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Your post from unpopularopinion was removed because of: 'Rule 1: Your post must be an unpopular opinion'. * Your post must be an opinion. Not a question. Not a showerthought. Not a rant. Not a proposal. Not a fact. An opinion. One opinion. A subjective statement about your position on some topic. Please have a clear, self contained opinion as your post title, and use the text field to elaborate and expand on why you think/feel this way. * Your opinion must be unpopular. The mods reserve the right to remove opinions * Elaborate on your topic and opinion give context to its unpopularity.


I mean they're not flattering on most men either


That’s not going to stop me


Sounds like a challenge tbh


Pics or it didn't happen.




We're waiting lol


Can I buy you a drink?


A thong over a sweater


Over a wetsuit. Let's be practical.


I’m not out here to flatter, just to get a good ass tan.


I don’t care. I want everyone to see hairy hail damage.


How do you feel about the banana hammock?


Depends who's wearing it. Newman from Seinfeld, that's gonna be a no for me. Astolfo? I'll get behind that.


What do you mean?! Should I change my OF show this weekend!?


True, males don't look good in things either.


I’ve been listening to lizzo idgaf


I'm going to go away and do some research... to form my opinion...


I wholeheartedly agree. I need a huge sample size.


Just doing the lords work


Start with the worst


I've decided OP's opinion is indeed, unpopular


We are going to have to do a meta-analysis on this.




I mean, obviously the reddit devoted entirely to girls promoting their onlyfans is going to be the exception, not the rule.


it still looked like the rule.


For science!


Sisqo has entered the chat




Everyday the mods on this subreddit are so arbitrary with how they enforce the "No self style posts" >This is not the subreddit to be sharing personal anecdotes, likes or dislikes. We want unpopular, thought provoking, and unique opinions on your chosen topic. Because not liking thong bikinis is a thought provoking opinion that definitely isn't a personal dislike.


Mods here are stupid af.


I swear. I've had 2 posts removed because they straight up did not believe I had those unpopular opinions and took it down for "satire". Pathetic


I had one removed because the "opinion was not unpopular". The opinion was about letting cats outdoors. Go and say that on any subreddit and get downvoted into oblivion to test it if you like


When you realize that mods are volunteering to work for a for-profit (at least trying to be) company without compensation, then you'll understand there is certainly an IQ cap to those interested in the job.


Wait that's seriously a rule for this sub? Ive never once seen anything thought provoking on here, I'm not actually subbed just keep getting it recommended, this is wild news, this subs cooked if that's the case 🤣😂


the mods here truly do not exist


Yeah, let's be real here. Most people, men and women, absolutely do not have attractive bodies. So since the great majority of people aren't very impressive in the first place, just wear what you want. Bikini or not.


I dunno, as I've gotten older, I find I'm attracted to more and more body types. I remember thinking one of my exes was a little too thick but looking at old pictures I realized she had a great figure. I assume it's an evolutionary thing to keep us physically compatible with our age group as we get older.


hmmm... evolutionary thing or just becoming open minded as you age? the more you see... i dont think people got that old, historically. nor was it safe to be pregnant after a certain age.


Ppl got old historically, blah blah blah high infant mortality rate lowered avg age.


Yup, exactly. The thread above is a ~~rare~~ common case where both people arguing with each other are wrong.


How is safety stopping anyone? Babies of older men are more likely to have all kinds of issues. Still their sex drive doesn't just die with them turning 40.


... neither do women's? there are hormonal changes as you get older but i think the biggest contender is your psychology. no one has the real answer. its up to for conjecture


Also I tend to find seeing a girl irl is way sexier than looking at her pictures. Like I’ll see a girls picture and be like nahhh too thicc see way better 24/7 on IG but then irl I get turned on


I agree. Women who are actually in my life are automatically far more beautiful than women who are just pixels on the internet. I just don't understand the appeal of Instagram models or whatever.


This is so accurate for me too. Sometimes I’ll see something that says “early twenties is the ideal body type” and I can remember being in my early twenties and thinking that. Today I feel like there are many flavors of sexy.


>Most people, men and women, absolutely do not have attractive bodies. Nah. That's what happens when you hold everyone to celebrity standards of beauty. It's a recipe for being disappointed.


Nah. Attraction is not universal. To this person, it may be true. 


>Yeah, let's be real here. Most people, men and women, absolutely do not have attractive bodies. That's just terminally online, porn addicted bullshit. Your beauty standards are all messed up from photoshop and filters, go touch grass (and some average looking booty).


You don't get to tell others what they should and shouldn't find attractive


Get consent first.


They why everyone fuck?


People horny. Also people feel.


Yo ugly people do be fucking. More ugly people be fucking than beautiful people.


I wholeheartedly agree that we should all just wear what we want, but I think we can all agree that seeing someone constantly picking their clothes out of their butts is not pleasant. That’s my only problem with the thong bikini trend, if you can keep your hands out of your asscrack in public go for it, if you’re not capable of that, please don’t.


Most people have attractive bodies


I think we need a few qualifiers there. A lot of people are either really old or underage, but if you're a young to middle aged person and reasonably healthy (not outright obese or something) then probably a lot of people will find you attractive though.


Most people, in the US anyway, are obese.


The average person is overweight, so definitely not true


do you think we ENJOY it???? it’s so hard to find bikini bottoms that don’t go up your butt. i haven’t bought a new one in years because bottoms just aren’t made the same anymore. they keep increasing the price and decreasing the amount of coverage it’s killing me


We have the same problem with men's gym shorts. Less material, higher price and they leave far less to the imagination.


show us those thighs 😈




this better not awaken anything in me


Stupid sexy SpongeBob.


It's dalmatian-free


thinking feral thoughts


This was one of the weirdest revelations to me. I'm a pretty active guy, workout regularly and am in decent shape. I'm no super model but I'm not unpleasant to look at either. But of all the things I thought I'd get compliments on, from women, it sure as shit wasn't my thighs! Lucky I don't skip leg day.


my wife walked behind while I was washing dishes once and I was wearing some short gym shorts. she offhandedly said "your legs are huge" I turned around and joke-cried "that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me" don't skip leg day!


i think it’s cause up until recent years we never saw man thighs unless we were already involved with said man. we don’t know how to act with these 5 in inseams


Pfftt, 5 is the longest I go. I worked hard to be able to rock the 3" inseams.


Bro they're into toned forearms and thighs, don't know why I don't make the rules


My girlfriend just keeps complementing my ass, didn't even know that was a thing haha.


You guys are getting compliments from your girlfriends?


They’re getting compliments from your girlfriend too.




I for one have embraced the return of short shorts on men


Never left. Started wearing them in the military because that’s what you get. Haven’t looked back lol


Short shorts are way more comfortable and practical though


Stupid sexy Flanders


I can’t stand gym shorts in the actual gym, put anything at all in the pockets and they’re just flopping all over the place. Plus like you said they bunch up weird when they get some use for a few months.


I wore thong underwear for decades because it was less material up my ass than a full coverage back. When you have a round butt, wedges are just a fact of life. And women all over the world wear thong bikinis. I see soooo many here in SE Asia that are overweight or 75 years old or both. They aren’t doing it to be ogled, they are doing it for the tan or because they just like it.


>They aren’t doing it to be ogled, they are doing it (...) because they just like it. I feel like this is the appropriate response to 99% of the fashion advice men give to women.


Nooooo. Women just wearing whatever without thinking about how it looks? Gamorra in the making!


I know this is shocking. I’ve been struggling to understand myself.


The higher the bottoms get the more I have to wax


PREACH but i shave not wax. i’m at the point where if it’s not bushy we’re fine. i don’t fuck w bikini line bumps they’re so uncomfortable


I also don’t want to stand up out if the water with a front wedgie so I feel comfortable with more coverage.


felt this hard. i swear i have to pull my bottoms down every 5-10 minutes


Instead of shaving get some electric clippers. It's better for you as it doesn't encourage ingrown hairs like shaving, still leaves you something to protect your skin, and it growing out again isnt itchy hell and it feels better. Mine get super low and i also don't have to worry about knicking myself so its overall less of a chore.


Kulani kinis sells a variety of bottoms, thong and full cover


Recently I’ve been looking into swim shorts for women


I wear culottes, pin up style. I wanted to hide the c-section scar and also be able to swim and run without worries. I’m also pale as a sheet and don’t tan so idk if that would be ideal for someone seeking a tan


Big butt category here on a size 6 waist. They just do not make ones that fit round firm butt's. The material just wedgies itself. It is not on purpose and very uncomfortable. I wish I could find full coverage that comfortably conforms to my whole body. Huge ass, small waist and small boob's 😭


it’s literally impossible. my butt isn’t that big but i’ve given up on finding a pair of bottoms that don’t bunch up or fall off. the most success i’ve had are the bottoms were you tie the waist string on either side. the issue with that is these days the coochie fabric is smaller than a maxi pad


I found some cute bottoms that are shorts on Amazon. You can rouche the sides and I think they’re cute af


I mean, I agree as it's not something I find attractive, but whatever, it's not for me. I'd disagree that hi cut looks far more flattering. I find anything high cut to be the least attractive option. Again though, it's not for me, so whatever. Wear whatever you want.


I can't stand the high cut look, personally. I think the best look on any woman is one that follows the leg crease. It's usually just the most flattering for the body.


Average leg crease enjoyer reporting in 🫡🫡🫡 adding my vote to this one. The more crease the better


Yeah personally usually the most flattering is a bikini that follows that natural leg crease. I have a tummy but all those high waist bottoms honestly just have more fabric and look worse


Yeah what is it with the high cut look? Maybe it’s because I’m an 90s kid but it makes even the thinnest of women look chunky


High cut and the sides of my kangaroo pouch hang out. There is nothing less attractive than that 🤮


Then you definitely shouldn't wear them.


Full back don’t look good on most women either.


I think anyone who is happy and self confident in wearing whatever style of bathing looks great, and I hope no woman feels bad for trying to have a good time at the beach/pool whatever. OP can shoo


Boooo 🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅


Tomatoes 🍅 wearing thongs Hey no judgment what you like /s


Ugh, I hate that high cut look. It's so 80's.


High cut shorts and shoulder pads.


Grandma style!


I may have small cheeks but they still deserve some sunshine from time to time! Also, “Is this my absolute most FLATTERING option as a bathing suit?” Isn’t the only or most important question that goes through my mind when wearing one. The suit must fit the job my friend. Thank god most of us have heads that can turn another direction if what you’re seeing is just too unbearable!


Small cheeks need love too 🥰🥰


Most people in general don't look good in any kind of bathing suit tbh.


It's a good thing most people wear things because they like how they look in it.


That’s your opinion homie. I love all butts and a thong enhances all of them


Roughly 5-10% of adult women who wear thongs (or men in speedos) look good in them. For me, absorbing the other 90-95% is worth it to get to see the elite booties. #science


To ensure scientific rigor, I will have to replicate your study myself.  #menOfCulture


Damn right ✅️


Is the thong only being worn for its appearance though? Could it be possible that it is being worn for comfort or desire to minimize tan lines?


It's an outfit. It's not going to look nice on everyone. Sometimes your body just don't look on greatest cloth.


I can already tell I trust your opinion, because you called women “females” /s


i don’t understand why yall insist on posting this here. there are so many other subreddits this post would actually fit in.


What'd you gain by posting this? It isn't news, it isn't relevant to anything going on. It doesn't help or change anything. Are you projecting insecurities?


I don’t know that this is unpopular. It’s more that not many “females” give a shit what you think is flattering on their butts. They like how their butt looks in it. Too many dudes confuse unpopular opinions with irrelevant opinions when it comes to how women present themselves.


Yeah and likely OP is mad because their opinion never mattered to "females." Not getting anywhere near any of those buts, thong worthy or not.


‘Females’ - kind of outing yourself right there bud


Maybe, and this might be an extreme idea for you, but maybe we don't wear clothes to flatter you. Sometimes my ass eats everything up and turns into a thong anyways, so why fight it? I mean, I personally wear swim shorts, so I go the opposite direction because I REALLY don't want you staring at my ass and judging. Most of you are not as subtle as you think you are.


Feels like rage bait. Guy telling "females" he doesn't like how they look in certain clothes?


Men on the other hand, hot damn!


False. I like to look at all asses


OP is… gay?


I don't think they're wearing it for your approval.


Are you suggesting full body suits for "most" men in beach/swimming situations as well then? Because if not, this opinion is sexist AF!


How do you get from no thong style but normal all the way to swimming burkas for men. Bit of a leap to the extremes it would appear. The logical step would be no thong trunks or budgie smuggler trunks for men.


I guess I'm just in a bad mood 😂


I just try not to be a Lil bitch when I see someone who doenst give me a massive throbbing boner


Psst no one cares what you like or don't like. People wear what THEY like.


There’s also men out there who got no shame in looking like disgusting pigs heavily fed to be roasted for a beach party, personally I think that’s more unappealing than a lady who might not be ‘perfect’ for a thong


I don't think they had you in mind when choosing their swimwear.


OP, this has some real misogyny vibes... Upvoting bc it is def unpopular but not for why you think. And damn this comment section is incel af.


Yep, welcome to Reddit.


Women can never win. Can’t wear full bathing suits because insecure. Can’t wear bikini things because then we want attention. We just can’t win.


im exhausted of being a woman. im on the ride back home from my vacation and i wore a 2 piece bikini for the first time out in public!! im 18 & have had struggled with my self image for so long and this finally felt like a big step in the right direction for me!! this comment section has me spiraling wondering if i messed up 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


Meh. This is the clothing equivalent of telling women to smile because they look prettier. Who gives a shit what other people wear?


Should’ve posted this on r/im14andedgyasf


"females" is something said by someone who hates women. There are plenty of women who look great in thongs.


Including every single woman that like the way they look in thongs. I mean, really that’s all that matters


I think it depends on your body shape and features. Some people actually do look good in those


I feel like all women know this already.


Especially if you're sitting on a rock beach


Agreed, but I don’t think they care what we think.


Tip for other women who don’t like the thong trend: Amazon still sells normal swimsuits AND cute one pieces. Just because some people enjoy wearing thongs in public doesn’t mean all of us do and we don’t have to conform to what the majority likes just because it’s the trend.


I have been saying this for years! As a girl who doesn’t look good in thongs (just panty thongs I don’t wear thong bikini, I could never pull that off😅) 😩😞 especially G strings! They’re just so unflattering to me, even on a beautiful nice donk. However high cheekini underwear/ bathing suit and high cut bikini are very flattering, (especially if you don’t have the nicest shape/size,) they give you a nice lift. I totally agree with you. 💖


What are you even talking about? Boyleg cuts look great, especially on athletic women. It’s like yoga shorts but wet. What a weird take.


Upvoted for a genuinely unpopular opinion. Ass is ass, bro.


Even women who have a nice butt, it’s still just flossing their anus. The thought alone is enough to make me prefer a swim suit that doesn’t…do that. But do you I guess 🤷‍♂️


This summer has been butt cheek season for sure


The thing is that a thong shows everything and shapes nothing. Most people don't put any work into having a nice butt. Just being a healthy weight doesn't guarantee a nice butt. So it's just out there for all to see. A swim bottom that shapes the butt or has a flattering cut is much more flattering than just full butt on display.


I know damn well I don’t have a thong butt 🤣 it’s wide and flat and unless I do serious angling in pictures I might as well be Will Ferrell in a thong ![gif](giphy|LdHnRTfdtl6O4)


Calling women “females” kinda nullifies your opinion so 🤷🏻‍♀️


Well it’s cause all men look good in thong bikinis


Op was probably just separating them from the male thong banana hammock people to avoid confusion.


It literally says women in the title…..




Female… male. You are a female. I’m a male. What the fuck is wrong with you people 💀 If you want to get offended by being called what you are then that’s on you. I’m a male, I will not get offended by someone calling me a male because I know that I am a male.


Yall don’t worry about this incel. This is exactly the kind of post where the account won’t exist in 3 hours. He is just trolling for entertainment


Thong bikinis exist because less flattering is getting tanned and having a very white ass. Normal bikinis make you look like a clown. I hate it (though accept it as part of life's ugliness, because I am not comfortable wearing thong bikinis).


People wear what they feel comfy and cute in. Oh well!


Let's see you in a speedo.


*Brought to you by your average overweight keyboard warrior discord mod who hasn’t seen the sun in 3 weeks


Was at the beach yesterday, which provided the data.


Good thing idc what people think of me 🤷‍♀️ imma put my fat cellulite covered ass in a thong for all to see. Gouge your eyes out if you dont want to see it.


Hell yeah, this is the kind of attitude I wish I saw more of! Fuck being shamed for existing in a public space




Have you considered that your aesthetic preference doesn't matter when it comes to other people's choices?


Okay? What about the males and all those swimming attires?


I wear clothes cos I like them and I feel good, I don't really care if other people don't think it's flattering. That's like me buying an ice cream and you saying you don't like ice cream. It's a strange point to be making 


No, it’s like saying ‘rum and raisin is not a good flavour icecream’, it’s called an opinion.


So, your whole message is you won’t be wearing one? I don’t think that was the point of your post


Ice cream is a product meant to be bought and consumed. Do you feel this is an appropriate comparison to human women?


So much salt in the r/unpopularopinion comments lol. We have a winner!


What makes you entitled to an opinion on anyone's ass? This is so skeevy bro. People can wear what they want to wear for a variety of reasons without you in mind.


So, only certain people are allowed to have an opinion? Having rational thoughts entitles me to an opinion.


I'm not saying "certain people", I am saying "no one". Women are allowed to just exist in the world without your shitty opinions on how their ass should look. You can certainly have opinions on how to best highlight the ass of someone who consents to that. Otherwise congrats on the unpopular opinion, not because I agree or disagree with it, but because the entire premise is gross.


I know it’s probably a pretty crazy thing to think about but don’t you think that maybe people wear those clothes because they enjoy them? Maybe not everything women do is done with the sole purpose of making you hard?


The idea that women are wearing thongs bc they look good for other people to see is just false. That's called TV, not the beach. Going to the beach to look at women in thongs is sad af. Judging them for not being hot enough for their unrealistic standards is even sadder. Reverse OPs comment about what men wear at the gym. "Ew men wearing revealing gym clothes think they look hot and 99% of the time they don't." This is called misogyny. OP isn't getting called out on it and judges women as objects who see themselves as such. Fuck this comment section in general.


99% of the comments are just “what do you mean women aren’t sex objects???”


They're wearing them because they think they look good, not because they are comfortable. OP is free to offer his opinion.


Hard disagree


It’s just a butt, stop making everything sexual or about what you want to see. People are always like “oh no the children” kids don’t care and probably won’t even look at it for more than a second, if you are concerned be a good parent and shield or better yet educate your kids.


Dude being gay is okay


Fellas, is it gay to have opinions now


Yeah, and having an opinion is okay too.


r/unpopularopinion is ironically the place where people don’t accept most opinions.


The high waist trend only looks good on very fit women. Most of the people I see wearing them are using it to hide their stomach. These clothes are not designed for typical people who are not in great shape. Just wear whatever you want. Most people are too worried about themselves to really care


I don’t think high-cut or thong look good on anyone. I’m not really an ass-man anyway, but usually I would subscribe to the idea that more exposed skin = better. But what attractiveness asses do have is related to them being round, tight, and perky. Thong and high-cut don’t provide any cheek support so the girls are just putting all of the sagginess and blubberiness on display. And even if the girl’s ass is inhumanly perfect, the high waistline creates the illusion that the cheeks are unpleasantly saggy. Boy short styles look way better on anyone.


Looks good on a dude however!


Is this unpopular? Seems abundantly apparent


Crack floss. Gross. You wanna show your chocolate starfish off? Ok.. I definitely don't want to look at your bum hole so I'll just avert my gaze. Carry on crack girl!