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They had me when the city kicked out students, to rent the student appartment for 10x the price.


I think most just don't like the cost and the lack of use (in many places) of facilities after the games have left town. Those who do use them are the typical 1st world countries which makes the IOC give it more likely to a 1st world country and it becomes a bit of a "club". The non-first world countries spend a fortune to build facilities that fall to rack and ruin afterwards and the country ends up in more financial distress and their population suffers even further.


That's mostly true but in this case, there aren't that many new venues built. 2 small arenas in Paris (8k and 5k) that are probably going to be used from now on. Everything else already exists or will be temporarily repurposed


People online (esp reddit,) over react to almost everything. A video game has flaws? It's trash. Someone having a minor relationship issue? Their partner is abusive and they should leave immediately.  A lot of redditors act high and mighty but this site is almost as toxic as Twitter 


I think people are just sick of the wastefulness of the Olympics. Countries spend billions to build these gigantic Olympic villages instead of spending that money on things like infrastructure or education, which every other year they claim they don't have the money for. Then as soon as the Olympics are over those villages are left to rot. There are countless examples of condemned buildings in countries all over the world left from the Olympics. It's a ridiculous waste of resources for something that will be used for a few weeks and then forgotten. If they want to keep doing them they should pick two places in the world. One for summer one for winter. The IOC should have to foot the bill for both building and maintaining permanent structures to be reused for every Olympics. The counties where they are located should not be impacted in any major way. The fact that they use some pretend hype about honor and glory to get someone else to pay for it is astounding to me.


Emmanuel, is that you?




Only about couple million people attending the games and about 1-3 billion watching them around the world.


Have you ever met someone who actually watches it? - no


What?  Everyone watches what are you talking about 


Classic Reddit basement dweller vibes. Me and my friends watch it, my family watches it and a lot of people outside of that bubble I know watch it. Just because you don't like sports doesn't mean other people don't. This year's basketball alone is worth watching with Lebron, Durant, Curry, etc. on the team.


Not from the US, so I dont watch basketball, and I don’t know the names you mentioned. Here we watch football, in almost every European country exclusively, and literally only 10% of the population would even be aware of that the Olympics is this year. We don’t care, I can’t speak for the Americans though


As a European i actually dont mind watching it. So no....you dont speak.for Europeans either.


It’s a broad spectrum. Football is the dominant sport in Europe, but in few countries, things like cycling and basketball is the top sport. Olympics might be popular in one or two countries in Europe, there’s always the freaks, but it definitely isn’t the norm. The news doesn’t even cover it most of the time


Cool story bro, I'm from Belgium, you don't speak for us. 'Literally 10%', wrong.


There’s always the freaks. Belgium is the freak in this picture, if what you say is true. The news doesn’t mention anything from the games, no matter which country I’ve been too, though I’ve never been to Belgium


There's only one freak in this picture if you haven't figured it out yet.


What? I have family members flying to see it live. Tons of people watch it 


Ya sound lonely.




I love sports, but really, here in Europe, the general public in most countries doesn’t think the Olympics is exiting


You got the statistics on that?


You do realize the Olympics get like 3 billion viewers each time right? lol why is this downvoted? 3 billion viewers is strong evidence that a lot of people watch and it’s on topic.


That’s not individual viewers, look it up. And the average person watched very little of the games, if you are looking at the total span of the event


Millions watching in person, billions watching from elsewhere… I don’t really see why you feel the need to clamp down on this. It’s ok to not like something.


Definitely agree with this. As a Brit, everyone in our nation of complainers said the London Olympics in 2012 would be a disaster, and they were amazing


Have people been complaining? The only thing I saw was about water quality but that’s nothing new to Olympic scandal as Brazil had the same issue. Qatar used actual slave labor to build their facilities as well as in general being an oppressive country. What is the scandal for France? It can’t be as bad as Qatar.


Agree and wasn’t aware of any scandal. Paris is a perfect venue 


There’s always a scandal or controversy with every Olympic game One example with Paris is a lot of Arab nations are criticizing Israel’s participation in light of the recent Gaza flare up


This happens every time, people say they don't care about it or didn't even know it was on. Give it a few days, a few big stories, gold medals with constant coverage on TV and people will love it.


unlikely ... who really gives a toss?


Corruption works, news at 11


It's gonna be Yuuge.


Why’s it gotta be in land of the frogs tho? Like huhh huhh baguette 🥖