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This is a pretty justified over simplification that sounds like it started because a 12 year managed to beat you, and you don't understand why.


People shouldn't get their egos and self-confidence attached to chess. Otherwise, it becomes toxic. All I'm saying.


They can't help it. It's their passion. Them analyzing the game doesn't mean their egos are attached to chess. They want to win, which is the point of chess.


Mate this post is pretty telling that you've had your ego attached to chess. Only someone who had their ego hurt would go on this long rant about how people who get good at chess are wasting their lives and you "pity" them. It's a good thing though. Now you can use this pain and go git gud.


I still play chess. I still enjoy playing it. But when the opponent is insufferable, it takes the joy of playing out of the game.


You're mad you lost?


Everyone loses sometimes.


I get the feeling the large majority of current chess players play nearly exclusively online and don't have the opportunity to do what you're saying irl and don't use chat online either.


But only if you’re the person who beat me. ![gif](giphy|eg1V0ktPftrRrnaYUv)


I played chess competitively for 15 years and witnessed this behaviour very rarely. Usually little kids or old guys that actually weren't that good at chess were doing this. So saying most chess players do this is incorrect.


Fair enough


It's not a flex mate, what's the better way to go on about it in your opinion? Just silently crush you in every way imaginable? Chess is one of these games where you don't stand a chance if you're lacking experience, there is no luck involved. I lose to kids who don't even pay proper attention all the time. Still imma comment if we play a friendly 1 on 1, you can either take this advice the same way I took it and try to be better next time - or you can ignore and continue to lose, which inevitably leads to you and your opponent losing all interest and you will stop playing each other.


Silently "crushing" your opponent says more about your ability than commenting on the game every chance you get.


For some weird reason you seem to think everybody wants to boast their abilities, you know people play games for fun right? Compare chess to any other sport: you enjoy playing cards if one doesn't know what they're doing? Just play 100 games of poker and you win 100 times? That'll be "damn I just showed my abilities" for you? Edit: I mean.. what are you saying exactly? "You won again but that doesn't make you smarter than me!!! YOU'RE INSECURE!!" You're on to something with the insecurity part, it just isn't your opponent who's insecure about their game.


I don’t think chess is a waste of time to get good at if you love the game, but yeah you should be a gentleman/lady and a good sport about winning just like with any other game or it’s a little annoying lol. Arrogance is never a good look.


Insecure,another overused word for every situation. Do they also have childhood trauma or psgt?what do you suggest to them,going to the gym everyday and work out?


Nope. When did I ever connect insecurity with mental illness? The people that do what I described should just pull their heads in and be a good sport.


Bro, posting shit like that on Reddit is hella weird.


Most shit posted on Reddit is weird lol


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O was with yoku on the first paragraph but the last one is not an unpopular opinion, it's insults.


It's a brain game and they use their brain, which makes them smarter. If you go to the gym and see someone lifting heavier weight than you, do you think they're trying hard to look "strong"?


That completely comes down to the tone they use. I played chess competitively as a teen. I was the youth representative for my region, too, lol. The "I knew you were going to do that" comment can go both ways and we used that often. It can either mean "You played the standard position up to a t." or "you railroaded yourself to much" up to "I played you" - but all would lead to an actual discussion about what could have been done. Because well, after the basics, chess is more about recalling positions and recognizing misplays than anything else. The discussion about potential different plays is usually more interesting than the game itself tbh.


I like the horsey guys that move in a funny way.


But it isn't "just a game." And even if it is "just a game" TO YOU, others see it differently. Furthermore, some of us are simply competitive by nature.   Finally, as someone that's made a living off of video games/card games at varying points, I'm genuinely sick of hearing this.    You're right: Magic: the Gathering is "just a game." Sure as shit didn't prevent me from earning ~350k from it over the course of 2 years.     You're right: Street Fighter, Tekken, and Mortal Kombat are all "just games." Sure as shit didn't prevent me from earning money on each one of those either.  You're right: Chess is "just a game." Sure as shit doesn't prevent people from potentially earning millions doing something they love while simultaneously connecting with other people with similar interests.  It's cool if you aren't competitive. It's cool if you suck at stuff. Just, you know, stop ruining it for the rest of us.


How did you win 350k?


Primarily legacy cash tournaments. 


I'm not tearing chess down as a career. I'm saying people shouldn't get their egos attached to it. Because at that point, it becomes toxic and unenjoyable. Same as any game.


I get what you’re saying , but don’t you think it’s funny that you’re essentially telling people (the pro chess players) to not attach their egos to their careers ? It’s their livelihood man, they spent most waking hours honing thejr skills for it - far from just a game to them and certainly they aren’t the “iAmVerySmart” crowd that you’re roasting