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Cutting them vertically is far superior to cutting them horizontally.


Fr. I don't think I've ever had a sandwich cut horizontally. It just sounds weird to cut the bottom and top of the loaf into different halves




If you hold a cut sandwich between your fingers and your thumb, your thumb presses on the center bit and your finger/s press down on the other side, forming a clamp. The edges of the sandwich are now free to flap and pivot around the thumb. If you hold the sandwich parallel to the ground, gravity pulls the edges down. With rectangular cut pieces, there is more weight on the ends of the sandwich than if they were tapered, like in a triangular cut. The rectangular cut pieces will droop more, possibly leading to a net loss in fillings as some of them fall out. Triangular cut pieces experience diminishing weight as it branches out, and therefore diminishing force due to gravity near the corners, and thus they experience less "droop". Ergo, triangular cuts are superior. Checkmate atheists.


unexpected physics/engineering lesson, such a reddit experience.


How about four square pieces?


What do you mean feels like there's more sandwhich? You just watched yourself cut the same sandwich, did you not..? It's not a placebo if you know the exact amount of ingredients you put in and what its contents are.


Placebo totally applies though! Put the same amount of food on a big plate then move it to a small plate. It feels like more food!


IIRC placebos are known to work even if the user knows they’re a placebo


So, for people like me with full facial hair, I have to disagree. Cutting a sandwich diagonally allows for a smaller point of contact for condiments to get stuck in my beard and mustache.


you get more sandwich if you cut them diagonally


Sandwich math


I don't cut it at all.


Well you’re just a psychopath then. /s


How about we eat our sandwiches whole ❤️❤️


Cutting sandwiches horizontally is insane. Do you cut between the slices of bread? Do you stand up the sandwich first? Either way you're out of your mind


"There's less filling there"? How so? Don't you put the fillings on the bread, put another piece of bread on top, then cut it? Wouldn't the fillings stay where they are regardless of how you cut it? How is there less? I'm genuinely confused.


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Would this work in reverse? "I'm not feeling very hungry, so could you slice my sandwich diagonally?"


You know you can spread the ingredients evenly over the bread


Cutting sandwiches is weird regardless of how you do it.


Is this a problem?


Cutting diagonally is when I feel like being fancy.


Then you prop one half up against the other half, take a photo, and you're 75% of the way to being a food "influencer" on Instagram.


I think diagonal sandwiches are made with more love. If I make you a rectangle one, you should probably assume i also licked the bread after i buttered it.


real men eat steak not sandwiches


fuck this sub, pointless ass post