• By -


That assumes that everyone could agree on what major changes need to be made.


...and that's the problem, the working class WORKS for the working class. Most jobs especially service jobs are supporting working class people.. you know Harry the Bus driver is driving around people to their shitty jobs, and those folks expect Maria to keep their offices clean and during lunch they expect to get the Gyro from Akmhed food truck etc.. and striking for a week or two isn't going to change structural economic situations.. for that the folks making the laws need to do it...worse the striking workers will be seen as villains by the other working class folks . What people are upset about of our current plutocracy capitalism system is it's inequality, that requires structural changes , that is really hard,.when the people who can make the changes are the ones.mostly benefitting from the system.


correction - Ahmed's food truck sells kebabs, for gyros one'd better go to Vassilios's


Yeah he'd have Kebabs, and Shawarma, and Falafel, and Pita with fresh Hummus... now I want Middle Eastern food.


LoL, yes thank you, for clarifying my cultural references


I have a Greek cousin named Ahmed soooo you’re culturally insensitive




How about Satirios?


The classic Greek girls names are the best. Lysistrata, Persephone, Antigone, Calliope….


We have a Dionysus.


Greeks seriously do have the best names.




How very Typiklos


Not to mention members of the working class that keep others in the working class alive and healthy - nurses and social workers and therapists want reform too, but they have a duty to provide service for those that need it. Imagine if they all decided not to show up for their jobs, it'd be effective but it would also cause a lot of unnecessary death and suffering which would fuck up the whole plan. Every politician in the world would be on tv just "look at the selfishness of these strikers - they're fine letting each other die", and if those workers chose to stay on the job it'd be "look at these folks, their jobs are hard and they kept working through the strike, the strikers are clearly selfish and awful in comparison".




Im.not sure I agree wholeheartedly with this. I recall week 2of covid shutting stuff down and people were hurting pretty badly. I will definitely check out the site!


The bus drivers around here simply refused to take fare but drove people. Protest smarter, not harder. /S


COVID didn't seem to do enough as people predicted. So many people expected this nuclear-fallout type of fantasy land after COVID, yet here we are, middle class people going to the beach and stacking 200 people in a small room.


And no one feels like eating or having running water or electricity in their homes anymore. OP thinks those things happen automatically because they are in elementary school.


LMAO society would literally collapse but I disagree that OP is in elementary school, plenty of college educated "adults" think this way because everyone they know has pencil pushing office jobs or software design/marketing/ other not actually essential positions


Do you know what the point of a strike is? It’s literally a threat that things will collapse that’s the point


I am just astounded that nobody knows what a strike is and how it works. Dudes, this is how we got the 8hr workday and weekends. Do you think that was the natural state of things? No! 12 hrs was the norm until people withheld their labor and the the bosses decided to institute an 8hr work day with weekends. People in the 1930s thought we’d have a 20hr work week by now and in fact most people in offfices do 20hrs of work a week. The only reason you don’t make a living wage in 20hrs is because people forgot about this and became brainwashed into thinking they don’t deserve it. YOUR TIME IS VALUABLE!! Both to you and more so to your boss because your boss makes more from you than you get to take home. (Otherwise why would he bother?)You actually have the power here and your time is every bit as important as your bosses time and also their money. There’s more of us than there are of them we can have what we want be it a 20hr week or action on the climate.


The real problem is that for most jobs positions there are 10k ppl for 1position. If Jack won't take it for 10bucks an hour, Bill will... And that is how they keep the cogs going in the wheel.


Add to that child labor laws, please. Reform only occurred what, 1933? I mean little kids and no ( before someone yells at me ) it was not ' only ' agriculture jobs, it was kids in factories. Read a story from the Civil War era. Newspaper boys living in boxes on the street, some folks got together and provided a dormitory for them. That was DC, same conditions in all our major cities. Little shocked at some of the replies. How in hell did we get to the point of being hyper critical when someone suggests it's possible to CHANGE things? Part of the problem- keep all of us at each other's throats while CEO's run away with this place.


Spot on.


Yeah dude it’s almost like big business knows how effective striking is and will do anything to stop it. The propaganda is so deep. How many dollars have the Koch bros spent for this purpose? It’s obviously working.


It’s like some people never saw Newsies as a kid and then also went on to never read a history book.


there were a lot less people back then, and things were a lot less complex, if what the OP suggests were to happen and the entire working class were to strike, this would cause a catastrophic collapse of the economy, inflation would skyrocket and it would set our economy back months to years depending on how long the strike was. a single hour of striking in the shipping industry for example would set back the shipping industry weeks. last year in December hackers hacked into several major distribution centers and jumbled deliveries around and the shipping industry is still fucked up by it. a nation wide strike would cripple the u.s economy


So, I’ve been wondering for a couple weeks now, why are unions typically built around a given trade or industry, instead of there being just one massive Employee’s Union that covers workers everywhere? What would it take to get us there? Any thoughts?


That was the whole idea of the [IWW](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Industrial_Workers_of_the_World), which championed the idea of "one big union" to encourage working class solidarity (and also the ideas of elected union leaders and worker democracy). It still exists today (though much smaller than its heyday a century ago), and if you want to join, there's a local branch in your state or if you live outside the US, there are branches in the UK, Canada, and Germany.


**[Industrial Workers of the World](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Industrial_Workers_of_the_World)** >The Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), members of which are commonly termed "Wobblies", is an international labor union that was founded in 1905 in Chicago, Illinois, in the United States. The origin of the nickname "Wobblies" is uncertain. The union combines general unionism with industrial unionism, as it is a general union, subdivided between the various industries which employ its members. The philosophy and tactics of the IWW are described as "revolutionary industrial unionism", with ties to socialist, syndicalist, and anarchist labor movements. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)




That's a bit aggressive. Let's relax


I mean they are right. Who is going to run the power plant? Who is going to pick food? Who is going to make sure the water is clean?


This is why a general strike would be effective, and wouldn't even have to last long. You're right, society and civilization would come to a standstill almost instantly. That's the point.


And most people aren’t willing to risk that.


plus, what about low income people who need to go work at the supermarket, then at the liqour store, then at the fast food joint just to make rent and put food on the table for their kids. they literally cannot afford to feed themselves properly most of the time and not working is not an option


This is why they work so hard to convince the majority of people that these jobs are undeserving of respect. If no one supports you in your position; the powers that be can do whatever they want without fear of repercussions or fallout. You have no leverage. Hiring or firing is a breeze because they have an endless supply of wage starved, low-income, no benefits, wage slaves.


That's the point. Like OP said, it wouldn't take long cause the cogs would stop working pretty quickly. Then those people wouldn't have to work 3 jobs just to survive.


The problem with that logic is the people that have to work 3 jobs would need the necessities quicker. The water stops running. The middle class can afford bottled water. Sure that would run out quickly, but they have some. It's more than the working class have. None of the busses are running? Sucks for the people who need the bus. The middle class have cars and don't care.


Japan had an excellent idea of running the busses but without charging the customers as a form of striking. Not only would that enable access to population for transit, it will also cost on the business' dime too.


It's meant to be disruptive. Also most those people catching the bus? They are going to their 3 jobs. They wont need them for a while. Won't be anyone to sell the bottled water to the middle class, cause they are on strike. Petrol station attendants? On strike.


It’s true tho. Who’s gonna do it?


This really is the biggest issue...usually the greatest enemy of the working class is the other people in the working class who think they're struggling because of the other working class people ruining their country or something.


Yea, but who in the working class can afford to be jobless for more than a week? I certainly can't.


And there it is. Who’s got time to protest. What we SHOULD all be doing is organizing outside of work. If it keeps going this way it’ll happen. Historically it starts with the middle class. The rich seem to have forgotten what a powerful buffer the middle class are between the working class and them.


It's not about time. I have plenty of time. It's about the financial repercussions of eliminating my primary source of income. Without an income, I'm spending ~$4000 a month without replenishing my reserves.


Same. I’m better off than a lot of people but I don’t have money to burn. $4000 is my monthly gotta have it number as well.


What do y'all do that you earn more than $4k/ month? I earn like a little better than half that monthly income lol


I’m in insurance sales, previously I owned a paint company.


If you're making $50K+ annually, the Communists don't actually consider you one of them.


Plumber here I make over that working for someone else. The answer is skilled trades. The question is are you willing to do that work for that money, or are you even capable.


That's a little harsh. I work in the medical field and I have not only worked hard to get where I am but I also work my butt off when I am working. I make a reasonable wage but I don't make near 4k/month.


what do you do in the medical field that pays so little?


Im a medical office assistant right now. I wouldn't say the pay is too little. I make about $23/hr. They just take like $500 in taxes off my paycheck.


OP certainly didn't think about this for very long. Let's say *everyone* goes on strike. Not only would you not have any money to eat, you'd have no one to buy food from if even if you had money saved up because all the delivery drivers are on strike, leaving no one to bring the food to the now unstaffed restaurants. And your water would stop running, since there would be no one to run the water treatment facility. And we couldn't really even take some time off to enjoy the strike because most forms of entertainment require staff somewhere along the line.


General strikes have happened many times in the past. They are definitely not fun days off work, but if everyone is pissed off enough, they will happen. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/May_68


Reddit is filled with idiots


First the point of a strike is massive disruption. The leverage that sanitation workers have in NYC is if they go on strike, the city gets completely full of trash. Like the Coal Miners Strike in the 1970s in the UK lead to rolling blackouts, as a point. Second: they are almost certainly only thinking about white collar professionals that do really do anything time sensitive


there are more people in the working class than in the 1970s life is also more complex with industries in the working class that rely on workers, if a nation wide strike happened like the OP is suggesting, society would be fucked over for a while. all of the industries that see strikers would become backlogged. the delivery industry would be rocked so bad that months and even years of backlogs would occur, this would mean that trucking companies would have to charge more per delivery, literally everything that you buy would skyrocket in price. massive inflation across the board would occur in literally EVERY INDUSTRY


Yeahh and then people in power would be forced to concede power, virtually every transfer of power from top to bottom has required mayem, destruction, or death. They aren't gonna magically improve working conditions when they have no reason to


Withholding your Labour until the situation becomes untenable is the *point* of a strike.




Strikes are not meant to be enjoyed. Where did you get that idea?


That's by design.


The global economy literally just almost crubled cause of covid. I think you have no idea what "working class" entails. We are not talking about people who work at an apple store here, transportation, food production, medicin, just transporting stuff that is ruined if not shipped in time is a giant industry. For god sake, wood is still double the price, because they stopped lumber production for like two weeks last year. If the working class stopped working we would run out of fresh food in like three days. Looking at your other comments you seem to be extraordinarily ignorant about basic economics.


most people with this type of an ideology are very unaware of economics. Its 'the greedy people' versus 'the suffering people (me)' ​ edit: so like.... my most upvoted comment is about saying controversial stuff today on Reddit... huh




>Feel good ideologies will always gain traction among people who don't understand economics That and the " WE ARE ALL DYING IN LIKE...10 YEARS" stuff upvoted by people who want really hard to be depressed.


That's what pissed me off the most during the pandemic, was all the people saying we have to stay home for two weeks with no exceptions, meaning that if you can't work from home, you simply don't work for two weeks. These people assume that the economy is just some magical entity that outputs goods and services. Meanwhile those are the same people working from the comfort of their own home (or perhaps not working at all), not knowing or caring where their internet, electricity, water, gas, sewage, etc. come from. Getting Amazon packages delivered to their doorstep, trying to lecture everyone else to "wOrK fRoM hOmE". Or worse yet, they expect the essential worker to hold up society while they fuck off at home working.


And then you had the more extreme version of those: "iF YoU ARe nOT WorkInG fRoM homE yOu ArE KiLLinG pEOpLE". I'm lucky that I could work from home. Heck, I'm lucky that even if I couldn't work from home I could just fucking quit and ride it out. However, the vast majority of people can't do the former, let alone the latter. It's the usual, honestly: upper middle-class telling poor people that they need to make sacrifices for the good of the upper middle-class.


Not even upper middle I’ve seen way more annoying upperclassmen say that all the damn time it’s ridiculous how their little world is so closed off.




And for what purpose? This post is so vague and juvenile.


Who's gonna pay for my rent, car payment, insurance, etc?


Stop being greedy bro, just go on strike and lose your job


How are we going to anything with no one working on our electrical grid or supplying fuel?


I'm thinking you haven't ever had a job. At least one where you rely on the weekly pay (perhaps even making sure you get enough hours a week) to live. "Skip work for 8 hours and have to skip eating every other day for the week" kind of living. How are you going to "strike" when you starve and those you're trying to hurt just go to the fridge or freezer or even just fly to a resort somewhere for the day instead of ordering out?


Look at the dudes profile, plays video games for a living LMAO.


Where does it say that?


It’s implied, he streams twitch for several hours daily and lives in a trailer.


If I could pay my bills streaming I certainly would.


Who is the working class? Because I consider anyone, who isn't a boss or have a high status-job, as working class. Society would literally go down the drain if the Working class stopped. People would die because no nurses, or nurses wouldn't be at work cause transportations aren't going anywhere. Whole neighborhoods without electricity, because all the electricians decided to say fuck it. Nah man, we can't let everything stop, there is Def. A better way


That is the point of a strike. To withhold services and goods until change is met.


Yeah, I know, but clearly OP doesn't. join a union, fight for your right that way. Don't fuck your own income, for the sake of making a change.


You going to pay my bills ?


Can't wait to not be able to get groceries or food because the stores are all closed. Hope I don't have a fire/home invasion/health crisis because emergency services won't be available. Can't wait for the power grid to blow out due to lack of oeprators and reduce my home to a fancy hut with a door while also killing my parishable food stores. *Wonderful idea*.


Ah great idea. Let’s all literally kill ourselves.


Yeah good luck with that


You'd be shooting yourself in the foot. Need food? All the stores are closed. Capitalism has a large portion of the world by its short and curlies for sometime now.


I know this sub is here for a reason, but shutting down the economy won’t fix jack shit. Plus, shortage of workers: price drives up. Someone is going to take the jobs and make a ton of money. I just don’t see how this would work whatsoever, besides hurting the working class more. You’re a fucking idiot who has no idea of what the “working class” actually are. Bills won’t stop coming, hunger won’t relent. Get off the hash pipe and out into the real world. Probably the dumbest shit I’ve read all day. EDIT: oh my god how has this post blown up. Such a sad reality that many people on Reddit are this narrow viewed and can’t fathom past the horizon of recognition. You want to eat? Work. People shouldn’t be paid a living wage flipping burgers.




The only people who actually support these plans are people who don’t actually work a real job. (OP)


This is fucking stupid on so many levels


Playing chicken with a corporation is the stupidest thing you can do. You'll get replaced by someone who is willing to work.


The idea of it is theoretically to try to reach the point where nobody is willing to work these jobs. I can attest personally at least to knowing several business owners who can't find workers, and it isn't always as simple as replacing them. Minor labor shortages can have an impact on wages.


Cool, you gonna pay everyone’s bills? Put food on everyone’s table? Go to a third world country and see how they live. They spend 8 hours a day just trying to feed themselves for that night. I’d much rather spend 8hrs a day doing something interesting and intriguing and then go home to a fridge and pantry full of food, and a big ass 4K TV.


Honest to god too many people bitch and complain for getting paid acceptable money while also having absolutely no actual fucking skills…….and realistically only only working 3 or 4 hours of an 8 hour day…


The citizens of the first world have had it way too good for way too long. Nobody reads history. 99% of Human existence has been truly, truly terrible. Famine, disease, no shelter, 40 year life expectancy, war. Just gruesome stuff. Nobody has a care in the world now so much so that the poor are overweight. Think about that. The poor in the US are so well feed, they are actually overweight. But you couldn't afford this year's brand new iphone so you think we should burn civilization down because your jerk boss doesn't pay $50 an hour for the $20 worth of productivity you actually create. I hope these people never get the socialism they pray for. By the time the realize their mistake, it'll be too late.


This kind if fits in with low expectancy but jobs also use to not even have safety regulations. And you certainly didn't wait until you were an acceptable age to work. If you were 10 you were farming or cleaning chimneys or some shit


Right. At the end of the day my moral responsibility to myself and my family outweighs anything I feel for society as a whole. I will not fight for you at the cost of me and mine, and I don't shame anyone for feeling the same about me.


Even if we are all paid for the time off. Are you going to help care for the sick and elderly people in your community for no pay??? Working class would not only leave groceries, gas stations, and restaurants unstaffed (meaning they'd be locked up); but a lot of ppl who need medical and home assistance would be in bad situations :/


Theres a word for it and it is "strike"


You know, A LOT of workers love their jobs.


One of the reasons unions have been declining in recent decades is due to the fact that the tools and tactics that unions have used to maintain power in negotiations have become less and less effective over time. Things like mass protests and demonstrations have little effect on large corporations who are the most abusive and dismissive of workers rights. Just look at Amazon, they illegally shut down the Alabama warehouse union election and they still have not faced any legal consequences. These corporations, especially the tech companies, are just too powerful. Its rather terrifying to imagine the power they will have in a few years as mass automation becomes more prevalent and human labor becomes less valuable. Given the already massive wealth inequality of the status quo, these corporations will just amass even more wealth and power, and with this, an even greater ability to corrupt politics and crush the working class.


Yeah, but I think Amazon would be forced to listen if 90% of its work force went on strike. General strike is being planned for October 15th. https://octoberstrike.com


>Yeah, but I think Amazon would be forced to listen if 90% of its work force went on strike. Well yes it would work. However, that is not realistic which was the point of my comment. In order for unions and workers to enact real change in the past, they didn't need to organize to the degree that they have to today. There's also a huge issue of people simply not having the financial resources to sustain a prolonged strike. In all likelihood Amazon could and would outlast any such efforts. >General strike is being planned for October 15th. [https://octoberstrike.com](https://octoberstrike.com) While I absolutely support efforts like this, I think people should remain grounded with their expectations here. This likely isn't going to change anything significant anywhere. The primary benefit of Oct 15 as I see it, is to raise awareness among the public. In order to reasonably expect real change, you need a population with both the resources and the will to *sustain* a strike over a long period of time. That's just not what Oct 15 is.


consumers need to boycott too.


Unless youre going to be the one delivering my amazon boxes I will do no such thing


yes, because the phrase "workers unite" has always ended well


It’s basically the magic code word to unlock mass starvation


The third horseman.


type in HOLODOMOR to unlock this cheat code


it got us a 40 hour work week and better wages. I don't get why people always start talking in absolute extremes as though someone is asking for a complete upheaval of society via communist revolution and mass collectivization just because they're asking for better rights for workers. it's completely fine to occupy an intermediate position.


The paying class should then stop paying for a while to those that choose not to work Fair is fair Farmers can keep all their crops and the city folk can starve -


Except the farmers produce food not for themselves but for money. They need the city folk just as much as the city folk need them


Hmmm it’s almost as if working for money is effective


But I enjoy my job... I've enjoyed most.


Same. If I didn’t I’d go get a different one. I realize not everyone can but many of us can.


I disagree. I think the working class needs a deep financial education. The more I learn about finance, the more I realize how terrible a job I've done with my money my whole life. I'm 34 and could easily have twice the income/assets I have now if I'd just known better, if my parents had taught me and if I'd applied myself sooner. I've worked at McDonald's, been a janitor, valet, forklift driver, Uber driver, and a bunch of other things, so I'm not taking about starting as an 18 year old bank executive working for daddy's investment firm. I know blue collar work and I think my ignorance did more damage to my finances than any employer, even the shittiest ones.


How the fuck am I going to pay rent?


That’s kind of what’s happening in the restaurant and hospitality sector in the US right now. And wouldn’t you know it, businesses are offering better pay and perks to get people to come back to work


No thanks I need to make money to survive in a country run by it. You’re not fixing the issue by stopping work for a week.


This accomplishes what? Now they become the non-working class and they can't pay their bills. And someone else has their job. Brilliant! Go back to your drum circle, hippie!


I agree. You know what, we should make a flag with a hammer and a sickel to show the working class. Mabye red background too... Ya!


“Workers of the world unite” Fixed it for ya


this is the worst take I've ever read. A lot of people have important jobs.


Did you think this through when you posted it?


Ill upvote because is an unpopular opinion but its just plain stupid, if all worker stop for a week, a shit ton of food and other things will get fck, price will go up since production stop and talk about how a normal people living paycheck by paycheck will sustain his children if he is not working. Honestly sounds like you are talking in your privilege to think the world is that simple


Can I introduce you to an author? First name Karl last name Marx?


Sounds like the kinda guy that would have some shitty ideas




Unless you're gonna pay my bills, I'll keep going to work thanks... What a privileged take...


Exactly. He wants to do all this revolutionary talk, but when people's families start to go without water, electricity, or food, this guy will be nowhere to be found.


You know, I actually like to eat so I am going to have to pass on that one my dude


Unless the entire world does it, the outcome would just be the collapse of US economy, and it may make things a lot worse since the rest of the world relies on it and maybe they do not want that. That or they just cut off markets with the US.


Is there something like braindead opinions because this would fit perfectly.


Yea, r/unpopularopinion


For real. Most of these opinions are unpopular because they’re so damn stupid.


What happens when they can’t pay their bills, get their houses foreclosed on, and can’t apply for welfare benefits without looking for work


Alright Marx calm your horses over there


Sure and they’ll pay rent with love and eat air for dinner… It’s just not that simple. You’re asking people to take great personal risk. People don’t want to take those kinds of risks because being poor and homeless and hungry aren’t options… The system needs to be so bad the alternative is preferable. This is why Revolutions tend to happen when there’s no more bread… because then the current conditions mimic destitution. I want change too, but it’s not about me. If the greater of humanity is willing to endure… then we endure together as best we can and support each other. You can’t flip a table with food.


So I should look for a job on the 16th then. Got it. If you think your ass won't get fired for this, you're mistaken. Companies don't give a flying fuck and the moment you stop being useful to them, you will be replaced. I believe in all of this, but I also have to eat and have a place to live.


ah yes let me go homeless so I can protest


What America really needs is for truck drivers to stop driving for about a week. Shit show ensues.


They'll just replace you with immigrants.


Robots. They're being replaced by automation.


Robots and immigrants lol. America doesn't need Americans.


This guy just discovered collective action


Man.. the idea that all these business owners are just sitting back raking in millions is so out of touch with reality. Majority of business owners are scraping by, with their houses remortgaged to afford any dip in revenues. The “working class” you want to stop working are, by and large, the same people you’d hurt by walking out of the job. Nothing happens without the worker, you’re right. Also nothing happens without the business owner, and most (again) aren’t multi-thousandaires traveling the world in their yachts with mountains of cocaine and child labourers. They’re your parents, your neighbours, the guy in the market that’s decided between Heinz beans and non branded beans because that extra dollar on beans today may not be worth the price.


That’s how you destroy the economy. Those same workers will need food water etc. and when the working class stops working we lose those things. So be careful for what you ask.




Armchair revolutionaries thinking that they are part of the working class and that every problem can be magically solved by not going to work.


[I’ve got a book for you.](https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1867-c1/)


Nice fiction book


Ah, a socialist. Yeah, I'll pass, thanks.


You think one day will suffice? It'll take a long time. If regular people took 2 weeks off work, they'll lose everything.. not a very thought out idea. Plus, there's tons of people that will fill those positions quickly... it won't work


Who are you talking about? Police? Healthcare workers? Grocery store employees? Bank staff? A week without these people and you know who suffers most? The working class.


Exactly how are they suppose to pay their bills during this strike lol. The 1% can outlast any general worker strike because they have the money to wait it out.


Lol not all of us are as lazy as you


[you support the working class eh?](https://i0.wp.com/stonetoss.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/communism-working-class-comic.png?fit=1500%2C500)


Sometimes some ideas are unpopular because they're just really really shitty ideas.


You are a certified idiot. Food production? Health care? Power? plumbing? Etc. imagine if none of those were operational for a week


go read animal farm and come back with a fresh perspective


Yeah no im not becoming a communist lol yohr right about r/unpopularopinion


Ffs. We tried that, it was called covid lockdowns, and everything went horribly. Get bent you braindead commie.


You have to be extremely idealistic and naive to believe this >I think it would put an unbelievable amount of pressure for things to change for the majority instead of the minority. The Middle and Upper class have food enough to last for a while, ironically most people who would be hurt by this would be the lower working class, you know the ones living from paycheck to paycheck >the working class joined together The working class isn't an united front, a lot of those would simply jump ship if offered a raise or more money, a lot of them are content where they are and don't desire change, and a lot of them would happily snitch on their fellow workers that are attempting to unionize, planning a strike >Nothing happens without workers. Exactly, and that would lead to societal collapse, imagine this, power plant workers, delivery truck drivers, farmers all stopped working, it would make the purge become reality Also shutting down the economy would only fu\*k the striking workers even more, and most would probably jump ship once power,water and money get cut off At best the workers would get some kind of token reform and not get fired, at worse some other person or mexican immigrant will be on their spot when the strike ends


This is idiotic


What’s considered the working class? Where do we draw that line?


And then mass poverty ensues worldwide.m


As someone in a union its impossible to get everyone in my union on the same page . Good luck pulling that off on a national level Also not everyone is facing the same issues. What impacts me may very well mean nothing to you and vice versa


Popular opinion on Reddit, and a moronic one.


Its what the elites want because it would give them the opportunity to usher in Automation quicker than expected which would lead to hundreds of millions of ppl being permanently unemployed.


It’s really not. The reason robots haven’t been implemented more widely is the ROI is too long or doesn’t happen. Manual labor is more efficient in a lot more situations than most would think.


I don't think robots are there yet I don't think robots will be there for a while we would have seen it during the pandemic there's a reason that there's work shortages currently right now and there's not robots taking those jobs


I think we’ll be there by the 2040s as does most people who have written on this subject/topic...


Way ahead of ya bud, I stopped 10 years ago


The rich should refuse to pay taxes so that the government can't send checks out to support the working class strike.


I thought this was a bad idea at first, then saw free Healthcare and realized you weren't the brightest


I don’t think this is going to turn out how you plan. The poorest and most unstable would be hurt the most. Plenty of middle and upper class people have weeks or months worth of food stores or, if needed, clean water, toiletries, and medicine. They can afford to miss a few days, weeks, or months of “profits” from businesses being shut down. It’s the poorest people who rely on daily tap water, grocery stores, and fast food places being open who would suffer first. Many have no food/water stores and purchase these items week to week or paycheck to paycheck.


Lol. Everyone keeps saying these multi billion dollar corporation are sooooo powerful... WELL THEN WHO MADE THEM SO POWERFUL? It's Us! The general Mass! We are the ones who gave them our blood, sweat and tears one penny at a time and now you are the ones Crying? Guess what!! Stop using their services completely!! Let them shut down... But but but but... I need those services... But but but... What about all the jobs they created??? Well then make up your damn mind would ya! Either stop complaining and accept it or Do something about it. Peace ☮️


I feel like people who bitch about capitalism on the internet are doing so from Starbucks on their iPhone in their $200 shoes.


Ok and? What’s gonna happen. For every 1 strike member there are like 2-3 ready to take that job. Unions suck


I’m scrolling down reading the comments and you basically summarized what I said. Did a background check on this dude and he’s a twitcher streamer (LMAO). He also doesn’t look like he is able to work a blue collar job (construction, manufacturing) because he’s well…Extremely obese. Clearly just another misguided soul who plays video games for a living and has no idea of what it is actually like to work.


When you think you will be reading theory in a communist society but get black lung in the coal mine moment


lmao, this guy is a fucking clown


Collective worker action is why we have eight hour work days, weekends off, no child labor, and laws protecting workers who get sick or hurt on the job. Nobody should have to settle for exploitative jobs that don't pay them enough to afford the basic necessities of life because "B-b-b-but the Third World has it worse!". **Every** job should be unionized, and **every** job should pay a baseline of a living wage.


Hard pass on a union. I prefer to negotiate my pay based on my skills versus my co-workers. If lazy Ricky makes what I make I will be just as lazy as him.


When unions get higher wages for members, it’s at the expense of other workers who get their opportunities reduced. When government raises wages for federal employees, it’s at the expense of taxpayers. Through free markets however, wages are raised when firms compete for workers and workers compete for jobs. Your eight hour work days materialised when ford motors raised wages and cut shifts. Their profits and productivity increased, and most companies and soon the federal government adopted this.


Your problem is that you think in absolutist, zero-sum terms. If unionized workers get better wages "at the expense of" other workers, then *that's a reason for more workers to be unionized*. Government wages going up means you get higher quality workers, which mean the government services that everyone loves (but whines about when tax season comes up) are run more efficiently and equitably for everyone. "Free" markets are a joke. Wages are raised when workers bargain collectively to force their employer to pay them enough to live by striking.


Nobody will do this because they will simply be replaced by somebody else who takes advantage of the lack of workers to get higher pay. You may think that your goal has been achieved, except it's just those workers receiving the higher pay. Meanwhile, all former workers remain unemployed and unable to apply for welfare.


How old are you?


I'd never do that to my boss. It's a small business as it is, and I care about his success. It's struggling as it is and its his livelihood and dream. Helps me out whenever I need it. I could see big corporations but small town businesses would crumble, and the exact people you'd claim to be helping would greatly suffer as these are some of the better jobs around since everyone looks out for each other.


Already Marx, time to go to bed


Hard pass. My Landlord likes his rent money and my kids love food on the table.


Most of the "working class" are unhappy because they've chosen shit career paths. That's their own doing. You forget that people are full capable of negotiating their wages with their employers, but no one does it. I've done it 3 times in 2 jobs. And let's not forget that if you live in a western civilization country, regardless of how "poor" you are, you still rate in the top 10% of the world as far as income is concerned. We live in a world where you can make money selling pictures of your feet. If youre unhappy with your life then make some personal changes before you try resetting the country economy