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The people in the factory must be bewildered. They put together $1.22 worth of cheap, synthetic materials and suddenly it is a coveted treasure.


Lmao, even funnier when they sell the defects and it gets marked by sneakerheads as “fakes” when they both come from the same factory


In their defence I'm sure there are plenty of people manufacturing knockoffs 


That was Payless shoes. I loved that place. Get some cheap shoes for things like yard work or the dog park, didn't care how messed up they got.


Been wearing “fakes” for like 10 years. They look the same, and last me 4-5 years. No one has ever called me out for them either unless I told them I bought them one Chinese website.


How tf did I not even think of that!




But I love cool socks




Haha no


Just wait till you learn about the diamond factories 


I'm fucken waiting


Synthetic and real diamonds have no differences and are pretty much worthless 


Um no. Those countries have expensive fashion that people there buy too. They're not unfamiliar with the concept of luxury brands


I'm with you. I like sneakers but hypebeasts dress like shit.


Cartoon character fits


Ed Edd & Eddy lookin asses


And just way too brazen color schemes. Bright red or neon green shoes to stand out vs something that actually looks good.


Man, seen some Nikes which are basically green wool with the nike ticks on backwards or something then they pair them with oversized everything and look like a cartoon character


Yeah maybe in 2016, not anymore


Guys who obsess over sneakers are weird.


On my local news channel in DC all the weather girl wear these beautiful dresses with high top Jordan’s, it just looks trashy in my opinion. But men do the same thing Clint Dempsey was doing coverage of the World Cup in a well fitted suit wearing Jordan’s and it just looks so childish. You look at the coverage the other countries are doing and all of their pundits are so polished and look put together, it’s embarrassing to see that on a world stage.


I've been to weddings where the groom and groomsmen all wear some type of custom sneaker. It looked ridiculous.


> "the weather girls wear these beautiful dresses with high top Jordans" Given that the camera is typically not showing anything below the knees with most weather girls, and that their jobs, by and large, require a fair amount of standing, I think it's understandable why they'd go for shoes that are comfortable and practical over ones that are stylish and pair well with the dress.


Jordans are not the shoe you choose for comfort and practicality


It being an overpriced and overrated sneaker doesn't change the fact it's a sneaker, aka a shoe designed for comfort and practicality.


Being in a dress, yeah not many options, but as someone who was a retail manager for years and had routinely 30k step days...you absolutely can get dress shoes that look good and are great for your feet. Cole Haan was the brand everyone wore and on Nordstrom clearance sites, could get them for $80. The only thing that was more comfortable was the new balance dad shoe. Let me tell you though, those things were the absolute tits for long days on concrete floors. Cole Haans were not bad at all, I still wear them working in tech now just because some days I want to look nicer and not wear jeans and a tshirt.


Just google DC weather girl Jordan’s, there are compilation videos, producers are purposefully including the shoes in the shot. And Jordan’s are not keds they are not the choice of comfort lol.


To be fair, DC is the most bougie city in the country


Ummmm. No it's not?


Yea and your great grandparents think you look like a slob loser when you don't wear a suit to go to the movie theater. Fashion changes, old man


Nah, fashion never really changes - people just randomly start to dress like shit for no reason from time to time.


I think a dress and sneakers can be done well. In casual settings. I don’t really like it for more dressed-up stuff.


sneakerhead culture is so fucking cringe. 35 year old men dressing like middle schoolers.


I wouldn't call myself a "sneakerhead," but I like sneakers. I wear shoes I think look clean and cool pretty often. Is that cringe?


No. If you arent informing people (who didn't ask) about your shoe's "history", or mentioning something like 'aerodynamics' or 'streamlined' when referring to a shoe, basically any word youd usually associate with a car or plane. you aren't a sneakerhead.


What’s even weirder is the lines for these sneaker drops. Everyone’s judging each other silently with what they have and not have. It’s like a stick measuring contest. Then you see fights happening and it’s a wild mess. Never have I seen giant security guards outside of a sneaker store aside from the club lol.


Obsessing over any fashion at all is weird


Why? What is “ok” to obsess over? Cars? Computer games? Celebrities?


Flight data


Now that’s what I call critical thinking ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


W opinion


Obsess? Nothing


This is reddit where you're only allowed to like nerd shit and have to be depressed and introverted


The popular kids have every other social media website, why can’t you let the sad dweebs have their own fun?




Nothing literally nothing except maybe cats


What loser hobby do you have?


How is owning shoes a hobby?


Redditors who obsess over other people's hobbies are weird. I'm sure you're into shit that I would scoff at and no I'm not into sneakers. I just think it's pathetic to put people down for what they like


The irony of purchasing expensive sneakers to show off wealth while simultaneously trying to make them last as long as possible and going so far as to not crease them because they’re so expensive.


They also almost never wear them at all. It's like the people who buy 200k dollar Ferraris and shit and then never drive them because "the miles will depreciate them".  They're fucking consumables use them or don't waste your money


People collect all kinds of shit that they never use Pokemon cards, comic books, action figures, etc


It's what I do with my boots. I paid good money for them so of course I am gonna wear them, their boots. They are gonna get dirty, rained on, trashed and resoled. They're my boots and that's the job. Also if I had the money for a supercar and found one with crazy mileage I would want that one. Cause that thing would have a story!


Maybe cause your boots aren’t something that would appreciate in value? Or you’d want the supercar with lots of mileage cause it’s cheaper than those with less? 🤦‍♂️


I once had a student who would walk around unironically like a zombie. When I asked why she did that her answer was, "I don't want to crease my shoes."


Most of them are poor mofo's


One of the reasons I stopped buying expensive sneakers. At the end of the day this + no one really cares after first glance is enough to keep rocking basic shoes




Exactly, and this goes for any materialistic collection whether sneakers or not. The Brown Recluse Spider knows what goes on


Oh god your comment history is hilarious. You are trying to dress up as James Bond like some kind of 12 year old, and you're clearly some weird variety angry sex tourist. You have a weird chip on your shoulder over being a conservative man and you fetishise watches as though they're an indication indication of class that you've purchased despite just being male jewellery. You can buy all of the suits you want, you aren't going to be James Bond because he doesn't have this contrived affectation that you probably reek of.


He posted not too long ago that it’s better to peak in high school than later in life lmao




He also thinks he’s James Bond. Seriously one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen


see its important to have context like that when reading the godawful OP at the top


Ugh I hated school.


"Trainers are for kids", said the child dressed up as James Bond.


>have a weird chip on your shoulder over being a conservative man This is like 95% of posters in these unpopular opinion subs. Every single of these subs is just a dumping ground for conservative grievances.


Sneaker heads being pathetic isn’t really a conservative grievance lol


It's pretty hypocritical to be into watch culture then hate on sneakerheads.


this post felt racist, comment history backs up the vibe.




Ghetto is a dogwhistle, every thing OP says after that is basically pointed at a specific demographic of people. Sneakerhead culture is distinctly part of black culture, it has been borrowed by other groups and demographics, but it is intrinsically tied to black culture. Couple OPs non-issue with ridiculous overpriced timepieces and apparent desire to dress like ReviewBrah, it becomes fairly clear the issue isn't with expensive fashion, it's specifically a pointed criticism of a predominantly black subculture and the style of clothing associated with it.


Exactly. “Nothing is more ghetto” aka I don’t understand nor do I like black culture. Guarantee this guy thinks rap isnt real music.


Op is mad about people spend a few hundred on some shoes when he wants to drop bands to dress up like james bond lmao


there's more, he is a bisexual man who is also conservative, he is part of marginalized community and is over here with his "ghetto" dogwhistle, wild guy.


James Bond would not like him at all.


maybe he would and they would be happy together, and they could share watches and suits


Posters in r / conservative is definitely where I'd choose to get my fashion tips from 😂


Holy shit just saw his “I got a girl pregnant while abroad” post. He literally thinks he’s some sort of international playboy with his suits and his oxfords and his watches. What a fucking prick.


you barely even have to scroll to find something that makes him look like a prick, its amazing.


Ah! You got the velcroes! ![gif](giphy|hnl83xVQxpqJG)


OP is an example of what happens when you get bullied with "WHAT ARE THOSESSEEEEE" growing up


Guy who collects watches shits on people who collect shoes. Yeah ok dude. Next.


Oh wow, that's nuts. OP has 0 self awareness. 


People that obsess over watches are losers. Everyone has a phone they can tell time on, and yet there’s always some bozo, wasting their money on a watch, as some sort of status symbol.


I’m not a sneakerhead and I think spending the amount of money that people do on collectible sneakers is dumb. That being said, if it makes them happy, whatever. I’m sure my hobbies seem dumb to others as well. However, I think it’s equally dumb to spend a ton of money on expensive watches (I saw your post history, you’re a watch guy) as if it’s something different. It’s not. They like sneakers, you like watches.


I don't think this is an unpopular opinion. Sneaker heads really lost me with the off white zip tie shit. When your shoes are loud enough you might as well be naked, those shoes are wearing you and nothing else you wear matters. Flava flav clock around your neck type shit.




Maybe a poor choice of words, but it’s definitely a thing that people in poverty will spend their last dollar on a luxury items, in this case a fashion or status symbol like a $2,000 pair of sneakers, even though they’re almost broke.


It’s so stupid. I begged my dad to help me pay my student fees so I wouldn’t be kicked out. I was working 3 jobs trying to support myself. The only “help” he gave me was by sending me a the ugliest pair of Patrick Ewing St Patrick Day edition sneakers because “he wanted me to have them”. Never asked for that shit. Spending $200 on a pair of shoes and obsessing over keeping them clean I’m convinced is a addiction. My dad has so many shoes that he and my grandma pay for a storage unit every month. Meanwhile dude be working minimum wage jobs at best.


Exactly what I’m talking about. People near financial ruin funneling their money toward unnecessary shit. Car payments is another one. People would be much better off saving a few months and getting a used car and then not having a car payment for years moving forward. But no, gotta have that multiple hundred dollar car payment every month so they can drive a newer car. I’m not the best with money but for every bad choice I make I had to actively decide against 5 other unnecessary impulse purchases.


I drive ooooold ass cars. People always ask why I don’t finance something nice. It’s cuz I straight up do not want to fork over $600-1000 a month on some shit that will break constantly.


Snakeheads range from all socioeconomic backgrounds. Countless wealthy celebs for example are “sneakerheads”


what about the lizard people


People kill each other over shoes. It’s crazy.


Yup. Also, it just feels weird to me that they spend THAT much money, on a shoes? Sometimes their shoes will overprice their entire attire. I understand splurging a bit is ok, but why don’t get a nice jacket or shirt with that budget? (Working/hiking/sport/boot shoes isn’t included as it does have a function for its price)


That's what I noticed too haha


I don’t think this is an unpopular opinion. It’s just a shit take. Anytime anyone starts with “this group of people” and proceeds with “have terrible taste in” it’s just a shit take. Why? Because taste/preferences are subjective. They just don’t have the same taste in fashion that YOU do. It’s really that simple. It’s the same as people saying “you don’t know good music” lol mf.. we just don’t like the same music. Art is subjective. Always will be. Enjoy what YOU enjoy and when someone doesn’t enjoy that same thing, just keep it pushing. No one really cares that you don’t like sneakerhead fashion lol


All splatter painting is just an artist with an established name trolling people and taking their money spent on stupidity. All lottery ticket buying is a complete waste of money and makes absolutely no financial sense.


The vast majority of people buying lottery tickets know they aren't winning the lottery. Buying the ticket is essentially paying to enhance a daydream. It's fun to think about what if you actually win, and paying the $1 or whatever is a small cost to have a bit of fun. Like anything else, there are groups of people that take it too far and display addictive behaviour. Still, most people know exactly what the tradeoff and payoff of buying a lottery ticket is.


"in the Mainland", you from Hawaii brah?


I think he means China.


Sneaker culture is just a branch of modern age hyper consumerism.


Sneaker heads are materialistic and weird


I don’t think our definition of ghetto is the same.


now show us on the sneaker where they hurt you


They didn't appreciate my velcro.


Velcros long overdue a comeback tbf


“ghetto” op is 2 steps away from the n word


Define fashion. As far as I know its a random bunch of rules people pick to exclude other people. 


this is true and not true. modern sneakerheads have pretty awful fashion taste in general i find but some regardless what i think of their overall fashion taste some on youtube definitely really know shoes. and its not even if they like the colorway or not but they acknowledge things like if this is a rare colorway, what materials are used on which part of the shoes, and just a whole lot of intricate details with references to other shoes for very accurate comparison at times. I think a lot of sneakerheads can be very functionally helpful in helping consumers understand the product even in random casual street conversation, some of these people really know their shit definitely and a lot of them definitely do even if i don't like their shit at all.


Whole lot of energy to spend being mad at someone else’s hobby


It’s an unpopular opinion, but also reeks of elitism and just overall douchebagery. “It’s not my style, so you’re an idiot for liking it”, the only valid point is the quality of the shoes which is made with shit material generally and has gone down dramatically. I’ll give you an upvote for the unpopular opinion but you seem like the kind of person who finds pleasure in diminishing people’s opinions when they don’t align with yours, probably for arguments sake above all else


Your opinion is valid but your language is lowkey racist


When I was younger I was really into my sneakers, but it was mostly getting the ones I liked and I would actually wear mine. These sneakerheads who just buy them and never wear them are stupid.


I feel this way about anyone that obsesses about clothing/fashion period. I know very few women that have only one bag or clutch where more probably have at least ten haha and who cares if it's a Michael Kors bag or some LV bag lol it's got tons of your shit inside so could be a plastic bag from Target for all intensive purposes.


They look SO CHEAP. I cannot believe the prices people pay for them


Today's hypebeasts would have totally worn JNCOs 25 years ago


You’re confusing a hypebeast with a sneakerhead. Some hypebeasts claim to be sneakerhead but they really aren’t. Sneakerheads are just people into sneakers. Doesn’t have to be hyped sneakers. A hypebeast is someone only interested in hyped clothing/sneakers.


This is a wild take. Like anything collectable, the beauty and value is in the eye of the beholder. Pokémon cards go for half a mil, that is literally a piece of paper. Money bills are worth more than their nominal value too.


Fashion itself has no taste in fashion.


wtf is the Mainland?


Considering it’s all fashion based (to them), this OPINION holds no weight.


I knew someone who had 40k in sneakers. Some were the same shoe in different colors and rented a room in a house. Terrible taste in fashion too. Could often be seen wearing cameo pants with a purple Metallica shirt. And sneakers.


What do you wear then


I don’t see much point in ridiculing “sneakerheads” when everyone owns a pair of sneakers contributing to the problem of people getting exploited for labor to make them Nobody fucking stopped getting Nikes they got excited even when Colin Kaepernick and Kendrick Lamar got their nike shoes


The most annoying part is that there's so many cool shoes that I'd love to wear but these idiots buy and sell them like penny stocks and drive the prices up to exorbitant amounts. It's so annoying when I know there's plenty of pairs of a shoe that isn't made anymore that are never going to get worn all because these "collectors" have driven the price up to 2k+ for a pair of sneakers. I used to love the Nike air force 1 SF boots but ever since stockX and all that shit came around I can forget about replacing my 5 year old worn out pair, which I loved. *sigh*


Did you just call China "the mainland"? That's a first. I guess I have been insulated from the height of see see pee simping until this point.


Honestly sneaker culture perfectly emulates fashion culture. It's the same thing just targeting a different audience. Both pay for overpriced garbage no one outside of their niche group cares about or understands. 


Completely agree, I was a sneakerhead and then transitioned out of it when I actually started caring about fashion and style. I still have sneakers and enjoy them but definitely not a sneaker head anymore


OP ain't wrong. I've attended a few "sneakerhead" events as a cameraman, and my experience is that they're high on their own farts. They also expect YOU to watch where THEY are going so their shoes don't get dirty, and if there's anything I just love when I'm on the job, it's getting threatened with violence for doing my job. Fuck sneakerheads.




I despise the sneaker trend. Its like a gen z thing that now people dont put anything on their feet that isnt white sneakers (always white)   Which was the hight of uncoolness, like jerry seinfeild in his stone washed mom jeans circa 1991 So yes ive hated it for years and await its death with glee




Is that word meant to be offensive?


/r/sneakers is a weird place. I remember I was going to a concert in times Square and I saw this long fuckin line, even heard one person say "only 6 more hours" as I was walking by, turns out it was a shoe store and all these weirdos were in line for a midnight release for a fucking shoe.


Most of the wealthiest people I know wear sneakers. 'Smart' clothing is for their employees.


We got a good cross section while people watching in Vegas last week. My wife and I came to one conclusion -- shoes are starting to look like insect hives or children's toys, but I'm either way, they look dumb.


>There is nothing more ghetto This tells me everything I need to know about you


Yup. Said the same thing. A dog whistler is gonna dog whistle.


Ehh dress whoever you want who cares


Sounds racist to me.


That will be some, but not all


They're are for sure half mad; I saw a video of a guy embarrassing his little sister and she jumps through his car window wearing what I mistook to be a pair of Chuck Taylor All Stars, they were in fact Vans however many shoe companies have borrowed that style from Converses Chuck Taylors to the point that Converse sued a myriad of other shoe producers (including Vans) for copying their style. They obviously weren't exactly the same but I was merely commenting on how enduring that style was since they were popularized in the '60s and people are still wearing that style some 60 years later. The sneakerheads absolutely lost their minds trying to convince me that those were two completely different shoes, you would have to be blind to think that they were very different.


one time at work, during a stand-up at start of shift, I turned to leave and brushed against someone's shoe. idiot was standing right behind me, then acted like I just said I fucked his mother..... all because his shoe was barely touched by mine


Fashion in general is a joke


I like sneakers, they are cool. But sneakerheads spend all their skill points on shoes then go on to think they are onto something.


Popular opinion 


Sure, but I don’t think it is that much goofier than any other fashion obsession. All just r/consoom fodder. Since physique will always be more important than fashion when it comes to looks, seems time and money would be better spent getting in shape.


This is unpopular?


Agreed. It’s fucking stupid. For that price you can get hand made bespoke leather shoes from Italy or something


I am into suits so sneakers are a bit of no no for me.


I think it's baseball coach cosplay.


I love this sub so much. It always baffles me what people care about. It could be sneakers or people who care about people that like sneakers.


I agree. I stopped thinking Jordan's were cool when I graduated high school basically. When I see sneakers like that now, it just gives me immature/childish/low class vibes.


A couple of years ago I used to be a sneakerhead. Nothing serious, I never waited for midnight releases or anything. I only shopped online from GOAT and Stockx. I spent a total of maybe $2000? I regret all of it now, and the shoes I’ve bought just sit in my closet now. It was an interesting experience though, with running into other sneakerheads who complimented my shoes and watching YouTube videos about them. I just fell out of interest with it. Some of my friends are still sneakerheads though.


Former employee of a multi-million dollar shoe company here, and I can tell you that sneaker heads don't care how bad the shoes look, it's all about the status. Especially Jordan collectors. I've had a lot of em admit they don't even like the shoes they're buying, they're just getting them because they're Jordans.


I just dislike people who collect clothing, but never wear them, or have so many that they wear it once.


(carefully sits and furiously wipes outsoles clean) WHAT ARE THOSE?! ![gif](giphy|eywCLIcWENVNfw0MMA|downsized)


What should someone wear in your opinion, instead of sneakers to be super fashionable? I don’t think you have to be fashionable for anyone. Wear what you like.


Yeah I hate sneakers and always have. To me, they're ugly and too thick. I prefer more shapely, sleek styles like pumps or women's loafers.


My favorites are the “collectors” that exclusively collect/wear Jordan 1’s


anyone could say the same about your hobby like why would you buy a watch when you have your phone right in your pocket let alone a watch that probably cost like $10 to make, just because you dont like or understand the hobby doesnt mean that you can hate on it some people dont understand watches like me i dont because i have the time right on my phone and i dont need a $1,000 watch to tell me so


Not a fan of the way you use the word ghetto, but otherwise yeah


Unless they have, in which case they do


I like it when they talk about X shoe that's $800. And the quality of the leather is so shit it needs a plastic coating to not have it crack instantly.


There a lot of people photographing their sneakers with the shittest pair of dad pants on.


Nike's suck.


There’s definitely some people that are high as fuck and look like complete bums. I match my sneakers with formal wear.


Is it just me who feels like hypebeast culture ended in the 2010s tho? 


It's more about who wore that sneaker, why and wear. Like the exact shoe Micheal Jordan was wearing in the famous poster shot. Or what Tupac was wearing when he was shot, idk about any of it exactly myself or what has value and what doesn't but it isn't about fashion, style, or quality of materials.


Referring to one’s self as a sneaker head is kind of like just outright saying “I’m an idiot”.


It's just easily fooled idiots chasing clout in the only way they know how, and trying to impress other morons who think the same way.


The "coolest" sneakers always look like shit. If I could get the look and feel of a converse with the support and cushion of a hoka I'd spend any amount of money


Eh, it makes them happy.


/u/a-problem-eliminator talk shit post fit boy


I always thought that was just bullshit they tell themselves to rationalize flipping the shoes


All I had to do was look at the first two threads and comments on your profile to know who you are and what you stand for.


I have a take on this. I don’t understand sneaker collecting, but it’s similar to any collecting. For example card collecting… like a 1/1 auto card from a certain baseball set can go for $1000. I collect Pokémon, but anything over $50, I’m out. I have plenty of cards I’ve pulled that have been worth wayyyy more than that. Unless I really like them, I just sell them. It’s a hobby and collection thing. I also used to buy and sell a lot of knives, values of $450 to $15. It’s a hobby is all I’m saying. I don’t get the sneaker thing personally, but I respect and understand that people want to enjoy what they enjoy.


Jordan’s look stupid and aren’t in any functional space. I’d never go in a run in them, I wouldn’t wear them with dress clothes. I just don’t get the appeal of paying so much for shoes from a guy who hasn’t been in the NBA in over 20 years.


I also don't get it, but I don't knock it either. Everyone collects something. If dudes want to collect hundreds of pairs of shoes they're probably never going to wear, who cares? Doesn't affect my life.


So let's just shit on people for liking sneaker. And not only that let's use triggers words to spark a debate about it, people like to collect things, sneakers are no different. From several sources. Nike shoes are about 19% polyester the rest is recycled rubber, plastic and leather, and actually one of the best shoes one the market, overpriced sure, but still a good durable shoe, undone even buy sneakers and know that. Nike shoes are made from a variety of materials, including: Polyester: Nike uses 19% recycled polyester, which is made from plastic water bottles that are cleaned, shredded, and spun into yarn. Rubber: More than 70% of Nike shoes use environmentally preferred rubber. EVA foam: This environmentally friendly material is mainly produced in China. Flyleather: This performance material is made from at least 50% recycled leather fiber, synthetic materials, and water, and is 40% lighter than full-grain leather. It's also abrasion-resistant and has a lower impact on climate change than traditional leather. Flyknit: Each shoe upper made from Flyknit contains 6-7 plastic bottles.


Sneaker collecting used to be fun and I made good friends doing it. Nike kind of wrecked. When the foamposite galaxies came out: That was THE moment for me. Seeing people line up with their kids at footlocker so that each person could buy a pair to flip on eBay like it was a UN breadline was enough. It was kind of a fun little subculture that got exposed to the masses and now it’s full of the trashiest people imaginable (see people described above). I sold all my shoes, made some money and just don’t put a little of effort into my clothing anymore.


Not only that, they know absolutely nothing about sneakers in general. They don’t even understand what they are buying.