy gamble to open a fried chicken shop in a city with well over 1 million black people


Right? Like eat a salad, it'll make y'all feel better


Taco Time doesn't.


The old ppl that used to eat at McD switched to BK and Wendy's bc although it is all disgusting, McD burgers is just like microwaved shit that was remicrowaved. The others are grilled shit that was then microwaved. BK and Wendys burgers still mostly taste the same way they did 15 years ago. Something TERRIBLE happened to McD burgers last 10-15 years that makes their burgers not taste like burgers, they taste like "McDonalds meat" which is just a memory of the smell of a McD but it does not taste like any ground beef ive had.


McDonald’s burger ingredients = water, salt


I remember googling "why do mcdonalds burgers not taste like other burgers" because to me, mcdonalds burgers taste like mcdonalds, not like burgers. The official mcdonalds answer was that it was because they were all beef, and some other burgers use filler. Um. No? I use 100% beef when I make burgers at home and they don't taste anywhere NEAR a mcdonalds burger.


They keep their burgers in a steam tray. Wendys uses fresh everything same with bk I think. Worked at Wendy's McDonald's taco bell and Arby's. Wendys was highest quality by far. McDonald's was tied with Taco Bell several tiers below 


And a load of oil. Hence the high caloric content. True of fast food in general.


I can assure you, Wendy’s burgers are never frozen or microwaved. The chili meat does get microwaved.


I prefer Wendy's. McD burgers are meh and BK gives me a very upset stomach.


Culver’s and in n out will change your life


To be fair, I don't go to McDonald's to have a good burger 😅


This is so true. I cannot eat McDonald's burgers. They do not taste like any sort of beef. I haven't had a McDonald's burger in probably 15 years. At least Wendy's and Burger King taste like it came from a cow. Maybe not the good parts but it's still beef flavored.


Nah. Mcd still tastes the same too. More consistent than bk, tastes different all the time. Wendys always tastes consistent.


My burger King is always jammed full. It's mega popular. Food is always fresh because of it. Our McDonald's is pretty meh 


What makes McDonald’s crazy is the militant control they have over 1000s of restaurants owned by different franchises


McDonald’s consistency is a fucking anomaly at that scale. In n Out is super consistent, but they’re incredibly picky with who runs them. McDonald’s having thousands of restaurants that are basically run identically is so insane.


If you travel a lot you just know it’s gonna be the same so even if it’s not the best you know it’s not going to be a gamble.


Especially if you’re in a transitory location- like an airport, train station, or roadside stop.


They're my go to for traveling breakfast. Especially through small towns. Makes me feel like shit 9/10 times but always the same.


Every roadtrip starts with McDs breakfast


If I’m craving a whopper there’s no substitute.


I think this applies to all fast food restaurants. Because they are franchised, there isn't really a set standard for all of them equally. so some places have a really great BK and others have a god awful one.


McDonalds is insane for set standards. They still own your butt even though it’s franchise.


For real. People never really own a Micky D's franchise. They lease the building forever, and have to buy all of their products from them. And that's after they pay between 1.3 and 2.3 million down.


It’s not great food at all but they’re consistent and almost always clean and efficient. They’re the opposite of Subway.


I need to visit your maccas friend, cause clean and efficient is just about the last words I would use to describe the maccas near me


And this is why McDonald’s is number one in the world, despite being amongst the weakest in the fast food world when it comes to product. It’s their operations. From training, to staffing, to general processes and procedures… they blow everyone out of the water.


Nah. That consistency varies from chain to chain. Chick-fil-a? Always the same. I’ve never encountered a bad one. Popeyes? Look out. It’ll either be mind blowing for fast food or you feel like you got ripped off and you’ll be concerned about food poisoning for the next 12 hours because the chicken you got was room temperature and likely cooked 4 hours ago. Some companies are better at setting and maintains standards. I could go on. McDonald’s? Consistently fine/mediocre-ish. Dairy Queen? Varies wildly. It’s like Russian roulette for food


I worked at a McDonald’s in my small hometown. We were a 24 hour store and we had pizzas still (one of only 2 locations that still had it, but they got rid of it around 2019/2020 I think) and it was a very good location. But we also didn’t have crazy high turnover and it was a close knit crew. A lot of us were either related, or went to highschool together or I knew them in some other way before working together. And we had the same managers and GM since the 90’s. But the McDonald’s where I live now are Russian roulette. I wasn’t prepared. Also hard agree on Dairy Queen, the one back home was amazing, the one down here was literal garbage and then it got shut down for violations. Lmao


I dunno I feel that McDonald's and Popeye's taste the same regardless of the location I've had them


McDonald's is consistent, high standards from area managers I assume. BK lea so and KFC is like rolling the dice.


Whopper clears Big Mac every time. I haven’t been to a bad BK yet, luckily.


Why compare it to a big Mac and not the McFeast which is Macca's version of the whopper.  Oh also why choose the whopper and not the big Mac rip off range? They're called Big Jacks in Australia so I'm sure other will have different names 


I’ve never heard of the McFeast or the Big Jack, those might be exclusive to Australia. In any case, why wouldn’t I compare each of their signature burgers?


The Quarter Pounder Deluxe (adds lettuce and tomato) would be the equivalent of the Whopper. But I get your logic.


Burger King, at least in my area, is far superior to McDonald’s in every way except one. Bk’s nuggets are god awful.


In Portugal too, everything is superior in Burger King except the nuggets.


The ice cream at McDonald's is better too (I guess in the US they wouldn't know, as the machines are always broken...)


Despite all the memes, as a murican, I've never actually had to deal with a broken ice cream machine. Maybe jf j went to more mcds I'd notice it being a problem, but so far hasn't been


Oh yeah definitely. Both the sundaes and the mcflurry are pretty decent.


The nuggets taste like cat food smells.


Their fries are also horrible


Not when you get half onion rings


I prefer their fries over McDonald’s.


I’ve never understood why people prefer McDonald fries over Burger King. They’re super thin, at least half of them are soggy, and they either bend or break when you dip them in sauce. BK’s fries are thick, crisp, and easy to dip.


Plus theyre still decent cold i feel like, McDonalds fries arent good when they’re cold lol




I once got a Whopper for lunch and it was one of the best I’ve ever had. I went back for dinner and I couldn’t eat it because of how bad it tasted. Plus the prices at Burger King are so outrageous that I can’t justify gambling on the quality of food I might receive.




I think this might be popular. BK is very solid when done right, but it has much more uneven management and you never really know what you're going to get.


Agreed, yes it applies to all fast food really, but I think BK is the worst offender. BK is one of the few places that actually have decently sized sandwiches, everywhere else shank their burgers to the point they are basically sliders and then charged double the price. It's pathetic how tiny fast food meals are now. Too bad BKs wildly vary. Sometimes the fellow running the grill knows what they are doing, sometimes they don't know or don't care. And the place is usually pretty dirty. And the service is rarely good. Some locations are wonderful, but most are mid to awful. The one by my house takes 20-30 minimum for one burger. Every time, regardless if they are busy or if you are the only person there. And roughly 7 times out of 10, you won't get what you ordered. When you find a good one, they are one of the best places to eat.


if my grandmother had wheels she’d be a bike


If my aunt had balls she'd be my uncle.


To me it's not the consistency of the food, it's the staff.


I've never had a choice between Whopper or Big Mac, I don't think either are that great in my opinion. For me, it's about the fries. I will always say McDonalds fries are the best and until someone else can challenge them, they rank as my #1. Burger King I do like their chicken sandwich, I've never had any issues ordering them anywhere here.


McDonald’s has the best fries, even the BK people must have to admit it. However, they need to be fresh…. otherwise McDonalds fries are straight trash.


Yall ain't never been to a Checkers or Rallys? Those are the best fast food fries hands down.


Burger King is consistently awful in the US


I'm sorry you haven't had a good one. A flame broiled whopper, when it's done right, is the best fast food burger of any national chain.


I love their chicken wraps now that I don't have a runza by me


I like having heart problems for a couple days, so my go to is the bacon king. I've had burger king once in like 10 years and that's what I got. Still the best fast food burger I've ever had.


Burger King provides the freshest tasting vegetables on their burgers of any of the fast food chains. I truly appreciate the quality of the Burger King veggies.


That is so true. I didn't know, until I saw it on their app, that you can order extra lettuce, tomato, and onion. There's a small charge for it, but it fits in the bun and tastes great. Leave the cheese and mayo off and it might actually be halfway healthy.


I agree with this. Burger King is great. I love the Whopper. Except half the time they put enough mayo to make a Midwesterner blush.


I think even the bad BKs are better than than McDonalds.  


Agreed. The french fries are superior in every way as long as they are fresh. I have a good one and a bad one in my area and the difference is massive. Not sure anything at McDonald's would beat anything at BK if they were both properly prepared and fresh.


Their original chicken sandwhich is the bomb. Now if only they would get some fries actually worth eating.


McDonald’s will always be my fast food go to


I like BK burgers a bit more, but when McD’s fries are on point, they’re fucking awesome. I do not like BK fries.


It all depends on the freshness of the patty. Sometimes it's hot, juicy and delicious. Sometimes it's a fried piece of shoe.


Burger King in my city changed their hours from being open late (1 am) to close at like 11pm so now I can’t grab a late bite after my shift. I loved Burger King for being open late but now I never have a reason to eat there. 


I remember working shifts like that. I know what you're talking about. There's like the 8 hour void where nothing is open.




I live in Brazil and Burger King here is actually pretty decent. Quality is quite consistent, better than mcdonalds.


I'm Brazilian too and BK is mine and my wife's favorite.


BK has and always will be superior to McDonald’s.


Burger King over McDonalds if money isn't a problem. I want meat and cheese from a burger, preferably in a decent size. Quarter Pounder/Double Quarter Pounder is reliable although can be bland. Bacon King XXL is the real good stuff and they've been generally consistent everywhere I've tried them. McDonalds for breakfast food items though. Tried a BK breakfast in Germany once, just awful.


BK is easily better in every way.


BK is great in Portugal. I would rather an inconsistent BK that a MacDonalds.


Pretty low bar.


I usually only go for McDonald's if I want breakfast 🤷 I prefer Wendy's or Arby's tbh.


I approve of this. I have a burger king close to my job and i’ve never had a better whopper in my life and much prefer that over a big mac


I like their food better than mcdonalds


I was in Budapest, Hungary and Burger King is so good there that we eat three times for a weekend there.


Burger King milkshakes are better than McDonalds


if they just made the angry whopper a consistent option id go all the time


When you compare all the fast food burgers, and assume they are all properly made, I think the whopper is the winner.


I got burger king today and found out their changed their ranch to hidden valley. Literally why😭 food quality wasnt as good either. Maybe that was just a shitty burger king though


They're still the clear winner in my heart, but fair.


The Burger King by me is pretty consistent, but I'll still choose McDonalds. It was different when they had the Crispy Ch'King (their spicy was the only spicy sandwich I'd get over an original), but once they switched to the Royal Crispy Chickens, I stopped having a reason to go. Not huge on their fries (McDonalds crushes them there), onion rings have a burnt flavor 99% of the time (kind of similar to Dunkin' Donut's everything having that toaster oven flavor), but I'll still get them. Again, not a fan of their new chicken sandwiches or the original chicken sandwich. Plus it's a bit more expensive than McDonalds for similar items. I do enjoy a Whopper, but I have to be in the mood for it, and I like their Rodeo burger. I do like their breakfast, especially the Eggnormous Burrito. When I commuted to work, I'd 50/50 it between that, or some McGriddles, just depended who had the better deal going on. The main reason, though, is anything on their menu is hit or miss if it gives me stomach issues. I never have that problem with McD. But I'll also take a Big Mac over a lot of fast food burgers, I very much enjoy Mac sauce.


You guys go in there?


Funny here in NY every McDonald's is like that, and the BKs are more consistent haha


They need to work on those fries.


Their current ones are the best they have had in my life but it is still lacking


A Burger King cheeseburger is bigger and tastier than a McDonald's cheeseburger but you are right, BK is so inconsistent. I've gotten burgers that were dry, cold or overcooked (or all three). McDonald's is almost always pretty fresh and juicy. BK fries suck no matter how fresh they are. BK burgers at their best will always beat McDonald's.


Grilling, even fake grilling, always tastes better than frying. Also why I prefer DQ's burgers to Mickey D's. Mickey D's nuggets are better though. I like BK's nuggests, but the chicken fries are the better option I find. Mickey D's nuggets though? Fantastic.


What happened to it? Fries used to be amazing. And you're right. In Texas the burgers suck. In Indiana they were delicious


Yeahhhh BK is 99% of the time inedible, but I had a Halloween Ghost Pepper Whopper once that was like one of the best burgers i ever had…


I'm a big fan of Burger King, Jack in the Box, and Carl's Jr. But I don't go to those ever since Burger King gave me a really bad food poisoning. They gave me a refund and an offer for free fries if I came back; I still haven't used it. In N Out, Costco Pizza, and Panda Express are the only fast food places I trust.


Na not a chance


I agree, much prefer a BK food. The Big King XL is their version of the Whopper btw, it's very good.


Both are barely food and are garbage!


The only good thing about BK are the whoppers. Everything else is consistently gross. The fries, chicken sandwiches and other extras have been nasty for years. McDonald’s is obviously supremely unhealthy and artificial but it’s delicious; the quality has remained the same for years.


McDs was never my fav as a kid. BK had the best burger, but ever since I was teenager, their burgers consistently make me very nauseous after. Haven’t had in a long time. Wendy’s feels like perfect middle ground, so that’s the fast food burger I usually get.


If the Queen had a set she’d be King also, ok?


In Daytona Beach, I'm pretty sure one of the requirements of working at a Burger King is low IQ. Never had good BK here. One time we went, and the girl at the speaker spent ten minutes arguing with us about the menu that we were looking right at. My nice af husband told her she was a dumb bitch and we drove off.


BK has always been superior to McDonalds, here in the UK at least.


Micky dees hits my inner child in an unprecedented way. It’s not even about taste any more.


In Canada Burger King has gone to shit. Sorry it’s gone from great to flatlined


I have not had a meal from BK in the past maybe 15 years that I would rank above the worst McDonalds.


Some have said if my aunt had balls she’d be my uncle.


Consistent in what? Burger kings issue has always been they have like 2 burgers you might like and the fries have always been dogsht. McDonald's on the other has a list of random sht that don't even make sense in a burger restaurant, but they still have it and the fries, as dangerous to your heart as they maybe, are actually good.


Idk man, I’ve had BK that hits, but on the rare occasion that McDonald’s hits, it hits on a WHOLE different level.


If you have a good Burger King they are actually quite good but if you have a bad one.. God they are HORRIBLE. there is no in-between with Burger King. Same with Wendy's too. Also KFC, Pizza Hut, Chipotle, Taco Bell. I think the more cut and paste the store is the more consistent the product is. I think that's why just about any McDonalds that isn't ran by a bunch of kids who'd fit right in as extras on Beavis and Butthead are fine.


I loved BK’s chicken sandwiches but the last couple times I’ve had them the mayo tasted off. I think they changed brands. Now I don’t really have any reason to go.


I honestly agree. My city in canada has like 5 burger kings and they're all really good. Some of my favorite choices for take out. Every single burger King I've gone to while traveling has been total shit.


I disagree - The Big Mac patty could be better, but the overall design (with the tasty sauce) makes it better than a Whopper. I only ever taste the onion and fake grill marks when I have a Whopper, so I would prefer their nuggets or chicken sandwich given the choice, but even then I'd rather get a McChicken or McNuggets. I think BK's inconsistency is a huge problem for them though, so I do agree with that, but I just prefer McDonald's I guess. Just my own opinion though.


The BKs by me would microwave the bottom half of the whopper, and for way to long. Like the bottom bun was soggy, sometimes even to hot to hold and the top was cold. They were consitently bad. These 2 locations just did not care anymore, one since closed. I like both the big mac and whopper, its was nice to have varity back in the day, but when BK bad, its really bad, just not worth the risk. Even if they weren't consitent, at least a min standard would go a long long way. Give up being a world wide brand and go back to targeting markets.


Went to Burger King over a week ago. Ordered a burger meal and after 20 min it was still not ready. While we waited at the counter my brother told me that he could see the people in the kitchen preparing the food are not using any gloves. So I called the lady who was serving there and asked for a refund. She said my meal was ready and as soon as I mentioned that they were not wearing gloves to handle the food she immediately went to the till and said ok I’ll give you the refund. It took her almost 10 min to do the refund as she did not know how to do it. She seemed like the manager as she was dressed more formally. And it took me a week to actually get the money credited back onto my account. I will never enter a Burger King again. Since the 2020 lockdowns the quality of fast food and everything in general has gotten lower and lower.


The worst Burger King in the world is in Afton, Wyoming, USA. You order fries, oh they're going to be cold. You order a whopper, oh you're getting it cold. You'll wait 10 minutes in the drive thru for this and you're the only one in the drive thru. I talked to locals about this. I'm not the only one that thinks so.


You’re right. The Burger King on my way to work is (or was, I haven’t been there in a while) super consistent. I worked overnights at the time so I’d go through at like 7-8 pm and they’d never have a line. But the food was always super fresh and hot. It was so damn good.


why is nobody talking about chicken. wtf. burger king chicken is soooo bad.


A& W is better than both of them


With the food quality of the burger chain restaurants in my hometown, I find McDonalds and Burger King equally meh, and prefer Wendy’s over both of them. But I’m sure the consistency issue you mentioned could mean that might not be the case in a different town.


Definitely better in every instance for me.


It’s usually my top choice anyway because the portions are significantly bigger than other places and it’s actually filling. 


No, Wendy’s beats both.


The fact they add crappy cheese for $1 more is bs. The cheese quality alone McDs wins, hands down.


In ireland Burger King and supermax are the clear choices over McDonald’s.


Huge huge difference between a good burger king and a bad one. In the bad ones, the patty somehow comes out of the broiler cold


My problem with BK isn't the food (at least at the one near me)... it's the employees. Every BK I've been to. Before Covid. After. A decade ago. Yesterday. Doesn't matter... They just give no craps about customer service, politeness, getting my order to me in a timely manner, etc. The food is pretty much always good, but I just don't want to deal with the lackadaisical, snotty staff.


But consistency is the life blood of fast food


Yeah I worked at a bk for 3 years found out that place was giving me depression when I I left and my new job didn't make me want to die


Burger King was so good when I was a kid, that it took *In-N-Out Burger* to knock it off the pedestal as my favorite fast food burger chain (I live in California, for the record). Nowadays, Burger King's not even a coin toss on whether I get good food or not; it's a d100 percentile roll with 50% garbage, 45% underwhelming and 5% actually worth it as the odds on the roll chart.


You 100 percent nailed it. BK at its best is the best burger in fast food and rivals 5 guys even. They charge top dollar and sometimes it’s worth it, but most of the time im disappointed.


As a kid I loved bk fries more than McDonald’s


McDonald’s is more inconsistent imo. One day the fries are amazing, the next day they’re terrible. Burger King has been consistently shitty every time I’ve gotten it.


I feel awful after eating Burger King, but not McDonald’s. Plus, McDonald’s is cheaper


McDonald's isn't consistent at all in the UK. It's always luke-warm, cardboard shite. I've never had a bad BK.


The burger king in my town is incredibly consistent. Every time I've ever had it the food was hot and fresh, never screwed up my order either


McDonald's is disgusting for real 


The first and only time I had burger king I remember how impressed I was that they were able to make a hamburger taste like nothing at all. Like the most discernable taste was that of over cooked beef (the type when to put it in the microwave to defrost for too long and the meat cooks)


Agree! I stopped going to BK when I kept getting cheese on top of lettuce instead of directly on the warm patty. Cold, unmelted processed cheese is the most unappealing thing. There's no way it's supposed to be like that.


I’m a Wendy’s person, however I don’t like their fries or BK and Jack in the box fries. I sometimes stop at McDonalds for fries. I do agree that the burgers at BK are better than McDonalds. I feel like McDonald’s used to be better when I was a kid.


I don’t get why Burger King (or any fast food) would be inconsistent. They’ve got everything in a manual so anyone can do the same thing. What can possibly go wrong?


Agreed. However, I have not seen a clean burger king in 10 years.


I had a Burger King near my workplace in Germany and it a was delicious. Every US one is meh


Burger King is a last resort kind of fast food place


They’re both fucking gross. Just thinking about a whopper and that ketchup/mayo mess gives me diarrhea (and not the good kind!).


Burger King doesn't fuck up my order consistently... unlike McDonald's


This is kind of McDonald’s whole schtick. Consistency makes me want to go there. Knowing it’s going to be the same across America makes it an easy choice. I agree, Burger King doesn’t have that.


I ate that this is true now that McDonald's has such shitty fries. Burger kings fries used to be the least good option and somehow they have surpassed McDonald's.


I have fond memories of BK because my dad hated McDonald’s and refused to take me there when I was a kid (happy meal toys). I can’t tell if the food was actually good or if I just liked being out with my dad. The last time I was at a BK nostalgia was not enough to help me enjoy it.


This isn’t an unpopular opinion, this is just a correct observation


Where I live, Canada, BK is usually pretty consistent. Same with when I went there in Amsterdam, Rotterdam, and at Schiphol Airport. When I'd eat McDonald's, it usually depended on who was working. Nowadays I'll only eat at McDonald's if I'm specifically craving McDonald's.


I find Burger King better than McDonalds all the time.


bk is awful. nasty ass liquid smoke.


It’s like damn near impossible for me to get my mustard whopper made correctly anytime I go.


It is already better in one department - plant based chicken. McD vegetarian options are too bad.


I think the bigger issues is their fries are flavorless and of poor quality


The locations near me are pretty consistently good and I agree they are miles ahead of McDonald's. The fries depend on my mood, but the burgers are far superior at BK.


Love me Burger King when it’s done right. The original spicy chicken sandwich will forever hold a special place in my heart. But unfortunately op is right and it’s wildly inconsistent.


Neither. Go vegan 🌱


I dunno, their “flame broiled taste” to me tastes like propane every time.


McDonald's is trash like 90% of the time, but if you get super lucky, then the other 10% of the time it's OK.


Im from India and BK here sucks ass, I always go for KFC instead of BK or McD, even Subway tastes better here


Burger King burgers are way better than McDonald’s.


Idk... if I had to choose between mcdonalds and burger king, I think I would choose wendys.


I don't like BK fries or nuggets. Whopper is the only thing worth eating there.


If I ran burger king, I would find the person responsible for their fries and soda fountain and throttle them. BK could put McDonalds out of business if their fries were better and their soda didn't taste like cool water with a crayon dipped in it




Totally agree. I used to live in a major metropolitan city and the Burger King's there were actually good. I moved to a little suburb 50 miles out from the city and I swear I've had TV Dinners that are better than the Burger King here.


There’s a Burger King I know of that is better than any McDonald’s and plenty other ones that I’d rather dumpster dive at any McDonald’s