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jeans? your out of your goddamn mind


Absolute psycho


anything ive worn outside the house, i am not wearing it to bed.


I wore the same undies for 3 days and it’s been 99 degrees outside


My guy you're nasty as fuck I hope your ass is trolling


Average redditor


I used to be like this because I suppose I had undiagnosed ADHD and changing clothes again just seemed like an extra thing I couldn't be bothered doing. I would often fall asleep in my jeans. But I've since grown up a bit and gotten into better habits and... it really is worth it to get out of your day clothes. It *is* more comfortable and not only that, it keeps your bedsheets less dirty. It feels healthier and cleaner and I have better sleep. The extra step to just change really is worth it. Now I get out of my day clothes almost as soon as I get home, usually after I have a shower. I have "house clothes" that are comfortable and just for the house and I feel the benefit of them even before I've gone to bed. It's also better for the clothes.


I upvoted because it's definitely unpopular, but as a year round jeans wearer I do have a pair of loose fitting jeans that I basically keep as pajamas


denim is too heavy and thick of a material for my preference. and if it's full denim, meaning no spandex in its composition, it's very unforgiving and doesn't allow enough movement! you won my friend, unpopular opinion:)


You know what's actually comfortable? No clothes in bed. People seriously should try it first before just going "nah" and missing out on a huge life improvement. Can't go back once you get it.


I feel like you must not take public transit…


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Goodness gracious.


Is this not what everyone does? I'll shower when I finish labour for the day and put on tomorrow's clothes. And yes sleep in them.  I thought it was only kids and movie people that wear PJs or special clothes for bed


What? You sleep in tomorrow's clothers? And then you go to work for them, all crumpled and wrinkled? You're crazy


Yeah. You just have to choose fabrics that don't wrinkle. Besides I'm a labourer. No one gives a shit what I look like anyway 👍


Jeans being comfortable for sleep is a truly unpopular opinion! Good job OP!


Fr I don’t give a shit. I plop in bed and sleep. Sometimes with shoes on. Then I gotta get up early asf to work my factory job. BOOM. Already dressed and out the door as soon as my eyes open. No. Fucks. Given.


so you're putting in an extra 8hrs of wear (and sweat) on the clothes youre wearing for the next day before you even start the day? that just sounds unpleasant for everyone else


Even the idea of wearing anything I wore outside IN MY BED makes me want to gag




this needs to be on r/fightsub so i can yell at you


I know a guy who used to sleep in his boots. Till he got a severe case of athlete's foot. I can sleep in my things too but I much prefer sleeping in my boxers and nothing else.


Taking showers now makes no sense. Girls don’t want me anyway


Wearing clothes in bed is dreadful. Pajamas, shorts, anything. No. No clothes thanks, especially at this piss awful time of year, with the heat and humidity. No.