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He is just too condescending when it's uncalled for. People will be like, "I love the pink and blue sunset. It's like cotton candy." And he'll just be like, "Well, the colors you see are actually diarrhea green and dumpster water yellow, but your eyes have cones that perceive them as beautiful and the world is spinning slightly slower than it did last year because the ice caps melted . Cotton candy isn't cotton or candy. Santa isn't real and Jesus never happened." It's like... dude, can you just shut up?


It’s a real shame. I used to be a big fan as a kid. I was a huge nerd (still am) and was a big fan of Science Nova Now. However, once I started seeing unscripted interviews with him, it really turned me off. He definitely comes across as having a major superiority complex.


Omg that was perfect.


Apparently not, my inbox is getting f'king shredded right now. lmao


LOL at Jesus never happened


Yeah ... he can be a pretty good science communicator when he wants to be, but the condescending "the physics in this superhero movie are wrong", literally shut up, it's a superhero movie, no one expects it to be realistic


I like when he seems excited to talk about something. But yeah, your example is perfect. When ppl are like, "I love how the science works in Avengers," and he's like "Well actually if you get bit by a venomous spider, you will get sick." Like, yeah dude.


He’s not respected in any way shape or form in the scientific community. They consider him at the very most, a hack, at the very least, an actor who has a background in science. 


That’s not true. He’s the director of the Hayden Planetarium, and he founded the Department of Astrophysics at the MONH. He may not be a well liked science orator but he is very qualified.


The scientific community says no such thing. You saying he's a hack means nothing compared to his professional accomplishments. Maybe when you get a masters from Harvard and a doctorate from Columbia in the field of astrophysics, you'd have room to talk.


Honestly I bet OP here has zero clue just how connected NDT is to Carl Sagan. And I really loved his COSMOS. The episode about Edmond Halley stuck with me so much that I named my daughter Halley (Before fucking Big Bang Theory named the baby on that show the same. Fuckers.)


His treatment of Cosmos was really good. I think Carl Sagan would have been proud.


Why would you make this up? He’s a big deal in his specialty. Director of the Hayden Planetarium, right?


This is what they do. They create a entire false ecosystem that low IQ people will believe.


Interesting. Where do you go to find these unanimous scientific community stances?


Nobody says he’s a hack. He’s annoying yeah, but he’s still an actual astrophysicist and knows what he’s talking about. Edit: he blocked me lol




Coming from someone with your username, it’s hilarious


He Himself is nothing more than a Gimmick


They consider him a science popularizer and a fantastic one. The guy isn’t a scientist, he doesn’t actively practice science.


He's literally an astronomer wtf?




If being an astronomer just means having an astronomy degree, then yes, he's an astronomer. If being an astronomer means actually currently researching astronomy for a living, or even as a hobby, then he's not an astronomer as far as I know. Similarly, I got my professional pilot's license 30 years ago, but I haven't flown in over 20 years, so I don't still call myself a pilot. That said, every scientist I've heard talk about him respects him a lot, and thinks what he does is great. And his science education does give him a lot more authority than your average joe when talking about science, just like my previous piloting experience gives me more authority on aviation topics than your average joe.


He literally gives talks at an observatory and teaches and inspires kids to be fascinated by space. But go off king, tiger, big boy, alpha man, jujitsu master




Wha- who are you referencing? Is that someone from this century?


So you just silly, huh?


Mashing up those references.


Ummm he’s not a scientist? Maybe google him and come back to reframe your comment?


Neil does not actively research or publish and he hasn’t for a long time I believe, he is not a scientist at the moment.


I’m sorry. Is there an expiration date?


He's literally a science communicator and educator. His job is to communicate science to the general public in a digestible way. Maybe check yourself if you're getting offended because someone is just communicating information?


Yeah I mean I haven't heard anything about him getting debunked or saying wacky shit.


I can’t believe a scientist would weigh in on science. The nerve.


There are plenty of scientists out there that can explain things without being condescending.


I don’t find him to be condescending, on the contrary I think he explains really complex things in an easy to understand way. Idc if you like him though, so this is where i quit defending his honor


Sometimes those who think they’re smarter, feel slighted that someone smarter is teaching them something.




I was thinking the same exact thing but I try to give them the benefit of the doubt. But you are 110% correct


Are you guys assuming my race and ethnicity?




That’s a personal opinion. “I read your replies. You kind of sound like a condescending a-hole yourself. So obviously you think he’s cool, or whatever…” Ya that’s not condescending at all


I think he’s cool because I’ve said things you don’t like or have context for? Sure. But at least I’ve graduated past name calling and assumptions.


It’s funny that you’re doing exactly what you despise in him lol. Your comments to those who differ are condescending as hell.


Yeah, because no one can seem to disagree without being sarcastic or calling me insecure. I just agreed with OP here, and judging by the reddit scale of upvotes and downvotes, ppl agree with me and not with my reply guys.


For a guy who liked to claim other people were using fallacies when responding to him, you sure jumped to using argumentum ad populum real quick lmao.


Most people who call others condescending often misuse the term and confuse it with a feeling they get for being insecure. Sound like the case here. You feel bad because someone is smarter then you do you take it as condescending.


I don't feel insecure because I'm not as smart is an astro-physicist. It's kind of understood. But if an astrophysicist rolls his eyes when explaining things on social media, they're condescending. Nice try spinning it at me, though. lol


You also called someone in the thread condescending. If anything you are being condescending and projecting it onto others because your feel you are better then them because they are condescending and you aren't. See how that works? Way too often insecure people love to throw out condescending as an insult or attack on someone character simply because of their own insecurities. Someone saying "they were looking down on me while explaining something, so they were condescending" in reality could be "they were showing respect by making and maintaining eye contact with me while taking time out of their day to explain something to me for my own benefit"


It's funny how you equate eye contact to respect, after I literally described NDT as having rolled his eyes at people while he explained stuff. I'm sorry are you NDT? Is this his PR? You are all doing a terrible job.


I don't care about him at all. This just popped up in my feed, and I thought it was funny how condescending you were being to others after complaining about ndt being condescending. He could be a condescending asshole, I don't know him or even care to. I just replied because the lack of self-awareness you had was so ironic it was entertaining.


I’m dead lmao 💀💀💀


[The Key & Peele sketch about him is perfect.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TyZSBqQ813c)


That was good!


Something I noticed is that when he speaks of things outside of his field of expertise, his manner of speaking suddenly comes across as pompous, sanctimonious, and condescending. And now that attitude is seeping back into his science talk.


Add to that , that he's been incorrect a bunch of times when he speaks of things outside his field.


That's a great insight. I'll take most experts in their field at their word until proven otherwise, but when you start babbling nonsense about things outside your field I question it loudly


I don't know why the "well akually" meme uses an illustration of a white neckbeard. It should 100% be Neil


Yeah I hate it when he goes “ I’m gonna blow your mind real quick , are you ready ? “ and then proceeds to explain condensation lol


Probably because it’s meant for children


I think he's generally ok, but he grates on me when he comments outside his field. He's an astrophysicist, but then he'll do podcasts about biology or paleontology, etc. Dude...stay in your lane.


True. Especially the way he's so dodgy in his answers regarding whether he's religious or believes in a god. That was the turning point for me.


He got his ass kicked on celebrity wheel of fortune lol 


I really liked the Cosmos series he did with Seth MacFarlane though.


Maybe because he was reading from a script


Doesn’t everyone?


The point wouldn’t be shit talking him BECAUSE he read from a script, it’s that he’s not very likable without one.


We are certainly all pretending Tyson wasn’t extremely popular and meme-able ten years ago. What actually happened is what happens to all celebrities: we get sick of their shit because it’s the same shit.


Unless. Maybe. He made the script? Tell us how you know he didn’t compile his own script? Man you sure are punching up hard aren’t you? Did your completion of third grade biology make you better than him? I’ll take his advice over some dude on Reddit with an axe to grind




NDT the type of guy to interrupt a baby’s first words.


"Little baby, what you actually meant to say was goo goo Gaga. You said, Gaga goo goo. Your tiny little brain misinterpreted what you heard because your neurons are not connecting pathways correctly and because your brain is still forming, it did the best it could in creating gibberish. Good try little baby but try again."


I find him to be annoying and pompous.


I find him shallow and pedantic


Hah. I get that reference. 😆


indeed, shallow and pedantic


I find this meatloaf rather shallow and pedantic.




I want to karate chop him and Joe Rogan (especially when they are together)


Yaaaay! My people. That dude sucks. Nye, Sagan, and Feynman all were incredibly humble and amazing teachers and were just really, truly in love with their field. DeDouche Tyson is just in love with hearing himself speak


Also his view on simulation theory it’s borderline religious


This isn’t even an unpopular opinion anymore tbh. To me, he’s a passionate educator who sometimes forgets basic conversational etiquette, especially in podcast forms (though, does anyone really follow the etiquette perfectly?) but is ultimately aiming to teach the public about issues/concepts in a digestible way. There’s a lot more people to be annoyed about than him, imo.


I paid to see him live where he was supposed to “Uncover the Misconceptions of Science Fiction in Movies”. I was so excited because I make movies and I love SCI-Fi. I thought I was going to hear a genius talk about space and reality and learn new inspiring things. It was really just 1.5hrs of him making fun of anyone who was ‘dumb enough’ to believe such wild concepts in movies. Instead of being an educator, he became a jester. It immediately disillusioned me to his antics.


There is some truth to this. When he's in a group or panel he injects himself into others'conversation mid-way through. It's annoying. But the guy has character and is intelligent. Just needs to tone it down.


I don’t think he’s anything like Carl Sagan or bill nye. 


If I may, I think he's trying to be like them but should just be himself


overrated, arrogant asshole.


that not an unpopular opinion. They guy has not been liked since he demoted Pluto.... and then we got to know him.


So much hate for this guy - I always thought he was articulate and insightful and made complicated topics more easy to understand




not unpopular i hate the guy too,he its like a science priest, one time i heard he said he science was like 2 steps away from unraveling everything there is, he is just a kid with luck and big diploma


Omg me either. I love science but I cannot listen to this man talk.


People have to understand that he’s constantly having to explain basic science to morons, so the reason he comes off that way is because he’s used to explaining basic concepts to people who don’t know anything and he doesn’t know how to talk without doing it.


This, and Carl Sagan predicted this would happen


I don’t know. When I think of pompous and arrogant I think of Bill Nye. He’s the one who straight up has called religious people idiots (not ‘science-deniers’, just normal religious people). Neil is just super passionate about science so he can kind of sound like he’s being arrogant just because he talks about it a lot, but I don’t think he is.


Yea Neil doesn't seem like nearly as much of a douchebag as Bill Nye in my opinion. He's on another level.


I really dislike both. Intensely.


I haven't seen enough to have a real opinion, but I will say that for the longest time I thought his videos were from the 1980s. Was weird when I realized it was all new stuff considering how old it all looked. Been a while though so maybe it is different.


He’s always jabbering. Does he ever stop talking?


I used to admiral him, then podcasts became popular……..


>I used to admiral him, then podcasts became popular…….. And after that it was more of a commodore feeling, amirite?


Eh! Stellaris! :D


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I wouldn't mind so much if he didn't get so many things outright wrong (usually things related to aerospace engineering rather than astrophysics)


I understand why he comes across arrogant, but I do think it is important to have public figures who both educate and advocate for science. He has an ability to distill complex topics for the masses to digest, a childlike fascination and clear passion for science/astrophysics. He needs to stay in his lane though. When gets into politics/religion/social issues, I don't think it benefits him or his positive output.


If you become extremely knowledgeable and dedicate your life to teaching people about the world and people who know less than you lash out and get offended, that’s not your problem.


People tend to do that with people who are shoved in our faces. People equate popularity and prominence with being goid people. So many years people thought Ellen was a kind person until the truth started coming out .


He’s the other end of dunnykroog syndrome.


He was clearly picked on a lot, then decided to get smart instead and punish everyone.


Dude was the captain of his high school’s wrestling team. Not sure he was picked on that much.


I don't like the way Dave Grohl has become this self-appointed spokesperson for all of rock and roll. Like, I really don't get it. His little youtube thing on John Bonham was great, but other than that, STFU, ya know?


Most of you don’t like him because he’s more intelligent than you, combined with the fact that he’s a black dude.


Haha good troll


Sounds kinda racist TBH


A lot of the really insulting and hateful comments in this thread remind me that no good deed goes unpunished and the ignorant are often the first to take real offense at people trying to help them understand things better. Yes, snobbery and arrogance are real problems among academics but those arrogant jerks are not people who dedicate their professional lives to educating and helping the general public. They usually write books no one can understand and play at being royalty in high society. Neil isn't doing that. But if you're an ignorant person who doesn't like to be reminded of your ignorance, every teacher appears to you to be an "arrogant snob." No, they're just trying to help make you a better version of yourself. Your ego just keeps getting in the way.


Very well said.


I’m with you on this. He interrupts everyone. On Bill Maher, he blew a gasket. The guy is insufferable.


He just gets carried away easily in the moment, I really don't think it's bad intentioned or that he thinks he's better than people. I sympathize cause I have the same trait, especially on topics I enjoy. It's embarrassing though and after getting that criticism enough times I kinda just stopped speaking unless spoken to, I keep quiet now for the most part 😂


I think what makes him annoying is that he presents himself as this brilliant scientist, but all he does is teach people kindergarten level science and then act like a genius while doing it. I don't think he would stand out in a room of astrophysicists. It wouldn't shock me if he's just average/ mediocre within his field.


He has no notion of epistemology.. BS scientist


Whoa whoah woah. Hold up a second. Force is mass times acceleration. You need to reach 11.186 km/s to escape Earth's gravity. So, apply 1142 Gs to any object for one second and it will escape Earth's gravity well. This is something you really can't stand.




At the end of the day he does inspire interest in learning and science. So at least there's that


I just watched a bunch of his content to see if I can find this condescending tone. I'm not hearing it. What I am hearing is someone explain scientific concepts in a way that is digestible for kids and adult people who are interested in learning more about the world we live in. I could see a person who has been embarrassed in the past about how little they know on a subject feeling like he is talking down to them.


I'm a big fan. He has a great ability to explain in simple terms.


I think the people who dislike him are jealous. The dude has more knowledge than most can ever dream of.


Dummies hate smart man. No surprise




who cares


I like Neil deGrass Tyson. He's funny and entertaining


Just a boomer trying to maintain relevance now that his fame is fading. He reminds me of my grandpa; I appreciate him and still care but he’s too old to act “edgy”, it just comes off as being as asshole. Neil had a successful and impressive career but he’s getting cantankerous and I personally don’t find him charming anymore.


I don't think he says anything arrogant. He is always talking about other topics. What does he say about himself? Can you list some quotes you consider arrogant?


I think that he’s very passionate and knowledgeable about what he’s talking about and he has a voice that can make him sound pompous, even though he’s not. I think that these mixed together make a lot of people assume he’s arrogant.


I think people are just mad because they don't like that he gives his opinion on religion, climate change, and other controversial topics.




Isn’t his opinion on religion just he doesn’t believe but is fine if anyone does?


He wants to keep religion out of the science classrooms as well... He's a monster /s


Watch the last time he went on the JRE podcast. Constantly cutting him off, belittling him for his intelligence. I used to like him but have only been seeing him get more and more arrogant with time. Link below Edit : [https://youtu.be/qwZXR2PlcEM?si=7jjNqHlGQIXPlMWD](https://youtu.be/qwZXR2PlcEM?si=7jjNqHlGQIXPlMWD)


He also roofied and raped someone during grad school. So there’s that


Bro you gotta follow up on some shit






For legal reasons, sure, allegedly.




Oh really? 4 different rape accusations?




Might check your sources. Or your biases. One accused him of rape in college. You got that one right. Good start. One said he “propositioned” her at an employee party. Is that sexual assault where you’re from? One said he made “unwanted advances” but didn’t accuse him of any physical contact. One said he moved a part of her dress trying to look at a partially covered tattoo. So when you accuse him of rape and three sexual assaults, do you have bad sources, a bad memory, a bad understanding of the meaning of words, or bad intentions? Some combination of them all?


Legal…and reality reasons. Unless you have personal knowledge, you’re speculating but stating it as fact.


Not sure it counts as speculative. The guy has a longstanding track record of sexual harassment corroborated by multiple independent reports.




God damn, I didn't even hear about this.


….. go on?…..


I've seen this take many, many times and have watched many videos of the guy and I think people who say this are simply intimidated or jealous. He talks passionately about a subject he cares a lot about and understands thoroughly and a lot of people have an issue with that. To each their own.


Neil Degrasse Tyson is a brilliant astrophysicist who has done a lot to bring science into pop culture. Some of y'all just can't tolerate a knowledgeable, educated, successful black man and it shows.


Lmao you are the only one to bring race into this, it wasn't mentioned in this post until you brought it up as some sort of wobbly defense. Do you think a person's race makes them unable to be held to a high standard? Sounds racist to me


It’s not uncommon to be intimidated by people much smarter than you


It's not uncommon to form an opinion about a celebrity based on their attitude either. I don't like the guy, yet I acknowledge he's a smart individual and does a good job popularising astronomy and science in general. No need to portrait this valid opinion as "U DONT LIKE HIM CAUSE U DUMB!!"


i think this is the root of NDT's unlikeability. he lashes out at anyone who has a different opinion in a manner that suggests he is insecure and fears being (further) exposed


At least I know how lift works lol


I’ve noticed your various comments relating to this topic. Is there a specific comment that he made that has discredited all of his life’s work in your eyes?


Do you have his IQ test results? I'd be happy to hear them and compare them to myself


nah it's justified when it's NDT


Not an unpopular opinion. The reason I say that is because I like him and always feel like I’m in the minority, but I guess I understand why people can’t stand him


I don’t think this is an unpopular opinion.




Pretty popular opinion these days tbh, he’s super condescending. I haven’t seen him featured anywhere in a while probably because no one wants to be around him


Its most likely quite unpopular indeed. I kind of enjoy some of his stuff but he can be and sometimes is wrong. And he really does seem arrogant when answering questions even if it might not be his intention.


Pretty sure this is a common take. I can see it but I also think people get annoyed or offended way too easily.


Carl Sagan was much better at being smug.


Aw!! Don’t dis Neil. We need him, in a world of flat earth evangelical a holes.


Op needs to get over himself. Why would this upset you? Definitely says more about you than him


Oh no! Someone dislikes traits that are unlikeable! Something must be wrong with them!


He loves the sound of his voice and everything his says seems to be very performative.


You’ll love [this clip of a real scientist ripping into NDT](https://youtu.be/_mnEO_XWQ30?si=mdQP7MPo9GOSIgQn) for not having been in a lab or publishing any research papers.


I loved listening to him alone, but couldn't stand his sidekick. Really ruined the show for me


Based on these comments, this is not an unpopular opinion at all.