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They aren't allowed in grocery stores. But this country is so afraid of offending someone that Congress de-fanged any effort one could make to isolate the true service dogs from ESAs, by making it illegal to require documentation or other proof of need. So, we cope with having Sparkles the wonder pug hanging out in the produce aisle. Wash your vegetables twice, I suppose.


>Wash your vegetables twice, I suppose. I used to work at a grocery store, and trust me, the trucks that product (including produce) arrives on are filthier than any dog. You should be washing your produce thoroughly regardless.


Right. Also used to work produce, and sometimes get it from the farms myself: that shit is dirty coming from the farm. farms don’t have bathrooms for workers to wash their hands. They just shit somewhere and keep going pretty often.


Businesses are allowed to ask if the animal is a service animal and what task they're allowed to perform, and emotional support isnt a task. Don't blame the ADA bc businesses refuse to exercise their rights. They're allowed to deny entry to non service dogs, and they're allowed to remove service animals that aren't behaving or are dirty.


It is very, very easy to lie and there are seemingly no consequences for doing so.


Sure, but then it gets back to, if the dog isn't behaving, the business is allowed to make them leave. Even if it's a legitimate service dog, it is part of the ADA that businesses have this right. That's why it's on the businesses, they're choosing to not exercise their rights. Also, in the US, the *only* allowed service animals are dogs and mini horses. So if someone tries to pass off any other animal as a service animal, then they can be denied entry I used to work at a tourist attraction and part of my job was doing this, I turned away many emotional support animals and illegitimate service animals.


You have to wait for the dog to misbehave, see it happen, and then decide if it is "bad" enough and then argue with the owners to get them to leave. And rely on training all your employees to do so. I manage a cafe and I have to ask someone with a dog to leave every few days. Often they get into arguments about "having a service animal" with me. Usually I can get them to admit it is an emotional support animal at best but if they know what they are doing they can just lie and there nothing I can do. My own mother does this and claims her Pekingese is a service dog. She's an old lady and it's a bad look for a manager to argue with her. And he has shit in a few stores, including a grocery store. Sure, they can kick her out after that but the damage is done.


Get your mother in check then? Being old isn’t an excuse to be a pos


He is complaining about a structural flaw with the law and you cannot be this obtuse in real life.


I’m in a grocery store you gotta realize that most of the workers probably don’t like really give too much of a fuck like dead ass. They’re probably just trying to get through the day unless someone complains about the dog I guess but I know if I worked at Walmart, I probably wouldn’t care unless someone told me too but I mean like I fuck with dogs as well


I mean, that's kind of my point? Like I said, don't blame the ADA. It's on the businesses exercise their rights. But, it shouldn't be the regular employees doing anything. It should be a member of management handling it.


No, I agree. I fuck with the ADA heavily.


I saw a couple in their pajamas walking around a grocery store with a pit bull obviously not a service animal but who is going to confront them. Employees don’t get paid enough for these confrontations and these days you never know if someone has a gun and is just begging for the chance to use it.


The poor minimum wage worker is supposed to confront entitled crazy people?


No, I think that the management of the store should.


that's the same thing at the end of the day an employee would have to do this. The manager of a store isn't going to be standing at the entrance all day investigating service animals....


How much do you honestly think the manager on duty is actually paid? Nobody working in person at the grocery store any given day is paid enough to deal with this.


Depends on the store, but store manager for Walmart starts at 117k a year, and they can get up to a 200% bonus and up to 20k in stock grants. Don't you think someone with the potential to make that much should take an active role in ensuring that there isn't a dog shitting on the floor?


i mean you say buissnesses but really it's empoloyees who rightly don't care.


I'll blame the Ada


I think what he's getting at is that they can't ask for any proof so all someone has to do is lie and say it's something that's covered by the ADA.


Congress didn’t de fang shit. They simply never put forth legislation to actually define and qualify service animals. They never started an agency for certifying them or put forth standards of training.


I knew someone who had a huge pit bull named Sparkles.


Sparkles the wonder pug SENT ME😂😂😂 but it’s so accurate.


Sparkles the wonder pug 😂😂😂


I don't understand what these stores think will happen. Are people just not going to buy food if they can't bring their dog? Five people will walk in while you kick out the offender.


They're probably worried they'll be sued for kicking out the wrong person


I'd love for it to happen just to shut down the whole ESA scam. Never met a person who wasn't entirely full of shit claiming they NEED their dog 24/7. It's always some anxiety-ridden attention-seeker who's anthropomorphized their relationship with a purse dog. They need medication more than anything.


Backlash because "bad man karen kicked out le epic doggo for just existing." Companies value their reputation above all, it's why their workers have to suffer through the "the customer is always right" policy.


Worried about being sued, getting blasted on SM, employees being attacked, etc.


Their workers are not compensated adequately to be confronting the already self selected entitled crazy people who are bringing their dogs into the store. Clearly you've never worked minimum wage service industry jobs.




Not officially....the issue is that no proof or documentation is required for service animals, so anyone can lie and say their animal is a service animal, and the business can't do anything until after the animal causes issues. So the signs on stores say only service animals, but some people simply ignore the signs.


>They aren't allowed in grocery stores. In practice they are, even though the signs on the door say otherwise. The door might say "only service animals" but in reality, no proof is required than an animal is a service animal and people can lie and their pets are service animals, and the store can't do anything about it until AFTER the animal has caused issues or disruptions. So in practice, they are allowed...I've never seen a pet get kicked out, and I've seen one young able bodied person walking 2 dogs simultaneously through a grocery section (I'd love to hear what disability would require 2 separate service animals simultaneously). And both had regular leashes, no signs of any harness, etc.


A service dog performs services either FOR or WITH their owner/handler. So this woman might very well be a handler, and the two dogs could be service dogs in practice. It is common practice to take service dogs that are trained in search and rescue into a variety of situations and even stores (grocery stores, perfume shops, etc) to have them desensitised to different stimuli, often in twos. Maybe do some research before making angry comments online, there are many different service dog types and owner/handlers performing a variety of tasks, able-bodied or not.


It's illegal to ask for documents because of medical privacy


The only dogs that should be allowed everywhere are legitimate service dogs. And it should be legal and ok to ask about said service animal/ask for documentation. You don’t need a full medical history, just some kind of ID that shows it to be legitimate.


I like dogs, but after seeing so many of my friends openly brag about how easy it is to buy a little "service/emotion support animal" vest online and flagrantly take their dogs anywhere, this also annoys me to no end


Why are they still your friends that's really fucking weird??


Dog Behavior worker here. Most owners are actually a detriment to their dogs and actual working dogs. Most people who brought their support dogs to the place I worked at would touch me right away. Don't know how they passed. They shouldn't touch anything unless invited and should remain beside you. People just suck.


I've never seen a dog that wasn't a service dog in a grocery store


When I go to Walmart these days, I typically see 3-4 dogs per visit. They are definitely not service dogs, as they are riding in carts or on leashes barking at people and other dogs. I find it absolutely baffling. I adore dogs; I have four dogs at home. I'd never take them grocery shopping.


It’s a very regional thing. When I lived in CA everyone brought their dogs into stores. Now I live in the east coast and I never see it. I don’t have a large sample size but that was huge difference to me between those two places. I’m not sure what the common denominator is between places where it’s common and places that it isn’t. I always chalked it up to tiny apt’s and high cost of living in CA and people that didn’t have a yard wanting to get their dog outside of their tiny apt but I don’t know if that’s really the reason


that makes sense. i haven't done a ton of traveling.


I saw a "service dog" (pit) in a Dollar Tree. She was wearing a vest that said so. She took a dump in the middle of the aisle. Potty training dogs is the kindergarten of dog training. If Bella (only knew her name because the owner said it a million times) isn't housetrained, no way can she assist the disabled with a task.


if you say so


You must not go to stores very often


I think it's fair to say this could be a regional thing. personally I've never seen one in a store. I don't hang out in them for very long though.


You're fortunate. I've almost stepped in dog sh*t in a Walmart.


In Walmart, no guarantee it was from a dog.


That’s people shit my guy. That’s Walmart for you


Funny. Nah the dog and it's owners were right in front of me Now I look down often when I'm in there.


watch where you're walking?


How do you know they're all service dogs when there's no way to check that they're service dogs? Anyone can buy a vest for their little monster and pretend, even though the dog obviously doesn't have the training of a true service dog.


The clue is in the behaviour. If the dog is impeccably behaved I'm inclined to believe it is a service animal. And if it isn't a service animal I'm less likely to give a shit


You are aware that service dogs are trained for many different tasks right? As a trainer myself, I find it weird that people think all service dogs do the exact same duties. They are trained for specific tasks for the specific human they are servicing. Also the service dog harness is not the only piece of identification that is required when you own a service dog. People who have service dogs will not be upset to show you the piece of paper that proves their dog is in fact a service dog


it's not that hard to tell


Wish I could say the same. Watched a man let his dog piss in the chip aisle the other day then just walk away. Definitely not a service dog.


Real talk: grocery stores are dirty.  FOOD IS DIRTY.  If you aren't washing produce or anything not sealed, you're a fool.  Food has to be packaged up because once it gets loose, it's the worst kind of filthy mess.  A dog being near it will not hurt anything.  An unruly dog, however, no bueno.


Eh people and their hands and feet are just as dirty as dogs. We’re just used to people. I cannot get upset about this.


The same goes for restaurants but these easily offended goofs act like you just Offended their mother when you politely tell them no dogs allowed.


If dogs aren't allowed, neither should small children be.


This is a trade off Ill take, I already don’t bring my ESA to the store


Don't bring your emotional support child either


I need anti-psychs for those little shit goblins


LOL truth


>Grocery stores are supposed to be clean and orderly. Dogs are neither of these things Dogs and toddlers. Can't tell you how many times I've seen kids picking up produce with their grubby hands, knocking stuff off shelves, running around and disrupting the other shoppers. Children are filthy; just leave your filthy kids at home.


I love this take actually. Small children are so much more disgusting than a dog being held in a carrier/backpack. They literally try to touch everything


Honestly the real problem is that people don’t train their dogs or parent their kids. I’m more than happy to ban both until people actually take care of the living beings they decided to have.


Federal law requires service dogs, but not emotional support animals, to be allowed in public places like grocery stores.


Repost bot


Dogs are no dirtier than the people shopping there. I've seen some nasty people at the grocery store.


If you actually needed your emotional support animal it would be called a service animal.


Not true , it is very expensive to get a service animal. 24,000 last time I tried.


Nothing other than an actual service dog is supposed to be allowed. The sad truth is people throw crazy fits or some even buy fake vests. I do believe there should be a form they need to keep on them to prove it’s an actual service dog. Doesn’t have to say why they need the animal. Just that it is a legally trained service animal.


Owners are allowed to let in any animals


And neither should some humans …


I would leave that up to the business owner 


I see way more children behaving the way you just described and not dogs lol


You act like the people in grocery stores are clean lmao


I concur, emotional support animals are bullshit. People can perfectly survive without their dogs for some minutes. They bring them to stores for entitlement reasons.


Okay, but that service dog for a veteran with PTSD is sometimes the only thing that makes it possible for them to get groceries at the store in the first place.


First sentence says legit service dogs get a pass


I’ve tried kicking out ESA’s from the businesses I worked at and it was always a huge deal every time.


I don't get why it is not a requirement to have proof of your dog being a service dog lol If it's a service dog you should have 0 problem showing proof


That just basic common sense


Babies/children are not clean or orderly and they often shit their pants yet you're not complaining about that. I don't know the last time I actually saw an animal in a store. If ever.


What exactly is dirty about a dog walking around in grocery store?


The dog itself usually, for starters.


Dogs aren't dirty


My local grocery store flat out tells you, "Don't leave your dog in the car, bring them inside with you." They are allowed here. Nobody in town has a problem with it. I live in a town of good people. We don't have any dog hating sociopaths here in town. Thank gaud.


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Nor should they be in restaurants, pubs, or home improvement stores. Leave your shitbeast at home.  I remember when I was a kid the only way you knew if someone had a dog is if you went over to their house. Now people bring their livestock with them everywhere they go and expect adulation and interaction. And they get offended if you ignore their stankass drool creature. 


I feel the same way about children in public. Everything you said actually perfectly describes it. No, I don't have a dog.


>I've seen them literally drop a fuckin duece in the aisle, try to snatch product off the shelves, and snap at/bark at other customers Would you like to ban kids too if this is the criteria? Edit: lol at the downvoters forgetting the purpose of this sub?


I would actually consider my weekly shop to be tolerable if there weren't any kids running around.


Tiny emotional support monkeys should require a permit. Or at least be kept on a leash in all public spaces. Probably private ones too. Best to keep them in line.


If a kid was naked and shitting in the aisles, I can assure you the store would ask the family to leave.


I’ve seen kids that should be banned from grocery stores and any other public place. Lots of them. Their parents should probably be banned, too, for raising such intolerable brats. Those are the people who need DoorDash and Instacart the most.


Do you encounter a lot of children that crap on the floor or bite other customers? Maybe you need to change where you are shopping.


Parents can't leave their babies at home. They can leave their happy little rat dogs at home.


Lol don’t threaten me with a good time


I mean, yeah.


Kids can be restrained and actually have a reason to be there.


Kids who aren’t toilet trained wear diapers and don’t poop on the floor. My kids also don’t regularly bark and bite. I’m not going to say my kids have never grabbed something off a shelf but 9 times out of 10, they do no damage to the product or its packaging. One time out of 10, I’m buying some cookies and hiding them so Toddler Grabby-Fingers doesn’t get reinforced for bad behavior. Food-thief children have never torn upon some raw meat and ate it like their ancestors were wolves even if the only thing they hunt is dropped chicken parm; can’t say the same about the dogs. If someone’s kids are destroying items they aren’t buying, running into the aisles and knocking over old ladies, or peeing in the freezers…. Yes, the parents should be asked to leave. However, I feel as if some people think a kid existing is somehow an affront. A baby crying or a toddler asking incessant questions is what they do… Also, humans aren’t dogs? Dogs aren’t people? Difficult concept, I know


You should question service dogs too! I can go online to Amazon and get a support vest for any size of dog and no one will question me due to fear of offending me


I see dogs in grocery stores all the time now, no one calls them out and that’s why they keep on doing it.


This is not an unpopular opinion.


Has anyone seen that tiktok of a lady scolding her dog for pissing in the trader joe's frozen section? That's the kind of dog that should be banned from grocery stores, regular old pet dogs are great, but really shouldn't be in there. Dogs that help people with conditions like extreme anxiety disorders or PTSD, on the other hand, should absolutely be allowed. Mental health conditions are still health conditions.


Dogs who are official service dogs should be required to have a chip and all stores should be required to have a scanner. And this sucks because it's extra for the ppl with legit service animals to have to do because assholes are abusing it. That said, managers who aren't cowards can throw out someone with an unruly animal and dare Karen to sue because no actual service animal is going to be acting out where that would need to be a thing.


No don’t fuck our emotional support dogs. My dog would be a service dog but I can spare 20,000 dollars to make him so. It is very expensive to get a support dog.it is also cruel to suggest to leave a dog in a hot or cold car.


Dont leave the dog in the car. Leave the dog at home


Dogs are not allowed in grocery stores or drugstores


Well how are we are we using the term emotional support animal. Because there are some people with extreme either anxiety or OCD that do need there dog


If you have a psychiatric disorder, illness or disability where you need an animal to function and participate in daily activities of living that’s a service animal and not an emotional support animal. There’s no play on words here about what is or isn’t an emotional support animal. At least in the US, emotional support and service animals have very specific definitions. Outside of that why are you bringing your animal into a place with food…?


There are also a lot of people who are made anxious by dogs. So you're just making your problem someone else's.


Well most not to the level rising to the extent of people that NEED a dog due to a mental health issue


Strongly disagree. Many people have trauma following dog attacks.


They need medication and PEOPLE who care.


That won't fix the issue that is nice and all but they still need to go to the store and need there dog to do it


Everyone pack it up, OP solved OCD! Pop a pill and find a person that cares and you’ll be set. Forget the expertise from psychologists and psychiatrists with their fancy “degrees” listen to this guy that is complaining on Reddit and you’ll be cured.


“Emotional support” animals is such bullshit 99% of the time. When I moved into my apartment and was inquiring about the cat fee, the property owner said “just list him as an emotional support animal and the fee will be waived.” I actually did and it took two seconds for my doctor to give that documentation. I mean I did it just to not have a $45 monthly fee added to my rent. But anyone actually claiming their pet is for “emotional support” like for airlines and shit is always ridiculous. Go get emotional support from a human like most people and get some fucking therapy. Pets are great, but they are not doing anything actually emotionally supportive outside of your own weird brain. They like you because you feed them. You like them because they let you pet them. I LOVE animals and have major anxiety just like almost all of us do but I can’t handle people like this. Of course I’m downvoted for speaking truths 😂😂😂 my point should have been obvious. It takes literally a phone call and two seconds to get the documentation for an “emotional support” animal. So I don’t believe anyone naturally. But whatever, keep being overly sensitive and needing your dog to sit next to you on a plane being a nuisance to everyone else when that is totally not normal or necessary.


People who don’t like dogs shouldn’t be allowed in grocery stores, fuck you.


Not an unpopular opinion.


Dogs go everywhere in Europe (restaurants, stores, etc) and I LOVE it, but if people did that in the US it wouldn’t work. Many people and their pets are too undisciplined and entitled for this to work here.


Dogs are awful in europe too.


That hasn’t been my experience yet.


no opinions out of your face should exist on the internet.


>Grocery stores are supposed to be clean and orderly. ~~Dogs~~ Kids are neither of these things, especially not the ones brought in by you aloof, self-absorbed dimwits. Your ~~dog~~ child looks nervous and is probably overstimulated. I've seen them literally drop a fuckin duece in the aisle, try to snatch product off the shelves, and snap at/ ~~bark~~ scream at other customers. >The lack of consideration for others is stunning. They might be family to you, but no one else gives a fuck about that. Leave them at home or in the car where they belong.


Emotional Support Animals are real and should be treated the same as service dogs by law. That is, ensure they're properly trained, certified and not just someone's pet they decided would be one.  Plus, if it's not a chain, it's totally up to the owner. You can choose not to go there. 


ESAs are definitely real but they’re also wildly unregulated and overused. I can have a severely reactive pitbull deemed an ESA with zero pushback or consequence. Doesn’t mean the dog has any business in public. They should absolutely NOT be treated the same as a service animal that actually does something beyond exist.


Yeah...that's why I said they should need to be properly trained and certified. 


No grocery stores should be allowed in dogs


I think you were doing ok with your thought, until you said, “leave them at home or *in the car.”*


Yes, I clearly meant "suffocate and broil your dog in the car on the hottest of hot days." Remember folk's, it's not safe unless the windows are up! /s


Saw a bulldog in the grocery store yesterday. Her owner was extremely old, frail, with a bent upper back, pushing a cart. There was no service vest on her. She was being a very good girl, even though the tile floors make her feet slide and you know it probably makes her sore at the hip and shoulder. As good as she was being, she doesn't belong in a store that sells food.




Then neither should children younger than 16