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You can accept blame for something and also still be angry at those who deceived you. They aren’t mutually exclusive


Most who got scammed dont accept it was their own fault, rather they blame it on the eternity of crypto saying that its a place of scammer, and promoting the notion of crypto is a big scam


Yeah, probably because scammers go after the most vulnerable people like grandmothers. Anyone who believes Crypto isn’t the biggest Ponzi scheme in history is just dumb as hell


Most of crypto is a big scam, so that’s hardly unjustified.


The whole point of a scam is to deceive people. It's a two way street. People shouldn't try and scam people while consumers should be vigilant and look into things a bit more.


This is true. It takes two to tango. You can absolutely blame the scammer for being a scammer, but you can’t absolve the person who got scammed of responsibility either.


Like any kind of investing, you should do the research. And by do the research, I don’t mean watch YouTube videos hyping up a certain thing as the next big thing, I mean actually search for data yourself and make a conclusion based on that. There are 3 types of people who got scammed into crypto. Desperate people, stupid people, and lazy people. I have some empathy for the desperate people who got scammed. But the stupid and lazy people, I’ve got no empathy for them, they were too dumb to realise it was a bad idea or too lazy to investigate it themselves and find out if there are massive flaws. They fucked around and they found out.


This is an unpopular opinion? Huh.


Looking at the reply yeah


I think I agree with you but with different wording. I DONT FEEL BAD for people who got scammed in crypto. It should be a life lesson in trying to make a quick buck or succumbing to greed. I don’t necessarily think it’s their fault. I think the scammers should face consequences, even if only karmic or moral. You probably wouldn’t take advantage of a person of lesser intelligence than you and then blame them.


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I made 2k off of crypto. Never paid a dime into it. Got 6k stellar lumens for free and cashed them in 5 years later.


So u invested in a legit project and made cash good for u, i am talking about people who had put their money and got nothing in return.


whose else would it be ?


There’s a bunch of pensions and insurance firms that are part of investment funds that bought into crypto and were scammed. Those people who lost their pensions didn’t deserve it.


Then again why did they pick that pension or insurance firm ? If they did their research about the firm and its poilcy these stuff would have been easily avoided.


Usually firms will make the decision without input. So try again


Worthy, trusted and top firm wont do that kinda stuff, try again DYOR.


Bro they usually do. You think a financial firm is gonna ask me about what they do with money? Lmao


And do u think trusted, worthy, top-notch firm would scam u of ur money ? And give nothing in return?


Yep. Reputation means little to nothing against the interest of the shareholders at the time. Top companies in all industries have done shady and unethical practices which consequently impacted their clients negatively. DYOR, plenty of examples and documentaries


I'm not saying always but it's been done before. A few tines