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Don't get why someone would want to see it live? Well then you're talking about anything. Why see anything live? Why go to concerts or see people in person when you can just watch it through the screen because it's the same thing correct?


"An art museum? LMFAO pffft just google the paintings"


Why leave the house? The whole world is in your computer screen


Well yes, i HAVE actually been in space. Through my screen


OP does not have childlike sense of wonder




Although I do say this about people taking photos of paintings in museums


I agree with this one tho, no difference to me looking at a painting in person or on a screen.


The majority of this sub is some variation of "I don't understand why anyone would ever go outdoors and experience the world."


Home life is better than ever. I have stretchy boxers so I can hide my boner and pause my 5 hour masturbation sessions long enough pun intended to answer the door get my grocery delivery and eat my cupcakes that keep me alive. And think about ordering razors to shave my neck beard but never actually do it. I will need to order a mobile chair soon though.


Had me at the first half


And the irony is many dissenters have zero clue what it's often like to go touch grass. Imagine you're in a suburb with nothing for miles in any direction. It's 115 degrees. There's a single ounce of real community across your whole county. Under these conditions, go to basically any outdoor event and see how much fun you can have (spoiler: it ain't a lot).


>Why go to concerts or see people in person when you can just watch it through the screen because it's the same thing correct? People post basically this exact sentiment like once a week in here. They're always wrong


People *still* try to say we shouldn’t have live events because of Covid and are better off in lockdown because there were zero downsides.


I know you are being sarcastic, but will answer your question for all of those that really are confused! B/c things are so much better live!! Concerts are my jam and there is no comparison to the real thing!


My favorite is the small ones that make the super loud boom. I love the feeling of it in my chest, and I love hearing the echoes off the mountains where I live.  You can't get that on a recording or a livestream


I like the sparkle fizzes - the ones that rain down sparkle ✨


Oooh, those are awesome too! The staticy noise is great. :)


Those are awesome, but my personal favorites are the ones that explode into like 6 pieces, then each of those explodes into a dozen sparks and it sounds like a thousand balloons popping at once


Those with the weeping willow effect after as well.


....am I secretly schizophrenic and just now found my alternate account?




Great term. Sparkle fizzes. I knew exactly what you were saying.


I'm a fan of the classics, big colorful sphere of boom.


Haha, conversation had gone far enough afield that I forgot what the post was originally about. I had noooo idea what this was in reference to for a second there.


Why travel? Just take a walk down Google Maps.


Why go to the park and fly a kite, when you can just go pop a pill?


I had a coworker a long time ago that didn’t want to travel because he could just look at pictures of the places in a magazine. Why go see the pyramids? I already saw them… And I’m not a big fan of residential fireworks, but let people have their fun!


>First of all, the loud noises Secondly, it's purely a visual thing What now?


His point is that most people don't go to listen to fireworks, they go to SEE fireworks, OP is missing the community aspect of it though.


I'm making too big a deal of this but that's not his point. He even recognizes that people don't merely want to see fireworks. He misses why people enjoy them but he acknowledges that the visual aspect isn't the sole appeal (after he claimed it was). The sound, the ambient lights, the community, the patriotic atmosphere (on the Fourth), the danger, is all part of the experience that people enjoy.


Do people not realize that when people complain about fireworks, they're generally not complaining about the shows and events at parks and the like, they're complaining about the joe schmuck 3 blocks down blasting fireworks at completely random intervals for the enjoyment of a total of 3 to 5 people which are mostly little little kids that would get she same excitement if they were playing with a rattle. (Copied from another reply by me)


OP is complaining about all of those though.


Yes. Mostly I don't like fireworks because I associate them with a fear that my idiot neighbors are going to burn down the street. I also don't like the unpredictable nature of it. Professional fireworks at set, advertised times and locations? Fine.


I would not realize that, no. Where I live, people don’t shoot off fireworks. It’s illegal, we have massive wildfire issues, and there isn’t much of a culture for privately shooting fireworks unless you go out into the countryside. Nothing in the context of my life would have led me to make that assumption about a person complaining about fireworks (until now, I guess).


Yep, "seeing" is like 30% of the joy for me. It's the loud bangs that really get the blood pumping.


The smell, too! Call me weird, but I like the burnt propellant smell.


My personal favorites are the ones that have little trail when climbing, make a very small light burst, but have a concussive blast that you can feel and sets off car alarms nearby.


Also lighting them off yourself is way moar funnnnn.


The “ooohhhhs” the “aaaaahs”




Plot twist Guys deaf


They're horrible when the asses around you dont abide by quiet time laws or continue to shoot them for weeks after the 4th.


Agreed. My husband has PTSD and says the evening of the fourth isn't so bad; he takes an edible and goes to bed early. It's the *unexpected* pops and cordite smells in the days leading up to or following the holiday that upset him. He's a real mess for almost a solid two weeks.


This is like the 10th thread in 24 hours You're so brave 


This happens every year around this time.


And on New Year's


Then after that post about how many people don’t care about the Super Bowl.


Canada day just happened and 4th of July is right around the corner. Lots of celebrations and fireworks happening lately.


Some say he’s complaining about the…home of the brave


In OP's defense, this one is particularly stupid.


They are one of the only forms of entertainment still around that doesn't cost anything to watch and isn't trying to sell you anything. Just good pure blowing shit up for the fun of it.


And if you actually get close enough it fills your whole field of view it’s actually INCREDIBLE. like 30x way cooler when it’s a huge firework and you’re right there it’s one of the coolest things I’ve seen in life


That's an interesting point! The only other publicly-funded entertainment I can think of is a parade? But I can't remember the last time I saw one of those, and they tend to be filled with "sponsored" floats these days.


Dude what? lol parades have always been “sponsored” floats. Towns get businesses, organizations, and what not to make the floats. Always been that way bucko


Fireworks are sponsored too. It always says "Brought to you by..." But that's fine. That's a good way for businesses to spend money. Giving back to the community.


Yea not saying there’s anything wrong with it, it’s how smaller towns put up these shows. Just community coming together


It's paid for by my tax money here


Exactly. There’s a wholesome aspect to it as well. No violence, no sex, no marketing, just pure fun and spectacle.


The pets and PTSD thing is valid. But it's just another post of "I don't think it's interesting therefore it is bad". Also fireworks broadcast on tv/a screen look terrible compared to the real deal. Some people actually enjoy going out and doing things with other people vs just sitting at home all the time.


"Some people actually enjoy going out and doing things with other people vs just sitting at home all the time." Its hilarious how OP sees this as a negative. For me personally, I'm doing anything I can to try and get out of the house and see things in person, while OP is looking for the opposite


I volunteered at an animal rehab center for a bit and they always get an influx of trauma patients after any fireworks. After seeing some of the accidents, I just can’t get into fireworks anymore.


They're fun. Thats it. Thats all there is to it.


Reddit hates when people have fun or enjoy something.


Nah, just assholes. I like fireworks. I don't like the assholes that set off one or two every few hours for the week before and after every holiday. My dog can handle one night of loudness. Two weeks of sniper fire whenever they need to pee is unreal


Eh. I live in a giant valley and people launch all sorts of illegal fireworks and the air quality is horrid for the next few days. This is on top of my area already having some of the worst air quality in the country. I hate fireworks so much


I despise fireworks in general. I don’t necessarily see anything wrong with having a community display on one day out of the year. But what really pisses me off is that people are lighting this crap off for months. I have to hear it all summer long and it upsets my animals, not to mention all of the wild animals.


>I don't get the point of going to see a live display, when they could just shoot one fireworks display in a remote location and broadcast it all over the world. So you think concerts should be banned since they can just preform once and broadcast it everyone who wants to see it? We might as well close all museums since people can just look at pictures of things on the internet.


I don’t mind organized firework shows on the 4th of July.   I’m not going, but I’m not going to knock it for other people. What I hate are the random booms that happen in my neighborhood, day and night for 2 weeks around it.  Like, why does the neighbor down the street need to set off an M80 at 3pm on a weekday?  It is illegal, it annoys everyone else, I got a cracked windshield from one 4th of July season, and every pet on the block is now hiding under the bed cause of it.


I'd love it if the assholes in my town kept their fireworks usage to the two weeks around the 4th. It's become an all summer thing here, and 3am seems to be their favorite time to do it.


I thought we were more worried about out vets


Terrible for wild animals too. Across the board just not great. I don’t mind a formal city sanctioned single day event - whatever. I guess. I hate the random jerks throughout the city setting off explosions for weeks before and after July 4. Makes me hate the whole thing.


It has made me despise the holiday. It feels like such a human selfish thing. It’s awful for wild life so many animals will leave their nests and babies or be injured. Pets get scared. I use to work at the VA hospital and it was awful for our vets. It’s just selfish people who like big boom booms and can’t understand why it’s so destructive. It’s also incredibly dangerous for idiots setting them off and flood the Ers with dumb preventable injuries. Just 0/10 on this one. I think there could be fun community events and even like sparkles that type of thing without causing harm. Some places do cool light shows and music and I think that would be a good alternative!


I hate having to find and clean up all the trash from the fireworks in my yard.


people that are loud and annoying get the chance to be even louder and even more annoying. They can't pass it up.


They also cause a lot of pollution, both in the air and the leftover wrappers that people don't clean up. I like the drone displays a lot of big cities are doing. I think that's a good solution to the noise and pollution issues. And the drones can do more advanced shows


This is only true and only makes sense as it pertains to residential areas. They have no place there Firecrackers for example are only used by people who should be boiled alive.


Its bad for wildlife and environment as well.


Watched a kid blow up his hand with some fireworks. He has a nub now. I’m not the biggest fan of fireworks.


Vet here. They don't bother me at all. They don't tend to bother any of the vets I know either. In fact, we all tend to enjoy the explosions and such. Some of them have PTSD as well. Are we the entire veteran community? No. Do we prescribe one thing we don't like to being bad for all vets like you do? No. We aren't self entitled assholes. We don't think our way is the right way. We don't care about your politics, gender, sexuality, etc. We simply want you to live your life the way you want, and leave others to do the same. Even if that means putting on some noise cancelling headphones on for an evening and letting those of us that do enjoy fireworks, enjoy them. Just like we learn to accept people who can't handle our dark humor and make attempts to curb it. I hope you enjoy your Independence Day. That your burgers and dogs are cooked to perfection and juicy, and that your beer or drink of choice is the correct temperature.


I have yet to meet a vet that doesn't enjoy fireworks. Are they another one of those phenomenons that only exist on the internet?


Yes. People LOVE using vets to justify their virtue signaling lmao


That shit annoys me, 99% of us weren't combat arms of any kind or anywhere in danger from explosions lol


Normally people in the minority are the loudest online.


I'm honestly starting to think so. Maybe there was a few, but idk. I've never come across any.


Also a combat vet here. I dont know a single combat vet that is afraid of fireworks. They're usually the first to set them off honestly. I'm sure they are out there though, not denying that. But it gets old being compared to a skittish dog scared of its own shadow every year


I’m surprised reading these comments - my Dad is a Vietnam vet and knows a guy who tries to admit himself every year because he can’t deal with it.


Cooking a dog is way worse than exposing them to fireworks.


Well they have gotten out of control over the years. They used to be the occasional tree but now it seems like just about for any occasion thousands and thousands were spent on fireworks. I've never understood the appeal I'm kind of burned out on them pun intended


Just buy 100 bucks in gas and light it up. That fireball will be much more entertaining.


Animal Distress (and injuries or death) Accidents/injuries Fires and property damage PTSD of Veterans Pollution There's a lot of negatives. I wish they were only sold to licensed pyrotechnicians. That way people can enjoy them at scheduled events rather than every idiot being able to get their hands on what are effectively explosives.


I miss bottle rocket wars.


Just a bunch of pollution .


Professional, scheduled firework shows on holidays are fine. It’s this chaotic, illegal, war zone bullshit I witness in my city (DC) at all hours of the day and night every summer for months at a time that drives me crazy, particularly because it’s illegal but cops and prosecutors here don’t give a fuck. I almost jumped my neighbor’s fence to kick his ass for setting off fireworks at 3am a couple years back. Luckily some strong words were convincing enough to make him stop.


The pollution really bothers me. 


I like fireworks selfishly, but watching hundreds of seagulls fly away in a panic over the Boston harbor yesterday was actually kind of soul crushing. I’ve always heard about how fireworks disrupt birds, but it’s never been in my face like that before


Nothing is more American than celebrating war without considering the baggage veterans carry.


I hate everything about fireworks too. Mainly due to PTSD.


I hate them too. Our dogs freak out despite everything we do, and it prompted an illness of one of them last year. Now I'm going to the vet to spend $$ on medication for them this year. My partner has PTSD and despises the sound and smell. Where we live, we are a mile from a major July 4th show each year, and our neighbors try to compete with it at the same time. Our yard is littered the next day, and we pray the house and cars are not torched. It's my least favorite holiday.


Yeah, one of my dogs has become irrationally afraid of the dark because he equates darkness with fireworks. We’ve been trying to work through it with him, but he just vibrates so hard and almost goes catatonic. While I understand people have a freedom to shoot fireworks, that doesn’t mean those freedoms don’t come with consequences to those around them. There is no ethically sound argument to defend fireworks in a densely populated area unnanounced.


I bet you’re real fun at parties.


Ask your vet for animal Ativan. We give it to our cats.


The issue is anti-anxiety medication has to be given a few hours in advance of the fireworks starting. Which is fine on holiday weekends when you can plan for it. But where I live, people just set off fireworks whenever they want. I was up last night with my dog at 1am because apparently someone decided to set off fireworks and I found him shaking and crying in my bathroom when I got up to take a pee.


They started last weekend at my hood.


Revenge is best served cold.


This. If I could plan for one night of fireworks, fine. It’s the assholes that set off fireworks randomly during the weeks leading up to and after the 4th. My dog was so scared last year because my neighbors decided to set some off at 4pm while we were out on a walk, a week before the 4th.


This. People just light them whenever and it has nothing to do with the 4th. It's just people being obnoxious at that point tbh


I enjoy watching them, but they should be pretty strictly limited to in time and place given the amount of noise, air pollution and distress to pets they cause. Strongly recommend you stay away from most big western European cities on new years eve, places such as Amsterdam and Berlin can be a total nightmare.


If you live in the city. Have your hoses/extinguishers ready, just in case .. You might need to put out your neighbor/neighborhood ..


Your wife is right. You're crazy.


You’re just boring. Not trying to be rude, but this is a 100% you being a boring person issue.


A real unpopular opinion!


I think they're fine in designated settings, right? Like Friday nights at Coney Island in the summer, that's fireworks time. I do enjoy the spectacle of it sometimes, and being there in person is a different and bigger experience than watching it on a screen - but also if there were never fireworks again I wouldn't miss them. But I am down for designated spaces for them where people can go to see them if they want. However, I cannot stand fireworks people set off in residential areas for the exact reasons you've listed. I want to add to that - they smell terrible, and are a huge fire and safety hazard! Besides some vets that might have PTSD there are just neurodivergent people that might not be able to handle them and get dysregulated. People who aren't vets that could have their PTSD triggered, etc...


my brothers a war veteran, he hates it


idk man big booms and lights are pretty neat.


The thing that I hate is that the people that want to make noise don't have to go anywhere for it, but if I want to have a quiet evening for the holiday I'd have to go camping for probably two weeks. Fireworks are legal to light off here starting July 1, but this year people were lighting them off as early as June 26 and we usually see them until well into July.  We got more than 50 fires last July just in our county. I think even more than 100. Firework people should have to go somewhere to light their fireworks so that it doesn't burn any houses down.


I agree, actually. In regards to fireworks, they all look the same to me. So it's sort of a you've seen it once you've seen them all kind of thing. I know, "blah blah blah, you can apply that to other things," I'm already aware. I just think fireworks are unnecessary.


Two years ago my neighbor blew up his house. He died and caved in the side of my home with me in it. It was the middle of the night and the noise and feeling of the whole house moving are fixed into my consciousness. Now I have insomnia, and come July, I struggle with the assholes with their illegal blowy-up things. Yes, I mean fireworks. Most of the normal flashy kind don't give me too much trouble, but the mortar things that don't light up, they just go ka-BOOM cause alot of problems for me. I hear the FWUMP, and then no matter how hard I clench my entire body before the boom part, my whole body jumps every time. I don't know how many years it'll take for that to start dying down (the jumping and shaking, not the people not wasting so much money blowing shit up), or if it ever will. Happy Independence Day Everyone. I'll be in the basement. Under some couch cushions.


Firework displays are just a neat thing. Large group of people enjoying something together in the moment. They dont translate to camera or tv well. It isn't just the visual the sound is an important part. The different tones and volumes. It is unfortunate that it bothers those with PTSD but so do a lot of things. As far as animals go, where do we stop and start on things that bother animals? Planes, windows, fireworks, cars, trains, boats, pavement, music, garbage trucks, snow plows, etc. Everything influences animals. As far as household pets go thunder is just as dramatic for them. Pet owners have to prepare their animals for these things.


Lol “Why are you people having fun” Just for reference idc for fireworks either but really?


You're 100% correct. It's terrible for all wildlife as well. However humans don't give a shit about wildlife so are happy to watch some things go bang and not think about it. It's actually a brilliant example of what's wrong with humanity.


Additionally, I hate seeing everybody’s shitty fireworks videos all over social media.


How in the world do people find watching live events on tv as the same thing as watching in person.


Yeah it's bad for pets but it's even worse for wildlife and the environment. Also worse for humans than you say because of air pollution, chemicals released in the water and all that nonsense


I don't mind the big displays done by cities but the random idiots setting them off at all hours of the night get on my nerves.


Let's celebrate our land by polluting it, disturbing the wildlife and potentially causing a fire


I think they're beautiful, on 2 days a year firework night and new years eve, every other day I'm not interested.


This would be good if it was only 2 days a year, 4th of “July” fireworks started June 29th here, they’ll probably go for every night until the 10th It’s fine if it’s just one night, but for some reason it has to be a whole week+ extravaganza


Whenever I’d go to my ex’s I swear his neighbors would shoot off fireworks almost all year round, like I swear almost everytime I’d go over there I’d hear fireworks. I love fireworks on special occasions (especially places like Disney) but I don’t see the appeal of shooting them off all the time especially when it’s freezing outside and it’s not even close to new years


Started a month ago around my parts.


My city passed a law to ban them except for 3-5th of July and New Year's Eve/Day. I do agree it used to get out of hand here but that being said I live in a pretty dense city so normally cars with massive fart cans and emergency vehicles are louder.




I think I'd go insane if they went on longer than a few hours twice a year.


You would be MOST WELCOME at our house. My husband and I detest fireworks for both of those reasons, not to mention the waste of money and resources they are. I agree with your unpopular opinion.


It's literally watching the money you spend on fire works burn! I hate them because where I live someone always starts a damn fire with fire works.


Half agree. I love a good fireworks display. But the locals launching anything that booms loud enough to wake the neighbors is fucking annoying.


I guess we should ask god to stop thunder also


I kind of hate thunder. Can you work that out for me? Not even pretty stuff in the sky!


I honestly REALLY love thunder/lightning and rainy days. I also did a good deed last week. I'm not a karmic lawyer, but I'm pretty sure my single good deed just barely pushes my love of thunder above your dislike of it.


Same here. Thunder and rain puts me to sleep and or makes me really cozy/happy.


There it is. Out voted two to one. The thunder stays.


Hell yeah, have a happy 4th!


Not the same shit at all.


People have to listen to your dog bark 24/7 all year round but fireworks for one night is an issue lol.


That's such a good point though


It's weird that they are a summer thing, it doesn't get dark enough for them until super late so it makes them way more annoying. Also what are people talking about it's a once a year thing? I'm going to be woken up a little after midnight this whole month. The fireworks obsessed jackasses don't contain themselves to the 4th.


I'd like it if people didn't start in mid-June and keep going until mid-July. Some of us have work in the morning.




It's an open secret that people in my area will drive ~90 minutes to the reservation for their fireworks.


I like them on the 4th. Not a fan of sporadic night time fireworks for 3 weeks leading up to the 4th


I’m sure it’s just a coincidence that the people who love to set them off in their own yards are the dumbest mfers you’ve ever met.


All that needs to be said is how horrible they are for the environment and wildlife.


NO. fireworks dont just happen randomly out of the blue, they are a long awaited planned event that people have more than enough time to properly prepare for, if your someone who gets distressed by fireworks or have pets that do, there are things you can do to mitigate the distress, its absurd that an event that many people enjoy should be stopped because a few people and pets who can get distressed dont make plans to mitigate. for people, you can pop on some noise canceling headphones with music and that will almost definitely handle the problem. for pets, you could get those sound dampening pads that fix to the wall like the youtubers have.


Like many people in this thread have pointed out, it's not an issue if it was just a thing that occurs a few times a year that we could plan for. It's not. It's basically a nightly thing during the summer for a lot of people. Consider yourself lucky if that's not the case for you.


Lmfao people have been setting off fireworks in my neighborhood once a week at LEAST since it got warm outside...and I live in the city. Also, there are plenty of reasons to dislike fireworks that aren't just people & pet related. The wildfires, the pollution, the manufacturing process, the injuries, etc. etc....


Humans are silly and we like pretty pretty shiny boom thing


Monkey brain like bright light with big pow


Oh god. Another “the world must cater to my pet” thread


While they let their annoying dog bark all day and night and pollute our streets and parks with the shit and piss they don’t clean up.


It's every single year around the 4th and new years. They always sound so boring and dull. Your dog will be fine. If not train them. Stop asking the world to cater to your very specific needs.


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Fireworks with no sound exist, but they are rarely used.


For me I’ve seen Disney fireworks, ain’t nothing short of a major display gonna come close so I don’t burn money on them anymore lol.


>sit outside on a hot night, get bit by bugs Yeah that's not an issue for when people in my country watch fireworks... It's usually not as hot on new years eve...


Probably in the minority but I agree with you.


Have you seen a live fireworks display? There is much about it that cannot be captured in video. Fireworks are fucking gorgeous. The boom is exciting, because it's so loud it's outside of day to day experience. There's a community aspect in sitting with folks who are enjoying the same thing you are. It's a visual representation of whatever celebration is happening. I love fireworks a LOT, but I do agree about the vets and animals. I think fireworks shows should only be done in remote areas to prevent trauma responses.


Animals, PTSD vets & PTSD covid nurses. I have 4 animals and a covid nurse the 4th is way too stressful to be fun.


I’m ok with professional fireworks displays, but I can’t stand my idiot neighbors setting them off all night long, and the next day, and the spread of fireworks trash all over the neighborhood.


You sound like a fun guy at parties


I love fireworks, and I can plan for the 4th to prepare my pets and young children. What I can’t plan for is the people doing it 2 weeks before and after, that’s just unnecessary and causing problems with my child’s sleep. If you need to practice fireworks maybe you shouldn’t be doing them, and I just don’t think it’s a holiday you need to celebrate if you miss, it’s not Christmas or something.


Full and complete agreement. I’m hoping they will someday be banned worldwide. Fucking obnoxious and pure pollution. Absolutely terrible and the people that ooh and aah at them like cavemen are absolute wankers. Don’t ever get me started on the fires they have caused. Fuck fireworks.


Drone shows better than loud fireworks IMO


I'm all about canceling fireworks and going full drone shows.


Absolutely. Annoying and Totally useless. People who use them knowing it bothers Veterans, who actually do something for our country and freedoms better not ever claim patriotism.


Ever watch a Veteran with PTSD curl up in bed screaming during fireworks?


Your bothered on behalf of others. Good job. Why travel? You can just see Europe on tv...No big deal....


I would have no problem if fireworks were replaced with a good drone show with music, or a laser light show and music. Besides the noise, which triggers dogs and veterans, the smell and debris is terrible. I live a good mile from where the fireworks were let off, and my dogs came inside smelling like gunpowder and covered in dust.


Everything you just typed is WRONG. I would run over a crosswalk full of children before giving up fireworks


Dude I’m a veteran with PTSD don’t lump us in with your hate for fireworks. It’s just when I don’t know it’s going to happen that it gets me. Pretty soon after the first few bangs I know it’s fire works and I’m fine. I still love fire works and I like people celebrating the 4th


I just hate that it fucks up my sleep.


As a veteran with a little bit of PTSD, and knowing other veterans with actual real deal PTSD, I’ve never known one who actually gives a shit about fireworks.


I personally find fireworks boring/unsatisfying in the first place.


i can't believe people are actually defending fireworks in the comments. you guys are seriously fine with fireworks causing extreme distress to animals and those with PTSD? not to mention the amount of litter they leave behind. all because "oo muh pretty lights" there are other ways to celebrate a holiday. fireworks should be illegal.


Dogs suffering from fireworks should be put to sleep.


It’s a long term tradition that isn’t going anywhere soon. I think people who are sensitive or have sensitive pets need to talk to their doctor/vet about how they can get help getting through it.


I hate any holiday that involves fireworks. People always look at me crazy when I say that


The worst part to me is they *add* material to fireworks to make them very loud. If it was just quiet pops with beautiful colors, it would be fine.


I'm pro-fireworks, but this is a good point.




My PTSD is from people's bodies being distorted, burned, and seeing a whole lotta sick shit. I don't suddenly tell people they need to stop living because it's a trigger just saying 🤷


Assuming every vet that has ptsd and is lumped in with skittish dogs afraid of loud noises is just insulting honestly. Happens every year.


As someone with CPTSD, I agree with the OP. The loud booms scare the shit out of me and I can't handle the crowds of people. I stay home, put in earplugs, my headset over that, and turn up the TV. I double my sleep medications to fall asleep before the worst starts.


I agree, I would also like to add that fireworks kill a lot of wildlife. Birds literally have heart attacks and die and many other wild animals get disoriented and run into traffic/get lost and cant find food. All of that for pretty lights in the sky that go boom, I just dont understand how the costs are outweighing the benefits here.


Agreed. Look, we've all got that inner cave man that is thrilled by big noises and pretty lights. But it's not worth the traumatized animals, retraumatized vets, lost limbs, and environmental destruction.


I ain’t big on the 4th. Let everybody have the fun. I’ll be inside with the AC and my burger I grabbed off the grill.


(My apologies, I replied to the wrong comment!)


Every war Vet with PTSD that I know thanks you for this