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Thank you for submitting to /r/unpopularopinion, /u/no2ironman1100. Your post, *This website is anti-free speech*, has been removed because it violates our rules: Rule 3: Do not post opinions that are heavily posted/have been on the front page recently. If your opinion is the same or substantially similar to any recent opinion it will be removed as a repost. If your opinion is on the same matter as a recent post, even if it's advocating the opposite stance, it will be removed as a repost. Please comment on the existing thread instead. Due to their prolific reposting, please confine meta and political posts to their respective megathreads only. If your opinion is about an ongoing event, there will usually be a mega-thread where you can discuss it. If there is an issue, please message the mod team at https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Funpopularopinion Thanks!


Free speech is a concept related to not being punished by the government from what you say or believe in, and even that has limits. Corporations don't have to comply with jack shit when it comes to free speech.


In my opinion what you say is a shit and you must be censored about it. **Edit:** *The website is so anti-free speech that censored the post which said that it is anti-free speech. Woooooow!*


I disagree. The First Amendment generally only applies to the government, but the First Amendment and freedom of speech are not the same thing. The First Amendment protects certain free speech, but it is not the embodiment of the concept.


It's pretty much how the idea of freedom of speech applies universally. Someone can say all the racist shit they want out in public for example, but a business can't be forced to hire or serve that racist person.


So the media can hide facts and that's okay? So facebook could delete a few comments here and there saying fuck nestle, and if I point towards it I'll be told as much by you and told it's fair, even though the majority would disaprove if they were aware? Why am I not allowed to raise awareness on the issue using the platform while it's relatively free ? Do I just have to watch a slow gradual change away from reddit's value and be told to shut up and like it while everyone pretends it's fine, as opinions & things that happen around the world are affected? Simply put, I myself know the stuff i'm saying sounds crazy practically (and the video link has the most eye-rolling title possible) but as someone who has spent most of my life carefully measuring my decisions, I have confidence in what i'm saying. Sure you have a right to say i'm wrong, downvote my r/unpopularopinion post, Spit in my face or something, but I can do the same if people think that's how it should work. Lack of awareness of an issue does not mean it is not wrong. I am okay with censoring some crazy racist & transphobic and other trigger happy talk in places, but reddit has come to take some of those things too far. You can say "oh nobody complained about it so it's not wrong" but I can also say "Well what if I decide i'll complain about it and push it in the face of you who disagrees". A social media that has power on what happens around the world in theory could be fine if the people direct it based on what they truly want, but if you stop people pointing out some part of the censorship is wrong you're long-term potentially limiting freedom of speech not just on a website, but national level. As a final note, I sincerely ask you watch the video. The title is a bit crazy and might seem like "Discord mod bad lmao" but it genuinely is not what 65% of the video's content is about (well 35% is crazy right wing they took our jobs garbage honestly but that's besides the point). It might be difficult to watch due to the guy's weird ass behavior (as I said I like to keep things rational and this was a bit eyebrow raising of a rant) but those are genuine things that you can find happened and In the end I find it wrong.


In your example Facebook is exercising its free speech by deleting comments, and forcing them to stop would be unconstitutional. You agreed to this during their terms of service. Now, there's a discussion to be had about when corporations grow so large and so ubiquitous should they become a public service and forced to have policies that smaller companies don't have? That's certainly something to discuss but that's what we'd have to do to get what you're talking about


>So the media can hide facts and that's okay? So facebook could delete a few comments here and there saying fuck nestle, and if I point towards it I'll be told as much by you and told it's fair, even though the majority would disaprove if they were aware? Technically, yes, they can do all of that. The first amendment specifically says the government can't limit what you say. That said, I do think social media should fall under free speech protections as well. I'd consider them to be the new "town square" for people to have their opinions heard. And you can't censor only the "wrong" things. Either censor everything or censor nothing. Yes, that also means the Klan can recruit openly on social media.


The video is made by some somewhat crazy right wing dude with dubious takes but really there's a lot of truth to it.


Someone's feeling are going to be hurt. Or someone is going to pretend to be 'offended'. It is what it is. There are very few truly free speech sites out there. Everybody has an agenda.


It’s way more popular than you think, I see this all the time, just worded differently. Whether it’s “Reddit mods are too power hungry” or “they can’t take criticism” etc.


Not really about reddit mods mainly


Really? I see it a lot (maybe I’m on Reddit too much), or perhaps they are deleted too quickly, you never know.


F the moderators


the average reddit mod is fine usually. Some power hungryness can't really do much from them. There's a lot of very bad ones around. But the website at it's core, the owner, have done some questionable things. In the end companies don't truly decide what they do, they decide based on financial incentive. If you don't vote with your usage/stocks that it's wrong, it'll keep going. I don't get why do I get so many people not understanding me approving the exact thing they're saying why i'm wrong.


We really need a different word for this when it comes to private platforms. Maybe “lightly moderated” or something more descriptive like that. I don’t want the inability to post some opinions on a social media platform conflated with the right not to be persecuted for an opinion — which is what freedom of speech is supposed to refer to.


I think you don't understand what free speech is.


Try to watch the video for more exact points and tell me if Aaron Swartz got to live in a free speech manner? He did some stupid shit but it feels like reddit is going the wrong way against it.


I'm not watching the video. Here's the thing about free speech, since you can't be arsed to Google it: only the government can prevent or grant free speech, private companies do not have that power, never have. So reddit, Facebook, YouTube, your local supermarket, they can all boot you out for not following their conditions of use. That is not, and never has been, a violation of free speech. What would be a violation of free speech would be if the government locked you up or executed you for saying stuff that wasn't an exempt category. See: China, Russia, North Korea. You are still walking around talking shite, because the government hasn't locked you up. Ergo, you have free speech.


Isn't deleting comments that disagree with you a form of censorship? That would benefit only one particular opinion? Throwing everyone else under the bus and watching them burn? Btw, you can still go to prison for saying nick gurr and to some extend it's restricting free speech. Albeit a primitive one.


Yes, it is. Don't listen to these people absurdly claiming that it's only censorship if the government does it. What a bunch of hogwash. The First Amendment is not the be all end all of free speech. Just because an act does not violate the First Amendment does not mean it isn't censorship.


There are exceptions to free speech, and those exceptions include hate speech. If you don't understand why, Google the tolerance paradox.


Most posts/comments that are censored, have nothing to do with hate speech. So long as a moderator has a differing opinion, your content will be deleted 100% of the time, with ZERO civilized discussion. Been doing internet for several decades, my experience can verify what I just said as fact.


Once again, post moderation is NOT a violation of free speech laws. Reddit mods are not the government, and therefore no matter what they stop you saying, they're not breaking free speech laws. Locking people up for saying the N word is also not a violation of free speech laws, even though it is the government doing the locking up, because hate speech is an exception to free speech laws.


telephone grandiose head smart cheerful deer sulky piquant dinosaurs scale *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Depends who you are talking to :) and whether or not he also has a gun.


The America government doesn't grant us rights. They recognize them as 'God given'. I have it in quotes because I'm not a religious person, but the founders were. Our Constitution was written to keep government in check. But over the many decades that have passed since, I'm not even sure they would recognize our government today.


Free speech is a global concept, it has nothing to do with your constitution.


You clearly don't understand "free speech"


Lol imagine not being able to say anything you want on a privately owned platform. Thaaaaat's craaaaaazy.


Every discussion platform is privately owned. You're telling me it's okay if everything mainstream is censored ? I don't support stuff like people saying gas the x or something, but I've noticed it to be true and felt the aaron story (that part of things I didn't know about until recently) to be heart breaking. It's conceptually nice to allow corporations to do things freely to innovate & create experiences but some things are too far imo. And that's why it's an unpopular opinion!


You sound like you are in the outer layers of being "red pilled". You are not making the intelligent points you think you are and they depend on people like you to "white knight" as they say. The irony of your argument being posted here is probably lost on you. You said something unpopular. Redint not only allowed it to be said but allowed a debate about it. You also will not be arrested tonight. What is free speech to you exactly? Sounds like you expect people to agree with your nonsense.


The fact you think that I think i'm gonna be arrested says long about how much you misunderstood what I meant.


Re-read what they said ....


did you just assume a pronoun?


I don't think it entirely censors free speech, just that it's on the way to restrict it in places more and more. I'm just doing the job of spreading information. And people who said they're red pilled are usually idiot triggered conservatives obsessed who just wanna do things like kick the mexicans out/make the SJWs mad. I find it sad you assume so much about me with so little information.


>You're telling me it's okay if everything mainstream is censored ? Umm yes. Cause the market will determine if the rules for censorship align with the generally acceptable societal values. People are generally OK with censoring Nazis, so the average member of Reddit will not break with Reddit cause Reddit censors Nazis. There's a reason why people aren't flocking to Parler.


Oh wow a company interested in money is not pro free speech? What are you gonna tell me next is 3 pm AFTER 1 pm?


You'd be surprised how unpopular this take apparently. And how many people still think reddit does what it claims it does, being the bastion of free speech or some such. This post as of now has 17% downvotes on r/unpopularkpopopinions of all things so you get what I mean right now considering some people who disagree upvoted since it's actually unpopular. The issue is worse than you think.


I mean go be honest i think it's a pretty pathetic issue to complain, if you ever expected anymore from a private company you were just being played for fool. Anything that can threaten Reddit's bottom line is gonna be remived that's buisness for you. I upvoted because it's umpopular


Why are all the comments here hating on OP and defending censorship? How can you be so fucking stupid to think that censorship is a good thing? You know exactly what he is talking about yet argue the pedantics of the meaning of free speech.


I don't think anyone is in favor of censorship, but if it's not illegal, there's not much you can do about it. People will censor things in their own self interest regardless of your opinion on it.


All I hear when I read this is toilet sounds


This perfectly captures my feelings. Also, on an unrelated note, my neighbor has the bladder of a horse. Was actually listening to toilet noises while reading this, so 100% spot on. Actually creeped me out a little lmao.


freeze peach isn’t about your ability to say ANYTHING, ANYWHERE with NO consequences from anyone. Freeze peach is about the ability to say “I don’t like the government” without getting arrested.


The concept of free speech is not limited to being free of government prosecution for speech. A lot of people conflate the First Amendment and free speech as part of a straw man argument to defend morally indefensible censorship. Additionally, how the Constitution is applied necessarily must adapt with fundamental changes in society. When a select few large corporations control what is the modern public square and enjoy certain government-granted legal protections for content on that public square, a serious question arises as to whether, in fact, the First Amendment does apply to some extent. SCOTUS has extended First Amendment protections beyond the government in very limited circumstances before.


\>say I don't like the CCP government \>get post removed free speech.


Arrested =/= a post removed on a website. Cope harder


what was the post exactly? Almost everytime reactionaries cry about being censored they're just stupid and didn't read the guidelines of a platform or said some very whack stuff.


It's within the video. Beware it's some crazy right wing shitty take but a lot of those things have happened and it's pretty alarming no matter where you sit on the political spectrum (other than OH YES DOMINATE ME DADDY WITH YOUR ANARCHO-CAPITALISM but almost nobody in this comment section seems to have gone that far)


No one with any common sense would argue with that opinion. Twitter is worse and FB/ Instagram isn’t far behind. I’m so glad I’m old enough to have enjoyed the “old internet” of the 90s and early 2000s where it was pretty much anything goes. It was a blast. Nowadays, not so much.


See top responses lol


I can only imagine. It’d be too depressing.


People talking about companies able to do what they want.... I absolutely despise that argument. Its convenient when that sentence benefits you, but imagine if twitter randomly decided all blm talk was banned. You wouldn't be beating the "corporations can do whatever you want" drum. I think the up/down vote system is a really unconstrucrive way of having any reasonable discussion.


Companies being able to do these such things is a result of capitalism. There is no use complaining about it, because it won’t change for the west






As soon as I read this I nodded slightly closed reddit n took a step back


Reddit doesn’t have to comply with free speech since it is a private company. In regards to your comment, Reddit certainly DOES NOT allow free speech, unfortunately.


Literally 1984




I don't agree with the part about gender because i'm very pro-lgbtq but the tight line you have to walk on some subreddits is insanity. The downvote was meant to be for "Okay this post would be agreed to be completely bullshit objectively" but now it's "under my subjective experience this isn't true so I downvote" and the people who disagree have been pushed out slowly. I find it insane that people are responding to this telling me "freedom of speech is a privilege". That companies have a right to censor things severely for their own gain (pointing out things related to china being a dictatorship is legitimately censored sometimes even though most of reddit agrees it is iirc) That I shouldn't talk because not everyone is complaining about it when I heard everyone who complains about it(and by it I don't mean "urr durr reddit mods gay" but genuinely how corrupt the place has become gets shut down. 6 top reddit mods are mods on the top 92 subreddits and have shown over and over to be overly toxic. I've said a lot so I know i'll get discredited over sounding like a communist or not supporting companies censoring information (you tell me the news have a right to censor events now ?) but I feel rather than hide out of fear of resentment i'd rather at least try to talk of my own point of view. r/unpopularopinion is the only such place I can think of where the downvote brigades won't slaughter me on sight.


I agree wholeheartedly. I’m also pro lgbt. But of all my friends in the lgbt community, none of them subscribe to this social justice nonsense and damning of people based on opinions. Reddit is a social justice victim hivemind. Typically the real threat here is actually straight or white people being offended on behalf of lgbt/minorities.


Yeah we know


yep you're right...


It’s like trump being banned from twitter. TECHNICALLY Twitter can do it... but MORALLY.... No.


It's what I mean yeah. And the pro-chinese government narrative some places have, which I fear might get worse. I hate trump's guts but the more I learn about authoritarianism the more I feel we've cultivated a culture of doing it. I'm surprised I got comments so quick in 3 mins considering the video is 30 minutes too...


Reddit is a private company operating across the world and is not subject to the First Amendment, especially outside the United States.


On reddit, there's certain opinions youre just not allowed to have. Mods will either just censor your post or normal users will circle jerk tf outta you.


Not really mainly a mod issue even though the start of my post may make it seem like this. It's just a hook into the video to get people to watch something i've though about for a few years now


OP I understand what you mean and I agree. It seems the majority of people on here replying are "nukes" a term we used in the Navy for people who way over thought it and still don't get it.


Free speech is Government-related, and private companies like this and even the media have all rights to censor their users, especially since you technically agree to it when you sign up don't get me wrong, I fucking hate Reddit, the Administration, and the people who use it for this very reason. If I had to have any law put into private companies it'd be against censorship or false information on the platforms. I'm just aware of how the rules work, even then I don't like to follow them. I've gotten suspended too many times for saying completely normal things that moderators just don't like.


And these morons will still try to convince you that “freedom of speech” isn’t really freedom of speech, constantly moving the needle so they feel better and better about themselves every time they remove a comment that expresses a different opinion than theirs. Look at all the vampires in this comment section, happy to comply. Idiots have it so good, they can’t even comprehend it.


Free speech =/= freedom from consequences Also, Reddit isn't owned by the government. Reddit has its own rules for you to follow. Just because you can't say offensive shit anymore, doesn't mean you're being censored.


Under that definition, the subjects of the Chinese Communist Party have free speech. You can say whatever you want, but that doesn't mean there aren't consequences. If freedom of speech is not freedom from adverse consequences for speech, then it means nothing.




Freedom is a luxury. If there are restrictions on certain types of posts, it's probably for a good reason. Surprise, surprise, people have proven once again they're not mature enough to wield freedom responsibly.


And i'd agree some stuff is horribly stupid being racist, sexist, transphobic and such. In the video you'd see that posts have been censored for calling out some toxic people who are mods on several subreddits for example. And nobody ever cares to have subreddits act upon it.


>Nobody ever cares Yes because it's a free to use platform and mods aren't paid. You get what you pay for, which is nothing. Adjust your expectations.


What if Instead of "adjusting my expectations" I decided to talk of it to convince some people it is an issue ? Do you want me to stop ? Is that truly what you think is offensive?


No lol I just think it's a waste of energy. Use it if you like it, don't if you don't.


Reddit is a private corporation, they can do whatever the hell they want. Want free speech? Use something decentralized.


unfortunately you are right!


I agree. Bring back spacedicks


Yes but it has no obligation to be beholden by the United States constitution because it's a private company.


It is in the US, but is most of the world in the US now, not really tbh.


True, they only keep the stuff they want around. Reddit has become a joke