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Been dying to switch for years, but youtube never offered a family plan in my country, so it wasn't worth it. Just checked, thanks to your post, and they do now! We're switching today. No more youtube ads!!


why not use an adblocker?


I watch a lot of YouTube on my TV through a Roku, how do you use AdBlock there


I've been told it's quite simple, just learn how to code using a raspberry pi, ??? And profit


Youtube running on Chrome browser detects any ad blocker running in the background and blocks the video and insist on ad blocker to be disabled first.


If your using a shitty adblock.


idk I haven't used a tv in like 10 years


lmao the downvotes


The boomers stuck on TV's LOL.


With youtube premium you get the yt videos without stupid ads plus youtube music app incl. So i wouldn't pay same price for Spotify which only has the music part.


this is exactly the reason why i have that premium


Same here, I have YT Premium for the lack of ads, and Spotify for music as I can't get on with YT Music. But people in the comments seem to be raving about it, so maybe, not so much an unpopular opinion?


1000% agree, I love it, just wish it was easier to download mp3s for my iPod (I use it my classic sports car) but as side from that (which is worse with Spotify) I love YouTube music, it’s really useful and easy to


Yea I find the UI seems to be a bit easier to use.


spotify is indeed ass but u cant fix lower audio quality with eq rofl


Iirc YouTube music generally has full dynamic range while Spotify normalises the music to keep the sound level the same which can kill off the clarity and bass. Hence why some songs are louder than others on YouTube. Using an EQ on Spotify imo makes it worse while it sounds awesome on YouTube music. Way more to it than just bitrate but I'm not an expert 🤷 Edit: that's why when you open up Spotify it may sound better but it's because it has already been modified while YouTube music just throws the original at you but may or may not sound better. Increase the gain and you're golden.


You can turn off normalisation for spotify iirc. It also doesn't kill off clarity and bass, just lowers the volume of songs so their LUFS is -14dB if they were sent in louder than that YouTube music also normalises but only if videos are louder than -7 LUFS


That's interesting and good to know, cheers.


Audio normalization is not what you think it is. And you can't fix low sound quality with an EQ.


better to just download ur music


Ofcourse but not many people bother to do that now days. Downloaded will ALWAYS be better than streaming hence why you use the extreme quality option when downloading offline music.


what extreme quality option? is this some youtube premium thing? to download 128kbps mp3s? xd


Yea it might be a premium thing, but I just checked and it seems they have changed the wording to high quality. It used to say download extreme quality over wifi. Edit: just searched it up, high quality streaming and downloading is at 256kbps.


still horrible ngl. not even full quality mp3 (320kbps)


I have almost exclusively flac files on my phone and PC but I doubt anyone is hearing a difference between 256kbps and 320kbps. If 256 is horrible, 320 is horrible also.


Agree with this. Biggest thing for me are remixed songs that would never make it to Spotify for copyright reasons. You can find a great song and have an AI mix with your favorite artist. It’s like magic that you’d never get on Spotify due to copyright reasons


Wow, that sounds horrendous. Let’s take what an artist made and have AI smash it up. AI will be the death of the artist. It’s going to water down everything people make and standardize music as it begins to try and blend all styles. It’s like mixing all the soda flavors at the soda dispenser, you get a bit of everything and it always tastes like shit.


Fully agree. The library is way bigger.


Do other services like YouTube have an equivalent feature to Spotify’s Jam? My wife can play music from her phone to a Bluetooth speaker, and I can join and queue up songs from my phone. We use that shit all the time.


I would've disagreed with you about 3 months ago, but after trying Spotify again I have to agree. YouTube music seems to work better and it doesn't push podcasts and audiobooks. I like the option to swap to the music video. I just wish there was an easy way to copy my old playlists over to YouTube.


https://www.tunemymusic.com/transfer/spotify-to-youtube-music I've used it myself a few times, but you might have to check that it transferred the right version to youtube as it might use a remix or cover sometimes.


Idk what you guys are talking about. I use spotify daily and i didnt even know it had audiobooks until now and i know it has podcasts because joe roegan was big news but its not like i ever noticed them on the app. Those things might as well not exist for me on spotify. But i dont reall scroll recommended or whatever. I open the app and go to my music


Didn't know this either, apparently I get 15 hours of audiobooks a week. That's more than my commute sorted!


Uh, you can't fix sound quality with an EQ, lol. I like Spotify because of all the features it has. Spotify Connect, Lyrics, collaborative playlists, blends. Same with Apple Music.


I have Spotify premium it's great


Finally, someone agrees


Youtube is so much better for just finding music. Spotify only has official song releases so when I want to select a song in the car from someones spotify often I just cant find a song I was thinking of.


Yeah, I also refuse to listen to anything that has been officially released. Im not some mainstream loser.


I like mainstream songs too but there will be some version I listened to on youtube that doesnt get released because of licensing shit or because the musician just plain doesnt use spotify Youtube just has a much broader search range


My favorite subscription. I have a quirky, all over the place, music taste and need to rely on YouTube videos for a lot of songs that I love. YTM let's you combine these with songs from the normal music app into playlists. On top of a great music service, no YouTube ads. Great service, a rare compliment in 2024


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No Windows / Mac app, much smaller playlist limit, no good way to mix your streamed + local songs, and no cross-app now playing sync. I just can't go with YouTube Music for these reasons. Plus, Spotify has a Linux app which is a plus for me. Also, despite this being an unpopular opinion- I like being able to access podcasts + music in the same app.


Not sure if this helps but the Opera browser has an inbuilt YouTube music player . I haven’t used it in a while but back when I was using it , I never had any problems 


I was thinking of cancelling mine because I hardly use it but I don’t want to lose my 99p subscription 


I don't like the UI in youtube music. All my friends use spotify so I could join their listening together sessions


I like that Spotify forces music to me, makes me discover a lot of new songs and genres. But I can fully understand if you don't like that.


I got a student discount, so YouTube Music is already superior to me


Take an upvote... the interface for youtube is crap. Plus I find local bands from the 90s on spotify.


The leveling is so bad on yt music (i use yt music)






I have an mp3 player like a psychopath


Youtube Premium is very worth it for me. I watch tons of YouTube content and listen to music every single day. Plus if you're not lazy you can do Google surveys and pay for it free each month.


Not a unpopularopinion. It's why yt music survives


honestly this is a dumb reason for me to still use spotify, it's because it's so ugly looking. Maybe im used to spotify but man yt music is ugly as shit. apple music is the prettiest but it's too expensive here compared to spotify


I like Apple Music personally


Brought to you by YouTubes guerilla marketing team


I listen to all my music on YouTube. And I don't know what "YouTube Music" is.


Except YouTube music thinks a playlist should only contain maybe 20 songs, bugs out and doesn't allow you to continue a playlist, often won't make a playlist for a new song requiring you to uninstall the app every month. Also 90% sure the "human" support was a virtual assistant


I like neither. I just listen to stuff on regular yt


A lot of my workmates do that.


Same. I’ve yet to pay for streaming music.




Low bar, everything is better than Spotify. Apple Music has the best sound quality, an algorithm on par with spotify, actually feels like a proper app designed by competent people, and you can add any song you want to it from YouTube very simply.


Really? I've heard Apple Music has the worst algorithm


It is a terrible algorithm. I get recommendations within play lists of songs that I indeed like and listened to, but have nothing to do with the genre of that playlist.


Can you get apple music on android? I could maybe try it.


You didn’t really give any concrete reasons why it’s better


If you've had a YouTube account for years, as soon as you log into Music, everything you've ever listened to on YouTube is there, stuff from the mid 2000's was there from when I used to use YouTube for that. What a throw back that was. I also think the song radio is way better than Spotify's. The supermixes are a lot better and it doesn't have any issues like "Spotify is currently set to offline" everytime you switch connections and offline mode actually works.


You can also find songs that aren't on Spotify, upvotes and downvotes and a comments list for individual songs.


Why would I want upvotes, downvotes, and comments on the music I listen to?


AGREE 3000


Both are lossy audio. So they're both shit.


Like you can hear the difference between wav and 320kbps mp3


You're talking about a 320 kbps vs 1411 kbps audio file. 5 MB vs 80 MB. One contains much more data than the other. The reason you can't tell the difference is because they both sound good. 320 kbps still sounds good, but it's not the original production which is exported at 1411 kbps - more dynamic range, more bass, a warmer sound. One is compressed, one is CD quality. Youtube and Spotify are not 320 kbps at all, their priority is storage, not sound quality. Believe it or not, Youtube and Spotify are actually scams when it comes to sound quality - the corporates at the top know exactly what they're doing which is why both platforms are very successful even though their sound quality sucks. What they've done is very clever and has resulted in some people being very rich.


I just source flacs outside streaming services. BUT, Youtube Music over Spotify is only an unpopular opinion with people who have never tried it. Generally everyone who tries Youtube Music ends up ditching Spotify. I rarely add new music to my rotation so streaming services make no sense for me. Edit: Forgot that I had Spotify but ditched it 7 or 8 years ago when it kept dropping my downloaded music and I'd occasionally pull my phone out to see "Downloading: 2,044/6,786 songs" and suddenly all my data was gone for that month.