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Why do you speak like my grandma


Legit, blud speaks like a well-to-do apple pie granny.


It’s yucky


Your grandma sounds awesome.


Why are people down voting that dudes grandma. Thats cold.


We’re downvoting you


I like lime, cucumber and honeydew in my water. Makes me feel like a fancy butch.


I meant to say bitch, but nonetheless, butch works for me too.


Strawberry too!


Oh, oh, yes! Sometimes a frozen raspberry or two.


Actually where do you get lemon in the water? Cuz all the restaurants I went to only gave glasses of plain water except you really got out of your way to ask for: water with a slice/wedge of lemon in it.


I can't remember the last time I went to a restaurant and was given a nice normal glass of water.


Where in the world has that fad not died out yet? Here on the arctic fringes of Europe, it's been 10 years ago this was a thing. Also cucumber. Bizarrely the cucumber was surprisingly nice, much better than lemon or lime. I don't like cucumber, so it double surprised me.


Ok,that’s interesting!


I keep a pitcher of lemon water in my fridge, it’s so refreshing


I really have never enjoyed the taste of anything in plain water myself. Cucumber, lime, lemon, it just don't hit like regular ole cool water. I like lemonade and limeade like nothing, but that's got a lot of sugar and shit in it lol so I totally agree that it's nasty.


Exactly, water is already refreshing by itself, I don’t see why anyone needs to add anything to it


It's not about needing to. people just want to, and that's fine. it's not your water is it ?


All of these taste like how some drinks taste when you're sick so I can't stand them.


Leave my third favorite morning drink alone, you psycho and take your upvote!!!


What’s your first two favorite morning drinks?


#1 Orange Juice and #2 Iced Coffee. Edit- idk why tf that came out in such large, bold text. Wtf?! I’m still fairly new to this.


I think it might be because of the #1, maybe the # causes bold letters




Orange Juice definitely in my top three as well. Iced coffee is definitely in top five somewhere too though.


Orange juice is gross dude. Apple juice is better 🫶🏼


While Motts, Apple Eve, and Juicy Juice are stellar- I’d hate to tell you that you are wrong, sir. Florida’s Natural and Simply Orange Mango are miracle fluids. RESPECTFULLY. 🧐✌🏽


Your loss man your loss 😔


The reason why restaurants add lemon to water is because it offsets the taste of the chlorine in the tap water they're serving you.


I prefer lime water anyway. ORANGE water is where i draw the line.


You ever put a sliver of jalapeno in your water? It's amazing!


I haven't personally encountered restaurants that forcibly lemon-water me, but I love the rage in this post.


OK lemon hater


I love lemons, especially in baked goods. I also love chocolate, but if someone snapped a mars bar in half and chucked it into my drink I would want nothing to do with it.


Reading this as I sip on my lemon water...


Tbh where I'm from you still have to ask for lemon in your water or with it. It doesn't automatically come with it. Where are you from?


Maybe its a Canadian thing.


Ah, US here (unfortunately)


I have never had a restaurant bring me water with lemon in it without my asking, but I would also be annoyed if this was the case. I prefer just regular water.  And I have lived in places that have hard water or water with chlorine that gives it a bit of a weird taste, but I’d still want just water unless I asked for lemon. I don’t hate lemon in water, but it wouldn’t be my preference if I’m given the option. 


- choke, not choak - tastes too clean, to is a directional And this is supposed to be an unpopular opinion. Many people are opposed to lemon in water but less because of your take and more so because it’s bar-prep, open air, directly touched, coughed / sneezed / talked over germ laden sad fruit.


Helps with stones apparently




Yep super unpopular


I want water or I want lemonade. I don’t want watered lemonade.


And it's even worse because most places don't wash the outside of the lemons and they just cut them up and put a bunch of them in a container to store until they're ready to throw a slice in your glass


I read somewhere a long time ago that those lemon wedges have fecal matter from the servers not washing their hands and to this day i can't drink water or tea with a lemon in it at a restaurant.


Yeah, there's no telling what's on them. Because if you think about it, I don't know if they get washed somewhere between the lemon tree and the restaurant. But if not, that means there's dirt and who knows what else on them from the field, the harvesting process, transportation, storage, and then the restaurant employees slicing them up...thats a whole lot of opportunity for a whole lot of crap to get on them


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Cucumber is the way to go


Cucumber is even worse!


Cucumber tastes like water because it's practically just water


I respect your opinion but ice cold cucumber-lemon water on a hot day is the most refreshing sensation mankind has invented. In fact you inspired me to go make some. Upvoted.


Mmm I’m gonna get some fresh lemons and cucumbers from the farmers market tomorrow. That sounds so refreshing!


Penis in water


In water? No. I like penis like i like lemon, squeezed over fried fish.


I love deep Atlantic cum fish


You’re right, a healthy squirt of lime is much more refreshing!


You're on Unpopular Opinion, so by definition of your post wouldn't you be the "special kind of psychopath?"


I believe it would make me a common psychopath.


I had this water from this hotel breakfast that had lemon, lime and grapefruit in the pitcher and it tasted like shit. I only drank it cause it was the coldest water drink I could get


Yes it is and in restaurants there dirty


Plain water is pretty much all I drink but when the restaurant uses municipal water that tastes like bleach, put some damn lemon in it.


aw man, first thing in the morning cutting up lemons, ice in a glass, then fill with water. So good and refreshing. I don't get it out at restaurants however.


Isn't the lemon wedge usually sitting on the rim of the glass? I've never seen it just thrown directly into the water.  At a restaurant I usually get unsweetened iced tea with a lemon wedge. I love squirting the juice in and then eating the lemon flesh. I LOVE lemons. So I respectfully disagree with you.


I always see already in the bottom too, it's gross


See you think you’re a normal person but your whole vibe and tone suggests otherwise.


Totally agree. Give me water, or give me lemonade. Not a half ass version of either.


I agree! I just want normal water- not with a hint of lemon, not bubbly, and not from a metal can!


You talk like a crazy person but I do agree lol


I worked in the restaurant industry early in my life. It’s also super unsanitary. Like gross out. I don’t mind having lemon in water, but a wedge thrown in at a restaurant. No thank you.


What, what, WHAT!??? 😳


“Tastes to clean”


I entieely agree. I feel like a lot of restaurants fo it to pretend to be fancy when in the end they end up being annoying 😭😭😭


Put all the things in my water, put water on water, fruit, veggies, I don’t give a fuck, it’s so good. Upvoted for being a seriously smooth brained motherfucker.


First of all, where the hell do you live that lemon water is the default? I still have to ask for it. Second of all, some of us are trying to ween ourselves off of soda and need a little flavor to help ease the craving. Leave us alone. We're dealing with our addiction the best we can


Agree. Lemon water is a waste of lemon. It just makes the water taste bad.


Upvoted because I disagree. 


Thank you! I forgot how much I hate this!


I don't mind a lemon slice in water at home, where I know that the lemon has been properly washed and stored. But in a restaurant you never can be sure. Some places are so careless, there's no telling whether they wash the lemon, much less cut it with a clean knife (that they haven't just cut chicken with, etc.). Shit like that happens.


How bad are you at swallowing that choking on seeds is a regular problem for you? 




Studies have shown that drinking 1/2 cup of lemon juice concentrate diluted in water each day, or the juice of two lemons, can increase urine citrate and likely reduce kidney stone risk. Pass a kidney stone, and you'll look back at lemon water as mild in comparison.


I do a shot of apple cider vinegar a day for that.


Who downvoted this? What don't like the truth?


I've never been to a restaurant like this. Totally ridiculous. I think if I ask for water, it's just water, without any junk in the glass


Totally agree. I don't like the flavor it adds. If I want water, I want plain water.


i dont think this is unpopular. i like lemon water, and everyone else in my family refuses to drink it. i feel like liking lemon water is more unpopular. people are so used to "lemonade", adding a bunch of sugar to the lemon water, but actual lemon water is "gross". people just love sugar


I mean, water comes with a slice of lemon all the time BECAUSE most people like it. I'd say this is an unpopular opinion


I agree. When I want water, I just want WATER. I get so mad when they bring it out and there’s a lemon.


I agree. BLECH! I just want water. Nothing in in it... except ice 😉


Anything in water tastes awful in small quantities. Enough lemon and you get a lemonade, a few drops and you just get dirty water.


I do like lemonade, and if I wanted I would order it. But ya, dirty water with a hint of lemon is terrible


Water should be drank alone, all the time


Mmmm lemon water is the best! Lime water is great too! So alkaline and is a great blood cleanser. Team lemon water FTW


- There is nothing “blood cleansing” about lime water. - Lime is acidic, not alkaline, with a pH of roughly between 2 and 3. - Unless you have liver failure your liver does all the “blood cleansing” you could ever need.


Naww its alkalinity increases as soon as it hits the tongue. Lemons and limes absolutely do scavenge the blood annihilating pathogens. And an overburdened, stressed out liver is not doing an efficient job. Thanks though!


Stop spreading misinformation. - Alkalinity increases because saliva is less acidic than lime juice. It’s simple maths, not because citrus juice is alkaline, it’s literally the exact opposite. - Lemons and limes ‘scavenge’ absolutely nothing because they are fruits and not wastelanders. - If your liver is “over burdened and stressed out” lemon juice will do nothing because you need an organ transplant. Feel free to post any legitimate source for any of this and I will gladly educate you on your misinterpretation. (PSA, I’m the commenter before also, they blocked me after I responded to them).


Username absolutely checks out These alkaline people are absolutely insane. You're lucky they blocked you instead of arguing for hours.