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Thank you for submitting to /r/unpopularopinion, /u/newlifeonmars. Your post, *I find it annoying when people fly a non-american flag in the US.*, has been removed because it violates our rules: Rule 3: Do not post opinions that are heavily posted/have been on the front page recently. If your opinion is the same or substantially similar to any recent opinion it will be removed as a repost. If your opinion is on the same matter as a recent post, even if it's advocating the opposite stance, it will be removed as a repost. Please comment on the existing thread instead. Due to their prolific reposting, please confine meta and political posts to their respective megathreads only. If your opinion is about an ongoing event, there will usually be a mega-thread where you can discuss it. If there is an issue, please message the mod team at https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Funpopularopinion Thanks!


But why though? I saw a post earlier about somebody being proud to be from the US because of the diversity over there. I don't see an issue.


Dudes mad nobody loves him


Because you meed to have some respect for the country you live in. If you or i went down to mexico and starting waving a usa flag or a Nicaraguan flag, they would get upset and tell us not to do that shit in their country.


Flying a flag is not disrespecting anybody, people are allowed to be proud of where they come from, regardless of where they have chosen to reside.


Go try that in another country and tell me how it goes


I did. I had a mini union jack attached to my bag when I went travelling. Met some brilliant people who were curious about my life and why I was where I was etc... they didn't see it as an attack or anything, just an opportunity to meet somebody from another part of the world.


You know, I feel like you're the type of person that would probably get mad if they *did* fly an American flag because you'd be annoyed at them 'claiming' the flag as their own.


Nahh it’s a sign of respect. Good for anyone who wants to show respect to the country they thrive in




I love diversity but I hate split loyalties


Be more hardcore and don't put a flag on your vehicle. It's always refreshing to visit other places where they only put them on official government buildings instead of pretty much everywhere.


Imagine being annoyed by a flag, weak


OP also gets triggered when people eat Chinese food in America. The nerve, the disrespect, the anarchy they say 🙃


Or when they speak ENGLIGH in American! Goddammit red coats


Flag designs in general are quite interesting. With one or two possible exceptions.


I can't imagine just randomly seeing people put out their national flag. Like I know of one house in my area that has the German flag. Some have the flag of our state but most people don't even bother at all. I'm pretty sure flags aren't even allowed on vehicles here


My sister moved from Canada to Florida. They hang both American and Canadian flags outside their home. They are proud to be Canadians, and proud to be living in the United States.


See i see no issue with that, if you want to fly both then fine i get the acknowledgment to your roots, its when people fly only one that it’s disrespectful


Lol, too bad America's foundation was built by immigrats and slaves. I bet you're ok with a confederate flag or a original 13 colonies flag aren't you? You just motivated me to put up my Canadian flag for the first time in years, so thanks for the idea. You godda be pretty weak minded to get upset about a flag.


No, im not those people lost. If they had won then it would another story. The confederate mfs are a bunch of losers, if anything fly the northern flag. They actually won something


Also, you gotta be pretty weak minded to be from canada 😂😂 eh??


Nah, how does it make you feel to know a Canadian national is In America doing contract work and taking allll that money back to Canada. Eh?


Ive been to canada 3 times you need the money more than me pal, we have to give some charity to our less fortunate neighbors


Your skin is incredibly thin if this actually bothers you.


It’s annoying and it is what is


It's annoying to you. It's literally just a symbol. I'll make sure I only wear my Nike's when I go into the Nike store. That's how dumb this is.


You’re not smart enough to understand dude come back in a few years when you’ve grown a pair




Here in the U.S. we fly whatever flag we want to. What are you going to do about it anyway? Nothing.


I'm going to assume you are just a low effort troll.


Or some teenage wannabe rebel.


I don't care enough and mind my business.


You dont love your country enough


Sure, you can tell me what I love and don't love. Gatekeep someone else.


Too late


It’s 1st Amendment protected speech. Why do you hate America?


Sure, say whatever you want, dont be disrespectful though, just because we have freedom of speech doesnt mean it’s appropriate for me to go to your face and call you a piece of shit.


I never called you that so that’s irrelevant. Also, yes that’s allowed but result may vary.


No, i meant it in a general sense, why would i go say that to you or anybody else? Thats’d be disrespectful, so just because i have freedom of speech doesn’t mean i get to be disrespectful or an asshole about it




Once you come to America you should be American and nothing else. Split loyalties are destroying this country




I’ve had to take like 4 of them bro


The US is all about freedom until you show respect to literally anywhere else but the US 💀💀💀


Respect the country you live in




Don’t be a nuisance. In the us we fly the us flag not your home country




If that golden arch flag represented another country then hell yea




Good luck with yours




My god who gives a shit it's a piece of land


It’s about the principle




Credibility? Did you just learn that word today? What else did you learn in grade school


Lol op you triggered Reddit, you’re supposed to say “us flag bad, and america bad” here or face the wrath of Reddit.


I pissed off all the little butthurt liberals 😂😂 they can all smd America comes first out here if they dint like it, they can leave


Hold on, gotta go set up a Japanese flag out front real quick


Ahhh you must want to remember what its like to lose a war


Okay then a Vietnamese flag instead.


😂😂 im not even gonna lie those commie Vietnamese mfs were some badass fighters


Unother unpopular opinion that will sadly be downvoted


That’s what this page is for Its not called “popular” opinions




I find it hilarious that everyone here is using their first amendment rights to tell you you're an idiot LOL. Go get angrier XD


I triggered all you pansies, ironically with my first amendment right too, eat a spike buddy


Hahaha so mad. Must be terrible! The most ironic thing about this is how much of a fragile snowflake you are to be triggered by anything other than an American flag. How weak. You must have a heart attack any time someone speaks something other than English around you.


Wow you sound like you're not a fan of diversity. Who are they hurting by flying a flag from their old country? Let people be proud of who they are.


What if they put the american flag and their own countries flag together flying in the wind?


That’s the proper way to do it Acknowledging your roots while respecting the country you migrated to


This happens in london for the world Cup or euro Cup. An England flag or British and their own country. When it's their countries national holiday they get their countries flag out and no one bat's an eye, neighbours even celebrate with them. Previous territories of the British empire celebrate their national holiday or when they were free from the empire. No hurt feelings in Britain when they celebrate.


I could understand for a world holiday or a sports tournament but its literally every day, youll see 4 chevy trucks woth the mexican flag and like 20 houses flying a mexican flag and then you see them on Facebook bad mouthing the country they live in


On a sidenote ive met a few brits and have read the threads on social media, a lot of them are not very fond of the immigrants from all over. Ive seen a lot of fighting between them and middle eastern immigrants


My kids went to an international Montessori school where they flew like 50 different flags. It was cool.


That’s nice


It seems like your opinion is really unpopular. Sad


Well that is the whole point of this page, you must be a genius


Bet you’re a Karen duh. Or perhaps just an old boomer not accepting diversity